Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1973, p. 1

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WHEN MULDOWNEY prepares to shoot her trousers Shetakes infinite precautions to see she is down the track at the Toronto International at suitably dressed for the ride checking the car over with over miles an hour she does more than just hitch up her pit man before the start She grimaces as she ties herself in and then looking like a creature from another dead stop to onequarter of a mile in just over six world thrills the thousands packed in the stands at the seconds clocking 216 miles per hour track near Acton She set a track record going from a PhotosW Stuckey Ninety Eighth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JUNE 1973 Eighteen Pages Fifteen Cents Snow Kerr influence charged but Halton Region bill passes After close to hours of weary debate In ihc Ontario Legislature Monday evening the bill implementing regional government in Hallon received second reading The 3821 vote was taken lust prior to a Tuesday Liberals and New Democrats Joined forces their opposition to the bill and to the Peel dealt with earlier in the same session Opposition members of the legislature protested the bill claiming it is designed to fulfil the political wishes of Cabinet ministers Jim Snow and George Kerr and of Premier Bill Davis who represents Peel North Liberal E Good of Waterloo North old the house political muscle had won out the pensc of good planning Burlington The key objection the Halton bill was he inclusion of Burlington and Haltononly and Peelonly regions Ian Deans NOP Wentworth presented a lengthy and documented argument suggesting Burlington should have gone lo Hamilton Wentworth Region and the rest of merger Deans based his argument on the Steele Commission report and suggested that was the only really comprehensive that was ever conducted Deans and other opposition members said former Minister of Treasury and Intergovernmental Affairs had produced a regional plan based on solid criteria in 1969 but the plan had given way to the passage of time and pressure from East MPP Jim Snow Weal MPP George Kerr and Premier Bill Davis He was right We haven changed our minds We still feel McKcough was right in 1969 Deans said He chastized the government for accepting a simple res true luring along county lines In and Peel He attempted to prove a community of Interest between Hamilton and Burlington He indicated representation by population could have been accomplished easier and more effectively in a Hamilton region including Burlington and a separate Peel Region Deans argued Ihe Steele Commission had provided proof there should only be two regions between Toronto and Niagara The government encouraged people to spend money on reports and submissions over the past five or six years The people might as well have used ihe money for services in their areas Their lime and money was wasted he charged He charged Burlington had a snobbery upper class altitude and said they wanted lo go it alone for personal reasons He said Burlington wanted lo slay with not because or a community interest but because they wanted no part of helping rebuild Ihc core of Hamilton even though many Burlington people work shop and socialize in Ihe Deans said Burlington love for being in was rising because the some town ad begged for city status in order to get out of the county structure in the i960 s He said Ihc Burlington and Hamilton Wentworth areas should have one voice bo they could deal with common such as Burlington nV ihe and effluent from plants in the region If you had followed proposals you would have two viable regions and each would have had a chance to survive The decision on where Burlington would go was done behind closed doors instead of in public What you offer deserve to be colled regional government Dean argument won praise and support from Hamilton Mountain Conservative MPP John Smith Smith said Burlington wanted all the profit from Hamilton industry and wanted the benefits from the sweat and labor of Hamilton but neglected the social nihilities it should have assumed Don need it We don t need Burlington They need Hamilton and will regret this move We don t need them but we could have done a lot together Smith was determined that even if Burlington went wilh area should have been lumped wilh Hamilton I m disappointed my people arc disappointed but we go our separate ways Smith said George Kerr Jim Snow and Arthur Meen spoke in favor of the proposed legislation is parliamentary assistant John White Minister of Treasury and Intergovernmental Affairs Kerr said community lotion was continuing to swing away from Hamilton and cast He noted Burlington be serviced by Hamilton and suggested the town wis in drainage area Kerr siid Burlington would have been dominated entirely by Hamilton in a Hamilton Went worth Region He claimed the bid for city arose from what he fell was unfair representation it county council He predicted Region would be Ihe smoothest region in the province very little wasbeing changed He said here was to be less and suggested the people were happy and their happiness was reflected in the press editorials Speaking in support of the bill Jim Snow said export reports had been given full consideration and the bill was developed Ihe people for people Third and final reading of the hill is expected Friday Queen here two minutes The Queen will be in Acton June For at least two minutes Tint how long it estimated il will tike the Royal Train engine to pass from the south llmilslhroughtothewest pulling Queen ana press corps behind Time will lie bet ween t and a Thanks to I grade an 1 Her Majesty will he here even longer she might have been Speed limit for train isfift but haul up from will reduce that speed between mph Royal party will be on CN line en route ihe Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge There civic luncheon at 1inrion civic ceremony at SI drive Niagara on the Lake program at ort George and a special per of You Never Can Tell il the new Shaw festival Ihcatre II day with barely minutes I spnrt Food prices up Pood prices now considered to be notoriously high arc apt to increase further yet according Indicators s Agricultural Representative Henry Stanley told a meeting of county llors Wednesday Acton man designs flowers for Queens visit to Toronto If Queen Elizabeth pauses In her Royal York suite next week to sniff a rose will unknowingly- be admiring the work of Acton floral designer George Glenister Elmore He is chief designer for Greenwood Flower Shop GerrsrdSt E in Toronto which has been given the honor of designing the flowers for Her Ma visit to Toronto His work will include bouquets for Her Majesty s suite In the hotel rooms for GovernorGeneral Roland Michener Minister Trudeau Premier Davis the Queen ladies- inwaiting and staff Then there are all the flowers for the state banquet at the Royal York on