Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1973, p. 6

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Honest men needed in government EXCEPT FOR THE JUG MILK sign this scene could altered in years although it has always been kept In good almost be a picture from the past Taken Jennifer condition It is situated at the four corners where Barr who happened the store at the same Esquesing blends into Erin township The store owned tune as and Rock two ponies by the Shorull family is on the side of the owned Herbert Fisher and Albert were boundary tethered The store appearance When I and and lifo forever Iwed ire IvopJe so much death a reevmi his pap be flip the jiunt3ndrftdlhnUimv the taller a rousn or ty father had with or he Ira He nvaU dead person had lived bed dome and wnc inline m be tethered latenog of cows loo bustling ansad Bat she ended la and or com on a lhat 1 old and not quite can understand ll wast I a on part It an in and aamcoi ihcfact that dcalh comes for Ihc archbishop Hi knew his generation I an not about to start reading but did read three latch a of personal loss though 1 dtdn I knoii if lb three ratted if llut word Joe Brown Th name means to Hut it recalled or afternoon at the almcsi out seal from laughing the amies of this jreat clown She was never much of actress but was when tlxrt creatures I in up of the western world before all fold dreamed Bill Smiley Fell half in love with her wrtcnlsauherfirsl movie She contrived to Brawn was an old man But Lake were in their fifties forgotten the world but not doddering Each had a distinguishing special Joe Brown had a mouth about the size of half a watermelon had legs that inspired innocent sort of at a time when an exposed navel would have been just long blonde hair one Half the girls town went around half blind to her hairdo feelings of nostalgia were brought to a focus wife and I were at the beach She was flat out turning black under the sun is is her wont was sitting up like a gentleman tn a chair covered but still turning red in exposed Near us on I hi sand was a couple with a little bov bad Ik was bulging the Ilk out of them sand in their faces throwing hot dry bodies running to be felched demanding that he ih things at once But he was wife watched then asked call Mould like thought careful for 12 or seconds No I meant it When I look mj flat I d liktlobe20 10cars jounger Whin seed wart is throbbing and niv bursitis shoulder is burning tiki acid 1 like to be years But when I think of the and the or starling alt over again raising those kids speaks Days at Ihe beach sure But though watching them like hawks the sudden disappearance of one and frenucd running up and down searching until the child was found ploying a ft tram water Summer nights in a small town yes Until a fouryearold at bedtime and the frantic running around the block calling wildly knowing there was a deep ditchfull of water and Ihetr garage when little miss was discovered watching TV net l door Nope 1 think I can even sacrifice Santa parades and riding with tots on the ferns wheel at the midway No I don want to be young again It too hard on a chap I saving what left for mv grandchildren We II walk on the beach and in Ihe woods And I answer from my of ignorance all those impossible questions kids ask and when 1 stuck I II say Go and ask your grannie Death where is thy sting Grave where is thy victory It great to be getting old Well anyway older Back Issues of The Free Press the Department a all vehicles Acton at No for days last week figure- the exit for proposed Toronto to Windsor The survey a made at the outskirts I The new would cross N Acton and Milton Tenia tut dales for frequcnev Man Acton and district art the and third of There are BSD domestic customers and com users lo be affected the to power here The if equipment was completed this week for he frdiral election August were officially nominated at Milton on Monday They are Stan Allen Bennett and Liberal need at Ottawa because there no place in the whole of Canada thai neetts a housecleaning so as the House of Commons said the Hon George Drew national leader of the partv when he addressed an enthusiastic audienci of it the Brant A crowd of or more turned out Wednesday evening to welcome the Hon Walter llama minister of Immigration and to hear Libera candidate Acton There was a garden party program and the band Fifty years of married life have been spent in Acton by Mr and Mrs James Wilds Many friends and relatives attended Albans parish nail On Sunday members of the Western Hone Association took their first trail ride Taken from the of the t 193 rascalh thief William Wicks with several aliases who made love to the adopted daughter of Him a fanner Forest induced her 1 dope wit him after stealing S3 of her faiher money and then left Ihe girl lurch at Arthur was captured at Niagara tails He had bought an automobile purchased expensive travel ng luggage and clothing and had a cash balance in his pocket The issues a challenge to any other in Acton for a war contest afternoon the park Lath preparations for Actons jubilee are drawing nearer con Diet on and point to a bigger affair to rate Acton s birthday was at firs dreamed of have been obtained Thi nuisance of Sunday bathing has been complained of and brought before council The law says it is not legal to bath on Sunday in am exposed situation within town limits Mis Mary ClarrkJge was appointed town deputyclerk and treasurer during Ihc absence of Mr tanner No one citizen has ever done more for the interests of Acton than Storey It was he who took the initiative in having Acton incorporated as a town years ago His large gkivefaclory gave employment hundreds for many years Ha splendid home has been a landmark now UK In when Acton was set apart from township