Housing getting out of reach A newt Item from limited the well known real broker suggwtt that with most advantageous the Canadian la probably not going to bo Able to afford a family house without mil For the company says that in any ono of large urban centres today It virtually for a family earning leas than a year to buy a new house This exclude the bulk of Canada population Wo are coming to a which could put a damper on plan for many young couple to own that house of their own Alteo Construction head Berry said the same thing the other night at a mooting of the Acton Hydro Commission pointing out that low cost wan still Available in Acton but It In becoming a commodity which will get Increasingly scarce as city families search the city outskirts for they can Afford It Is estimated that In ho next years young people in Metro will reach the age of and many of them will I looking for houses Demand Is way ahead of availability and as a result just rising mil of the reach of almost everyonoa pockolbook The pride of owning ones own home will denied many who would otherwise mako sacrifices to purchase a home where they can raise a family an oldfashioned Idea in some circles but certainly one moat aspire to achieve Although many solutions are evident to those In the building and selling of home wo think the real problem could solved If more emphasis was placed on Ontarios vait wealth around this largo province Much of it now Is congregated In the socalled Golden which has swallowed up small towns neighborhoods and farm communities Into the massive nwgapolUc There Is so murh room In Ontario and yet It seems everyone want to on the point of a needle the angels of mediaeval days about which philosophers debated Only the has changed Now it Is how many can we put Into Toronto Instead of how many angels can iiNKomhlc on the point of a We really need an to sort the mens out Editorial Pag Tho Freo Prow Wednesday March 14 Vacant positions can be advertised The AgcDlspatch suggest more citizens should be Informed about appointed municipal positions when they become vacant or about to become so a policy council has endorsed and Is practising The Strathroy paper comments that It Is difficult to get good people to agree to appointments on local boards and commissions This is a general trend throughout the province Esquesing recognized the situation some time ago and decided ad vertisements for suitable people to fill vacancies might just be the solution They ask interested people to apply and then make a decision on a number of names Those not selected the first time are kept on file for future appointments In the past local and district councils have relied on a pcrsonu approach from members of council but It was obvious many capable people were being overlooked while others who did not want further responsibilities were turning appointments down Much of the town and township business Is conducted by appointed people most of it concerned with business that has little remuneration probably lots of criticism and a fab- amount of work There probably are many people who have an Interest In different facets of municipal work who would be delighted to serve In some capacity to help bear the burden The problem has always been Identifying them because often the best people will not push themselves forward and this means the positions go to friends relations acquaintances of elected officials policy gives everyone the chance to apply for a position If they arc not selected ahead of relatives etc they can legitimately question the decision Perhaps when regional government arrives this type of appointment become more Important than It has been in the past If the region hopes to gain the confidence of the people Getting your goat A professor at the University of Guelph Is after everybodys goat He has turned out a cook book using goat products for the recipes The cook who has goat milk or meat at hand can make everything from chocolate fudge to doughnuts or roast kid using the recipes Goat meat is known as chevon and Professor C A Barker of Clinical Studies at the University says the tastiest meat is four to six week old kid which is similar to veal or chicken and three to six month old meat which is similar to spring lamb After that age he recommends the meat should be marinated before cooking becouse there are some tough old goats around Goat products have been used In other countries for centuries Milk from goats is frequently used for children and Invalids so a cook book on the subject is not meant to get your goat particularly but to familiarize Canadians with their kids not to be confused with children There Is a large market for goat meat in Toronto Easter Is a popular time for particularly among Greek families and the book also contains Information on Ontario goat breeders who are not as sparse as might be thought OVER AN INCH OF RAIN fell on Southern Ontario on Sunday flooding streams roads and basements and turning some district rural roads Into sticky morasses of mud Warm weather which climbed almost to the added melting now to the and areas like the lowlands at the farm of Coles east of Acton top flowed over with runoff from Manns Creek In other spots roads were inundated but at the same tunc Nature painted pleasant