Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1973, p. 11

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Debate prolonged on reorganization of staff Halton County Board of explained on the other hand that A second recommendation was Education held the third of a a return to the classroom to have a study taken by the series of meetings to deal with a wouldnt be a demotion even of business end report on Staff Organization and though the pay would be reduced finance to ensure that the Differentiated Staffing Board members opposed the business and finance staff motion Indicating the consultant reflects current changes In role should be a more permanent enrolment buildings staffing position etc The board passed three The director claimed the board motions one of which business staffpupil ratio was recommends a special study be only one third of what it Is in made of the remedial reading Toronto arrangements in order to make The board is expected to deal them more effective We should with the balance and the most be in a position to move to fewer controversial of the recommend- remedial specialists whose role of the report at a meeting would be to hold reading workshops for classroom teachers rather than doing the work themselves the brief noted Other recommendations passed would see the board approach the Halton County Board of Health with a view to having the board take over health care In the schools day nig Of the six recommendations they dealt with the board deleted two defeated one and carried three The motion that was defeated was one that would nave seen consultants return to the classroom periodically on a full time basis Members of the administration suggested that being put in a consultants role wouldnt be considered a promotion but simply an opportunity to work on a different level and the extra pay would be to cover extra meetings and responsibilities that go along with the Job No demotion Director Jim Singleton Ospringe Students visit Planetarium By Doris Fines Grades and of School visited the Planetarium and Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto on March In the morning as a conclusion to the topic Other Worlds Around us in Space the presentation of Search for the Sars in the domed Planetarium was interesting and valuable The afternoon was spent in the museum where two guides gave an interesting tour one on Early Egyptian Life and the second on Prehistoric Animals Lunch was eaten In the Dinosaur Den of the museum March was open house at the school when many parents had the opportunity to see their childrens wort and to visit various class rooms April 5 Tom Romautarsingh Pres ident of in told the Board at the meeting Thursday that per cent of the teachers opposed the Implementation of recommendations in the Dif ferentiated Staffing and Staff Reorganization report He indicated that SI per cent of the teaching staff at the secondary school level felt insecure in their Jobs The OSSTF president came under attack from both trustees and Director Jim Singleton for misleading people In a brief he prepared The director argued that the Federation president had taken sentences and partial pharoses out of context and built cases around them Trustees generally accepted statement lightly The Federation president wasnt able to produce the exact wording of the question on the teacher survey but promised to produce it for administration and trustees at a later date Tho Acton Presi Wednesday March Elect Craig Fraser president REV AND MRS PRAAMSMA chat with Paul Siemens who guest speaker at the Halton Childrens Aid Society annual meeting last week photo by Social workers must change field worker tells CAS Social workers should give more consideration to client rights so at least clients could be treated like human beings with dignity and respect Paul Siemens told about people attending Iho Childrens Aid Society annual meeting Tuesday Welcome to family On behalf of the community we extend a welcome to Mr and sKssasangsra aHjs on Highway recently t0 hi that lob Siemens noted concluded profeslonal Due to the stormy weekend he service was cancelled in the list expands to Ceylon local church on Sunday Latest returns for the Acton Siemens is field supervisor with the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services literally fail to respond to the representation was self client as a person he salt defeating tokenism He said He suggested the Child Welfare The poor sucker who ends up on Act was structured In such away the board usually finds himself or that there can be a tendency to herself powerless to change overfocus on the child giving the policies to suit himself or his mother the feeling that she group If he speaks up he la apt to t exist as a person only as have a rough time at the board a producer of a child Turning from the area of clients rights to