Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1973, p. 7

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Personals The high school Outers Club members are away on a camping trip this week Major and Mm M Sinclair Gin and Ian of Ottawa visited at the home of Mr and Mrs two nights at the home the leader parents Mr and Mr Clarence Mrs Robert Taylor the Cornier Janet Rognvaldson left her daughter Michelle with her grandparents when the group went on to Stratford They Taming of the Shrew Saturday were Sunday and shopping Monday before returning Tueaday to Elliott Lake They made the trip in a van and station wagon camping two night at Stratford Mrs Alex Blue Springs Road had as visitors recently her son Donald of Vancouver and Oliver C and her daughter Catherine with her husband Fred Parsons of and their son Donald professor in the University of Illinois in Urban III Clark Parsons is visiting In Bombay India with a fellow student of Toronto University who is being married in Bombay and having Clark as best man Clark will visit In Paris on his way home win nun on a three month conducted tour of Mexico Spending Saturday with Mr ana Mrs Gordon at their home were Mr and Mrs BUI of Mrs Bruce Simpson Christine Jacqueline and Dick Kitchener Mr and Mrs Dickson Bailey and Danny Hamilton Mr and Mrs Guay Trenton and Mrs Harold Bailey Toronto Mr and Mrs Ellis Cambridge Mr and Mrs Joe Raetsen and Louise Mr Mrs Clarence with Jack and family Acton Mr and Mrs Hilt Elliott and Mr and Mrs Harold Elliott were in Comber last week for the funeral of an aunt Mr and Mrs Walter of Listowel spent the weekend with their families here Mr end Mrs Henry arc back again after a trip to Montreal where they visited his mother and other relatives Visiting with Mr and Mrs Maurice and family Dr one day last week were her sisterinlaw Mrs Ron Ashley baby son from Cathy Poplllon is home again after a Seneca College trip to Europe for a group about which took in Paris Rome Florence Milan Venice Brussels Amsterdam Munich Innsbruck Copenhagen and London She enters her second year in ash ion Retailing this fall and was awarded a bursary for the trip She had a surprise meeting in Brussels with Bab Krul and Rick who recognized her on the street They arc expecting to be away about a year travelling All retiring employees of county board of education were guests of honor at a dinner held by the board last Thursday at the Burlington Golf and Country club The group of about included retiring principals teachers business managers secretaries and custodians and assistant superintendent Don Thomas known at the schools here The two Acton public school principals were included and it was Elmer Smith who spoke on behalf of he entire of retiring people Others Acton were Walter Dubois and Vivian Smith from the M Z Bennett school Director of education Em Lavender and board chairman Bill also spoke Acton board member Tom Watson reports all were very impressed by Mr Smith astute and timely words Acton Press Wadnaiday Jung 1973 Oldest member Mrs 92 On a beautiful Juno day and gathering around members of the Afternoon tier had a group photo taken Auxiliary MS of Knox church vcnra M met at the homo of Mrs Gordon Is living with her daughter Johnston EU13 Acton for the Mrs annual meeting of associate Mrs Johnston is also a members convened by Mrs and Mrs Change hour At meeting of the Trinity United Church Board on Sunday night there was considerable discussion about the hour of service Many people have ob jected to the early hour of 10 a m agreed that when Trinity Its regular services MEMBERS OF THE Afternoon Auxiliary W MS of Knox church spent a pleasant afternoon with their oldest H who is years of age Their meeting Friday was at the home of her daughter Mrs Gordon Johnston Front row I to r are Mrs H Malnprize Miss I Anderson Mrs G Sprowl Mrs H Sayers Miss R Clark Mrs A Buchanan Mrs A J Murray Mrs A M MacPherson Back row I to r are Mrs A Mrs W Mclntyre Mrs J Dennis Mrs McCutcheon Mrs A Near Mrs G Johnson Mrs Bruce Mrs C Hansen Mrs R Algie Mrs 0 Moran Mrs H Allison Miss Roszell Mrs Ruby Hansen Picnic ends Adams Flinders wedding I nursery Hansen Isabel Anderson presiding The of worship was by Mrs Hansen and Mrs Mainprise with Miss Bella Mnyc Howell contributing solo Amazing Grace Hole of women Mrs presented a Interesting mission study showing the change In the pattern mission work In field after the Joint summer services in India ami the Important role of with Knox the service would be women in the church there today at a m The effective date for From the book God Speaks the change will be September 9 men Today by Price Show Increases Miss Anderson read a portion An Interim report was received dealing with Mary and Martha from Stan Lancaster director of and showing how the two sisters the financial campaign The though different as day canvas is only one third com night were accepted in that way but returns show an In 1 crease over last year s Divings During the period all Mr Lancaster will be back in njoyed visiting with heir September to arrange for the loved oldest member Mrs winding up of tho visitation Bad weather sends UCW picnickers inside The annual picnic of unit of the was held at the Shields farm but due to the in clement weather the 19 members were forced to meet in the home for the social afternoon Mrs Force had charge of the meeting in the absence of president Mrs Mrs Wilderspin had of the devotional and Mrs Veldhuis read Scripture Mrs Wilderspin gave a reading on the need for peace throughout the v arid today and ended with the origin of an old hymn Would You Forget to Pray Mrs Shoemaker gave ncr report for the sick and shut Ins A small amount of business was taken care of There were 19 house calls and nine hospital calls In the month Contests en Mrs E Lambert took over with some contests One what do you know about telephone dial waswonbyMrs Helen Little and Mrs Reed Given the