Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1973, p. 12

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Chaos on the regional front In Halton has turned into the can of worms which the Ontario Government was anxious to avoid Everyone is still scrambling for the prizes and assessment plums to preserve their own Identity in a boundary war which gets even more ridiculous as time goes on When the first proposals were ad vanced there was some hope hat all the municipalities in the county would cuoperate and come up with an ac ceptable solution to a twotier Halton- region It was anticipated Burlington and would be able to held their own end up while the five North Halton municipalities would make a strong third borough The first to step out of line was the Town of Milton Heltons most central municipality decided It wanted a borough of Its own because the town was situated In an area with a wide community of interest anxious to keep growing without having to depend on anyone else thank you This still left the four other northern municipalities Acton Esqueslng Remnant of the harvest Photo by Gail Stuckey Georgetown and all of them opposed to Milton opting out and resolved to hammer out an agreement which would be fair to all with privileges to none The four survivors of the proposed North borough were annoyed when the provincial government decided to endorse the idea of a four unit Halton but on the surface at least they seemed to have come to an ac cord That was until the province stuck by its decision to divide Halton In four instead of three as the county requested Then township which stands to lose all its best assessment In the division of spoils decided it was time to break ranks and work out a better deal for themselves which would keep all the choice assessment in the township in one borough and give the rest away to Wellington County Georgetown observing the way the wind was blowing decided it also had a few ideas which they could incorporate in a brief for the most recent regional government seminar Esquesing Councillors also had a few ideas of their own which they decided to incorporate Into brief This left the town of Acton holding the bag and it seems naively assuming the other municipalities seriously wanted to close ranks and present a united voice There was no alternative but to prepare a separate Acton brief and it had to be brief as the mayor ob served because time was down to a minimum The whole exercise clearly shows that few of the people in power are really interested In hammering out a workable agreement for a region Too many have only their own interests at heart and seem to feel the principles of regional government will go away if they are ignored We can fully understand now why the Hon George Kerr MPP for West feels a one tier system would be eventually applied in Halton along the lines of the county board of education It seems we In have not the maturity and foresight to decide our own future and the province of Ontario may have to do it for us Good old unpredictable Canadian weather No sooner had I popped Into tie mail my last column extolling the marvellous open winter and the joy of spring actually arriving on time than we were hit by the worst storm of the year howling wind and a foot of snow Ob well It gave those sybarites who fled our bracing clime for the decadent tropics a chance to rub it In to us stayathomes when they returned from winter break tanned and looking This winter break bit becoming more exotic every year It used to be called Easter holidays and wasnt much fun The siding and curling were over the fishing and golfing hadnt started and the weather was usually rotten But in these affluent times people go winging off In all directions tracking down the sun or the snow or whatever their pleasure Is Distance and money seem no object I know people who Dew to Colorado for skiing flew to Barbados for bikiniwatching flew to Jamaica for rum flew to Cornwall for Cornish hen flew to Paris for fries And now the students are getting Into the act From our high school alone three different groups went soaring off to Greece Germany and France for the weeks holiday They are accompanied by teachers who have the Job of planning the trip collecting the money and trying to keep their charges from knocking down the Acropolis or straying into a brothel by mistake Preventing young pulchritude from being pinched in the is not my Idea of a fun trip for a teacher Nor am I thrilled Bill Smiley at the thought of stopping strapping young male students from becoming addled in Athens or maudlin in Munich However its every teach to his own taste and my colleagues who have tried such a Jaunt during winter break assure me that the whole thing is a breeze that theres no more confusion than there was on the Titanic Just before she went down No matter Its a wonderful education for the kids How else could they learn that foreign cabbies waiters and porters are even greedier and surlier than those at home What other experience could teach them that foreign food is not only pretty expensive but often awful and that theres nothing In the world to touch an honest Canadian ham burger Where could they get a better course In driver education than on the bloodsoaked avenues of Paris Two young student acquaintances of mine took a month of f during the winter and flew all the way to India They couldnt afford to eat In the big hotels so they Just ate what the natives did They had a wonderful time They were sick during their entire stay Now how could they have learned all that by staying In school like all the weak conformists Ah Its Just Jealousy kids I know you boys bad a wonderful time ogling the gals in Greece the belles of Bavaria the of Paris If I went Id have to take my wife And even if I didnt I dont know whether I could throw a good ogle any more Havent had any practice in years And I know you girls discovered what I could have told you In the first place and saved you all that money that Canadian girls are the prettiest In the world and that the ones from your home town are the prettiest in Canada I ask only one thing You can bore me for hours telling me about your trip You can putmetosleepwithyourcoloredslides You can awe me to tears by showing me the genuine gimcracks you picked up for a song But please please dont ask me what I did on my winter break holiday All right then If youre adamant