Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1973, p. 10

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Jfi The Acton Wdnidy the at ACTON BOWLING LANES by Ken Hulford not will two Cull win from lb Gem HO John S A3 Bod Wt IM 8Tn win Lynn Adam ill ISO knotted fen lit WW Adam Moon mm a Adai I ft Nth I we cant him out la InatTldnai wore Sorry thumi not Yogii Wildest Hangover 43 Lucky Jem SlSGi Ton tod odd HMdplai took At flrit Moby won the cMd or inHeedplni roll l MS 111 mid with atnglel ITT i Dunn and Curb Topi tor th n Storey Lucy KM and John Dunn MI l KM and John Dunn Ml Spear Ml CrackerJack took the at jum w and from Hot Don by ellht Jenny Ml Top Odd with in iiy win In in iKond thee Bill trundling Robert mo m in Ml Fred Wain Ml Mir Minima kept up their winning ilnik by ill gam tram lb Hot Dog Tripling tingling for wet Aril Bob IM Frank ind He who tough third were on kick Ml si ma flln League TWrltM OddBilli Mir ndtotili Ml oft pic In inilrk WKBIli hi won two ind to nmd Oil chiAt Cilhy Dunn 101 mo flu tl it Not in tllU It I IK I lilt H OlubMrallin BUI til Clips M4 ind tints tram toi tb tuck to nni lb tlnilt tor two ltd win in ind totoi wim 1 for ntfts Dtr US lrtdil For 111 Curtiw took tit tram vc4m1 it ptOIUiM la to up with two totili win TtlaUniMdinfUnf tor r Sutan 0 in Miry Boy U Hot Don DUA Ltnp CiraltM Mir Hlpplti up for km lop lhy won iU tor rat win Top Ktnnrdy and Vtrliy 411 in Tulip tor Um top wht woo two until mlittd It with third win odd point for totili by IS pint Htadlni up wn Miry Mil McGlnntiSU IIS Lit Kilitr MO iron Top trio tor wort Bitty Norm Bitty Colt MO lit MO ind wltb In third win In mlddlt out for Top lor Lynda top lit Churchill TO MO and Shorty with MS lontr tor Horn Hard art with win it the Tixli Shannon SOS Doc III HI Tom top trio Topi tor til bit wart Bill Wllllami Don art In US Jim Ion Hardware with a two and totili win Tex Service the canto For US and Shiran MS For Altera It wit MO ID Gloria lit Join Rom to Alien U Likivtiw Ctttr Mar It Dim Bali Linn Ml bark whentheytook or two and Top trio for Dint were Harry Bmi tor Iht were BUI Andarion no Ml Keith 171 Ml Kilt Phil Hi iut Jon Hunt Electric SI Automotive Moil 41 Texaco Service Bella bit Snack Bar Home Hardwire At ton Mar Hon took over the top they with triple win from the STRIKES Second chukker Itlen Otborne 111 Farmeltia to lott lfl It Top irlo In tht win were Hunt ind Hod ion SSI IU Beit lor SpeyhlU Firm were Miy SwickhimmtrUSltl Floret IM and Andrea Shirplti Jim Virltly came up with a win a Clolhlni tht itro count Top tr I counter In the win were Lola Norton 171 Marie IIS and For It ill Aflct Perklna 101 McDonald ITS Citnroa out In the tint c Mir 17 Bert Pott sll double were when thty won both the Whilst Winniu time and the by five but ilo taklof total were SnaUi when they bowled mil th Tbt Octopua out to May In pi ice won both tram Doi Mandini Octopui Cat Snalla Don Second Shift With Allan Ed- and sa double It eaiy for the Teddy Be in to tike from tbt The Kauaroo only won one nut Tht acted llkt came up with a win all the Crab bait thtlr wtn Batten who ire in lead there by wlnnloi three the The did then rat hint ttklni all limit Pin Brian Linen the for I two and totali win ail Pat ITT and Betty wen Grace tnuMUeri for tht a U3 ind Mellon SM ift ISO DllptlB Roach Ml Dorothy Killer Huxley Ml 101 Norma Batamin 914 IW to wtn the weekly and were Gall Bert Post Patty Post Patty Top double Allan SOS Bert Pott Peter Nit lien 140 SI 1 Philip Brown MS Voakamp Debbie Turkou lM Huxley Ha Pat MrClura Ml Leiiue Teddy Bean J Sea Hone SI top were happy but the Klna who t win nre Juet a UtUt Mara 1111 Alley DlnjAUnii Pin Butttn It Plni The Jivtllni knew that with only SI to their credit they better ct moving ibtytook ill from the one prat la food but whtn you come back to lake totali the did to me that bowling think to however they only won two Janet Storey nearly a SCO Goon Squad were able to all from the melee One Top 10 trlpJet Janet Storey Ml HT Rick Sea 2U Cari AUan Greco Larry Knllbl Sit 111 Arte Vrycnhock SIS MS David MUM Ron Moore Adam tU Debbie Storey SM 104 Ron US Spoon til Stupenifeti One Goon Squid Jl Moea Hardwire Cameo fl7 Jim Viritty S M A Thartday Topptn Mir 15- Bowling hit the league- leading Sloppy Joet for a three Sue win with Lynn Smith Its rile WlodmolltrStT and Edna 113 tht hit parade Beit In Sloppy Joe effort were Donaa Stivel Hi 117 Joyce Adami 111 and Fran Frank tit Minnie John ton til Iiabel ISO ind Wendy Meioa ISO headed up Ihe win Top trio tor were Audrey Ul Colleen Robb and Pal Bucbinin Dlna came up two and totaTi win the Alley Cala taking the middle canto by pin Sparking the wen Shirley Thornton U3 Ruth Archibald 1B1 and PauUne 1I7 Ben effort for Alley Cati came from Pit Wood Ml Jean Apr 101 and Jean Hoy 111 MiW Mir 13 Acton pounded home three gime win from the Suggests farmers pay sons salary Hotel leBoru Pete Homer 117 SIB Fryer 111 and SSI 176 topped