Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1973, p. 6

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THE POTHOLE SITUATION on THE ROADS AND IM CERTAIN THAT HAVEN r THEM WE COULD However line A few of them WITH CONCRETE TO MAKE SOME- NICE P j 4 St Laurent statesman gentleman When Louis St Laurent died during the past week It loft only living former prime minister- John to remind Canadians of the years when politics seemed a more dignified profession Mr St Laurent never seemed to be cut out to be a politician His dignity and quiet logic seemed to be fit more for an ambassador s role than cast as the Leader of the Liberal party at a time when was experiencing growing pains and changing its face for the world And yet this man who served Idle noles for hot summer day Columrlst Richard Necdhnm a modern Cassandra who is never when he is crying disaster prophesies with some the wiping out of Ihe American dollar and with it the radian owing to inflation He says lo put your money in a Sw iss bank in Swiss francs Question money of that same inflation he talking about per cent of Canadians are lucky lo make ends meet let alone have anything to invest Needham also says he believe in stocks and bonds Nor do When I was young and foolish Just out of the service and had a couple of thousand dollars in back pay I was twice Now I m shy Both investments were based on red hoi lips One thousand shares of real dog Ansley a goldmine which turned out to be moose paslure It rose Ihree cents in a week and I counting my paper money and congratulating myself on my shrewdness Seriously considered becoming a speculator and getting rich fast In two weeks was down to 12 cents In two months il was off Ihe board as we wheelerdealers say But the second tip was too good to pass up It came from a friend who was not only an ex O and therefore lo be trusted but a stockbroker and therefore on the Inside He sinking every nickel he could raise Into another gold stock There really was a mine this time So went for I shares at 33 Like the other this stock immediately went up a lew cents no doubt due to heavy plungers like me Then it began slide slowly and gracefully When it was close to bottom there was an announcement to shareholders of a reorganization of the company It would now be called Elder and we would get one share of Elder for each eight shares of we possessed but it was better than a goose egg Each year came slowing company reports of the great future for the stock Thereportswereall we Then came another announcement Elder was going to amalgamate with Peel and the outlook was roses all the way Again there was a juggling of shares 1 wound up with 12 shares Not bad when I started out a mere 1 But hold Peel Elder actually did stagger through and is now a respectable stock the term is not automatically contradictory My 12 shares ore now worth almost as as the original 1 In years I am down only about Except for thai 1 shares or which I ve written off experience That a pretty dang financial career If you ask me You thought this story was going to have a sad ending you This all seems to v little bearing on anything but it docs When he finally decide to go to gland the dollar is steadily slipping and prices in Europe are rapidly increasing Result the trip costs a lot more than we figured on Somehow there is parallel there to my career in the stock market Why does anybody want to travel anyway groaned my wife as she con I cm plated the horrors of gelling ready I much rather stay at home trouble is that a woman I could throw a sweater thirls int lei and underwear In a bag and be off a backward look She says But the house is filthy goes into an orgy of and The place looked all right lo I going we do with the How tan I be ready in time What If rains all the time Who going lo mow the lawn And on and on I Just wear your swim suit Then if it rains you II be all set You t be ready in time for your own funeral and you I know to wear We 11 put the on lawn and she can il like sheep I Ike any wife she truly understanding and help like this However all these things can be ironed out the financial a spot I Hints bad After spending a small fortune getting ready to go 1 think we e enough left for one way tickcl We get home somehow have a rich niece in England If she docsn kick through with the home fares and I Hunk would with alacrity after wed her for a few weeks we might to swim Take me in your arms So now little man grown tired of grass LSD acid cocaine and hash And someone pretending be a true friend Said I introduce you to Miss Heroin Well honey before you start fooling with me let me inform you how It will be For I will seduce you and make you my slave I sent men much stronger than you to Iheir graves You think you can never become a disgrace And end up addicted lo poppy seed waste bo you II start inhaling me one afternoon You 11 take me into your arms very soon And once I entered deep down in your The craving will nearly drive you insane You II need lots of money as you have been told For darling I much more than gold You 11 swindle your mother just for a buck You II turn into something vile and corrupt You 11 mug and you II steal for my narcotic And feel contentment when 1 m in your Then you II realize the monster grown You II solemnly promise to leav me alone If you think you v got Ihe mystical knack Then sweetie just try getting me off your back The vomit the cramps your gut tied in a knot The aching nerves screaming for just one more shot The hot chills the cold sweal the drawal pains Can only be saved by my little white grains There no other way and there no need lo look For deep down inside you will know you are hooked You 11 desperately run to the pusher and then You 11 welcome me back your arms once again And when you return as I foretold I know that you will me your body and soul You give up your morals your con science your heart And you will be mine til Death Do Us Part Back Issues of The Free Press 20 years ago Taken from tar of tar ree Pre Watson of 1 a opening a music tore in Acton tins week He on staff of the Kitchener Con senvalor of Music and taught music in schools for several years The store at Mill and Wilbur was formerlv McEacherns Electric Two Acton soldiers were in Korea when the truce was signed as far as their relatives in Acton know J M Five Acton soldiers have been involved in the war in Korea back Both are at A fifth from Acton Pie J Gunn is missing in action According to the War Service League records there are five other Acton soldiers now overseas in Germany Frank Spielvogel Corp Hon Hunter Shepherd Pte Harold Oakley and ORourke The old cave way lo the new this week at Acton public school as the yearold school belt was lowered from its steeple The bell is to be silenced and mounted on a calm in Ihe school grounds according to school board officials With the bell down came the steeple that housed it because of Its rotten conation and also the front porch that had been on the school for so many years A modern porch Is planned for the front of the school The was put In the brick addition in IBM There were a cars at The Sonny park on Sunday Work p on Ross apartment on Queen A 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Press