Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1973, p. 12

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday June it Spain or bunt WORKING with an Opportunities for Youth grant a group of Acton stu dents have organised a program for the recycling of paper and glass Following the garbage truck last week they collected newspapers and in front of Acton homes are Cathy Ashley Heather Connack John Corie Maxwell in cab and Sean Aherne Absent was Glen McKenne Photo by Pink Recycling group starts collections last week Five former Won students begin wort on their Opportun ity for South grant last week foUowroe the town garbage truck collecting paper and delivering it to be recy Involved Acton High School graduate Com Marwell CaUij Astdei Heather Sean John and under graduate Wen McKenoe who rat last week on a North era Ontario canoe trip with the Hah School Outers The reev are asking Acton residents to package waste paper and glass and leave it with their garbage on collection days Thej distributed leaflets houseto house last Wednesday informing residents they will be alternating between glass and paper They are picking up any type of newspaper mag trine or card- board but ask that it be bundled from other garbage Glass including bottles jars and sheet glass broken or not will be collected every second week if it is packaged Residents hung in the area south of Mill St and the eastern end of Highway are asked to leave material for rec cling out mornings Those north of are asked to leave it out Thurs days The group decided to ask rest dents to leate refuse paper and glass with their garbage rather than call at the home to collect it because they felt it would be more convenient to both them and the householder Days the group is not collecting will either be spent sorting debris in the shed they have rented from Mr and Mrs Bob Woodbum of Crewsons Coram be devoted to delivering material to rec cling plants Glass goes to Dominion Glass in Brampton and paper to in Guelph Working with a grant of the graduates will be receiving a week Glen an ate will be making Money raised from the sale of recyclable material will pay expenses Presently the group is using a half ion pickup truck belonging to the Maxwell family High School principal David has offered them the use of another truck if they need it The recyclers will be working 11 weeks this summer and have hopes the program they are starting now will be carried on after the summer by the pallty First results last week were encouraging and they hope resi dents will soon get the pattern of pickups RECIPIENT or the Cub of the Year award at a familyCubScout wiener roast in Prospect Park Monday night was Dale Anderson Scoutmaster Forbes Coles presented a personal trophy and displayed the permanent scout hall plaque Dales efforts were judged best Guides hold banquet students visit falls overall in the 1st Acton company by the scoutmasters for the year He is also one of the few Acton scouts to ever have been awarded the Religion n Life badge presented by Rev airy Dawson Monday night Photo by Pink Guides held their mother and daughter banquet with adults and girls attending in Lime- house Memorial Hall Monday evening Mothers provided salads and guides the meats and desserts Sherry WeatheraU said grace and Majuery ex tended thanks to the mothers for their help Mrs Walters and Wanda Cujp are club leaders After dinner McGueen of the Georgetown police force spoke on drugs their effects on different enforcement question and answer period followed Mrs Carmen Mattby spent thi relatives and fa recently Pit of teachers and a number of mothers enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara Falls the canal ana locks and the marine game farm The congregational picnic at Presbyterian Church Sunday was wellattended Rev Peter Barrow spoke to the folks in Sunday sermon attended by 13 cubs and their three leaders Following a request by Steve Thompson Mr Barrow dedicated and presented the two nags to the Lunehouse cubs at the close of the service Mr and Mrs A C Patterson visited Mr and Mrs Charles Sin clair in Wetland and their niece and husband at Buffalo for a couple of days last week public school pupils defeat a team of teachers in a baseball game at the school Thursday CARPET from and Armstrong Vinyl Corlon and Assorted Floor Tiles have our own flooring division on stall Lakeview Centre I ACTON I no More travelling snarls end happy school trip to Spain Hello again I wnek you II find us In our laM day In Spain naturally on the coast soaking up nil that glorious Here was our paradise for Iho day Kverylhlnn was available to the ocean and all day to 1am around Our morning found us up bright and early ready In make best uao of our final day From one end of to other we explored the various shops and stores sear chlng for special little somethings on keepsakes of our journey Swimming In pool was a speciality for that day Tourlil Bui Boon ho day coma to a close Good things have to come to a close Evening was falling upon us and wo were to attend a in the mountains supposedly a tourist attraction As wo drove through Torremcllnos Into Ihc mountains the bright lights led us onto our expedition Previously we were given the impression that this was to bo a quiet affair with only our group present But when we arrived we were confronted with a mass of people What a shock I Here were tourists of oil ages young and old Wine could be sampled and music listened to from strolling troubadors Soon we were called to dinner in the huge hall where the many groups sat at their assigned tables Dancing After bowl tub of salads and of wine we were Invited to dance But we found this compartment too small to do any type of dancing So the real of nlglit found a fowofus walling for The lost in rilurn Once on Iho bus wo thankfully driven homo As wo crawled into bed homo was around the corner Hut knew that I had spoken loo soon cause wo arrive homo on Sunday Heady to sail Sunday round us pulling out of our rooms luggauo In hand Once wo were down In Ihe lobby Idit mlniilo postcards were molted and pictures taken Just think we were on our way homo hopefully With our luggage packed wo were driven to Malogo airport Hero wo found that our group was spill and two airplanes wcro needed to cart other passengers that mingled Into our group After a two hour delay we were ready to take off It was a beautiful day for flying Tar below the mountains ana tiny narrow roads could be seen Another wait Soon we wcro at the airport In Madrid This Is when we found that the second plane had not yet arrived and was anxiously awaiting for two hours Jose our first guide met us at the airport but after we had gotten our tickets and passed wrought the gate he could go no further From here we were taken to the awaiting bus and lo the