Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1973, p. 16

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday May Halton Institutes stage annual meeting at Knox District Annual of Womens Institutes was held In Knox Presbyterian Church Acton with Dublin branch as hostess on Wednesday Hay Our Native People was recognized several during the day Following registration and coffee Mrs M district president chaired the meeting Mrs Armstrong and Rev A H JUcKenzle extended welcomes Floral decorations In blue and gold were donated by Caroline Nurseries and Blue Springs Flowmhop Members of the hostess branch wore name tags representing northern tights while others wore Igloos District directors Mrs read a poem by Indian Pauline Johnson ana called on alternate director Mrs John Bird to ratify the district directors all IS at tending She outlined their duties informing their being liaison officers between their branches and the district The president lamented that the branch had disbanded leaving IS branches in nine of which she had visited In l7373 and hoped to visit the this coming year Minutes of last years district annual were read by Mrs R Alexander She also gave her treasurers report in her usual manner using charts The county handled spending leaving a balance of during the past year The branches increased their com bined balance of to during the year and spent Convener of county standing committees were called forward by Moderator Mrs Frank Brown 100 per cent reports were received from the branches but tew contained much In formation She said the program is Important If nothing else you could make it happy silly or foolish She gave an example of a program She advised them to share resolutions with other organizations Tor consideration and promotion Curator Mrs Frank Wilson typing of history Is a legitimate expense and offered to help sort aid compile Tweed- histories Award Winner Mrs John Bird reporting for the and Scholarship committee named winners for awards from the Dr Ethel Chapman fund Susan Vanalckle from the bursary fund and Joyce Wilson a bursary All are daughters of longtime Womens Institute members She asked for assistance fin ding eligible applicants for next years awards Mrs Donald reported the recent music festival and stated that the students were with the Jovial ad- tor She said are suitable for the event She appealed for funds as more trophies will be required In a read a list of and roll calls complimenting two branches for fine reports Reporting for CiUenshlp and World Affairs Mrs Britton asked why Canada attracted people from other triesSuggestions for programs included slides trips costume displays samples of crafts of other cultures making of etc Mrs C reported for Education and Community Activities In which crafts were prominent in a rams She stated Womens should be proud or their endeavours Mrs Geo for Family and Consumer Affairs com mented that one of the best things to keep up your sleeve is your funny bone and be prompt Resolutions convener Mrs Glen Pearce said all her had been returned 1974 Federation of Agriculture reports prepared by Mrs Mahon was read by Mrs Vanslckle The report explained some taxes affecting farmers and mentioned Edward Bird and Dennis McClure were educational award winners Safety display Safety convener Mrs C Patterson had a display of safety equipment and explained its uses Numbers drawn gave Mrs Mrs McCarron Miss and Mrs each a piece of safety equipment She said no reports were received from branches and Tew WI members attended their worth while meetings She told delegates to be safety livers Public Relations Officer Mrs Frank Brown reported donations and to various projects Including scholarships and bursaries She complimented Nelson branch for their work She advised using WI money for projects of the organisation Short courses are one of the best efforts but tours and overseas correspondence were also recommended She told us to take a critical look at ourselves get new members train others Tor future leaders Leis have a wave enthusiasm that will spread Retiring from her six year term she ended thanks Wall hanging Good Luck a rug hooking technique on burlap was judged first for Mrs Neil Anderson of Ltmehouse in handcrafts by Judge Mrs McDonald of The Eden Mills handicraft shop She liked the MRS WAS elected president of the WI at the annual convention In Knox Pres byterian Church Acton last Wednesday contrasting colours and for her tube painting of a homey originality of the work scene a llttli girl serves She gave Mrs of Icecream to her doll Winning second for her entries in these contests will be Qual saying the work- sent on to the area convention manahip was superb and the flowers so real one could almost Mrs Harry Norton conducted a smell them lively sing song with Mrs Tom A large display of Serving with Manes at the piano Knits garments from a recent HCluto Home Economist Mrs Ban nister told of the purpose of 4 Clubs saying Sportswear from Knits had been a popular project In 10 clubs last year and three are In the extra course home Thirteen county honors pins and diplomas ana four advanced honors were presented Two leaders had completed five years She asked for help in getting applicants for bursaries due June board director Mrs Geo Henderson was unable