Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1973, p. 2

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Acton Fre Pratt Wednesday May Board decides to leave ClH zones qualify decision with resident relief Churchill Mrs Gathof group guest new homes visits news Members of Acted Planning Board decided to recommend council leave the downtown ClH tones u they are with the condition that the Committee of Adjustment give favorable consideration to any residential application from a ClH lorn provided It conforms to R3 standards Planning boards decision was part compromise keeping In mind representations from the Chamber of Commerce the Development and former planning board chairman that the commercial holding tones principally on Bower Ave end Church as well Mill St be left downtown development Legal advice had alio recommended no chamte white a survey conducted for the Board by high school student seemed to be Inconclusive Mayor Lea suggested the ClH tones be changed to residential to enable residents to make changes In their homes without having to make an application to the Committee of Adjustment and the resultant WO fee However the mayor conceded the Board could not Ignore expert advice and he felt the leaser of would be to leave the toning at ills My concern Is I dont want to see Bower St commercialised and the door la still open for anyone to do so I would rather see Mill developed first he said Initially we shared your concern and supported your opinion but the survey was Inconclusive and weve had representation against Plan board discourages Main St subdivision Acton Planning Board discouraged preliminary enquiries regarding a small lot subdivision on land adjacent to the Industrial park on Main St North resident D owns a parcel of land with HO foot frontage and roughly 90 feet In depth on Main St immediately west of tbe town work yard in the Industrial park and through his solicitor Jim Puller of made preliminary enquiries regarding reaming the land to establish a subdivision a meeting of planning board Thursday Mr proposed to build moderately priced homes in the area noting he would be agreeable to planting a screen to protect the subdivision from the industrial area The lots would hive to be retorted to permit construction of homes Councillor Norm Elliott was the mrt of several members of purging who looked on the scheme with disapproval Elliott said he didnt believe the area should be used far housing when it would be close to Industry Including an oil reclaiming plant change which said It would be a retrograde step and we should leave salt chairman Sid Salts told the mayor We haven t received any delegations to support the change The weight of opinion and legal advice soya leave It as It Is agreed Dave Mucklp Td hate to see beautiful street commercial but I dont feel the same about the north of Church Wo must consider carefully what we are doing We could change the focal point of the commercial section 1 think any shift In the commercial tone can happen no matter what we do the mayor replied agreeing later however with earlier discussion of allowing residents in ClH tones to conform the standards In tones Councillor Norm Elliott noted the clerk had explained the committee of adjustment fee was flexible and could he dispensed with If the committee decided Leave toning as it Is Lou advised as long as restric tions on are relieved It is It would be putting brakes forever on commercial development He also wanted restrictions on residents removed Areas In should conform to former toning before ClH Imposed which was Vic Bristow suggested when the secretary noted there problem now with a residence on Bower Ave which necessitated a decision After more It was decided to pass a resolution asking favorable consideration to any residential application for residents in provided the changes conform to standards soon to be built He said auto the town had reached critical point with walcr and sewage services In the area and the town engineer had advised against further Construction until services were updated Chairman Sid Salts agreed He recalled problems in the past where people had moved Into Acton In homes near existing industries and then started to complain about odors and noise some of them wishing to close the Industry down He noted the homes already In the area were classed as nonconforming and didnt think further conforming uses should be en Councillor Chapman said he couldnt see land almost boxed in by industrial land either It was suggested Mr Lamon might get a more enthusiastic reception if he tried to locate some light Industry In the area If we encouraged you on this said Dave Muckle we d just have another sore thumb in town and the town more Pay share losses Ontario Housing By Mrs Mac Arthur Sunday morning worship service at Churchill hunli win lower In ntlendam0 owing to tho first holiday when a number took advantage of ho much better weather A Fosburys sermon subject whs The Golden Age iholr them was The Mm Don Anderson at tho organ meeting The Churchill W held May meeting at tho homo if Mrs George Milne on afternoon May The president Mrs storey opened the melting mid tint the Worship After hymn and scripture rend some Mother Day verses aid sting to motherhood devotion Mrs rend Farmers Wifes Prayer In the absence of Mrs William Thompson Mrs Norman Turner took the Financial statement was rend by Mrs Frank Thompson Mrs Storey I linked numbers all others for donations for hake also for donations for the paper drive each proving to mil It wns decided to have another paper drive In tho fall Tickets were handed to members to soil for luncheon IkIiih served June ft Hie the Indies had quitted fur Indy was taken Iho meeting Oilier was dealt with Mrs Kiirinnthof who our wan Introduced to Iho Indies showed soma of her articles use of dried grasses She her of wood tin r ulna patterns and told how thorn It nil wan very Interest Inu and In appreciation Mrs Thompson her with a gift nip and saucer Mrs hanked Indies for the gift and ho free to show her work A sale of plants bulbs Mowers mill roots by Thompson brought fin A very delicious lunch wan served by the Hostess Mrs Mllno assisted by Mrs Craven Next meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs Turner Visits graduation MIsh Muriel of Mrs or Mono J load visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ward Hamilton and family Miss McNIchol has Just arrived home from n holiday in Barbados reporting good weather and