Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1973, p. 3

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Council nixes open Sunday recommends that only certain lypes stores be permitted to conduct business on Sunday and hat these stores be regulated as to size and hours of operation These recommendations arc as a result of studies which Indicate that Sunday selling would in crease retail costs considerably and that should be retained as a compulsory day of rest for the social attitudes and mental hygiene of any com munity The resolution is being VISITORS FROM Australia here in Canada on a group study exchange program were treated to a steak fry and social evening at the Acton Music Centre Monday night of the Acton and Georgetown Rotary Clubs The group are returning a visit made last year to their district of Queensland Northern Territories Australia by a group from this district of Ontario This district of Ontario is made up of S3 clubs The program which allows young businessmen to study commerce and education in another country is in its fourth year Guests seated 1 to r are Miller Neville Green Mike Spalding Bill Kennedy BillWheaUey Standing tor are Acton Rotary president Gary Dawkins Acton Mayor Georgetown Mayor Bill Smith guest Keith Archer and Georgetown Rotary president Paul Armstrong Gibbons Photo Open Sundays arc undesirable council agreed Tuesday night They unanimously en a resolution from the town or Newmarket which reads That this Council endorses the recommendation of the appointed Com mil lee on Sunday retail selling the recommendation of the Ontario Law Reform Com mission and the recom of the Provincial uniform store hours Association which in essence Mayor favors Mayor Duby personally favored the final internal boundary draft as presented by the provincial government on Monday Was he satisfied with the fact all of was go into Central rather than North Ha I ton He personally thought there was no sense kicking about the the government had decided on He favored allowing Eden Mills to join the Welling ton banner from a practical point of view I convinced the agreed system has to go he said emphasizing regional government was working In other countries such as Britain Much of what is done in fa I ton he felt could go down n history as pioneering new governmental concepts of Georgetown and Acton was apparent He attended a joint meeting of Georgetown and Acton Rotary Clubs on Monday and It was very evident among the members The mayor was at a disadvantage because he had not seen the map the Free Press had procured of the new boundaries Need money throughout the province Masales A salesman in Guelph could be a real problem in he said peopl can be called on to Acton predicted councillor Earl work five or six nights a week The Acton Free Press Wednesday June 1973 NOW OPEN Fruit Pantry Mill St Acton OPENING SPECIALS effective Wed June l31h to Sat June Sunklst Valencia Size ORANGES 3H 391 Product of Mexico Cherry Tomatoes 39tn Product of U S A No 1 California Boundaries defy logic Elliott guests North boundaries were described to Mayor by the Free Press Tuesday morning he ruefully told his fellow councillors Tuesday evening He had a till had no information on the changes announced Reeve McKcnzie in formed him that he would learn officially of the decision Wed nesday He had seen the letters that day at the county building and Ihcy would arrive by courier the next day today The mayor also noted com published that day in a Toronto dally indicated others knew ahead of us Conies of the new boundaries had been obtained by the mayor and were distributed to council No collision injuries During the past week four accidents were Investigated by Acton There were no injuries involved On Sunday at p m two cars were in collision at the in lersection of Main and St John Harris Victoria St had estimated damage to his car Kovacevlch of had WOO damage to his car Drive In lot Last Wednesday a parked car owned by Stuart Blair of Mississauga was struck by an unknown vehicle in the drivein parking lot The incident occurred Damage to the parked car was estimated at There were two collisions Tuesday of last week John Crelghton car had estimated damage in an accident on John St Trie parked truck involved Is owned by Enterprises Ltd of Greensville and was involved in roadway repairs Damage to the truck was estimated at Own drive- way At noon last Tuesday a collision occurred in a private driveway The car driven by Helen Rowe of was in collision with the trailer frame and boat causing 175 damage to the car and 350 to the frame and boat members Mayor Duby asked round the table for comments Com out strong McKcnzie North Halton has come out stronger than we an We reach which we felt we should for some unknown reason we were not given Marks I never did place much emphasis on boundaries grants will offset differences The north of will gravitate to Milton Elliott The boundaries defy logic I can t sec the reason the wishes of the majority arc sacrificed Its a political action was surprised after all the meetings Public opinion had the boundary across the Campbetlville road But it a a nice compact North I like it better Inscoe No comment Coats I was more upset with the Niagara Escarpment arrangement Milton was ex eluded somehow the fair haired boy was excluded again Interjected the mayor fail to buy that Acton right on the darn thing Chapman Boundaries don matter it services taxes money Masales Mr White must feel upiUged by Jim Snow the way Milton got everything Another interjection by Chapman We should ask Mr Snow lo move here roads Masales chairman of roads We II be glad not have to clear Nassagaweya roads in the winter Elliott We si be happy because we pass off a problem I ve been through mill lor meetings It disturbing to see going but it was the people so by and large I accept it Let make a good job of it Council comments With centennial tossed back to council at a meeting called by the Chamber of Commerce puzzled councillors agreed Tuesday to meet Wednesday tonight back at square one Councillors attending the of C meeting I agreed what was expected or them Asked councillor Coats from Ihe original centennial com mittce What was the resolution Are we supposed to do something Official group It now back in our boll park answered the mayor 1 amused we re certainly busier than they are But they feel they want some official group to make a decision He recommended a meeting the next at after decoration day and library board meetings before hydro commission and parks board the next night Deputy reeve Marks wondered what would be accomplished by a Returning vis t n the I sir of Queensland Northern Terr lor in Australia Inst year by members of District of tt Rotary Club x from Australia were of Ac Son and Georgetown clubs at a leak fry and social evening at the Actoi Music Centre Monday I Miller Neville Green M kcSpild Kennedy and group leader Keith Archer have been travelling District which con clubs as part of study exchange program exchange program started four ago to allow I us to study commerce another country Representatives from D strict 707 have been to Australia tw and this is the second lime visitors from Australia have been Canada Amount Loan Monthly 10Yr 16Y Int 147 124 With ui you pat Opn mo No coin by phone tram your awn Wt to buy Wo would your Ca I Collect CCC REALTY CREDIT LIMITED All lllud COMMERCIAL CREDIT Bing Cherries AVAILABLE R0MAINE LETTUCE ENDIVE LEEKS AVOCADOS S0UASH ENGLISH CUCUMBERS CORN EGGPLANT FRUITS AVAILABLE STRAWBERRIES BLUEBERRIES MANGO PEACHES NECTARINES PLUMS CANTEL0UPES HONEY DEW JUMBO SIZE GRAPEFRUIT In the market for a new or car Mike Invitn all his In Acton and art to drop In and him JaekRICIUMUl LTI Hwv US Milton WHAT FATHER WOULD ENJOY and MANY YEARS AFTER ELECTRIC HALTON FURNITURE APPLIANCES ill ST ACTON

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