Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1973, p. 14

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B4 The Acton Free Press Wednesday April 1973 Projected budget Trustees ask four mill hike to cover deficit Happenings at School village trustees are asking Eramosa township council to approve a mill budgetfour above last year which they say will cover a deficit existing in the 1973 figures and look after additional expenses Trustee Gary said the trustee spent to above what was approved last year according to the records they have scrutinized Trustees last year budgetted for and spent above what was projected but actual receipts were in excess of above what was anticipated This reduced the actual deficit by that amount Mr Bateman said there was no record of where the money was spent and records were available But township clerk somewhere Likely the new Mr trustees were not familiar with contention He said all the money the bookkeeping system between paid out had been done with the the township and the village approval of the village trustees All village accounts are paid from the township offices and auditors check both sets of figures Mr Hindley told the Free Press later noting the deficit had been made up from the miscellaneous revenue surplus account He said the fund had been established when the Valley Road was sold to the Con servation Authority for The old school property had been purchased with money from the fund and then the village had sold part of it to the Department of Public Works for the new post office which boosted the total again village used the cash in the account for a cushion and to make Improvements to the hydro office sidewalks and some road work from time to time the surplus was approximately at the end of Mr Hindley declared The new budget which will stretch the rate to IS nulls allowed the police village will wipe out the cushion Mr Bateman felt the fund could not be touched without the approval of the trustees which he said was never given according to the records they examined Is breakdown Theres a breakdown there somewhere the clerk said Nothing was paid unless there was a resolution from the village Mr said the trustees were not suspicious of any but had set a new ledger system which would allow them to check the village finances at any time to avoid a repetition of 1972 The village budgeted for a new truck this year at an estimated cost of and for sidewalks which would mean another 7500 to be raised Present village equipment consists of a tractor and garbage truck he said and the new truck would be used for road work sanding and plowing replacing antiquated equipment Mr Justified the expenditure saying the truck should reduce Tabor costs because of Its efficiency He said the village foreman couldnt do much sanding and road patching with a tractor and little cart behind which may have been alright at one time but now was woefully Inadequate He said residents of the village were also demanding more in the way of services Council scrutinized the budget briefly but said they would make a recommendation at a special April meeting with the auditor 9000 for roods The proposed budget estimated road expenditures of the some as In 1972 but estimated only 1500 would be spent on the town hall this year as opposed to 2200 in 72 Garbage expenditures were set at above last year while the estimated cost of street lights was down to from the actual figure of Tractor and general ad ministration coats were Judged to be approximately the same but the trustees had Included another 2250 in the sidewalk estimates for possible construction along Highway Trustees budgeted for for street signs 500 or legal fees 1560 for administration almost above last year for casual labor for the new truck and for a contingency fund They Judged the 15 mill tax rate would raise a total revenue of 12512 as compared to the estimated from the 11 mill rate Trustees were hampered In finalizing the budget by a 36034 drop In assessment but were encouraged by a population hike of more people Subsidies of per cent are available on the new truck Total grants on roads tractor and truck are expected to yield over 10000 This Wednesday the boys team and team will bo playing The Karnes arc llrlnliunc On Saturday played basketball Willow lloml School and King School In tournumcnl Although Hock- wood didnt win the games our boys enjoyed themselves and the will prepare them for our tournament Involving schools Vor thrco weeks the grade arc working on a project concerning tho Township Wen to find out the clothes furniture forms lecture people maps and trans portation and communication Overloaded circuits explained to Broach crosswalk Trustees ask sidewalk for Harris St children MEAL AT THE lionettes meeting Meredilh and Freddy Nightingale Four of scrumptious and so were the them above gave the camera a somewhat waitresses Adding glamor to last Wed- suspicious stare Erma Hospes is elected new president of Lionettes Last Wednesdays election for was fare as nerved faffi roast beef and ham was complemented by large salad grated and mixed greens steaming roasted and all the trimmings comprising deboous buffet cuisine and topped two decorated cakes with Good Luck engraved at rang the up It was a tun when waitresses handled their job with efficiency and as served table after table with wine as music poured from stereo Plant tor the dinner had been kept under wraps for same weeks and first sat down tbe were with a cart of charring of burnt taut fused sausages and other replicas of a gruesome kitchen of the night before when members of the Creative Art crochet though the whole Centennial was on fire Individual loaves Tor each and seconds all around the dinner was finalized by the Lion waitresses when the mints were passed around Everyone had enjoyed the marvellous meal and the atmosphere had been perfect dishes were cleared and tbe watched dirty their way into the kitchen for washing and there are those who wonder yet at what small hours they were finally completed Elections for a new executive was the main point of business for the enthusiastic and after Saunders commended Leona Kingsbury for her excellent year of office Harry Bonner then supervised the election which brought In an almost completely new slate of officers for the second year of and District Is the uncon tested president who will take office in April on the fourth Wednesday of the month meeting along with executive- Donna vice president Betty second vice president Helen Hill secretary Catharine Meredith treasurer Helen Hilts hair puller one year director Saunders and two year director Lois McHae with Peg Dyer the lady for publicity for both the Lions and the Topic of the evening was the Ida Burns nite of Fashlciu and Fun to be held on April 19 and post president Kingsbury urged her members to get out and sell so that the Centennial School will be packed with Interested customers Concerned about