Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1973, p. 1

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Ninety Eighth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JUNE Sixteen Pages Fifteen Cents Accept tender to resurface streets Council has accepted the tender of Warren Bituli thic for the resurfacing of town streets in the amount of The bid was the lowest of six submitted Other bids included Armstrong Brothers of Brampton Capital Paving of Guelph of Mil ton Graham Brothers of Brampton168274 and Paving of Burlington 190594 Public works committee chairman Councillor Earl said approximately percent of the towns streets will be included in the program Some will receive major treatment others minor he said Elizabeth and Church St are being done under separate contracts Engineer Notenboom said resurfacing could begin in three weeks time Council has postponed the proposed Church St rebuilding until 1974 Council also authorized R V Anderson Associates to accept invitation bids on storm sewer work for Acton Boulevard Firefighters Rotarians entertain on the weekend Photo by Gibbons ADDING TO their already impressive list of athletic accomplishments at the school this year Robert Little students won the North Halton junior track and field championship recently Four outstanding members of the Robert Little junior team with their trophy are front 1 to r Mike NIcholls and Steve TremiUs Standing 1 to r Roseanne Nicholls and Mickey Phillips Coach Mrs Andress stands behind Four wards for North The borough of North wfll be mode up of four wards it was decided at a Joint meeting of Acton Georgetown and The Dominion Day holiday in Acton will end with a big bang this year as firefighters stage their annual fireworks display at Prospect Park Monday July It starts Sunday with a Rotary chicken barbecue guaranteed to be finger lick in good The firefighters have arranged to have Acton Citizens Band play beginning at and the fireworks will start at dark They are requesting spectators to bring their own camp chairs because seating Is limited In the event of rain the firogram will be held on the day Tuesday July Acton are starting the weekend festivities off on Sunday July with the chicken barbecue in the park The idea is to allow residents lo get together in a casual and enjoyable manner and appreciate each other as v ell as raising funds The arc planning three community feeds in the next 12 months which the chicken barbecue will initiate Next one is a fowl supper October and the third Is a spaghetti pizza feed in the late Spring of 1971 The club is using the theme Dine with Rotary to bring people together over dinner plates Profits will be turned Back into the community for community work They hope to rekindle some of that old lime community spirit A new game Name the town What do you think the new municipality of North should be called Free Press readers have the opportunity to become involved in naming the new town composed of Acton and Georgetown merely by filling in their suggestion and name in the coupon below and sending it to the Acton Free Press Willow St Acton A joint meeting of the councils of the three mumci pahties decided Monday night that people in the area should have the opportunity to pick something accept able and they have asked the cooperation of the Free Press in soliciting suggestions All the suggestions will be turned over to Mayor and he will see they are presented to the committee selected to pick the name and are published The mayor said this gave the opportunity to people here to become involved in the regional government deci sions and enable them to pick a name that would be acceptable and reflect the area Just fill out the coupon below My suggestions for the name of the new North Halton town are Centennial committees named for council Bill Smith will run for mayor Want negatives slides of big day Hie committee In charge of Principals Recognition Day Is to procure any picture which might have been taken during daylong events on Saturday May They d like to borrow negatives or tilde and have them printed expense They will be returned In the shape they arc loaned IT Interested tend them to Box MS Further enquires may go to Ssnford councils Monday night Ward will consist of the town of Acton with three reprc sen lives on the area council one of them to sit on the regional council Ward will consist of the lown shipof as it exists with Ihe same representation system as Acton The town of Georgetown will be divided into Wards 3 and 4 Each of the wards will have three representatives on the area council one of them lo sit on the regional council as well Mayor Us who favored Reeve Pat lost their voles the meeting the adopted system which was proposed by Council would be quite suitable for the first three years Preparations for Acton centennial continued in Actons Council Chambers with the an of members of the Project and Program Com mittces by former Clerk Joe Hurst Mr Hurst was selected by council to produce a list of names of those interested in serving on Ihe committees from a list provided by council Members of the project com mittee Include Stella Bruncile Lou Bonnet te Councillor Barry Inscoc Jim James and Ted Tyler Jr Members of ihe Programs committee named are Jessie Coles Bruce Andrews Gary Dawkins John Goy and George Williams There arc many people who would be quite willing and happy lo work on the centennial com who have not been con said Mr Hurst with regret He stated there was no way he could contact everyone In Acton regarding their interest in Ihe committee It Is expected there will be many areas where people willing to help could get involved par ticularly on the publicity financial legal and history com committees He expects there may be up lo to people in He noted It would be wise to solved in centennial plans have Ihe support of other people Mr Hurst advised council with experience and facilities for Ihe mayor open the committees some of Ihe work in cose they first meeting and that council be may be needed to help one of the present lo give complete support Car slams into tree Milton man killed A Milton area man died and two of his brothers were injured Monday evening about 10 p m when the car in which they were riding struck a tree on Highway north of Slderoad about Ihree miles south of Acton The dead man is Ovila Cassivl 51 of Ft Milton He was a passenger in the 1064 Pont lac driven by his brother