he was the first reeve Miss is leaving the school staff There have been 121 applications for Ihc position Principal Miss Knapp is also leaving the high school President Harding tragic death has thrown the whole United States in mour ning Taken from the issue of the ree Thursday July It On Monday ex warden John Warren followed the binder all day and shocked wheat from in the morning to in the evening Mr Warren has always been an active farmer notwithstanding on the of he month he celebrated his birthday John Webb of the 1st line had a sick spell the other night caused by inhaling pans green while mixing a dose for potatoes The family very much alarmed for a time but he is now all again The sarcophagus to be placed at the head of the grate or the late Storey Acton is completed at the marble yard or Mr J Hamilton and is one of most attractive monuments ever turned out there When this sarcophagus is placed Fain tew cemetery will be able to boast of ha one of the most chaste and beautiful monuments in the province The Ideal Flashlight Co is coming to Acton for one week only taking family groups in your own parlor choirs lodges etc a specialty Chairman Murray has lost considerable prestige with the wheelmen by having the round stones raked into the centre of the roadbed on Mill St The wheelmen should arrange a bee and rake them off the street entirely An incipient fire in the summer kitchen of Mr G A residence was quickly put out by the fire brigade with a pail or two of water The Board of Trustees set their school estimates for the year Expenses are including Si 5 for salaries WO for maps cyclopedias and apparatus for fuel supplies and special caretaker Council will be asked to raise by assessment the sum of The necessity for another room and teacher was It is an increasingly saddening spectacle to watch the tiandul as It unfolds week by week For It demonstrates many men In high places people public positions of truat arc gradually forgetting the meaning of plain honesty Watergate Is so much more a scries of monstrous mistakes and serious crimes from Die White Hpuso The Watergate is symbol of our times Certain men are prepared to go to extremes to gain either wealth or power and indeed both for power equals money and money usually can buy power The fact that and the sex In Britain as well Utu monumental money frauds now coming 0 light In different nations capture the headlines is significant For It indicates yearning among ordinary people for good and true men to livid them An honest man Is tho noblest work or creation And countless millions of honest men around the world But too often they deprived by lack of opportunities by mere clrcumstanco of the chance to attain positions of leadership Then there others so disgusted by U10 fact that men who aro but common criminals can gain such power and wealth that they keep away from public life and politics altogether No amount of modern technology con replace the basic ethic has been established by over the centuries The morality that gulden good men right paths has many names It to be hoped that tho tragedy that Is Watergate will throw forwurd nun with vision- not just of the border hut In all lands regions whore honest government today is lacking Tho Acton Froo Pross Wednesday July On the bumpy road of finance Anyone who has travelled township roads lately help but agree with members of the township council some of them leave much to be desired And that s putting It mildly Councillors were mainly concerned about 17 Stderoad which a letter had brought to their but they needed no prodding All agreed 17 was hardly fit for a camel which could stand parched throat and clouds of dust but cars and pedestrians beware Councillors quizzed road super intendent Bud Snow about 17 and some of the other heavily travelled roads the township but got few words of consolation Mr Snow acknowledged the roads were bad but pointed out he only had so much money to work with Some roads required major repairs Haphazard measures he indicated would only be throwing good money after bad The reeve who pointed out the matter had been discussed in some detail at committee took another view He said that if council decided to bring 17 Sideroad up to specifications then there would be representation from other sections of the township where the roads were in similar shape rhen where was the money to come from ho asked The reeve reminded council that Queen Park had told them that there would be no more money for road maintenance delegated to rhere is the crux of the matter Queen Park has said rightly or otherwise that no more money would be allotted to roads this year If the township is strapped for road dough then they have to look somewhere else because none would be forth coming from the treasury It was dry To the township council credit it must be said they have completed a needs study and allotted money for roads in a businesslike and capable manner They have established priorities for the money which comes from the local pot and the province Only so much can go towards main because the township roads great pnrt are a heritage from the horse and buggy days There Just enough money to meet the situation which is compounded by the heavy truck truffle going to and from the township quarries The trucks break up the roads quickly and Home of the arteries can take the incessant pounding So what the solution We think Queen s Park should make special concessions for municipalities which must bear the brunt of heavy truck traffic The province licences trucks It is up to them to see there is adequate provision made for the roads they use Some politicians are fond of tacking up signs at road projects listing the job being done and the officials from township and province responsible There is one on the