scenes where water cascaded over Hickory Falls west on the eighth line near in its plunge over the Escarpment Over one Line another brook cascades down the Escarpment in a series of steps right below boiling and frothing Tuesday afternoon the sun shone briefly but weather stayed warm making the month one of the warmest in years and the woodpeckers promise left could be soon fact Coles Photos Back Issues of The Free Press Coles Slaw Im one of those observant people who sees the first Spring robin sometime in June after weeks of search In every tree in town As a result it came as quite a surprise when my orbs lit on an orange- breasted bird Friday morning It happened just as the sun tedded to arise from a misty bed while I peacefully slumbered A bird lit on a branch outside the bedroom window and started that easily Identifiable whistle cheerup cheery Somewhere in my subconscious It registered Anticipating a robin I awoke stumbled out of bed grabbed my glasses and peered out through the dawns early light All I spotted was a cheeky starling perched outside the window and he away The whistling persisted I kept peering Finally I saw something move In the nearby evergreens At that Juncture Old Sols rays broke through the mist and lit the bird Up orange breast and all Id seen my first robin on March 9 The putdown came later in the day as I proudly announced my newfound powers of observation to colleagues Yeah they said they been around for Time a great healer but if you are in toe construction business or municipal work It can be a disaster Developer Berry of Alteo Construction can much for that He told hydro some of the problems he has encountered at the Alteo housing development on the cemetery hill In Ma case was the worst enemy Every tone the development was delayed costs went up and house prices had to be revised Lumber prices skyrocketed Bricklayer raited rates from to a to name a few In spite delays and price hikes for materials and labor they managed to keep their houses reasonably priced Now he reports 85 per cent of the homes in the first phase are sold and they are preparing now lor he home second phase fatigued from the countless round of meetings he attends agreed with Mr Berry and took a knock at some of the egotrippers at Queens Park who delay developments and projects He noted the town of Acton had been in a similar situation a few years ago when the pollution control plant was being improved and enlarged When plans for the plant were first ready the estimated cost was around However by the time all the approvals from Park had been received the plant cost and the taxpayers of Acton had to fork out another quarter of a million dollars The mayor blamed the new communications processes for the run- around Acton had to build its new plant simultaneously with the dictum that all Government departments assist municipalities with projects The senseless delays and stalling cost us a quarter of a million bucks some of it recoverable by subsidy but most of it from the community plus interest Those who suggest they would trade their for that of a weekly editor might have changed their mind if they had sat In this chair for the past few weeks There have been many Important Issues including the Indusnun dumping proposals regional government official plans and water project the Commission enquiry and its child the Bruce Hewlett study as well as all the other things that crop up day by day If you bad a mind an octopus tentacles that could reach out for information with no sweat would be fine hut when it is just ordinary and has to grapple with problems same as everyone else ft boggles Sometimes I find Im discussing hydro towers with those concerned with dumping of Toronto garbage So If I happen to meet you one day and tell you Im all your daughters ran off and got married when only have three sons and a friendly dog to worry about dont puzzle too long Just smile and carry on as if I had nil my marbles Had a call from George recently regarding the similarity of reaction from the area cast of Toronto to that of west of the city to Queens Park proposals for regional government George is the treasurer of the town of so he is in a good position to know something about costs and the internal problems the proposals will bring He says the proposals from Queens Park are not being accepted very graciously although everyone in the area Is aware munapal reform is needed in some form George of course is an old Acton boy Small towns are notorious for rumors but they are often triggered by happenings which associate with another one For instance Friday the OP P dog in town with the officer m charge and parked In the station wagon outside the Acton off It wasnt long until I heard there had been a drug raid in town and the dog had sniffed out the evidence needed to arrest several people Checked with the police and the constable I talked to said the officer and dog were on routine patrol and nothing was necessarily amiss That evening at the curling club I ran into Corporal Peter Campbell who along with wife curls here Friday nights He corroborated the constables testimony Master and dog are always ready for action and patrol together Weve had several letters for publication recently from people who have not signed their names