to be present but sent good withes and report via alternate Mrs J Bird She says numbers have been reached 380 members and she wants more She thanked them Tor contributions to ihe gift stall at the June convention in Banff which she hopes to at tend She asks continued support Tor pennies for friendship for helping save the eyes of children of India etc Twentytwo scholarships were ratified given to train three girls as Teachers In Turkey was provided for teaching a Spanish lady to speak English by the ACWW Money Is available for setting up another scholarship There are only four WI s in Ontario but another Is forming Lee Homestead She mentioned the Eriand Lee homestead now owned by the W I O would be open for visits July 1 It is being furnished from on and more is needed Eatons and Simpsons and Burlington donations to furnishing were acknowledged She sent cut out on which each wrote greeting name and address and a province from which wished a pen pal Mrs Henderson will take these to Banff to distribute After lunch Mrs Bird and Mrs Brown showed her pictures and read a commentary of the Lee Home and a few local slides Baking entries were Judged by standards MrsTVoung of Acton giving Miss Eva Chlsholm of Scotch Block first for fruited applesauce and second to Mrs Geo Burt of Mrs Jas Noble of got first for plain rolled oat cookies and Mrs Glen Campbell of Nelson second A good dinner was served by the church ladies Head table guests were Introduced and visitors Included Mrs Smith area president who brought humour and greeting Other visitors in cluded those from Central and Southern Wellington and South Peel Tells of north Luncheon speaker was Mrs of Acton who spoke of living and weather conditions at where she oc casionally visits her son who is an Anglican rector She old of winter temperatures of 60 degrees in constant darkness A in late May 10 12 degrees Winter air pollution Is dense due to motors running constantly heat being manufactured Eskimos do not take part In beauty contests but In good woman contests She showed slides She was Introduced by Mrs Armstrong of Dublin thanked by Mrs Campbell of Nelson given flowers Mrs Campbell Sinclair thanked the kitchen staff for their fine job for 133 diners Mrs Jamleson vicepres presided for the early afternoon In Memo r lam was handled by Ellerby of Limehouse branch Musical skit After roll call was Indian or Eskimo handicraft and a saying of either language Dublin ladies entertained Mrs Manes played two little maidens Anne Norton June sang and acted out musical skit assisted briefly by Mrs Officer Past ores Mrs G Henderson Georgetown president Mrs M Acton 1st vice Mrs L Balllnafad 2nd vice Mrs Campbell Milton fed rep Mrs G Henderson Georgetown alternate fed rep Mrs John Bird Georgetown unfilled secretary- treasurer Mrs Ironside 1 Georgetown Standing committee conveners Agriculture A Canadian Industries Mrs Wallace Citizenship World Affairs Mrs Gordon Booth Education Cultural Activities Mrs C RRa Georgetown Family Con sumer Affairs Mrs Acton Resolutions Mrs Glen Rock- wood Bursary Scholarship Committee Mrs Webb Mrs G Henderson Mrs R Alexan der Music Festival Representative Mrs J Glen Williams Federation of Agriculture Rep Mrs Carop- Curator Mrs Frank Wilson 83 Charles St Expect 1200 in exchange program By Catty This summer Ontarios two greatest assets Its land and its people have the opportunity of realising a better understanding- The UrbanExchange Program a again being offered In this area under the supervision of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food It is one of the 17 LIP group speaks here Monday night four teachers from the Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded gave talks and exchanged Ideas with Tinkerbell Nursery School volunteers and Youth Across Canada for the Mentally Retarded members at Sunshine School in Hornby The teachers are financed through grants from the federal government The meeting was set up by Lea Griffith who is the recreation chairman for the North Association for the Mentally Retarded which runs the and Sunshine Schools Set location Georgetown council favored the north side of Highway No for an arena and community hall on a spilt vote Council voted to purchase 1 acres opposite Georgetown Market at a coat of an acre a total of Council win apply for a federal provincial winter capital project fund loan of projects in the Experience series organized by the Ontario Youth Secretariat Plans are being made for at least 1200 young people between the ages of 13 and 15 to spend a week in their counterparts home By being involved in the daily life of the urban and rural dweller for one week during the month July or August it is hoped that this program will resolve the misconceptions that exist between farm and city people In order for this program to be a success we need urban and applicants who wish to take part in the exchange as well as urban and rural host families The opportunity is yours for the asking For further information regarding this very worthwhile program please contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food office or Cathy Lasby the Area at Milton or short course was seen by She judged two pictures depicting Meal Time giving Mrs Norman Langton of Mountain Union first for her oil painting of the