Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1973, p. 6

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DONT BE A LITTER SITTER SELL IT FOR CASH BIRTHS and Donna wish to announce the birth at their son Glenn John lbs Son on March at ell General Hospital grandchild for Mr and Mrs Jack of Campbetlvrtle CUTLER William and Mia ore happy to announce the birth of their daughter Kimberlcy Anne 5 12 born March at General Hos- LYON Cindy Louise is ple ased to announce the arrival of her brother Kevin Michael lbs at Sarnia Hospi tal on March 1973 Proud parents are Gary and REID Franklin and Wendy nee Fryer arc pleased to enounce the arrival of their da Dana Marie lbs 5Vi on March 14 1973 at General Hospital IN MEMORIAMS SHULTTS In loving memory of a dear Violet Who passed away March 29 Things we feci most deeply Arc the hardest things to say Grvrnma loved you In a very special way If we could have one lifetime One fondest dream come true pray to God all our hearts For yesterday and you Lovingly remembered by nddaughter Diane and husband and great grandchild Steven and Jane COMING EVENTS CARDS OF THANKS like to think the Ac ton Police Mrs and her sons for res me from the swamp Alan Higglns COMING MARRIAGES HAULER Mr and Mrs William Hallcr of No Campbcllvllle arc pleas ed to announce the forthcom marriage of their fourth daughter Louis to Mr Robert Paul sun of Mr and Mrs Lome Whaley of Brampton Out Wedding to take place at Si Stephens on May 1973 My family and I would like think most sincerely all our ends and neighbors who sent flowers express ed their sympathy lo us loss of our dear mother Alice Lost 1397088 John Lat and family DEATHS ALGER Lillian At General Hospital on Wednes day March 1973 Lillian Tho mpson beloved wife of Jack Al of York Funeral service was hold at the Rutnley Shoemaker Fun Home Aclon on Friday at 2 Interment Com IN MEMORIAMS COLLETT In loving memory of a dear husband and Stanley Colic who passed April 1 Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps Mm near Lovingly remembered by wife Elsie son Bert and family HOLMES Frank James who passed away March In fond remembrance Brothers and sisters and Aunt NeM HOLMES In loving memory of our beloved mother and grandmother Edith Holmes who passed away March Always remembered by hus band Date and Donald and Allan and families ROSZELL In memory a dear littienieceandcoo- Christ who pass ed so March my of age A little tribute Knoll and ten Just to Sincere thanks neigh on Lake Aw through out for their kind my two week of erforecd resi Sntcnl thinks Moore for his kind a prompt attention How I am that I a friendly town in which Dance sponsored by Hnllon Junior Farmers Friday March Milton Legion Tickets to 1 Tickets at door Disc jockey Char lie Mammoth Baking Sale sored by Saba Junior ho ckey mothers and executive in the building formerly occupied Iby Meat Market Mill Saturday March Auxiliary for the M Retarded sponsored by of Georgetown aa pre senting their Spring and Sum mcr Fashion Show on April at Z Bennett School pin Tickets for and 50c for students Dance The Hope Ball 73 tin Earl Ray Show Bind Burgundy Club Norval Fridvy March Drrss optional Bir 600 per couple Procecdi to Canadian Cancer Society Tickets avail able from Mrs David Sale or at the door CHROME table Apply Main St N la39 7066 tire CANOES for sale rental Canoes 3712 chosen such Phone Rockwood la4751 tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES rt it Wniii I WW I A In lit M i ii iMl Hi 1 It Ill ml It 1 A 1 n AlVpHUInf m Tuttttir The Acton Free Press March Eaton wish think our fam and grandchildren for the surprise dinner held at the Plainsman restaurant also Earl and Ethel the 1st Line neighbors and famrly fur the lovely roses corsages and gifts on the occasion of our 40th Anniversary Mary and Ted Archibald The family of the late Ties want to thank nil their friends and neighbors for the overwhelming way in which all of proved your friendship in our so unexpected loss of our deeply loved hus band and father We arc to pul our gratitude to oil of you into words but we will never forget it Also Mr and Mrs Shoemaker and Mr our heartfelt thanks Erm Anne Miohclc and Brian The family of the late lh McKmnon wish to express sincere thanks and ap preciation to their relatives friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness cards and flo- during our recent sad be reavement Special to Rev Andrew McKcnzie Hut and Rumley Shoema Funeral Home also the la lies of Knox Church for rg lunch after the service Laura D William McKinnon and family to express our sin re thanks and appreciation to relatives friends and neigh bors for their acts of kindness and flowers during our bereavement in the loss i dear son Emcst Clinton Rogers who passed away Mar 7 1973 Spec thanks to Can- remember R at the funeral and lor his kindly bed side ministry and comforting Clime remembered Aunt Dorothy TcH and family jMcClutc Funeral Home In mi dear litiie It Lr Christ age two passed away Just you will TrcflMjred forever in my mem and special thanks to Mrs Tar her kind tare i la3979 The families hanks The m ishcs express lu the At ion and district men fur their