IU tell you I shovelled a foot of snow off the sidewalk I put out the garbage I spent a pretty exotic halfhour at the library I helped my wife vacuum and clean up the house as she didnt want to leave a dirty house in case someone broke In while we were away Oh yes we went away We didnt get to the Barbados as we had planned But we went all the way south to the city My wife went shopping It would have been cheaper to go to the Barbados And while she was out battling our way toward the poorhouse I Just sat back In the luxury of our hotel roam and had myself a of a time marking exam papers Then we came home and fed the cat The whole thing Is an experience I shall never forget It was so much fun Im already planning next years winter break Acton Freo Pres Wednesday April 1973 Minister cannot erase stigma Back Issues of The Free Press 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Ttmrtday Aprils Acton Baptist church was the setting for two religious dramas on Monday when Acton and presented their entries in the Guelph Association Drama Festival Acton presented The Light In the Window In the cast were Wagner WUma Chapman Fay Gamer Clarence David Cooke Charlie Mary with director Jean Gamer and makeup by Parker Patterson was chairman and Benson Jones gave the benediction The youngest competitor among from all over Ontario Ella was awarded in the public speaking at the King Edward Hotel She again spoke on her trip from Hungary Semifinalists In the Ontario Junior Fanner debating contest are Halton representatives Eleanor McKeown of Acton and Earl Snow of Milton They meet for the championship Sketch plans for the proposed new fire hall were presented at the regular meeting of Acton council in a seven hour session that adjourned at Plans call for a building by feet next to the town Planning board bad recommended this site over Alice St This years winner of the Rotary trip to Ottawa Is Joyce Farmer The United church choir presented an Easter cantata directed by organist Miss laniard Daughters of Knox held a sunrise service Knox church choir also presented a cantata directed by E Hansen The municipal grader under the of Walter Is doing a fine Job getting the gravel roadways in condition 50 years ago bam the Ism of the Free Press of April It was a sight most pathetic to see Falrvtow Place the beautiful home of Sidney Smith family for three generations a prey to the flames on Saturday Now part of the Robert Little School stone residence standing In Few would quarrel with Environ ment Minister James when he set forth the Governments policies on waste management issues such as landfill recycling and nonreturnable containers to the Grocery Products Managers of Canada last week The province has a very definite commitment to hold the line on the increase in the amount of garbage Mr Auld said Strong leadership will be taken in this field so that we can cut down as much as possible on oneway disposable cartons we intend to promote the concept of reusability and discourage The Minister stated the Government would Investigate the development of central separation and reclamation plants the use of waste as an energy source and concluded that Metro Toronto like the rest of Ontario must continue to depend on landfill for the disposal of a large proportion of its waste He declared that even if central reclamation plants were in operation right now a substantial proportion of the total waste produced in a muni- cipality would still have to be disposed of by landfill The landfill of waste at a properly located and operated site will not pollute the environment impose hazards to health or any significant degree of nuisance even to the a plot of four acres has for more than half a century stood out among the many fine homes in town as the most imposing and majestic To see its bare smoked walls roof gone and Interior gutted causes genuine sorrow It was a link to the days when Sidney Smith Sr was one of our foremost citizens and Col William Allan was the revered grandfather of the home Either a defective chimney or Imperfect wiring was probably the cause The large gathering of citizens present formed salvage brigades but there was much loss of furniture on the second floor The past winter new hardwood floor were laid on the second floor and last week workmen laid new flooring In the dining room Mrs Sidney Smith was not feeing well and had not arisen Kind hands prepared her for removal and she was taken to the manse by Rev and Dr McNiven Her residents immediately adjacent he claimed A landfill site like any other large construction project is certainly not the most desirable of neighbors and it would be foolish to pretend that it is the Minister acknowledged but he noted that he must distinguish between support in principle of the need to acquire landfill sites and approval to use specific sites wherever they are located a qualification which has much Interest in this area where a proposal to truck shredded baled waste from Toronto has been getting much ink lately The Minister insisted that before any particular site is approved all the procedures laid down in the Environ mental Protection Act must be followed Including public hearings before the Environmental Hearing Board The safeguards enumerated by Mr seem to cover all facets of waste disposal but one the need for every municipality In Ontario to solve its own disposal problems without violating the environment others live In and enjoy It is perfectly all right to make a pitch for the disposal of Toronto garbage but It should be obvious to all concerned that Metro should have the landfill sites there or in Immediately adjacent municipalities If they are to be as unobjectionable as the Minister relates If Toronto can pour out such prodigious amounts of garbage it stands to reason the city should also be prepared to dispose of it within Its own boundaries There are areas in Toronto that no doubt would benefit from such sanitary waste Obviously Metro Toronto does not want its own waste but It is an arrogant assumption for politicians there or at Queens Park to conclude the people In small towns and rural townships should be ready to accept it We have our own disposal problems many of them as critical as Torontos although on a smaller scale We have no way of knowing whether proposals would pollute the water table this is up to the experts to decide but we do know that the people in this