Rellablea Fryer 111 SOt and Don topped Reliable trundling for Dominion were Bui ByDlliBM This the time of year when many people are wrestling with their farm receipts and to determine their taxable income either to fill out their own income tax forma or to it to their accountant to do it them In reviewing your expenses yon have as an item salary to son at least partially equivalent to the services he performed on the farm Last year that is services be perf that might otherwise have hired help If not in 1972 maybe corisldentkn should be given to do that in the son a salary and let him buy bis own books for seta bis own domes and use his own spending money Cistern ft- This son is over is can as a Children under age It can earn up to sod own h board and greater salary than fat bote on the of two was and be was in tor eight at cost ot a could total an or his total salary could be Keep mind this could be an to the farm business but the salary must be line with the services he performs to the busbies Reread the section in your Income Tax Forms Page Claim for Personal Exemptions under Maximum Exemption for Wholly Dependent children Further on tins farm management item can be with your accountant or income tax office Any rings be keeps out of the salary can in time be used to buy into dadl btiamess If be so desires During this interval he is business man deciding now to bis own money CUM Peacock and Pel Schlpper 4 IM Sure made with a three M7 302 Gary 111 were Hintoni top Ken a for till tint aim tolo Beit effort tor the Lanei came from MS Frank Morton 170 and Tom Browning League Ac loo Meadow M Reliable Taxi Tore Dominion Hotel 111 and Ray Elmer 147 a loner lor he Beea Reliable Acton Mar IS Super Star found In tint plan a mult of a two and total from Road Runner The Slan were aolna for the but Road iwtled It by two pun Top trio In the win wen Dong Donna ScbmckSIMZM and Jerry Buchanan MS Barry olo In th minllon for Jim Gltnotnnlna Ms and Requests grant of When Halton County Council gathers week to discuss budget estimates members will connder a grant request from Council for a grant for Bronte Harbor Oakville Reeve Allan said the town of Oakvllle had contributed to the ville Harbor Control Board He noted the grant would go towards development of the harbor dredging and provision of launching snd docking facilities for sailing and power craft Masson Indicated a t a meeting of the administration committee that a real need Misted for the work and he added that all berths In were full and anyone Interested In finding a berth for their boat was out of luck Dave Coons opposed the request but other committee member agreed to forward the request and let council handle It I III It two and led by Christine Allen twice a week for the carnival AA sJl for their part In the Wclcomo To which takes place it the community centre rind marijuana MyWcuWsectlonof tho annual Acton Saturday April Sknting Club Carnival Younstcrs have been A charge of possession of marijuana was laid by Acton P against a local girl Friday will face the in Milton May Police laid the charge after an Investigation near the MillMain corner shortly after noon hour rate a Itunneri 13S Ciulvl Nl 4M US OotdDlgle were knocked off the lop rung when tho Moonihlneri look tor two and Bill Midland ill and Willie MltchellMOdlDpicodlhtwln Gold effort wen headed up by Ellin MS ISO ibee 110 Dive Ireland IM and the lis of PhlHlpili a two and win for lotlng out In to John Lou 110 Noble 84 lis Waned up iho wtn Top trio for were Larry no May MI Lid CllaWl 114 Super Dlggtrl 41 SI Moonihlneri M Raid Arise Mlitd Mir III It tat in whin running lime pint In Up on triple and nil for III were El iron Adimt HO 147 Doug Hilton 17 Harry Mid die ton lis IM Herb 107 Up there tor Hobo Willi ram loit out In the thin bounced hick to annex the by la tor ind win Trlpllni for the wen 11111 ind Hot Shot with a iwo and total win winning the Inl go Top for Hot wen Elite Laura Treble lot 159 ind Shiner Moon IIS Beit for Winderen were Moore ISO 143 and Peg Hurdle III 101 HI IJloa Tlnklen Wanderer 47 Hot Shot Big Four Mir Miiflticamiupwltha two and oil I win titer loilnl out In iho Christmas Seal campaign totals record 56659 Soult Ton trio Van Dor Kooy Charlie Doomboi ind Dorothy Corven Roller won Iho tint from Hot Dogi by won Fiber 107 Rev Jake lit Top trundleri for Hoi wen Dolt Van US Hob 4M IBS and Jack Van Der Kooy 441 USD Mltflta Poor Soul to Hot Don Hippy Roller On the lournamenl front It wn cue of good and bad for the Acton In the Lady regional final bawled lut Sunday at Ihe Sport men Bowl In Ihe team of Edna Payne Lynn Smith Leonora Elaine Clpparone and Gertie Wind- moiier after tour pin out of tint place at the end the fiUed to keepL ilrd and final of miklna the i and mined a weekend In New The lidlei from Towne Bowl In Kitchener won the event down at Milton Dowlawiy four Acton one Iwo three out the eight competing The team of Kevin Clark Willie Mitchell