Nassagaweya faces heavy odds It Is easy to stand back and point the finger at the most recent attitude of township council towards regional govern but Reeve Anne MacArthur and her council are dealing with a thorny problem in the only manner in which they are able The province has tied their hands as those of the other northern Helton municipalities with its insistence that Milton be a fourth and central region taking away the choicest parts of Haltons westernmost township in the process so the central region can stand on Its own four feet In most recent utterance the reeve and council decided they would rather see the WHEN DAVID THOMSON picks up minnows for fishing he could do without the help of the family hound Sue but she is just as interested In the shimmering wriggling tiny fish as he is The action all takes place at the Thomson ranch on the Town Line dutifully recorded by mother Wendy on film Bill Smiley Who would you like to sec If you were going to England this summer The changing of the Guards The Tower of London Shakespeare home town Wordsworth lake country Winchester Cathedral This Is not yet a burning question around our house but I been giving it some thought Somehow ramping around witfr a club of tourists while some guide spltts off a bored monologue doeant appeal to me I spent many leave in London during the war and never did get around to seeing anything historical beyond a few ancient pubs And when I think of the south of England and the north of England and Scotland all that comes to mind Is piles of picturesque pubs 1 did spend an afternoon In the cathedral at Chester But that was because I was with a girl and It was cool and private In there And pubs weren t open yet I spent a month within a stone throw of ancient Ken worth Castle and dldn get near It The castle was In the opposite direction to on ancient and venerable thatch roofed pub out in the country Another two months was spent near Shrewsbury one of the very old towns no doubt crawling with history AD I can remember are two pubs the Red Lion and the Old Post Office When we go there we nipped across the nearby Welsh border to the little town of Oswestry where there was a pub with a roaring open fire and a constant game of TipIt an old game that Is as psychological as poker One of the few historical sites I did visit was in the old market town of Dumfries in Scotland where the bard Robbie Burns spent most of his evenings when he lived near there Kelt pretty cultural about that When in London do as the Londoners do was my motto And you don t find them standing around gawking at the guards or limping on weary arches through the Tower You find them In the pubs Sound like one long alcoholic orgy I hasten to assure you that It It was a matter of choice not a boozer delight You could hang around the officers source of heat was a fireplace with about three bits of coal sputtering in it and ending in front of it three or four fat senior officers with whiskies in hand Or you could get on your bike with a few kindred souls and huddle off through the rain to the pub There you found warmth both physical and social Girl s Navy Land Army Waaf Local colour Gamesdarts or penny Any if you hit the right night and knew the barmaid there might even be spam sandwiches The ale was Incidental Well which of the two would you hove However that brings to my present predicament I can t very well take my wife all the way to and expect her to be wildly enthusiastic over nothing but an extended pub crawl Somehow I can t sec her being ecstatic about bicycling through the rain to get to The Gate Hangs High up in North Wales It has room for twelve customers and wo used to get about thirty In there Fleet St Or the Wagon Shed the Nag Head behind St George s Hospital or he Star and Garter St John Wood But one interesting pub becomes much like another after a while unless you just want to get In out of the rain or unless you have What it comes down to is this If a man going back to his old haunts he should leave his wife at home Otherwise he II hear something lute What in Uie world do you see in this place The Golden Lion my foot It looks more like a brindled dog When arc we having lunch at Clarldges I guess the only choice is to leave her at home miss her but wan t be lonely I going to coll a couple of old buddies Jack Ryan and Bill Proctor who have sentimental memories or the same pubs Take them along Ryan has six kids Might be a bit awkward for him And oh yeah Proctor took his wife to a few years ago introduced her to some of his old girl friends with disastrous results for bidden ever to go again Oh well I guess me and the Old Lady can sit and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square Or go to Bournemouth and watch the old women whizzing around in their electric carts Back Issues of The Free Press 20 years ago and a half mile Junior road race in Hamilton for runners 12 to 19 years of age Competing with more than other con Ed was awarded the Electrical Maintenance and Millwrights trophy Six others from Acton competed and all finished Peter Hurst Bill McHugh Bill SUlling Bob HeaUey Wayne Artie and David Cook Their new uniforms were very smart and coach Tom was well pleased with their standings Cement is to be poured at site of the junior swimming pool next week Wellknown business man of Acton Abraham Brown passed away in Guelph Friday Born In Russia he was in the fruit and grocery business In Acton for years On Monday at 3 pm first Ford ear to be produced In the acres plant in Trafalgar township was driven off the assembly line The grey tourdoor sedan will be retained as a historical piece in the This is he biggest manufacturing building in Canada under one roof Employment when plant la in full operation will be about Due to lack of interest and support bowling green and tennis courts will suspend operations for this year it was announced this week Street oiling has been completed with sand spread on the surface material Surveyors have been on the site of new high school Temperature reached the nineties after a cool and wet weekend 50 years ago Taken the fauwe of the ISO If the committees to be named by Municipal Council are to do effective work named and allotted work they are to accomplish without further delay Acton must nave a function which will do credit to the town The days of real winter in May will be in the diaries for the and Five inches of snow fell and the temperature was degrees For some time the Methodist church has been considering the installation of a pipe organ The Trustee board however feeling the time is not opportune for