Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1973, p. 15

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Timely topics discussed at WI meeting Mrs William Patterson ployed hostess recently for the June meeting of Ihe Institute when ladies some new member enjoyed an In creating program of though provoking discussions as prepared by Mrs J Glen denning President Mrs George opened the meeting during which several regular orders of business were scrapped for he evening Mrs Kenneth Spencc reported on the final plans for the Tuesday bus trip and Mrs William Black gave a rundown on the Institute plans for the No school 100th anniversary reunion to be held in September which oil former sudents were being invited with ihe Job or contacting the responsibility of members Mrs George Mltchcl gave on account or the District Annual held recently at Hill Church and fallowing this Mrs Jock convener for and cultural activities asked Mrs B of It 2 to tell the group about the functions and or the Women Institutes In Holland Various topics Mrs led the ladies Into program of discussion when she divided group into iwo where they could corroborate on topics written on slips of paper and returning to the assemblage relate their findings back to the group where It would be then opened ror discussion Pollution secondary school education and regional government were nil only some of the topics which drew rounds arousing comment Sharing Ideas members learned about pollution problems mused by liquid manure running through neighboring farm lands and polluting ponds finally resulting In expensive dredging costs for local farmers f parent members were not certain that free subject hoi In high schools today was a valid Idea Talk back and group dlscuislon and the meeting wot considered one of the year best a particularly fine one as the close off for summer disband during July and August A delicious lunch was served with Mrs Norm Harris and Mrs Juhn convening Mrs I Dyer thanked Hie host lbs for her hospitality and members wire reminded that the next Itockntong Institute meeting will he held In Asks water sewer safeguards to protect Rockwood business ramosa council agreed to ask the appropriate Government department for safeguards In sewer and water tenders to en sure business along business section severely hampered by installation or the two sen lees The request came from businessman Rob Leslie who attended the Tuesday meeting wearing iwo a Trustee and a representative or the business community He told council he was con icrncd about the installation or sewers and water anil possible uncontrolled subdivision development as result of the services It going lo another Acton overnight he asked Long vocal opponent of sewers and water Mr isllcsaltl he foresaw control or the village being from those had lived there ror mnny years so the of life was longer tolerable Ho asked the graduate it Special commendation was awarded recently to Mary Hoi man or on the occasion or her graduation as I Technician In an morning ceremony held Friday June attended by approximately friends and families of graduates A former Rockwood public school student Mary Is the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Joe of Main Street A graduate or John Ross Collegiate in she Assisted there In the library during her after school hours and attended the Hamilton Teachers College rrom whore she proceeded to Sheridan College for her specialized library training graduating with high honors Maryls presently employed In the public library in Whitby Ontario where she began her MAIN School trustees face fall election Ha I ton County Board or lion trustees will join municipal politicians on the campaign trail this rail A ruling from Queen s Park indicated the election would be held to keep trustees terms in line with those of municipal politicians It was earlier thought that the current board would sit for another year and complete the second of the two year term Several trustees have objected to the ruling suggesting an election would serve no purpose at this time Some trustees said the election could disrupt Ihe work of the board Objectors noted it lakes several months before new trustees become oriented to the work and a one year term puts hardships on them The new ruling was made known to the board through a letter from the minister of Fdueation Tom Wells The first reading of the bill implementing regional government in Hal ton County was conducted in the legislature Monday township council to enquire about safeguards ensure the business section was not torn up all was assured by deputy