plane where we found that the passengers were becoming very anxious Finally once In the plane wc were seated and also hud to wail for our second group which arrived a couple of minutes after us High in sky Again we were high in sky ready enjoy dinner and await our movie What up Doc before passed away hours talking playing cards or listening to music The six hours flow by In no time Boon fasten your seal bell and no smoking signs were as we were flying over Montreal Too lift I room But lo our astonishment we found out hat our plane to Toronto was just ready to leave and had room for only passengers What luck I Could mean another stay in Skyline Hotel Luckily for us It did MUr all this watting we could not possibly climb into another plane were ab solutely exhausted Because there was only enough room for these few people this meant that teachers were Just to cave and those students wanting to Those who wished to remain behind could do so and spend the night In Montreal So this Is what did After a restful nights sleep we were again driven to the airport to catch our plane to Toronto Once In the air the sun came shining through A hearty breakfast was served by very lovely stewar a miliar face Soon the calf hat we were approaching Toronto was heard Once down on the ground we knew that we were home a familiar face at last the bus driver After saying goodbyes to all our new made friends the awaiting bus was a welcome sight home at lost After many exciting hours a bed was most welcoming sure that many hours of sleep were caught up when we arrived curdy like thank all our adopted parents for htr wonderful kindness especially Mr If tack Without Is support we I gone Three attend competition Churchill ltd attended the Ontario Aberdeen Angus showmanship final companion at near Lindsay Son- day Carol and Tom Cope land of Terra represented Central Ontario Angus Club and competed in a class of for Ontario championship Carol was tnp girl and claw fourth In Ihe overall Ontario showmanship for the Aberdeen Angus CANADIANS OS MOVE Consumers Association of Canada advises travellers to avoid drinking water and Iced drinks par tlcularly in tropical countries Salads impeded fruit and other uncooked foods are also suspect national headquarters is located at 100 Gloucester Street Ottawa A newsprint mill built in 1819 In Nova Scotia made paper from rags First aid safety topic The A in Urn intfttrnt talk I mi rips sod JunUif Plans an- being wad for vurttAT jfllvllka purl and titit day A card an Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs If Adon V rtt I inch by Thr pruei damaged twenty six million acres forests In TV FACTS GIVE UP ON TOUR OLD RADIO Bring It to Country V Centra tor an expert economical repair Country Centre Outers canoe portage six days in Killarney by Dave Pink Six days in the wilderness came to an end Monday morning with the return of Acton High ScbmM Outers Club three and a wlfeirom a canoe trip In Klliamey Provincial Park Preparations for the trip were mode well in advance of the groups departure last Sunday morning Club advisers Paul Wally Rowley and Bill Coats laid out the routes each of their three groups would follow Don John McHugh Ted Lome McGregor Bruce Swift Glen McKeniic Steve Brunei Lena Cathy Bon Moore science teacher Rowley and his wife Bcv formed the largest group on the trek They covered an estimated 60 miles In their canoes and portages across land Also covering about sixty miles was a group including Pete Arblc David Cann Danny La Marsh Shirley Mason Jim Tolton Steve Buchanan Teresa Steel and science teacher Paul Tamblyn A third group composed of Carol McKenile Marg Slingerland John Gorjup John Vos Chuck Paul Mike Degen and math teacher Bill Coats covered miles after deciding a short cut was necessary to make up for lost lime Plan laid The original plan called for each club to travel a prescribed distance and rendezvous with the other groups the fourth night The Coats group was on time after discarding their planned route The others were a day late Organizers admit they overestimated themselves ana will take their experiences Into account next time Tamblyn Mr Rowley and Mr Coats had planned this trip to be more than a six day vacation They were anxious to see how a group of would measure up lo a new experience The whole outers program Is based on the Idea that kids arc not challenged spoke Dr They live In a soft worldand sometimes have a very low opinion of themselves when in fact their potential Is more than they realize This type of thing shows them how much they can do and gives an Idea or thejr potential he said Opens horizons Mr Rowley added that a trip like this is part of Canadian heritage and tradition and that It may have opened a lot of horizons for those who went Eighteen students took this opportunity to solo or spend hours alone in the bush Advisers noted thai living In such close quarters each other made students hard pressed to get along with each other They were pleased to report members of the club were able to overcome social problems and groups became very tightly knit Speaking of the students Mr Rowley said they showed tremendous determination and cooperation encountered on the trip wos average with insects proving to be less of a problem than had been expected said the scenery was spectacular and would encourage Other people to take a trip like Mr Rowley as a very deep blue and clean looking Provide canoes Canoes were provided by Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Miller Mr and Mrs A Gibson Hugh Mike Pete Arbic and teachers themselves In September the Outers had members but numbers dwindled until there were only making the canoe trip Activities this included hiking the Bruce Trail Orienteering and Initiative Tests as well as the Killarney canoe trip There will be an extra Outers program next year but it will be very close to Tamblyn Grade Environmental Science Class Activities will Include rock climbing on the escarpment a program of winter camping and a canoe trip Sixgood reasons why you should side with VINYL SIDING Ada beauty a your homo lhal la Gel inside story on a new outside for your house BOB Acton KELLYS MOVING SALE I Mini Bikes 100 ex Trail Great savings on all to present stock before we move to premises June 3 Research Rd Brampton reduce larger We dont have any models tike this in stock Come in today and see what we do have Mustang 2 Door Hdtop Medium Groan In color Ve auto PS P B radio WW tires and discs One owner For that sporty look try this one 69 le Sabre a Dnr Hdtp uto PS B radio W and ditch 69 Salelhte Door a auto console and bucket seats PS radio green matching Interior A local oneowner car Lie 68 Rambler Ambassador Door Hdtp Auto PS radio WW and Discs Turquoise In color Lie DRRW7

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