Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1973, p. 12

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Tha Acton Frag May Evelyn Eason chosen Queen of Carnival Friday was one or the tally time tho for history of the five conference during when with largo crowd wit which time Helen Miss Evelyn Ean of Smith entertained the R t as audience with guitar snugs the first RockmoM Carnival Decision made tha Judges Queen from among eight other relumed and as per Hiss Canada contestants pageant the fllrls were called by Death Evelyn Mr Collins with runner up nay rirxl pageant I Mr Collin Linda Hopkins Wendy Martin named Undo Shirley Ritchie her runner up and Joanne and Karon finally Miss herself all attractive district of Evelyn Eason the of girls looking fresh and Mr and Mrs reman was In simple street wear of Premier lined the stage awaiting tho LION BOB NOBLE gets a few encouraging words from the Rev Bob Rumba ft internationally known speaker who addressed an ecumenical service at Rockwood Centennial School Sunday by Lorraine Count your blessings days says Rev Bob Rumball Count jour blessings and count your days one by one was general message of the sermon given by Rev Bob as he spoke to the residents and visitors who attended the Inter denominational church service at ho Centennial School on Sunday morning An Inspiring service It was led and organized by the Rev Don Sinclair of Rockwood Presbyterian Church assisted by Rev Ralph Williams of the United and laymen Rodney Bell Roman Catholic congregation actually means and Monty Root of the St Johns Be Aware Anglican Rev urged the Reflecting on blessings Mr congregation that everyone referred to the should be aware of lifes brevity problems of the deaf children and the Importance of living our with whom he works Ho said days to the fullest It is not tho that although everyone knows length of the life we live he said there Is a time for all of us when Not the days in our lives but we cannot count before our early rather the amount of life we put school Instruction few of us Into those days and he stressed rccognlte the terrible difficulty that fullflll a worthy life span no matter how short or how long lor those children who never have that opportunity when In the case of the untrained deaf they decision of the judges Carnival They had entered contest Wearing red volvct submitting a lettor on why crown presented by could use a Community president Centre girls were given a carrying bouquet of rod five minute Interview by Judges roses from Mrs Dorothy and Helen District Club newly Jefferson along with CKCO news crowned went down broadcaster Terry Thomas through the Interviews completed tho girls applauded were asked to draw a question the committee In from a Jar on which wore to of the crowning give a short Impromptu talk on ieonn Kingsbury anil Mm the subject stipulated Catharine Mtrcdllh presented More questions the queen attendants lh In remaining contestants with gold Township Why would you like to and silver mnple leaf see a community centre In it In expected that duties of the Would you Join tho 1973 Queen will be in officiate at district events and and he questions encompassed especially function orgnnlicd community ones to which the by tho District could relate And then It was tfonn Club Euchre sale by CARNIVAL QUEEN Evelyn wob chosen from among 12 contestants during Fridays festivities She Ib tank hero by runners- up Diane and Linda Hopkins Photo by Lorraine Appreciation for relief parcel MU lo hid of Eden Mills of the Sacred Heart don know what passing of time Comins and Grins A special announcement at last Joan and Alan Their stories of a Sunday s Ecumenical service at marvellous trip to Canada via Rockwood Centennial public Jumbo Jet with tremendous school was that the regular quantities of people aboard Is church services will be held as great Say Hi to these nice usual for congregations of Rock- people If you tea them around wood and Eden Mills ana maybe theyll tell you about Presbyterian churches with the Welcome to folks tilth Anniversary of the Eden wcthlnkyourotucky tohaveflne Mills church temporarily post inlaws to visit plus a super poned Reverend Walter Jackson daughter Inlaw like Joan of Oshnwn will be taking services Word Is that one of the top highlights of the weekends It looks as if it was good luck Springiest Carnival was the play for the George Basons weekend presented by the Junior Farmer and the community group at the centennial school congratulates the family for Drama festival winners the topping the Miss Sunday presentation received J b contest well as winning the acclaim from spectators who understand It is only complete If Its with God He asked that Christians try to understand the problems those who arc unable to fight for themselves and said they should count their days and apply themselves in