effectiveness of More and more social workers casework Siemens quoted a arc expressing dissatisfaction numbcrofstudles Considering Craig was elected for his second term as president of Halton Aid Society Tuesday at the groups annual meeting in Milton Vicepresident Michael Irwin secretary Powys and treasurer Malcolm Freeman were also elected to office Citizens elected directors include Dr Richard Barrett Rev Keith Calder Ken Gelok George Nyle Dr Sheila Paprlca Mrs Judy Mrs Joan Smith Mrs Lorraine Wright and Ross Warriner Elected of Council members elected to office Included Dave Coons of Burlington Warden Mrs A of Nassagaweya Terry Mannell of Oakville Peter Marks of Acton Marjorie of Milton and James Watson of During the meeting President noted therapeutic abortions and the pill along with the Increasing number of unmarried mothers who keep their children have changed the role of the Society noted that while there were fewer and fewer children who had to be placed in homes now as Infants there was a great increase in the number of older children coming Into the care of the Society Get chance Director Dr Gordon indicated the shortage of Infants available for adoption is making it possible for homes to be found for the hard to place child who otherwise wouldnt have a chance of getting a home of their own Dr Askwlth noted the Society staff has had to become more skilful in placing older or hard to place children We have found It necessary to train our workers In play therapy In order to help some of our more upset children to adjust in foster and adoptive homes This past year our Society has worked closely with the new group that has formed in Burlington called Parent Child Concern This association Is Interested in helping parents who neglect or abuse their children It is a voluntary association and provides anonymity to parents who use their help This is an Informal preventive service with which we have been glad to have been associated In the Society began the year with children in care admitted 111 Into care placed children in adoption placed 34 other society children In adoption and returned to the parents Divorce reports The Society assisted unmarried mothers in plans for infants completed divorce reports and helped children in their homes through service to families At the end of the year there were children In adoption homes on a probation period in foster homes four in a group home nine In Institutions two In a free home lour in the homes of their parents and three elsewhere LONGER LIFE When purchasing a carpet the shopper should never neglect the proper underlay Buy the best you can afford especially for stairways says Consumers Association of Canada An r underlay will prolong the wear Mr and Mrs Gordon Altken life of the carpet by adding Donna Milton Patti Ellis Leah and protecting the Leslie and Pat Mann left Malton carpet backing from abrasion on airport on Friday with a trip to a hard floor surface purchased from Mr and Mrs Gordon Snyder familiarly known to many as the farm Mr and Mrs Mike Hutchison Steven Jeffrey and Susan of Kemptville spent the weekend with Mrs Hutchisons parents more returns have names inscribed on the wall of fame Included are From Barrie Margaret Hodglns Mary Redman From Acton Gord McKeown Ian Coats Don Coats Karen Coats Coats David Dills Kay Dills Kathleen Dills Moonbeam Ceylon Frank Scott Babs Scott David Scott Nancy Scott Nigel Scott Nancy Scott Susan Scott told his audience that by their rote social workers arc often cast into superior positions whereas clients are inferior because or their problems needs and limitations Takeover approval Siemens said that too often social worker act as experts who take over from the client as a person I sense many workers are so busy trying to resolve clients problems that repoi their Job Siemens noted sodal workers often find themselves In he described as a superior Judgmental role and the applicants as inferior beings who have to open their hearts and casework failed to demonstrate that it is effective but lack of effectiveness appears to be the rule rather than the exception across several categories of lives to our scrutiny and clients problems situations and Tokenism While Siemens sympathized with the client he felt putting a client on a board In order to rights and provide Ballinafad St Pats dance crowd arrives car truck tractor snowmobile by In spite of the bad weather Saturday night the St Patricks dance at the Community Centre brought forth a good crowd Some came by truck a tractor snowmobiles and the usual way The music disc jockey came from Toronto and very obligingly played music as long as desired as he wasnt sure hed get back home In the bad weather before Churchill morning Mr Bay Swindlehurst and Dick were called forth both Saturday and Sunday to plow snow Spring Is not here yet in spite of all indications