so pretentious an enterprise have purchased one of latest improved chapel organs for use in the meantime On Sunday Mrs Alexander Brown was taken suddenly III with acute gastritis and THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office died about midnight Her maiden name was MaryNicklin Her two daughters and three sons arc Mrs Husband Miss Alberta Richard N J Kerr and Rev J Brown A T Brown is a son of his father first wife Mr Jack Chapman returned to his home town last week after residing for several years In England His wife are coming to Join him in the near future If our young ladies and gentlemen would spend even half time in garden as they do in baseball and tennis the high cost of living would be reduced in many homes Eighteen teams of horses arrived at from Winnipeg to be used In grading the new highway Large gangs of workmen are also Being employed Mr H has disposed of his candy factory to J H Schneider who has been his head candy maker for some years 75 years ago Taken from he Issue the Free Press May It ISM It is a generally accepted fact that loveof music and Uie ability and capacity to produce It are transmitted from one generation to the next and this Is clearly presented case of our townsman W Hill Esq down to the third generation The early residents of Acton remember with pleasurable recollections the breathing flute soft notes when skilfully played by Mr Hill in the summer evenings back in the fifties and sixties It is well known that all his family are musical and town has been enriched by their ability for a quarter of a century Now comes word Chas Hill son of Mr J G HU1 and grandson of Mr Hill at a great pupils of Prof at Toledo Ohio In Milton no bicycles are allowed to be taken out of livery during church and Sunday School hours All the main streets of Georgetown are being set out with maple trees The romantic scenery will make Georgetown one of most desirable residential towns in Ontario township included in the central Milton region than being broken up and divided between the centre and the north The proposed northern borough doesnt want the northern part of the township unless they can also have the rich southern half where the choicest assessment Is located Milton meanwhile does not want the northern half of the township but Is willing to accept the more affluent south Consequently Mrs MacArthur and the council are taking the only avenue of thought left open to them which leaves them some measure of self respect They want to preserve the township as an entity and creep In with the central Milton borough It Is only right Milton should get the less affluent half of the town ship since they are so eager to accept the choicest assessment plums such as the Mohawk Race way In the south However we doubt very much if that Is the way It will wind up It Is absolutely ridiculous that the provincial government could create so much chaos in the existing communities without some sensible solution Judging by the delay they have no way out of the present dilemma which will not create a lot of III will no matter which way the political winds blow The Acton Free Press Wednoiday May It is time to get behind Centennial Now that almost everyone has had an opportunity to point out the shortcomings of the Acton Centennial commission both real and imaginary it is time the organizations and people In town started to pull together to make 1974 a birthday party Acton will long remember Enough has been said about how things have been done should have been done or would have been done If other personalities had been involved It is time for everyone to bury their differences and get into the spirit of the casion which should be joyful and instead of a period set aside for bickering and back biting It is time for the organizations to forget real or imagined slights and unite efforts in one centennial committee which represents a crosssection of the town Much of the publicity for the Acton birthday has already been ground out by the now dissolved centennial commission They have flags at the ready letterheads envelopes and postal meter stamps being used in several places Tentative arrangements have been made for a week of celebration revolving around the 1974 Dominion Day holiday on the July 1 weekend All that the new centennial committee needs is to pick and choose from the spadework done by the commission who will be members of the various subcommittees of the newest organization There s a lot of spade work been done for centennial which needs only some follow up to wind up arrangements In view of the circumstances we think it is time for council to take the lead and name a date and time for the organization of the new centennial committee keeping in mind the recommendations of the centennial commission and the Chamber of Commerce both of which had several good recommendations to make Efforts to date have been largely unsuc We don think councillors should be saddled with the responsibility of the centennial celebrations especially in view of the upcoming imposition of regional government They have their hands full now with municipal problems So it is going to be up to the citizens of Acton to get out and promote centennial and get Into the spirit of the occasion Whether we agree or disagree with the choice of a centennial project it was the choice of the majority when special meetings were scheduled to discuss and pick the one most feasible and within reach The project was divided into three stages so work could be done as the money is available Let us all think centennial now and get behind it Acton has a record of proud community achievement where everyone shoulders some of the burden The time to do it is now or it will be too late What the weeklies are saying THFCRAVEL Erin Advocate Reeve Lloyd Lang and his council deserve applause for the serious and conscientious manner In which they are dealing with the gravel pits problem It is probably the first time In Ontario history that a municipal government has had to trail blaze In a society finally aroused to the harmful side effects of big league pit and quarry operation Until very recent years the huge commercial operators ravaged the trysidc at will It wasn that the pit and Omen were more ruthless or reckless rest of the industrial community in their pursuit of the dollar They simply faced fewer legislative restraints The fantastic post war growth of southern Ontario transformed the relatively small gravel mining industry Into big big business The small pits of yesteryear blossomed into crater like gouges in parts of Ontario It is ironic lhat many