c in support of and Bazaar AB Nielsens Clothing In luvng Aeton Home I of our darling daughter Real Chnurnr who passed away tviate Acton Pharmacy Sadly mined and livtogly re- by Grandma luddenly on March J I9M two years We will ihe way she looked Toe way she poke and The little things The said and ihd Are with us all the while Beyond the gate our loved one Finds happiness and rest And there Is comfort in the thought That a loving God knows best Dearly loved and lovingly re membered Daddy and family In losing memory of a dear mother and grand mother Violet woo passed away March 1972 We often think of bygone days When we were all together family chain is broken now But her memory lives forever She would not want our sor row She would not want our tears But to remember the happy together through the years Sadly but re hay by ion Chuck tah and grandsons TV Jim In Out Variety Hardware Wat win G Drug Mart Acton Blue Spring Shop While Centre A ton IGA Jewellers lAimbcr ANNIVERSARIES Mr Mrs John J Ken nedy it Mihon In vite you their Wedding Anniversary celebration at Hall Esquestng Side road west of Sunday Ap ril 15 from to No gift COMING EVENTS Fashion Show at Balhnafad Commumty Centre Tuesday at Fashions by Bcttiannc of Georgetown adults 75c leriti DEEP FREEZE in top co dition Phone Liquid cry products available from Benton MAPLE firewood spill de livered 20 single cord measur ing lb3552 tf Hedges Cedar Silver Birches Maples Cedar Rail Fences Rockery Stones JOHN POPP LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS of ACTON FREE PRESS STAFF PHOTOS AVAILABLE ix size Plus Tax Water Conditioning Residential or Commercial WATER SOFTENERS EQUIPMENT it SUPPLIES Hume Owned or Rental Salt Delivery Service to Most Makes J WOODS GURLPH Phone 823 2570- 8243104 la TV TOWERS tower overall height Inch ding all channel VHP head installed tower overall height ding all channel head Installed tower overall height ding all channel VIII head Installed 9130 sir J heads TV sit Installed 2000 stereo held Installed 00 head I stalled Combination color head VHF nd Installed rotor Installed COLOR COMBINATION 40 tower overall height ding combination color head VHF and and automatic rotor installed Repair of all RICHARDSONS Radio TV 201 Main Street Bast MILTON Phone FOR SALE iw blade new Hie I il covers Cull r winder wishing men skis hoots rales li39 RErRIGERATOR perfect wo- condition suitable for ite ilso Ik duty ring tie Phone Ii39 ALUMINUM canop ies enclosures doors windows shutters eavestroughs sidings custom Iron railings Re 1h394514 FARMALL A Intern Tnclor snois furrow plow hay for sale f irrowirrg crates pig feeders LAWN and Call in at Master reeds Geo rgetown for your lawn seed fertilizer Si care needs We rent lawn fertilizer rollers rototiller post ver post hole auger Buy Mis for the greenest 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE LAB and Germ in Shepherd pups 5 weeks od free to good home Phone LIVESTOCK approved boars ready for service Phone McNally 357 3a407076 NO matter what you need one of our readers probably ha t Try the Want Ad page PRODUCE FOR SALE IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Used Tractors load with load Ferguson- with loader Diesel Ferguson Diesel M issey 165 Diesel Ferguson Gas i Ferguson Gas IHC A Turf New Ferguson Tractors Jew Universal Tractors HP and wheel MUST CLEAR Now Ferguson Bushel Spreader Now Ferguson Bushel Spreader New Ferguson Corn row 3 point MILTON EQUIPMENT COMPANY LTD Avenue Milton 878 2121 or 878 2122 VEHICLE8 FOR SALE i Van eon- for HI mid day JM I door t j brtf turn mi MAM17 5io mil- it mi fl truck 2 24V r ib mile many nt utter I I Put ft7 A is Is llwne ill Is km 1 1971 PI e speed automatic head- in i rat t Ion bars polyglavi tires blue with while vinyl top radio rear mile Be offer l trade 5a397089 HELP WANTED to do homework day weekly mutt Apply tutu 111 Acton Free MALE and FEMALE HELP WANTED In ferd Prions REAL ESTATE EMPLOYMENT i a SNOWMOBILES SNOWMOBILE 1973 studded track run hydraulic disc brakes bra ke lights chrome skis slide miles on mo tor balance of warranty MdftiAft ft Vims- a time up V or Si Acuta High Wl gjaAt student HOMES Early Early Build home and cottage For a li mited rime of on your now home or cottage with Hal I Way big Ear ly Bird Early Build For and Ifalliday Home Court 551 Ave Open J tjrrt ft AVvr rV sxrx JACK REAL ESTATE longo less CAMPING EQUIPMENT TRUCK camper sleeps ye ir old Best of I fei Fits Phone 1 BUS OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU have investment ncv have some first g Investments available in ihe to 16000 area For details write Box Acton Free Press 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE goodwill SECOND OWNER CARS transmission white walls and Lie SKYLARK 2 DOOR HARDTOP in g I l beige cloth Interior Equipped with 3S0 V8 steiriiiK power I wheel discs Only ASKINt ACADIAN DOOR COUPE in Mick sinyl interior Equipped with iiiiuin i it ii hi in till it I Use ir win inly available I it No DM NOW I CADILLAC BROUGHAM fully In Ik 105 I isn i 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 2 DOOR SEDAN lw htlge lie I SI I Radio Excellent SKYLARK GS 455 ir