every area of need He said It should do a privilege for those of us who are so blessed as to be fully whole and able Only one Lire We have only one life and It will pass but only our belief in Christ will last and If the church is not able to share In the problems that are true then maybe we do not know what truth really Is It does not depend on your abilities or inabilities he said but It should be a privilege to help In any way we can those less fortunate than ourselves In quoting Psalms Rev Rumball said Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom and pointed out that by counting our of the The active Sunshine club next endeavour will be a planned bus trip to slated for June fl It Is hoped that nil members planning to make the excursion which will Include a hot dinner to It all tied In and while Miss delighted was being crowned at Rockwood Centennial School auditorium on Friday evening Over Sixty Club was holding a euchre at the town holt all in conjunction with the Rock wood and District Lions Clubs Rockmosa Spring Feat Eighteen tables with players and card enthusiasts participated Thursday May club meeting from Milton Guclph at the town hall and other neighboring communities Prizes for ladies were presented to Mrs Robertson Alma Street for high score second was taken by Mrs A of Street Rock President Mrs Ralph Williams vent I ho M l vents anil Church Women with the reuding of Psalm I no Guild conducted worship session based on theme Is humble using a poem about humility of Jesus she said that truly ureal are humble for they know that Is of Cod and Is not In man Mrs Guild was assisted by renders Mrs Sheldon Mrs Alex Mrs Fred Hoiking and Mrs Alvln Root With the collodion of offerings Ihls portion of the meeting closed after Mrs Williams then choired the business session which included petition Reading of and the nearly new clothes especially known Rockwood who fur children wares now In a senior citizens home In lleiimsvillo Mrs Jul I life laid Members were reminded of ho visitors hut she often continuing need for used stamps group in for the Bible Society colporteurs stamps when sold provide After business tho study period salaries far these salesmen who Mrs Trousdale who spread the Ward began by reading the parable of The secretary was requested to the vineyard In comparing send a card of remembrance to vineyard to the world and the Mrs Orlando a former member of the group and a vell on Page bo orved will bring TJ S a from Sir All SHSa bo paid tor by o Immigration Act HELMET Mrs Guild read an Interesllng A Japanese toy manufacturer Inter of appreciation from the has come out with a helmet it redolent of last years relief wood and for lone hand it was will help primary school the missionary Mrs s Robertson of children to cross ihe street to begin a contest as well as winning the acclaim from spectators who hand painted picture at the managed to see the production J poking Sunshine Club draw on Saturday with some thoughts ifiat it was h fc evening Nice going folks for worthy of much greater who had not known Evelyn tendance Lions Saturdays Lions Club parade produced a number of winners know her as their district Club Queen and it should be fun t poised talented munlty gal around who can get in on local presentations and district events God for the gifts He has given us We must count all our blessings he said pointing out to a congregation which was heavy In heart that even when we lose our children we must thank God and taking top place for floats as for those years for which we have scored by Judges Vincent Price Warren Parkinson and Harry were Family Burton Hills family IndustrialRoyal Bank Organization St Johns Junior Auxiliary Winners of the boys decorated bicycle were Philip Johnstone Robbie the ball and with his stirring Ronnie Short all of message of love and com mode the local Ability Fund Girls awards went scored with those March of Dimes drive a to Christina Bell Sylvia both of who were present The Young Eden Mills and 3rd Tina Peoples group of the Rockwood of Costumes in all and Stone United Church Choir sues and colours showed laurels contributed to the service with Julie Brace of Guelph Street received commendations recently one personally for her own effort and another for the Rockwood contributors who Capacity congregation The athletic former halfback Tor the Rough Riders and the Toronto Argonauts had carried Gentleman high went second toE Ferguson Rockwood and lone hand went to H also of The draws of were captured by Mrs J Green Is of and Mrs O with Mrs Rose of Street winning the bridge decorations Saturday sale On Saturday the club had a penny and home bake sale table with sandwiches also part of the food fare plus and coffee Tickets were sold on a hand painting and an with Mrs George Eason of R 1 Rock wood the proud winner of the painting and Mrs Lois 