the past week Students home Students are all home from schools and colleges for the winter break Teachers also in our neighborhood will enjoy a week away from classes Members of the have been occupied quilting at the home of Mrs Evelyn Snow Mr and Mrs Archie Lawr were involved In an accident this week when a motorist went through a red light and hit them broadside Although their car was badly damaged they escaped with a shaking up Both Mary and Archie have been convalescing from surgery and from Injury so we are doubly sorry this had to happen Mrs Morley Shortlll enter tained friends and neighbors to a demonstration on Wednesday night of this week The teen dance on Friday night was an unqualified success The music was provided by three of our young men Also Story tune on Wednesday for preschoolers brought out types of casework Not effective Another study conducted by Truax andCarkhuff In 1967 noted that in all therapeutic relationships one third of be clients are helped one third show no change and one third are damaged or deteriorate Siemens suggested Childrens Aid Societies have accepted Impossible tasks such as prevention of Juvenile delinquency He suggested the trend now Is the zero In on one aspect rather than tackle broad unattainable goals He said casework Isnt the her door went to get them one missing Another person found one new rubber boot at his doorstep It was found an enterprising dog had done the snitch however a lost sign in the store helped restore the left boot back home to the right boot and the owner SPRING INTO ACTION at Bank of Montreal OPEN HOUSE Lets Talk Thursday Mar 2273 10 am 6 pm COFFEE COOKIES Everybody Welcome Gods Kids chosen for groups name By Mti Fred Mac Arthur On account of the bad storm on on the weekend the Sunday Church service cancelled Next Sunday morning at 11 oclock Rev A will be present alio a special speaker Royal on and Drug Concern Inc Tin Churchill Young People have finally decided upon a name for their group Gods Kids Last evening they performed their folk at Trinity United Church Acton Despite poor weather conditions a good crowd present responding to the enthusiasm of Gods Kids- Mrs Bruce expressed their appreciation of the young people and Dr Onions closed with the Already Gods Kids are planning a totally new service for May at Churchill Church Be we to come and bring a friend Before the service last Sunday evening the grots Re and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Don Anderson Donald and David were invited to the Cooper family home for a buffet style supper Thanks again Mr and Mrs Cooper it was delicious Arrive by plane Rev and Mrs Bob Hyde arrived by plane on Monday afternoon from Cwlyle and visited a few days with Carols parents Mr and Mrs Wallace and family before going on to HagersvtUe to visit with Bobs parents and family before sister Linda Hydes wedding day Bob was the of ficiating minister at her wedding on Friday evening in United Church and had to return back to on Saturday Carol has remained for a visit with Mr and Mrs G Hyde and family and with her parents and family for the next two weeks Mr and Mrs William visited on Saturday with their son Garry who Is attending the University in Guelph Mr and Mrs Emerson Anderson and sons Jim and Earl attended along with many relatives and Mends a house vanning at Moore Georgetown the new home of Mr and Mrs Sid Spear on Saturday evening Friends will be pleased to hear they are comfortably settled after the fire In which they lost everything in the ad Miss Ronna Brooks a bride-to- be was at shower given by Mrs H Kerr and assisted fay her daughter Betty Ann Ferguson on March at Mrs Kerrs home Salisbury Avenue Cambridge Gait mother lira Albert Brooks and her sisters attended She got many useful and beautiful gifts and everyone had a lovely time Fred and Irene MacArthur were Indeed surprised but very pleased on Wednesday morning when who knocked on our door but Carol and Bob Hyde to make us a short visit while they were both at home for such a short time Ebenezer Enjoy Irish night By Mrs McLean Irish evening at was well attended considering inclemency of tbe weather When everyone was full of Irish stew a program was enjoyed Next Sunday service win be held In the newlypainted sanctuary Elevenyearold Bert deHaan had the misfortune to get his arm caught in some machinery resulting In a bad break LOVELL BROS MEAT MARKET REP BRAND BEEF Short Rib or Blade Roasts TV Lean Shoulder Roast Boneless Rolled Brisket In Choice boneless Prime Rib Roast Choice Wing Roast lb Choice Rump Roast Lean Ground Chuck 95V Small Link Sausage 79 Maple Leaf lb Sliced Side Bacon no LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET 77 Mill Acton Dally Delivery All us girls joined thebook club phone numbers faster Look in the book Bell Canada

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