also of BR Milton Another brother suffered a pelvic injury while the driver suffered injuries to his chest Milton O P P Constable John Hicks investigating officer said the car was southbound on Highway The driver said he swerved to avoid hitting on on the road and In the process lost control of the car It slammed broadside into a tree on the east side of the road bashing In the passenger side where sat It was the second fatality for the Milton based O in Ihe past week An IB year old Campbellvillc Randy was killed on his motorcycle in a head on There arc strong Indications hat Georgetown mayor Bill Smilh will throw his hat into the North mayoralty ring Mayor Smilh has told close associates he will run for Ihe mayor Job of the new municipality but declines to give a positive commitment to the Free Press I his week Reeve Tom Hill of and Georgetown councillor Bill Hunter were the first to announce their intentions Reeve Rick Morrow of George town is another possibility Tor the mayor post but he has not committed himself as yet Fill vacancy on Planning Board Wayne Campbell Nelson Ct will fill the vacancy on Ac Ion Planning Board created by the resignation of Dave Acton council decided Tuesday night Mr Muckle is moving to Signed bend to the Acton Free Press 59 Willow St Acton taxes down Nassagaweya Township residents will be paying slightly less than last year in taxes following approval last week of township 1973 budget Taxpayers in the Milton and Acton fire areas will be paying ferent rates this year with those In Acton slightly higher Last year both areas were billed on the same 1 mill rata This year Acton Fire Area rate will be2 and the Milton rale 1 reflecting surplus and deficit positions in last year common rate levy One of the major expenditures In the township budget apart from education is roads which has been decreased this year This years rood expenditures were based on of This year the levy will raise which has decreased the mill rate for roads from 12421 to 11037 Elementary public school costs to the township and secondary school costs arc Payments to the separate schools at the elementary level in and Wellington 537 Expenditures in the Eden Mills police village included in the budget ore 100 and in Campbellvilfe The county expenditure In the budget Is down slightly from last year and township expenditures other than roods are Alternative power corridors all in this area Three alternate routes for the foot Ontario Hydro KV transmission corridor unveiled for the press at Queens Park Tuesday bisect this area like a huge spider web on its way from Pickering to Middle- port Only one of the three alternate routes will be chosen however but a northsouth 230 KV corridor connecting to the Bruce generating station on Lake Huron seems to be definite for the district surrounding Acton A large substation composed of a forest of trans formers will be located near either Ballinafad or west of Corners between Rock wood and Acton The shortest alternate route devised by Bruce Hewlett Inc follows a line below Milton but the high cost of land in the golden horseshoe could rule the route out The power corridor originally submissions The commission proposed to pen through the engaged Bruce Howie an end of Peel County and then independent firm of straight line through the mental consultants to pick alter- end of Erin and township before going off on a would take routes least harmful tangent in Public to the environment concern over damage to the More meetings followed at environment led by the Coalition various points along the of Concerned Cithern resulted in projected path of the corridor the provincial government which Ontario Hydro la appointing the Solandt Com- needed to meet increasing to study the matter te demands for electric power In June 1BT2 southern Ontario A one man commission was issued and maps and staffed by tnbuted for interested people to Onnood Solandt decided further mark features inventoried and mapped and then analyzed to come up with alternative routes for the corridor which Hydro says can follow any path provided the line Joins to Pickering and allows for three connecting lines from the north New meetings Now another series of meetings is planned to pick the best route for the corridor from the three selected as having the minimum environmental Impact One meeting Is to be held at Acton high school on July Costs on the various routes are not yet available but Mr Hewlett expects Ontario Hydro will soon have the figures He said his firm biggest problem in mapping alternate routes was in crossing the Niagara Escarp ment St No 11 Special studies were necessary to determine the route where the tall towers would show the least A tower design committee has decided double circuit towers are preferred along the chosen route over the conventional lattice structures that now dot the Ontario countryside Best rate Mr Hewlett explained that In theory the best route would be the shortest distance have the least number of lines in the corridor the fewest substations least impact on the environment and the highest public acceptance Questioned about the feasibility of the shortest route being the one most favored Mr Hewlett said Hydro would also have to consider costs and the most southerly alternative would run through some of the highest priced land in Ontario This could rule it out Pee Counties and parts of Wellington have the strongest feelings about the possible impact of the hydro line Sixty per cent of me firm those areas Responses to the questionnaire showed a strong consensus that the route should if possible follow existing corridors that there should be only one route and that It should run parallel to hallways Another alternate route proposed by the firm was deleted because it could create an emergency situation with all the lines In one Is a general description of the alternate routes and substation locations as revealed at Tuesday s meeting at Queens Park SYSTEM This most southerly system requires three new substations ConUnaed Page THE PUBLIC WILL BE ASKED to select one of the alternate routes shown on this map prepared by Bruce environmental study for Hie 500 hydro power corridor from Mlddleport south of Hamilton to Pickering The alternate routes were unveiled Tuesday after months or preparation by the firm Routes were prepared so they would have the least environmental impact

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