112 Victoria Guelph the a dry cell batter begin cottage Industry so that families could be independent She said and includes h t nopcs siren that can be on when the to make hand child crosses a street The ffljiirf It was resulting noise and confusion at a Jf i school crosswalk would probably cause more accidents suggests local unt will be a rummage sale the Ontario Safety League The best method is still to teach your speculation based on the high child the safety rules and set prices of new clothing which them good example should provide the market for tremendous campaign and in writing to Julie Mr Bill Oaks Director of Fund Raising said If all our campaigns in the province can match the success of yours we ill have no problem in reaching our campaign objective Julie also sends her personal thanks to each of the iris who so willingly gave their me to help with the campaign Without you she said It be possible to have had such satisfying results both to The Abillu Fund and to us dividually know ing that we have done a little something to help others less fortunate than our selves Tuesday half hour power cut off was only a matter of general maintenance on lines in the vicinity of Street Ha amaxing though how such a short period of no hydro can cause a stir in local households and it should be imagined how grim it would be if It was a usual or more lengthy catastrophe Hey guess who s in town these days It s Joan inlaws from England Mr and Mrs Mason The II be spending a few days with Don and Winnie Hilts and then off for Vancouver with rl by Smith Members of the District Lions Club and sponsors of the service Just a reminder The second ta sidesmen in the draw for the Eramosa Ball auditorium which had hosted a Association will be held at the capacity congregation Moving ball park after next Sundays pm midget ball was a superlative example of how game So get with the game and combined church denominations purchase your winning ticket can portray what Rev Bob now see George Smith or wife himself pointed out In Millie and you may find Santa In the grace of God we are all May at your house united POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Mnufcturnof GALT North B CHATELAINE LIGHTING York Road Multi Bright Ideas for all your Lighting Needs EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF HOUSE FIXTURES fable Lamps Door Chime Swag Lamps Vanity Cabinets Electne Heat Baseboard Portable Central Vacuum Cleaning Systems Wiring Devices Future Parts etc Ventilation Hoods Fans etc I FREE PARKING Open Daily ThursFri TllVpm Sat a ARTHUR A JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Mill SI EActon Saturday MMaolMMMXt BOOKING Nw Low Charter To Britain WW fa SUNN V Jw Jm 11 MANCHBTU 2S2Ti 194 MILTON Martin St Milton 7ft28U SPRING SPECIAL On TV Towers At 0095 HAVE A FT TOWER INSTALLED FROM COMPLETE WITH ALLCHANNEL AERIAL SrtlitacllonorMoiwy Order Now Allow for InMatlatlai FIRST COME FIRST SERVED ALSO COLOUR AND FM INSTALLATIONS AVAILABLE WIGO TV APPLIANCES STREET 8773370 AFTER HOURS CALL877H96 ACTON TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA NOTICE Applications for the position of Dog Controller for the Township of will be received by the undersigned on or before 5pm Monday June 1973 This Is a parttime position paid on an hourly basis plus mileage Township of Eramosa L T Clerk RR I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA Bylaw Number a bylaw to prohibit the running at large of dogs Pursuant to Section of The Dog Tax and Cattle Sheep and Poultry Protection Act Revised Statutes of Ontario I960 chapter 111 the Council of The Corporation of the Township enacts as follows No person shall permit his dog to run at large in the Township of Eramosa Any dog found running at large contrary to this bylaw may be killed or Impounded and sold 3 For the purpose of this by law dogs shall be deemed to be running at large when found on a highway or other public place and not under the control of any person Any person convicted of a breach of this by law shall forfeit or pay at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars and not less than the sum of one dollar for each offence and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forth with the said penalty and costs or cost only may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender and In case of there being no distress found out of which such penalty can be levied the convicting Magistrate may commit the offender the Common Gaol of the County of Wellington for any period not exceeding one calendar month unless the said penalty and costs If any Including the costs of the said distress and the committal and conveyance of the offender to the said gaol are sooner paid PASSED this day of November Note- Mr Gordon Baldwin of J as Dog ConlrollBr the promt

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