hit Imp I in s emu with matching vinyl Kit an I mi i I in wlih trans mit i tin kit its power steer iili I it i i i original miles one II IKS IHICI I TO VIVA In I in I in dependable running II DSP TO Sill DONT OUR FINE TRUCK SELECTION CMC ton 1970 FORD ton Use Our Convenient GMAC Time Payment Plan 1388 Main St MILTON 8782355 EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or Women to restock collect money from new type high quality coin operated pensers in your area No soil ing To qualify must have car references to to hours weekly can net excellent income More full time establish your route Tor personal interview write including phone number B Distributors Limited Dept A Road East WINDSOR Ont BEDROOM downstairs ap artment with garage in Acton suitable for small family Call after JO 13a397081 AVAILABLE May 1st one bedroom 5th floor apartment appliances balcony drapes and parking included in rent monthly Phone or HELP WANTED RELIABLE person to baby sit children in my own home Monday to Friday Phone RELIABLE baby sitter want in my own home Glcnlea are 30 after BI1Y sitter to live in care lor children while mother Good wages Apply St Albm Dr or phone PART TIME tor for Aeton duties Supervise active programs to pm Monday to Friday enlist and support adult volunteers Apply in writing to dent of the Acton or coll 75W6s2 for appointment 8a397070 PLRSONSrX required for Shipping and Receiving Depart be capable of Oper ating lift truck Some of loading procedures and paper work desir able Cost of living allowance life Insurance benefits and Ontario Health Services prem iums paid Apply to Personnel Standard Products Carta da Ltd 346 Guelph St George town 8ar39703 CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL Required roe local indutry years experience preferred Apply In person Canada Manpower Centre Milton ROOM kitchen facilities bo ard optional Phone I3a324531tf apartment apartment Phone 1336 183 ST WILTON Large a aid Ft BEDROOM apanment Rockwood 90 a month available Apnl Phone 18 TENDERS TWO Bedroom large yard paved driveway plus utilities After 5 pin phone SO FT country duplex 3 bedrooms finished room half mile from Acton available May monthly I3a397100 AVAILABLE April April and May 1 1 and bedroom apartments and up all utilities colored appliances drapes balcony free parting close to business section Maria Apartments Maria St Act on phone 8532918 or 13a7084rf 1 and 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Includes heat hydro water frig stove drapes balcony with view Parking ASD BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAILABLE From and monthly ACTOS Above includes all utilities colored appliances drapes and balcony Acton 853 and Acton WANTED TO RENT GARAGF to store household furniture Phone COUNTY OF HALTON Tenders for MATERIALS and SERVICES SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents be received by the undersigned un til 1 Apnl 4 1973 for the following materials services quantities shown are approximate A MATERIALS FOB any point in County unless other wise noted 1 Woven wire farm fence gauge rods steel fence posts 7 and TRail clips included 1200 farm gat wide and high brace wire gauge and staples Calcium chloride In bags St bulk FOB plant and County tons 3 Steel pipe culverts Crushed stone all plant 5 Weed and brush chemlcah types Spray patching emulsions RSI RS2 9000 gallons suppliers bulk storage tank and B County in drums ColdAlix and HotMix as phalt plant tons 8 Wooden survey stakes 1 2 B SERVICES 1 Surface treating prime Supply gallons emulsion and tons washed chips supply and apply 123500 gallons of bituminous and of sand 2 Line painting supply apply gallons Supply of road signs and sign posts Supply of gasoline and die- i 5 Supply of trees or home with land Will do minor rs Phone EXPERIENCED HELP FOR TREE NURSERY WANTED And Tractor Fork Lift mechanically inclined able to do minor repair Call Milton 8784970 after Prices must be submitted on bidders own forms for items in Section A Materials and shall include Federal Sales Tax where applicable County Tender forms must be couple for items in Section B res to rent home or farm Services Tender forms and further formation may be obtained ifrom the office of the under signed The tenders will be opened in the Council Chambers Coun ty Administralion Building on Wednesday April 1973 I 15 Those submitting ten ders arc invited to attend The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted D J Corbett p County Engineer County AdnunhtntiOD Building Milton Ool WT SERVICES SMALL appliance repairs av ailable at Moss Pro Hardware Mill St Acton 16o46Wtf ATTENTION business es bookkeeper will do all your necessary paper work on part time basis Inquiries Box Acton Free Press FLOOR now a modern under and We will raflnUh your floors or rent you the quh to do the Job Yourself J Frank phone Frederick St S Acton 161 FINANCE MORTGAGE funds 1st 2nd 3rd available residential commeroEal also mortgage purchased Can Glenn Realty anytime Move Up To Better Living by selling articles you no longer use Profit by dialing Free Press Family Went Ads DIAL

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