Eddy Tom being third IMS to tot Itirry Gary by plni The le pintail being SMI and ic will now bowl at the Forty In London April tor provincial on and the right to advance to the Nation 1 Flail in Ciliary Th I week winner In the Thundiy Toppere draw wn Ellen winds it once my m and apodnlte Concord City Two car collision Approximately damage resulted from a two car collision on Eastern Ave near Hlllcreat St Acton Monday afternoon shortly after A westbound car driven by Randy Kitts of Erin township received an estimated damage while an vehicle driven by Margaret McCullougn Acton bad damage estimated at There were no injuries Liquor charge Acton OP laid two charges of driving and one of liquor other than residence dtrringthe past week A Fergus man will face both charges following a police check that took place at 2J0 Saturday morning The previous day at sun a local man was charged with impaired driving Seal recently completed in Hilton County by the and Res piratory Disease Association fur exceeded tho donations of luit years campaign This was announced by Association president Hlnton of Acton ut a recent meeting of the board of directors In Milton Total contributions the close of the campaign amounted to a per cent increase over the previous campaigns Chairman and director of the cumpalgn was C McFaddcn Burlington Christmas Seal contributions are used to pay for a wide variety of services and assistance to sufferers of respiratory diseases in llallon County as well as an extensive testing program to detect respiratory diseases at an early stage to enable early treat ment Halton County also helps support a national and world wide campaign to fight tuber culosis ana respiratory diseases Check abnormalities Pulmonary Function Testing a program undertaken in recent years to detect respiratory diseases has been carried out by Mrs Sheila Brown a technician employed by the County TB and Association Mrs Brown reports that in a total of people were tested in industrial plants in the County This is a testing program conducted on a voluntary basis with emphasis wherever possible on industrial plants with a risk of respiratory disease due to unfavorable environment Where I NT WITH AT ACTON HYDRO ALICE STREET BOWL for Pleasure BOWL for Health THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER GO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES Main St Member BPAC breathing abnormalities arc tied Iho tested person it to the and the riiullH of the test are went that this listing suspected been and early treat- mint iuiiiIl possible A la made to students In the Mutton County school in an effort to by far the rosiest muse of Iness rinsiH under the direction Mrs J Armour the Associa tions education director who must constantly and ensure they arc given the widest possible use The AHSoLluliona staff social worker Mrs Mary Kennedy registered nurse maintains a ransWnt contact with and both In Ills her responsibility to visit and Young residents in Esquesing Over per cent of the population of township Is under Ihe age of a recent study by officials ok the regional assessment office shows Of the townships 0740 residents are under the age of Another residents are in the age bracket bringing the townships under total to more than per cent make riieintnendallons to the Hoard of Directors concerning the and use of res piratory iqulpmenl by these patients well us other to them Mrs J the secretary Is ruHpomlllc or Ihe duy to day of the Association business each year she supervises the distribution of requests for to all residents of This year the mailing totalled letters plus a large of followup mail This Is followed by the immense Job of receiving and tubulating donations and sending out receipts Headquarters for SONY TRINITRON Color TV Black and White TV Components Drop in Now See Them in Operation and Son Ltd Corner MacDonnell Guelph Phone 8226041 Serving and Area for over year BOOKING New Low Charter Fares To Britain TOtONTO LOW MASON Seat SI SEASON Apr We 21 An KrOH SEASON 12 ION 239 MANCHcsm 1 IPMtwMt 194 MILTON Martin St Milton POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Manufactured Tileption awiurSi North MIKE PRYSTASZ In the lor a new or used car Mike Invite all in Acton and area to drop In and tee him Jack RICHARDSON LTD Milton 8782393 or HINTONS i AT Shop these Pacesetter Values and Save More Smiles N Chuckles PEPPERMINT PATTIES Reg RED HOT SPECIAL 37 Boys Cotton BRIEFS Colors NEW STUDENT DESK LAMP hi Plastic High RED HOT SPECIAL Oft Barrel of Wool KNiniNG TARN Ounce Balls Colors Reg 297 RED HOT SPECIAL 199 Ladies PULLOVER TOPS Overt lie to i Nylon Polyester Rib Craw Neck Long Assorted Color 399 RED HOT SPECIAL SKIPPING ROPES In Reg Dutch 29 59 EISTBteUK For Mailing Eaittr Choc Novel tie And Easter Toy our Plan MENS WORK PARTS Heavy Duty Sanforized Canadian Made to Brown or Spruca Green Rag RED HOT SPECIAL

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