and of course they cant be published One concerned a Free Press opinion poll on capital punishment with me response the reporter as wen as suggesting the question was Irresponsible The letter was signed A concerned citizen but the real name was not included so the letter could not be published There are few Instances where letters are not acceptable for publication We only reject them when they contain libel or 20 years ago Taken from the luneof the Free Press Thursday March IB 1953 The final square dance of the season held last Friday evening in St Albans pariah hall brought out a record crowd of Don Nelson of Guelph was caller assisted by Gib Kingsbury Ed was in charge of the novelty number Mrs Fred won the door prize Kitchener Mens club defeated the local club in the bridge tournament and went home with the Bean trophy Acton members of the team were J Greer H Arbic w Wolfe A J Creightcn Bean G McKenzie and Cook G W McKenzie has been appointed pre sident of the Mens club to complete the term of Foreman Lawrence who has left town A talented artist who received her training in Budapest Mrs Paul Beer died March Dr Beer is viceiresident of Beardmore and Co They have been THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office residents of the district since they purchased the old George lesllc farm In She designed and painted the intricate farm gateway at Lldia Farm Grand prize winners at the hall board marathon euchre were Meldrum Stark Mrs Ron Latimer Miller Mrs McEnery and Robin- Grade presented a TV show at assembly Pauline was Doris Day and Fay Ken Mann read a special edition of the news DesORourke was Bud Abbott and Bill Coon Lou Costello The Four Musketeers in a commercial were Richard Mason Bob Com BUI MacColl and NeUson Benton Peggy Oakes and Arlene Gordon performed Piano Ramblings and Nancy Lambert sang Wishing Ring Class leader in the Stamps for the Bishops Fund at the is Teresa Arbic 50 years ago Taken from the Issue the Free Press Thursday March It was very fitting that the jubilee of the organization of Acton Citizens Band should be commemorated as an interesting historical event of the community To this end a popular concert was held in the town hall last Wednesday evening It was a matter of genuine regret that Mr John Hill who has been a member of the band continuously through its half century of existence was unable to be present owing to his recent serious Illness Mr P Moore gave a review of the bands history A band was organized here in or which had a quite successful and interesting career until the young men who composed it commenced to go off to the Cariboo gold mines and to positions away from home Among the members of that original band were James William Snyder William Anderson Samuel Speight Samuel Moore James Kelso Thomas Dunn Edward and John Malcolm The present band was organized years ago Prof Davy was the first bandmaster His services were not long continued The members found be was just as fond of whiskey as he was of music and he com promised the members publicly on one or two occasions Membership at organization included John Cameron John Nlcklfn John Jacob James Nicklin Tbos Kennedy John Hutchison Andrew Stratton Charles Maunders John Harry Gibbons and Dave Light heart Only Mr Hill is still a member After being known as Acton Brass Band for a number of years It Acton Comet Band Finally about 20 years ago the name Acton Citizens Band was conceived Under the leadership of Mr Amos Mason the band has a new desire to excel In the past two years the town has only contributed It looks very much as If the members worked for nothing and boarded them selves 75 years ago Taken from the bine of the Free Thursday March IT The great esteem in which the late Storey Eijq was held was further manifested by the continuous demand for copies of the Free Press Notwithstanding the fact that some extra were printed the entire edition was exhausted the day after publication and orders for hundreds we could not supply have since been received Therefore we republish this week a synopsis of the obituary along with the engraving and other matters relative to the deceased The business will go on without inter ruption The real and personal property comprised in the estate bequeathed as follows details given From the above will be seen the family is well provided for Mr Storey was an ardent believer In insurance and it may be of interest to the public to note that for the past 20 years bis payments for premiums on the policies held have averaged upwards of a year Mrs A Beardmore who went to one of the popular south of England watering places some months ago owing to ill health is regaining strength and vigor The firemen held In the town hall last Friday and Saturday They were given by a Moving Picture company but were not a decided success The pictures were about the best that have been seen here but were rather short and were run through the six or eight to make op for the deficiency This gar them a very curious aspect especially in The cution of Mary Queen of Soots was beheaded seven or eight times- A phonograph also rendered mode during the entertainment Toe Orchestra also There have been stray end coin on the streets the pa week No Miiikipal Authority let us strict of the Awnia at Large Act