Sixth Line now before a project We would suggest residents who have legitimate beefs about roads could hang their own sign along the bad stretches and list those who are not doing anything about it Reflections on growing pains A sure sign the police village of is facing growing pains can be found in the complaints village trustees have to deal with at recent sessions It was unthinkable a few years ago that someone would complain about the presence of chickens horses in the precincts of the village It is happening today Trustees are scratching their heads about remedies Not long ago a family cow and a yard full of chickens was proof a family was prudent doing their bit to beat the high cost of living You could throw in a horse and no one would complain The manure made lovely fertilizer for roses and owning a horse was an exercise in aesthetics Tain t so today Chickens are out cattle are smelly Horses They belong out on the farm where they can romp over green pastures As the village grows it is tnevit able complaints will start about noisy kids church bells barking dogs and prowling promiscuous pussies Of course no one in the village is really looking forward to the changes which revolve around the imminence of municipal water and sewers Butitisoneof the penalties which accompany progress At one time a cow supplied milk for a family Now it comes in bags or bottles Now villagers supply their own water from wells Quite likely they will soon be getting it from one municipal source Many residents of still cultivate their own gardens grow their vegetables and find time to cultivate flowers as well Its a trait that used to be common in Acton as well As the town grew gardens became grass People theorized it was cheaper to buy than grow vegetables for the table Flowers are still in A recent issue of the Toronto Star carried a story about a Milton couple who grew all their vegetables for a year in a large garden Whenever they needed meat they had it on the hoof We thought many of us could learn an object lesson from people who still practiced some of what have been called the old fashioned virtues but are really just common sense If people find the cost of living Is too high then why not go back to vegetable gardens Theres some thing about growing your own produce that the best commercially grown greens can never duplicate They never seem to taste as good The high cost of feed makes chickens and cows prohibitive Besides that rooster gets up too early in the morning MiniComment If you have not had the opportunity to see the film Catch the Sua at Ontario 1lace do so at your earliest opportunity is worth the price of ad mission just lo see it on the world largest curved stretch screen and catch the familiar face of Drenters of Rock wood sculpting with wood at the Academy The minute film has more thrills you likely ever encounter In such a short lime but the pace is a mixed ban you recover from the roller coaster ride on the Ridcau Canal in Ottawa through the spec Canyon or following a Thunder Bay ski trail In a change of pace the film switches to a pub in nearby Arthur a bird sanctuary at and an organ recital in a Toronto cathedra L We heartily recommend il The Constellation Hotel in Metro Toronto has set aside an entire floor for those who do not smoke Signs will be posted to warn the nicotine crowd that hey should respect the wishes of management and refrain from lighting up while on the floor It is not as customeroriented as one might think No smoking also means less cleaning for the hotel staff keeps da rapes and carpets cleaner and odorless for much works in Acton and was raised in Montreal comments on how lucky people of Acton and area are to have swimming facilities so readily mailable in places such as Fairy Lake and the various conservation areas He remembers early years In Montreal when paving stones were only place play and the Canal an old and polluted body of filth was the one available place to cool off observation strikes home We never really appreciate the advantages we have unUI we have to do without them Will it be Mohawk or Milton Thais likely the choice for voters in the new Central Ha Hon municipality carved from the heart and coat of has asked for Mohawk in commemoration of Taylor pardon me for ihe race track which dominates the community we presume Indian tribe of which Joseph Brant was an outstanding chief We like Mohawk even if only to commemorate the intertribal warfare that took place to construct the central municipality There are plenty of Miltons around just as there are Actons and Georgetowns but not many Mohawks once you leave the area around which as it turns out not a reserve The odd thing being that they reserved this reserve decision for many years j Of course legislation for the new region I has decided that new names for unnamed municipalities must be chosen by I ballot same time as elections October I from among a maximum of three name It is up to the three municipalities in North pare the Jut down lo three We still like for the north but it will be electors who decide Incidentally this 1st the bit week we will be accepting suggestions for the name of North I There have been some new name sub- no doubt bul the majority still favor or North Frankly we are not surprised thai Warden and Nassagaweya Reeve Anne MacArthur does not want hydro candors along Highway since would cross her property we surprised at her outburst in which would deny Halloa Region Conservation Authority fundi from the township bccauMt it would property and her neigh- tors Surely committed one what for ail spite of ones feelings Mrs MacAruura outburst was precipitate an undigested piece of pudding or a piece of Oakville pie rather than J representing her lit

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