Tuesday the bouquet In the Royal Train and ring her twoday stay in Toronto Mr Glenister has hundreds of blossoms ordered from various suppliers and they all know who the work is being done for He and Mrs Hazel Thompson of the shop will be extremely busy Sunday Monday and Tuesday next week None of their work can be done in advance George Glenister has been a floral designer for all his professional career and took his mining at a design school in Washington He has ideas in his mind what his finished creations will be like but he will not know for sure He and Mrs Thompson have been issued with passes which will permit them to enter the at be Royal York reserved for the royal party A couple of weeks ago he went through the newlydecorated Royal suite the other rooms of dignitaries and the banquet room to ascertain what colors would be best He has known since February that he would be doing the design work at the request of the Ontario government He has provided arrangements for official province affairs before He was asked to submit examples work before the Greenwood Flower Shop was chosen however His wife and daughter Heather share his interest and in this special commission for the Queen The family i lived in Acton for the past seven years He came from Toronto but his mother and her family now live in Mount Forest When he and Mrs Thompson arrive at the Royal York and containers in their truck they have rooms to decorate with flowers The Royal suite Is completely redecorated The color is gold which provides a wide choice in color schemes for Mr and the staff The living room in the royal suite will have a large posy bowl on the coffee table white daisies yellow roses miniature carnations sweet and And sweet peas if they re available An Lshaped bouquet on the hifi will Include glads carnations roses and onion plant Of course Mr points out changes are very likely as he goes along And he lladd lots of ivy and some fern as dictated his eye For the Queen own room he chose a cut crystal basket to fill with mixed blooms and colors with babys breath He understands Her Majesty is particularly fond of white His only specific instruction is not to include candles Prince Philip room will havered and blue carnations in a wrought iron boat For the dining room his breakfast arrangement will be small likely of yellow sweetheart roses and babys breath bul the later meal in their suite for 30 or so will find two larger centrepieces on the tables likely in yellow and purples He understands there is only to be one bowl placed in the Royal Train and he thinks this will be Orange Delight roses He will be doing presentation bouquets but does not know yet what color dresses her Majesty will be wearing Ac ton tana will perhaps be able to see some of his fine floral productions when the stale dinner at the Royal York on Tuesday is televised For the head tables be and Mrs Thompson will prepare three low centrepieces each five feet long Into the oasis they II put yellow snapdragons and cornflowers plus whatever he feels is right after looking over his stock He be using lots of orange lilies domestic Queen Anns lace and Bells Of Ireland For the 150 table centres required he thinks white and yellow daisies and sweet william plus His years of experience ensure he feels no anxiety over this monumental threeday task Il s a once- In- a lifetime order George Glenister Dragway must close on time or lose license Coxe Exasperated by late phone calls of complaint township reeve and deputy told the manager of the Toronto International Monday they would revoke the track license if the track t conform to the by law The Is located on the Fifth Line three east of Acton Council received three letters of com plaint about the alleging the operation carried on post the dead line set by the township bylaw and the reeve and deputy said they were inundated with phone calls complaining about the alleged violation Mr Pratt appeared before council Monday explaining there had been an electrical failure at the track which had delayed events He said he had tried to get the program rolling as fast as possible but feel they had gone long past the dead line His explanations cut no ice wilh deputy reeve Len or the reeve Tom Hill Mr Coxe said he should remember there were more people in the area than those at the and he should be fair with as council had been fair with him in granting a permit The deputy reeve said he didn feel people in the area of the would complain unduly if there were occasional five or minute overruns but an hour and an halt was going too far Mr Pratt said he tried to finish the program In lime but asked council if that meant he would have to tell people they had lo close before It was Yep the reeve answered curtly And send them all to you Send em all down answered the deputy reeve We must support the by law He suggested Mr Pratt consider starling earlier in order to avoid late finishes It is up to to run it in the proper time he declared The reeve unfolded a letter from Taylor a nearby resident who said the last race had finished at 11 19 on the night in question Mr Proit wondered where all the people who complained were when they finished up an hour and an before the deadline on some occasions He also wondered how many of the complaints were valid He singled out a letter from Charles of R 1 Georgelown which claimed the was contravening racing by law by operating on Thursday June instead of the usual Wednesday Mr Pratt pointed out the by law did not specify racing on Wednesday only but allowed operation from Monday to Thurs day for one night until 10 30 and on Friday or Saturday evening until 11 30 When council agreed the letter was in error he asked how many more of the complaints were legitimate The reeve said there was no doubt the dragway had gone beyond the limit on the night in question and he thought they should turn out the lights and close the gates at the proper lime There is no reason we or anyone else should be blasted on the phone by residents living near Ihe he growled Somebody ergo said Mr Coxe He laid Mr Prall that if the operation didn I conform he personally would do all tie could have the license revoked Mr Pratt said there had also been complications on the night in question Professional drivers were there and they were under contract to make three runs Any less would have been shortchanging the large crowd he felt The reeve suggested in future he should announce the track had to close over the loudspeaker to avoid being charged Mr nodded Listening to that raucous loudspeaker at is late enough any night he said Aren t you being a little harsh Mr Coxe asked Mr It is the first time you had a real hassle and you have had complaints that I valid We ve had lots thai were too replied ihe deputy The reeve concluded the sometimes healed discussion by telling Mr rules have been set down and they have to be adhered to

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