task of finding how many words could be made from United Church Women winners were Mrs Reed Mrs Shoemaker and Mrs Pickett A delicious pot luck lunch was enjoyed by all Mrs Shields was thanked for her home and hospitality On July 10 members are invited to Mrs Frank Freeman home for another afternoon outing Cancer Society new executive Dawson officiated at wedding ceremony Saturday May at The bride daughter of Mr and Mrs George Flinders Acton is a graduate of York University with her A degree and Teachers College The groom son of Mr and Mrs Hugh Adams of Toronto is a graduate of University of Toronto with a A E degree and the Ontario College of Education The bride wore a long white gown with blue trim leg mutton sleeves and accordion pleated skirt She carried white carnations with orange can can roses and baby breath Attendants Moid of honor was Nancy of Oshawa bridesmaids Toronto Thompson sister of the bride and Cathy Adams sister of the groom with Junior bridesmaids Ten and Jenny Hinders sisters of the bride George Flinders escorted his daughter down the aisle William was groomsman and the ushers were Lothar Moier John and Gary Adams Mrs Frank Oakes played the organ Including Beethoven s Ode to Joy and the Theme from Romeo and Juliet Reception Dinner and an evening reception followed at the Music Centre Among the guests Were Lynn Scott aunt of trie bride who flew from Winnipeg and Don Munro uncle of the groom who came SfeiK SUSANNE FLINDERS and George Adams were from Vancouver to join the married in St Albans church and are living in West wedding party Toronto Stuckey The honeymoon trip wos to Ottawa Montreal and Kingston and the bride left wearing a pale blue pant suit with yellow stripe and yellow roses The couple arc living in West Toronto and open house was held at their new home on Sunday June The Nursery for Physically and Mentally Han dieapped Children sponsored by Ihc Association the Mentally Retarded wound up very successful second year with a picnic at Acton Park on Thursday June There a Rood turn out of mothers brothers and sisters volunteers and their children with a of 22 children and adults enjoying he sunnv day The somewhat cool breeze died down about noon enabling thi children to go paddling In the lake while the adults sunbathed McKcnzIe mother of pupil Margaret Ann treated everyone to ice cream cones and before leuvlnH favors were distributed to all the children compliments of Charles Baker grandfather of another student 1 isa Kcnn A good time was had by all Special Sale FINE QUALITY Bras Girdles Slips UP TO Among the pioneer names still found In the village of Camp bcllvllle are Garrett Flaky McLaren Black Mahon and 50 Cameo Shoppe 25 MILL ST ACTON Acton and District Division of The Canadian Cancer Society held an executive meeting at the home of Mrs Dave Sale on Thursday June and elected a new executive to begin the term of office in September President J Beatty vice- president Mrs Arblc secretary Mrs D Sale treasurer May Dyriw Service to Patients chairman Mrs I McGillivray Service to Patients cochairman Mrs W Coats Service to Patients Activity Group chairman Miss MaryPapUkn medical advisors Acton Medical Group campaign chairman Mrs G Usher education publicity chairman Mrs D Patterson education publicity assistant Mrs M Cohen In Memoriam Funds Chairman Miss Alma saceesa To date campaign year has brought in the amount of I WTO were expressed Plan Centennial Decoration Day A special centennial Decoration Day parade and service will be planned In January The Decoration Day committee met Wednesday evening of last week in the library to hear reports on thb year event Eight service organizations were represented It was agreed to contact church groups to add to those who responded so generously to the needs and increased their giUngs to assist in this cause and to the can Main purpose of the meeting was to discuss plans for the Fall Fair at which they will have a booth again with displays from the Activity Group the Service To Patients Group and the Education and Publicity literature There is a never ending need Tor volunteer drivers and there will be an opportunity for people to offer vour services to this end as well as become invoked in any of the other areas of the Cancer Society that may be of interest The booth will be manned with people who will answer questions or give further information on any many facets of this very active group Rev Nitholwn ordained inducted Rev William Nicholson wos ordained Into the Presbyterian ministry and inducted into his first charge Knox Presbyterian Church in Grand Valley His wife is the former Vivian Smith of Acton and they have a young son William Jr Mr Nicholson is the son of Mrs William Nicholson Guelph and the late Rev William Nicholson He graduated in May with honors from Knox College in Toronto with his degree of Master of Divinity His sister Mrs Frank McKellar Guelph played the organ for the service and Rev Forbes Thomson of St Andrews Guelph gave a tribute to Mr Nicholson and his late father A reception was held afterward when flowers were presented to Mrs Nicholson Many friends attended Wedding Photography BY Wm Stuckey Phone Acton 8532269 place Januar another meeting In January when plans will begin Officers or Decoration Day were president Edgar Blanc and treasurer David Hunter The secretary will be elected in January SIMMER SPECIALS SUPER BULBS Mar wan Nyleu FLOOR RUG SKBMT Black a mm DATED FILM tar Camara ate 267 Store Peoples Place ACTON DAY CARE CENTRE Sponsored by the Opportunity For Youth FOR CHILDREN 4 YEARS AND UNDER TO BE HELD AT Acton YMCA Mill St E July 3 1973 to August 31 1973 during the hours of am to 6 pm DAY CARE FEE per daj Mod to Minimum Days Per Week Transportation Not Provided Please complete the following application and mail to Acton A If further information is required contact the Acton Y C A

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