of Ontario largest deposits of stone and gravel are located in the most scenic agricultural and residential property Along and near escarpment In the Caledon Hills and now in Erin Township are rich rcservoln of gravel It is Ironic and yet fortunate for in this area dwell many enlightened people who are painfully aware of what even the best run quarries can do to our heritage our environment our ecology our health and our way of life It is people like these who persuaded Queen Park to create the longoverdue Pits and Quarries Act 1971 This Act in SecUon states No person shall open establish or operate a pit or quarry except under the authority of a license issued by the Minister to the operator Reasons for rejecting an application Section include where the operation of the pit or quarry would be against the in crest of the public taking Into account the preservation of the environment of natural environment for the enjoyment of the public etc Until science comes up with substitutes gravel and crushed stone are indispensable to Uie construction Industry and road builders They are an important part of our natural resources But people are most important natural resource Erin Township is virgin territory as far as commercial pits are concerned Carefully controlled wayside pits for municipal road building and other restricted use are a different matter In our opinion the province should go a step beyond Pits and Quarries Control Act scientifically determine if they haven t already the life expectancy of existing pits and gravel reserves and mastermind future approach Queen Park should see the existing pits ore exhausted and progressively rehabilitated before new ones are opened that countryside not become necessarily pockmarked during the in terim Erin Township Council should relax in the knowledge that gravel pit and quarry permits are the responsibility of the province Township responsibility should end with the official plan clearly indicating the existence of wayside quarries and gravel reserves Thus duly warned residents and prospective residents can identify existing pits or potential pits Council may be able to say where the gravel Is located It cannot give permission to operate a pit or quarry The Control Act Section provides citizens with an opportunity to object to a proposed pit permit Just how democratic this particular process is cannot be clearly determined at the time of writing We do know however of one pit near Terra Cotta which went commercial and was closed by the Minister of Mines on public outcry In short the people must realize that this Is primarily a provincial situation Other than respecting the wishes of the majority our municipal councils should refer the problem to where it belongs Let s unravel the gravel problem I- RESPONSIBILITY Georgetown Herald The load the sewage treatment facilities in Georgetown has to carry is indicative of one of the problems many communities have come to face due to expanding populations Although Georgetown facilities are slated for expansion in the meantime raw sewage is being disposed of via Silver Creek and this certainly adds greatly to pollution or the environment even if it is not viewed by officialdom as a health hazard Pollution is a big item today but when we as individuals think of pollution we immediately place all blame on big industries We rarely think that people are greatest polluters With increasing populations municipalities face ever rising demands for a wide variety of services But one service that must receive ton priority is provision of proper and adequate sewage treatment facilities and senior govern ments have a great responsibility to provide assistance As land costs continue to soar amount of public parkland and recreational areas will decline and be under constant pressure It is most important that such areas are not spoiled due to pollution as once an area is polluted it is almost im possible to recover And we can do a great deal In our daily living to reduce the amount of pollution The fact that people are rather careless in pollution was obvious when a our club filter drive recently picked up one and a half tons of junk in Hungry Hollow in just a few hours That Junk was not placed there by targe industrialists And the sooner governments ban the tin can for soft drinks and other beverages the better Not only do the cans end up in streams and lakes but surveys in various parts of Canada have shown that the flips from the cans enter streams and lakes and result In death to many fish Pollution Is everyone responsibility IT CLEAN UP TIME Huron Expositor This is the time of year when the con householder gives thought to tidying up his house and garden ready for the growth of another season This natural towards or derlmess in some but unfortunately not all of us is encouraged each year by the Council and Chamber of Com by drawing attention to need of painting up and cleaning up the com munity The current campaign extends through next week with the Victoria Day holiday providing a handy kick off It is remarkable how an otherwise favorable impression of a community can be spoiled by unsightly goods and dilapidated buildings It is true there may be good reasons for such a condition to exist But a visitor to own cannot be expected to know this All the visitor can do Is form his impression of the community as a whole BATTLE CUV Fergus- News Express Freedom of Press is a cry lhat resounds well but just what it means being thrashed out In a general way It is foundedonasoundprinclple Modem times have shown evils of a government controlled press or almost equally media controlled by any special class or interest But then again there has been a vast outcry lately about supposed danger to sacred freedom in a suggested agreement between the private broadcasters and police on treat of police news Turns out most of holy war type editorials were written without checking the facts Retired RCMP Commissioner Kelly said in a brief to the CRTC about it that premature publication of police ac tivity in a case can jeopardize the whole investigation He questioned whether the public a right to know means sometime the right to be entertained and whether the news media a solemn defense of the right to know everything as soon as or before 11 happens confuted with the right to set papers or boost ratings Even a small paper la faced with decisions to what news Is fit to print Basically every meeting or session la open to the public should be also open to reporting and so should other meetings of bodies whose There may be valid some facta but with suspicion