Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1973, p. 10

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Tra Acton Fra Wednwday May 20 OFY grants in area TOO MANY COOKS dont necessarily spoil the broth as these Cubs Ray Brennan Jim Allen and Brad at the weekend Alllston camp prove The weekend camp was damp but keen Colter Photo Cubs try out skills in camp near Terry Colter The seventh annua North Nation District Cub camp was the weekend of May Provincial Park near Allison for to yearold Cuba those In ihelr last Cuba and leaders attended Although the weather was cold and occasionally damp The camp prepares the boys for scouts In the fall by Imparting some scouting skills ex such fire lighting cooking Steve Thompson lit and Fred Giles of 2nd Georgetown demonstrated how lo make life in camp easier with Ihe aid of gadget One was a very clever wash stand complete with a plug to let the water out Doug of 1st gave an unintentional demon titration on why Cubs should not use axes by cutting his foot lie required two stitches but MIXING STEW can be a bit of a bore for Cubs such as Mark Arcun of the 1st Georgetown Terry Colter Photo hopefully provided practical reason for caution Mike Parsons A Pnck John Hayes 1st Georgetown laid out obstacle result that there were many tired Cubs and leader at ihe end for drink of a welcome coffee for the lenders Chefs MeaN throughout the weekend were prepared by the boys themselves Saturdays supper was prepared by simmering ft succulent slew over a low fire all afternoon Finishing with a dessert of pudding and cake it was just one of the meals enjoyed the Cubs over the weekend Culinary skills were practised by who made French toast Instead of having iho usual fried or scrambled eggs for their breakfast The wind proved too strong to risk real tiro for the evening so were set among the logs to give some light and The was officially opened by Terry Colter Songs were led by Mary Hay and Darlcne and of the patrols Performed short skits District Douglas was presented with a gift and bir thday card from the leaders Terry Colter was presented with a large wooden key to take the place of the key to the gate which she lost earlier In the day What happened to the original key It was found in her suitcase after she got home borne Sunday morning after break fast and dishes were out of the way Georgetown conducted the Scouts own service Tog of Mar In order to work up appetites for lunch Rod 1st Glen Williams and Jean Layman 1st Georgetown organised a tug finishing off with some of the Cuta challenging the Ven Hirers This v as followed by a soccer match Although the Cubs had to cook their own meals the leaders had Ihelr meals prepared for them by Evelyn Owen Mary Hay and Fred Giles Closing ceremonies were conducted Terry Colter ADC Cubs who had also been amp chief for the weekend Cub and leader was presented with a badge specially designed for iho camp through a competition held several months earlier The winning design came from of Georgetown Pack leaders participating were lean Layman Carfono Marie Fcndley Steve Thompson Fred Giles Murray Basso Doug Rod Malcolm MacLeod and Ted Peck Also Venturers Parsons Tom and John Hayes A PRINCE EDWARD Island silver dollar presented to Greg of the 5th Georgetown A won the badge design competition for the I cusp at Earl Provincial Park in I weekend Mrs Terry Colter made the Weight watchers enjoy diet roods and other reducing agents made from wood cellulose THOMPSONS fail Chief it THIS MAN WISHES WE COULD HEATED HIS Truthfully then is no better oil than ours and no better than ours Thompson Fuels Ltd ACTON A total of Opportunities tor Youth grants have been awarded In this are In alone Fourteen Day House Involving students has been given a budget for the summer It will act as a crisis centre providing information and two weeks emergency housing for women and their children The project also Involves he formation of a permanent ad vlsory board A member Guelph hoi Action project has been granted to develop a broad plan of community Integration They hope to set up a community development committee a drop- In coffee shop a youth newspaper Improve senior services open the media to community groups and establish a volunteer program Ton of drama students called Ihe Poppy Players arc forming a theatre company to perform plays conduct drama workshops for people of all ages They received grant of Other projects Include a remedial riding program which hopes to leach riding the care of horses to physically handicapped children a recreation group for seven to 13 year old girls a chamber music group a day camp for mentally retarded children recreation program for children under and educational cultural and recreational program or children and adults and Iho production of a handbook lo give tenants and Information the local housing situation and laws DUNCAN OWEN OF the 5th Georgetown A Cubs downs his food at the Alhston camp with obvious relish Terry Colter Photo grnnls total Eden Mills grant A group of Eden Mills students calling themselves Theatre Happenings In Kdcn Mills IT HEM have been given to give drama In struct ion to children adults They will also bo doing some performances of plays and will bo writing childrens thealro songs Two grunts were given in Georgetown One calling itself Focus will a recreational project for children three lo six Including day children Ihcnlre and movies it will Involve HI Georgetown students and has been alliucd Another Georgetown group will develop a playground for French speaking between four and TtiolSpeoplo all students at the bilingual In have been allowed to offer cooking drama sewing sports art music gardening excursions to members of the day camp Community Kids a group of len Erin residents will have a of to operate day camp In the municipality thin summer The play and learn program for four 12 year olds will Include oris and crafts drama music tenser cultural outings Busy llurg A group Ives Busy Hunts will offer a similar program lo the one in I They been given 3 120 to offer nature hikes hiking garni Hinging stories crafts to six to 13 Else Cheltenham students will be engaged summer In Iho restoration of vintage railway passenger coaches They hope to open a railway museum which willbo open to the public for recreational nnd historical purposes Their grant totalled Township wilt undergo a study this summer Seven sludonts with a grant of hope to establish an In formation bank of land use and socio economic data for use by the Planning to Improve the existing official plan Acton students of course are involved with grants this summer Stephanie Merrln Pratt John Janet Allen Mary Watson Dave Morris and Heather Buchanan all members of the liens Hand have been granted to give In musk Instruction to grade six seven and eight They will up small lasses of In of four In various locations Another Acton group Recycling for Pollution Control has received a grant of Maxwell Heather Cor mack Cathy Ashley Sean John Tnhln and hope to arrange home up of recyclable paper and A third Acton group under he leadership of Mary Fran Mar mux Susan Mtlhnll has received Ma ta a day care centre In The saga of Innocent Joe We were silling In the bleacher raw With Uncle Bill and Innocent Joe The game was Retting quite exciting Even though the bugs were biting close to Joe this guy would gel lie lit a monster clgirnele He blow the smoke on Innocent Jot And never even noticed hough Now Innocent Joe was gelling sore He could hardly stand It any more Then tills guy gave his cigarette a flick And touched the hot part on Joes neck The riot In our row The police arrested Innocent Joe Ho a now in its safe la bet Crush Ihoy burned his neck with a cigarette How careless tan we smokers get While puffing on our cigarettes We have no care for other folk Mo long as we enjoy our Smokes DRUGS or JESUS WHICH HAS THE FUTURE BRETHREN OF MESSIAH ACTON ONTARIO When youre running a dollar car wash you belter know the cost of hot water Richard Sniderman has himself a good little business in Hamilton A dollar car wash on downtown Main Street West Richard and his rather talked about a car wash for a long time They studied location investigated equipment And then about years ago he took the leap But to make any money at just a dollar a caryou have to wash a lot of cars And you have to keep a sharp eye on expenses So Richard Sniderman has natural gas for not water And for die overhead heaters too Because he knows natural gas is economical dependable and die hot water wont run out The Snidermans have natural gas at home too For heat For cooking And because his kids think its great for making popcorn Natural Gas it makes good dollars and sense United Gas

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