area feel they should have a voice in determining their own envir onment other than a public hearing where only the chemical problems would be debated There are also aesthetics to consider Queens Park can dress up the lingo any way they want but garbage Is still garbage a dump is still a dump and the stigma attached to it could do ir reparable harm to this area far worse than any load of steaming garbage can produce THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office removal was pathetic but tender care and solicitude were exerted Surrounded by stately trees with a pretty stream lily ponds gipsy camp splendid lawns and flower beds it was the real show place of the town Its architecture resembled Old Country homesteads The tower conservatory large stone chimneys and heavy cornices all lent dignity and homeliness Let us all prepare to celebrate the towns anniversary 75 years ago Taken from the of the Free Press of Thursday April Mr Robert Holmes drover has been relieving the farmers of a large quantity of fat stock the past tew weeks and has made their hearts glad by paying good prices for them Last Wednesday he sent a car of hogs to Toronto and on Thursday two cars of cattle for the eastern markets The public school pupils in three departments from which classes were promoted this week as a result of the Easter examinations remembered their teachers very kindly with pretty mementos Miss McPhail received a pretty silver sugar shell Miss Patterson a dainty sachet and toilet articles and Miss McQueen a beautiful Photograph album Included in the lengthy lists of motions are the names of George Hynds Swackhamer Ada Clara Eb- Una Kenney Grindell Ernest Perryman Frank Holmes Ruby Clark MyrUe Dills Lottie and Hazel Mason Charlie Matthews Walter Bauer The Easter fare to Toronto and return is cents Mr James of first line Erin has shown signs of mental aberration lately and for the protection of himself and family was taken to Guelph It Is hoped the trouble will be of only temporary character Mrs SA Secord who has been in poor health for some time last week visitedher sisters in Hamilton and found the change very beneficial No person should go from home without a bottle of Dr KeUoggs Cordial in their possession This sura remedy oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives Conduct on highways criminal Canadians have a strange mentality We demand the ruthless extermination of any living species that in the least threatens our persons or possessions but do nothing to have our highways ridded of the maniacs who daily kill and maim our families and wreck our property We quickly call out the law and organize a posse to kill or capture a harmless bobcat that strays into a back alley but we seldom cast a second glance at a speeding motorist roaring through a school zone We endorse the imprisonment of anyone who brandishes a firearm but pay small attention to the wild and frequently intoxicated friends who hurl pound missiles of destruction down our crowded highways We support the hanging of those who privately kill an enemy no matter how just their cause but we fall to raise our voices to demand adequate deterrent for the cold blooded murderers who cruise our highways and callously kill and maim unsuspecting innocent victims Criminal conduct on our highways is becoming accepted as an unpleasant but una voidable phase of Canadian life We demand the building of safer roads and the manufacture of safer cars but we indignantly scream police state at the suggestion of ghost cars or concealed patrolment In a feeble effort to inter to some small degree the outlaws of the highways We protest the infringement of personal rights if police try to obtain scientific tests on a drunks alcoholic condition but we scarcely give a thought to his victim lying in the morgue or hospital It seems unlikely that this sorry picture will change soon because there is no indication that Canadians intend to demand protection on their highways Editorial in St Marys JoumalArgus Acton brief aim setting up region Actons brief on regional government presented last Thursday at a special meeting of mayors and county councillors declared itself providing for achievement of the provinces aims in establishing regional government county Acton favors a North Halton area including Acton Georgetown most of and Nassagaweya and included Eden Mills in the area at the present time Northern boundary Is the present limit of the townships eastern boundary the present line and the western boundary the present Nassagaweya line Southern boundary would be beginning at the east along Highway to the fourth line north to Sidercad west on to the Intersection of highway 401 in and along 401 to the west boundary of Acton recommends four wards boundaries to be defined later equal In population One member would be elected from each ward to the regional council and will also sit on the local coundl The mayor who would be elected at large would also be a member of the regional council This gives the regional council five members from the north The area council would have 17 members three members plus one regional member from each ward plus the mayor Council summarizes tbelr recommenda tions for division of responsibilities the changes with recommend- made in a Joint brief of county in September 1972 and the Ministrys Acton eels the area should handle such concerns as toning land drainage public transit fire protection animal control and livestock protection libraries and cemeteries Regional control should be over capital borrowing tax collection hydro Emergency Measures industrial development garbage collection and disposal conservation authority county forests health and welfare police protec tion with the OPP phased out with financial assistance water and sewers and museums Both area and regional responslbDity should be for planning official plans committee of adjustment roads parking licensing parks and recreation building and plumbing inspections In summation the Acton brief concludes The elected officials of the Corporation of the Town of Acton have expressed their views in this brief agree with the basic precepts of the province and would unanimously support the recommendations outlined herein and would request that every consideration be to their the of the regional form of government to serve Qua area

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