Pilgrims of the She advised Interesting others Mayflower at their simple joining other branches If num- Thanksglving dinner and second were smalt One hundred to Mrs Bert BentonoT and sixtyfour girls were involved Sample African food at meeting of UCW The study on Zambia and African foods made the meeting of unit of Trinity W In teresting The meeting was held in the church with Mrs E presiding Mrs Tom Shields gave the talk on Africa Mrs Nellie Shoemaker had devotions with her topic the Bible Mrs Brooks read Scrip ture and led in prayer Mrs Little gave a reading in which the Bible was likened to a magnificent palace Miss Dorothy Simmons sang a lovely solo In memory of Mrs Robert Warne When I Come to Plan fireworks Acton firefighters will be celebrating Dominion Day with a display of fireworks on l weekend As is now required two firefighters have token special training to permit them to direct the holiday program Fashion show by 4H girls The quarterly money is to be sent for Nicki the adopted Vietnamese boy Petty cash was collected for missionary work Mrs Shoemaker reported on sick and shutins The June meeting will be at Mrs Shields home in the form of a picnic pot luck lunch Members will meet at the church at 130 pm An invitation was received from Miss Z Bennett to attend the tea at Parkwood Manor Waterloo June Mr and Mrs Donald Held will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary June 17 at the parish hall There were home calls and hospital calls during the month Mrs Shoemaker and her group prepared dishes pertaining to Africa cocoa buns from Ghana yellow rice and raisins from South Africa and goulash from Zambia These different dishes were enjoyed by all present The May meeting of Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs S Morrison on Highway Roll call was answered by How many of your neighbours have you visited lately Donations were to be made to the bursary and leaders of the club The program committee la to meet May to arrange programs for the coming year 4H girls were present at the meeting and Janet Cox one of the leaders of the club Dressing up Vegetables gave a very interesting talk and gave a different menu which had been Youth aid retarded used during the club Fashion show Mrs Henderson the leader of the next club sewing with knits commented on the club and several of the girls put on a fashion show showing the lovely suits they had made The girls also showed their record books and one of them had received a lovely sterling sliver pie server for having completed IB clubs Janet Cox conducted a flower contest the winner Mrs C Coles Mrs Vaughan read a poem The Womens Institute by Mrs Delegates were appointed to attend the district annual in Acton May Arrangements were made for June meeting to be held at the home of Mrs Matthews A social hour was spent over a cup of tea Association for the Mentally Retarded has formed Youth Across Canada Mentally Retarded groups Georgetown and Acton A Milton group is being organized for September The group consists mostly of grade 12 students who help to organize and conduct swimming hikes barbecues and various other recreational activities Tor the handicapped children ARTHUR A JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Main SI Milton 878 J POLLOCK AMD CAMPBELL WE tear Si North MIKE PRYSTASZ In market or new or car Mike Invites all hi In Acton ami area to drop In and la htm Jack RICHMDS0I LTD Milton 783orUrai2 New the fabulous BETEANNIA collection ANNIVERSARY SALE Wallpaper Specials 30 OFF on ALL WALLPAPERS IN STOCK OFF ON WALLPAPER ORDERS PRERASTHSOUD VINYL SHOP ENDS SATURDAY JUNE 2nd We RENT WALLPAPER STEAMERS GEORGETOWN DECORATING IT MMH ST CENTRE DOWNTOWN 8774193 Georgetown Assistants Mrs H Marchlngton Georgetown Mrs Robertson RR Milton Safety Rep resentative Mrs C Patterson Milton Resolutions Mrs Campbell Nelson branch explained their resolution which convenor Mrs had read Mrs Anderson moved its being sustained and Mrs P seconded It It dealt with restricting many places or business being unnecessarily open on the Sabbath A letter requesting a donation to financially assist an athlete was rejected fearing a wide spread series of appeals Several ladles offered to an swer a reauest to supervise tea tobies at the 1073 prov plowing match The decision of district directors to donate to expenses of the provincial director to attend the FWI convention in Banff In June was upheld Mrs C Sinclair of thanked Mrs Bird said best wishes were with Mrs Henderson and thanked those taking part An invitation was accepted from Hornby branch for next years District Annual at lllllcrcst United Church FLAMBORO SPEEDWAY FEATURING SUPER LATE MODELS LIMITED SPORTSMAN and the everpopular HOBBY DIVISION RACING FOR THE RED CAP 10000 POINTS FUND EVERY SAT AT PM FOR Mil JOHN RES 267814 CANADAS FASTEST BANKED 13 MILE OVAL MS MR MOTORIST DO YOU CARE When all they do are MUFFLERS do they REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR CAR WE CARE ABOUT THE GAR YOURE IN We HP totting Pipit FRONT END BRAKES SHOCKS TUNE UPS Johns Tuaco Service Acton assoni Grants Motors Acton 533V30 Bill Toth SMI Service Acton ant Kens Auto Service Acton Frank Toth Motors Ltd llOwobjftS Acton Acton Motors Acton Autoventure Inc 8782868

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