Duncan that with he Official ltan the township had as much control over subdivision development as any municipality could nave He felt council could request safeguards in the tenders to ensure business continuity was not for a long period Councillor Lou Clnik suggested council should also ask Department if any restitution was available for business which suffered from streets being torn up to install services Mr Ixslle said he was con about both areas since were walling to pounce on the with grandiose subdivisions which would completely way of life subdivision premature plan for a lot subdivision in was termed premature members township council at the regular monthly meeting Councillor John thought the idea of a subdivision in had merit but Reeve I loyd tang disagreed He said there was no way the township was going to cart a down there to plow one little wee A developer from King City mode the application proposing to build houses on property owned by Reg French west Road 3 Seventh Line and north of the Erin Town Line art Thf Inst protective equipment job accidentia vourevis vourears our brain Keep alert work defensively and you 11 stav on the job Self defence is the of safety You ve got a lot to live for work defensively and life towWorkmens Compensation Board and The Safety Associations Ontario Tha Acton Jung 1973 Sunshine bus trip The Sunshine Club of Rockwood Set up quite fuss With nose and Sunday clothes We hurried on bus The young and strong that come along Just helped to make the day They wen really good Ihcy understood It was the Sunshino way As climbed aboard waiting I us 1 lk youngsters off to school There was Grandma Jones and Skinny And picture taking fool Whin all Ihe folk got happy And up their heels I his Jerk was hard at work I an his reels Hut wi had well inducted tour Around the fown In tin museum house I showed my A pot down Shi said Its ml In Just now I I git the wrung idea It down so Ihey I drown Win ho Sunshine lub haves llul look mi the Hint tnrrlid off hi dead I hi liars of I Ihem I id Our guiding I mm town us sting It was not his foul we got no salt Upon our dirty fairs Willi our trip wc set our On Rockwood rocky lonrn tint our way enjoyed the day I tun govt hanks home IF I WERE A year old Centennial students were given an Brcnda of Mam Street Rock introductory opportunity for public wood beams happily at the prospect of speaking in the lower grade levels some competing with the public by readings and for the younger school pupils next week won her children reciting poetry group last Thursday when Photo by Lorraine Shopping centres planned Material has bun In planning hoard which Ihcn now pi ins in tin drawing Ihi mills until Si new shopping 1 linvi I proposed ly Inn it Ik hi Miiiilati the neighboring city will In 100 girls Cindy levy Utilise ones Shelley Henry Trudy Smith Happenings at or the bicycle rodeo on Mi 11 the winners wire for Ihe girls ln r en and for tin boys Jones The following people arc the winners of our I iekl Day Some of these people will ix pai in the a Held In be held this Tliur University Kindergarten boys Steven Wilson tarry Show kindergarten girls K ircn Parkinson Rarble Hawkins Julie Wilson year old hoys Schclke Billy Philip I year old girls I inch Ward Mclanu Sherwood is J year old boys Larry Mirth Robert year old girls Velhuis Justine Baldwin Michelle Wallace Mary Sherwood Anni Roys ill II years old Jiff Hamilton taurk Smith Ilowurd Itnlliintyiie girls Id II years Id Ijwni Allison CHATELAINE LIGHTING York Road Bright Ideas for all your Lighting Needs SELECTION OF HOUSE FIXTURES Lump Vnnlty Electric Baieboard and Portable Control Conning System Dovlcoi Fltur Part etc Hoods Fun FREE PARKING Open Dally JO i Sal yuirs ld Nancy John 1 null Miller I boys 12 years old John hf I I Marshall Bruce Ma Murk million Murray Kintwcl line Susan Wood irol Melbourne imh trim tail Kelly up boys I Terry Ian Andy unn Paul Son Alan itchelor 14 ARTHUR A JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Main St 878 JUNE 13141516 GEORCCPEPPAnO Sarrazin Christine Belforo Conspiracy Classified adult entertainment everyone welcome CLIMT EASTWOOD JOE K1DD JUNE 171819 BIZZARE UNUSUAL EROTIC MS MR MOTORIST DO YOU CARE When all they do are MUFFLERS do they REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR CAR WE CARE ABOUT THE CAR YOURE IM box office opens Show starts at dusk DRIVEIN THEATRE II MILE E OF GUELPH CITY LIMITS JUST OFF HWY PHONE 8245431 We Install J HP Listing Mufflers FRONT END BRAKES SHOCKS TUNE UPS Johns Texaco Semce 114 Mill St Efttt Acton Out 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