the hazards children face crossing Highway from Harris St village trustees have asked the Department of Communications for a sidewalk on the east side of the road and a crosswalk further down near the town hall Trustee Gary appeared before council Monday to ask the township to apply for the walks through road superintendent Bob Hamilton channels the trustees must follow to get action from the Department He said the Increasing numbers of children made some action imperative Earlier trustees had written to the Department asking for a crosswalk at the intersection of Harris St and Highway but were refused Then they wrote to the Wellington County Board of Education asking for a crossing guard They were advised the board would look into the matter The trustees hoped to solve the problem If a sidewalk could be constructed along the east side of the road with a crosswalk on the north side of the bridge near the town hall which would give motorists a clear view of pedestrians A crossing guard would be extra protection It was decided to ask the township to apply and also find out cods which they hoped would be shared between Village and Department Lets do it Councillor Betty Lou Clark I can see where a crosswalk on the hill could be dangerous especially on an icy day It could give children a false sense of security But Deputy reeve Duncan McPhedran wondered whether there would be adequate room for a sidewalk on the east side of the highway He suggested the Department might have to add to the bridge at the foot of Vinegar Hill We want some discussion on this said Trustee Bateman We may find out It is Impossible but the only way we can find out Is to talk about it and go through the proper channels Later the township council passed a resolution asking a representative of the Department of Communications to meet with the trustees to discuss sidewalks along the east side of Highway The March meeting of Ihe Stone Church CW held In Sunday School hall with president Mrs Plndcr presiding After a poem Ninety and Nine the meeting continued with a hymn and a circle prayer by members Mrs secretary read the minutes and during business the following matters were discussed Mrs Cecil kindly offered the temporary use of her piano in the Sunday School Cards of thanks and letters from church members who had been remembered by the UCW and preparations of a barbeque to be held on June 19 as reported by Mrs Barber with plans that the outing will be held at the same Conservation Park as last year Five attended Mrs then gave a report of the Presbytery meeting held recently which five members of the Stone Church hod attended and Mrs Plndcr thanked the ladies for participating In the Presbytery program by providing music and playing A treasurers report was presented by Mrs Patterson after which Mrs May read an Easter poem entitled One Single Event Further business Included a decision to accept the catering of the bowling banquet in April Understand electricity During the program Linda gave three musical selections on her accordion before Mrs Florence May Introduced Gordon Thomson who Interesting account of the of electricity and the importance of not overloading circuits Impressing the ladles on the necesHlty of understanding of fuses In the household Mrs May thanked the speaker for his talk and the meeting was culminated by a delicious lunch convened by four members of the TV FACTS Wise people buy here Buying your TV here Is the smart way because of our low prices and complete stock Country TV Centre Suggests slabs fire menace council referred a complaint from a resident about dumping of raw lumber on the Borden property In Eden Mills to the Grand River Conservation Authority A registered letter from Mrs A Chandler to Councillor Betty Lou Clark suggested the wood constituted a lire hazard and alleged it was a dangerous mess and polluter Council discussed the complaint at some length before deciding it should be followed up by the village trustees or the conservation authority They felt the matter was beyond their jurisdiction Councillor Jim Milne said the slabs of wood had been dumped on the town property for about 25 years and this was the first complaint he had heard The wood comes from an operation where raw lumber Is made into skids I dont think there Is anything we con do about it he said It is river land said Councillor The complaint should go to the Authority Council agreed but deputy reeve Duncan McPhedran thought it should first go to village trustees and then to the waste management branch of the Authority VOLKSWAGEN OWNERS Repairs are still available in Milton by factory trained mechanics at MILTON CHRYSLER DODGE Formerly Plaza Motors Ontario St Milton 8782962 POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Mmrfacturanol ttWMrlRNorV ROCKWOOD ASSOCIATES for TRENCHING BACKFILLING LOADING GRAVEL FILL ALSO Truck Bockhoo Bulldozer and Loading Rentals Phono 8564235 Rockwood THE WELLINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Schedule of Kindergarten Registration and Inventory 1973 INFORMATION 1 Times Registrations will begin at am In the City of schools schedule A and at am In the County schools schedule B Necessary afternoon sessions will begin at pm In the City of Guelph schools and p in the County schools Tax Support Evidence of Public School tax support will be required either by a tax bill or a current assessment notice otherwise special forms will be on hand for completion and certification Age The child must be 5 years of age by December 31 to be eligible for enrolment for September 1973 A birth certificate or notice of birth registration will be required for proof of age Personnel from the Wellington County Board of Education and the DufferlnGuelph Health Unit will conduct a prelnventory for the Kindergarten children so that programs may be planned for the Individual child The Principals will contact to schedule a registration time but If any parentsaremlssedthey are requested to phone their school REGISTRATION IS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Schedule B Group Group Groups Groups Dale April 11 Ron Mac Kay Victoria Terrace Alma worth April it Unci Jr Drayton Jr Unci Peel Arthur April Brisbane Unci Osprlnge John Black Maryborough Mount Forest Palmertton May Erin Jas McQueen Salem Mar den Mr J Chairman Mr A P Director of Education MANURE COMPOST WEED FREE STEAM STERILIZED Government Recommended for SHRUBS LAWNS COMPOST TOP LAWNS ONE INCH Of MANURE COMPOST WILL KEEP YOUR LAWN IN GOOD CONDITION ALL SUMMER LONG HOLDS MOISTURE IN SANDY LOAM MIX WITH CLAY TO BREAK UP COMPOST POP TIOWIRS AND FOR RESULTS MIX MANURE COMPOST WITH SOIL BEFORE PLANTING FLOWERS OR SHRUBS THEN APPLY ONE INCH OF COMPOST OVER THE PLANTS CASH AND CARRY 35c Bushel 3 Bushels for Bushels for a lend 5 yds PICK UP AND DHWRT ALSO AVAILABLE It Bales McNAIR MUSHROOM FARM HIGHWAY SOUTH OP ACTOH Opm am A pup

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