a wonderful trip Mr and Mrs Fred Mellor were at Kingston attending the graduation of their nephew Mr Brian Forsyth of Walkerton held at the Military College Kingston Mr Don Anderson spent the weekend at the Lucky Eleven Hunt Camp Mr Wesley Johnston of also Mr and Mrs John Jackson and son Tim of Hanover and Mr Alex Jackson or Terra were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Charles New homes Mr and Mrs are kept busy Improving their homo anil greenhouse business Other new homes are being built around Churchill again this summer Guests on tho weekend with Mr and Mrs A Do Ilattlsta and children was his parents Mr and Mrs Do Ilattlsta of Toronto for over the weekend Mrs W J McDonald Mrs Wardlaw of Mrs J Dennis end Mrs A Near had a very enjoyable weekend at tending the tulip festival at Ottawa and touring the Gatlneau Hilts Price wall On Tuesday council was again concerned about lack of agreement with the owner of land south of The land is required for fill before a can bo built on the south side of tho new roadway there Clerk Grant Usher reported another letter been sent Just that day Deputy Marks asked that an estimate be sought on building a retaining wall instead Wo have to make a decision he stressed referring to tho lengthy attempts made to reach agreement with tho owner Councillor Mosaics mentioned relocating the sidewalk to the north side Operating loss of Ontario Housing Corporation will be paid bylhetown Actoncouncllagrced Tuesday at their regular meeting This Is first time the town has been asked to share the cost Tho original agreement was the town would pay per cent of operating loss The expected operating toss for 1973 which becomes payable In amounts to approximately S3 for the town s shore based on revenue of and ex penditurcs of resulting In a net deficit of A letter to council explained that for a number of years Ontario Housing Corporation has been funding tho operating losses projects until recovery of An analysis of operating years and Indicated that these costs would average op proximately 1 per unit per year tor the town per cent share The clerk explained this would cost approximately per year for the citizen units and IB geared to Income housing units In these years the town has not paid any operating losses Mayor to participate in unique conference plumps for office township would be the ideal location for the location of municipal offices for the proposed North borough which includes Acton Georgetown Esquesing and township ore sure and they sent a letter to the Ministry of Treasury Economics and mental Affairs stating their views However Queens Park said it it their Intention to leave decisions In such matters entirely at the discretion of the local council concerned To do otherwise would be to Interfere with the local decisionmaking process and thus seriously to undermine one of the principal objectives of regional govern ment reform a letter from the Department declared If the new area municipal council found there were special circumstances justifying provincial financial assistance it might approach the Government at that time We might point out however that our policy in the past has been to concentrate our attention on the regional level since this is where the heaviest Incurred the letter stated Township councillors told this newspaper they felt was the only central municipality which had anything to offer In the way of room to expand offices for the new municipality Acton docs not own their building Georgetown has nothing to offer and Is central they pointed out Will oppose designation Councillor Norm Elliott notified members of Acton planning board he would oppose a planning board resolution recommending that farm land of Mrs Phyllis Van Gils off Main St N be retoned from industrial to Mr Elliott said he missed the last meeting of the board where the resolution passed and he wanted members of the board to know where he stood when he opposed it at the council level Elliott said he could see strong arguments against residential development above the CN tracks Mayor Les has the Unction of being asked to represent the Association of Municipalities of Ontario at the first tri level conference to bo held at Trent University Peter borough next Monday and day Federal provincial and municipal representatives will be discussing housing trans porta Ion and aspects of regional government at the unique con Delegates are appointed by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario Rural Municipalities of Ontario and Metro Toronto BO would be Involved altogether He was asked to participate by Mayor Newman of Whitby chairman of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities and chairman of the municipal liaison committee Mr Duby is on the executive or the AMO and Is a past president of the Central Ontario Regional Development Corporation doubted to million in the last years Although old age comes to all trees some species like Poplar or White Birch normally have a short life span compared to others like White Pine Douglas Fir Th Town of Acton TAX NOTICE The lint Instalment on 1973 regular taxes is due May 31st Taxes must be paid on data due or a penalty Is added for overdue payments F USHER TAX COLLECTOR TOWN OF ACTON or Shawl me Sun Thru Thun a MILTON and Sat and f p m lT ONE SHOWING ONLY MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE VALACHI PAPERS Adults Students Children Papers ACTON LIONS CLUB Spring Frolic and Dance SATURDAY JUNE 2nd ACTON COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCING 9 PM 1 FEATURING Harry Hibbs and the Shrimp Cocktail From Caribou Club Tlcktlt available at Acton I A Canadian Tlra and Club Mambara Per Couple a BINGO Lie No JACKPOT 55 Nos 20 Games at Per Game No Admission Charge CARDS FOR 100 Burgundy Club Norval Monday at 8 pm PRICE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY MAY We Sell Only Tenderbest Grade A Red Brand Beefl Box DRUM WHIP TEA BAGS 35 fid ant Box Helni 11 4 TOMATO KETCHUP 31 Son Corn Oil mm MARGARINE 59 Kellogg Special K CEREAL Of Bag WHITE SUGAR A INSTANT COFFEE ORANGE CRYSTALS Fab LAUNDRY DETERGENT CHEF B0YARDEE 39 Lasagne Beefaroni Spaghetti Meat Balls Dainty China FRIED RICE 39 Choice peas Reg or Pack TAWM TAMPONS 1 e RAISIN BREAD CREAM si Johnson JT roWDEH Aunt Jemima to I a Me WAFFLES 39 COFFEE RICH MOUTHWASH Special RegHe Reg Mt Special Reg Special Beat Reg MS 1485 PRICES SLASHED MORE BEING DONE EVERY WEEK III

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