of Thursday 19Z3 Everybody is glad that the Jubilee Celebration of the towns incorporation materialized When the Citizens Committee was formed the cooperation was an in As a result there were decorations myriads of flags welcoming mottoes In every respect Ihe celebration was a sue cess Former citizens came home in large numbers In the wealth of pleasures and amusements gratitude and to good was not overlooked A gratifying feature of the Celebration Is the act that notwithstanding the large ex the Committee felt that it was necessary to make the receipts con siderably more than met the outlay The guarantee made by Council will not be rnpured The events listed for sports on Saturday afternoon attracted a large concourse of spectators Winners in boys White J Smith Mooney Gordon Cooper Max Stark man Melvin Stewart Locker Viola Masales Marjorie Near Phyllis Tyler V Murray mens races D Kentner B Merrill Alfred Bishop J boys swimming Alfred Bishop Stanley Mackie ladles tub race Jean Kennedy J Mowat The baseball matches on Saturday and Monday were an Interesting feature that gave the fans full scope for vociferous ejaculations In the Halton League fixture and Gibbons were stars Ladies teams also played next week 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursday JulyZH 1898 Threshing is Ihe order of the day and again we hear the shrill whistle of the engine calling the boys to work Grieve the baker has reduced Ihe once of bread to 10 cents While the laying of permanent pavement was in progress on Mill St last week the jog at John St which renders the street from lhat point westward about six feet narrower was commented upon The improvements to the Robert Litlk mansion recently leased by Ihe Messrs Beardmore are nearly completed A representative of that sturdy upright Highland slock who settled this section so largely about half a century ago in the En of Alexander McDonald Esq of entered into rest Wednesday He cached a good old age being In his year in He was a member of the Presbyterian church in Scotland but never united with the church here erring owing to strong opinions on certain points of doctrine and usage to be regarded as an adherent His wife died in Eight children blessed the union Last Friday Malcolm McPhcrson of the Scotch Block cut ten acres of heavy fall wheat in five and a half hours a Frost and Wood binder drawn by two horses He thinks this beats the record Pedestrians to the cemetery find Wilds hill almost impassable owing to the depth of sand there A two plank walk should be put down at once The convenience would far outweigh the small expense Humane Society has for adoption a girl of five and a baby boy Any in this section interested should correspond with Mr Sharp through a flense of duty came Into politics at a time when Canada experienced grout peril lo the of the war effort French and half of Irian descent he liked to think he wan a forerunner of a new Canada where those of French and other ethnic would discover their common heritage and work to preserve It It was considered political for a Canadian of French descent to advocate conscription during the war years But he did it later received one of the greatest mandates ever from Canada as a whole It was during his term of office that Newfoundland entered Confederation Political people of all stripes contend that his government was one of the best Canada ever had He was a man you could respect and above all look up to as a model of decorum He seemed like a father not a stern patriarch but a kindly gentleman in the real sense of the word Louis St Laurent is gone We wonder if Canada took a lesson from hiH life and his times Win The Acton Free Press Wednesday August Blackout points out Hydro Die importance of electricity as a source of power was never more apparent than during the almost four hours Acton was without it last Wednesday afternoon We rely on electricity for everything from cooking to running the machines which provide the jobs that keep the economy of this town and district going When we are without it the town almost comes to a standstill Although Acton s lack of power Wednesday hardly compares with the blackout that hit the United States not many years ago it gives some idea on a smaller scale on the amount of confusion which resulted on that occasion We depend on electricity for so many things we take for granted we are almost impotent when it is shut off In this case it was a combination of contamination on insulators mixing with rain that caused a short circuit which in turn burned cross arms on a single pole and dropped the high tension line onto secondary lines Because it a primary feeder line power in the entire town was cut off for four hours It gives us some insight into the problems Ontario Hydro faces when they construct a new power system to serve not one but hundreds of municipalities in the province The system must operate so that no one emergency situation will leave any area without power for any sizable length of time Failure of the electric power supply for even a short time results in costly losses in time and production as well as personal hardship and inconvenience Cost of the energy lost is only a small portion of the cost of production Reliability then is a major consideration in the design and operation of an electric power system It gives us some insight into the care and planning which Ontario Hydro must put into the new KV system proposed from Middleport to Pickering The role Hydro plays in the new system affects our life style in a thousand different ways It is fine to take an impersonal poke at the province largest utility and accuse it of gross unconcern but it is also wise to remember the responsibility Hydro has to supply us with power Between 1961 and Ontarios gross provincial product increased by 73 per cent and demands for electric power grew by per cent The new system hopefully will meet the demands of the province for white coal for the foreseeable future The rub is that electrical energy cannot be stored I must be generated and consumed by the user almost simultaneously When citizens groups get lively involved in figuring out the best routes for hydro transmission corridors they are not dealing only with the concerns of a few They are dealing with the future of the province It may have short term objectives at first but as they get more involved the entire picture becomes clearer that the best route must be found for that new transmission corridor to ensure the province has a system which will meet the demands on it m the future Teacher story must be told We can t help but take issue with remarks attributed to Halton Director of Education Jim Singleton over statements which Tom Ramautarsingh made to the press recently following his retirement as head of the Halton Secondary Scbool Teachers Federation Mr Singleton found an obvious flaw in figures which Mr Ramautarsingh presented to the press regarding the number of students in classrooms However he wasn t satisfied with berating Mr Ramautarsingh He took a swipe at the press too for publishing the figures which purportedly showed over 1000 classrooms in Halton have over students The actual figure ac cording to Mr Singleton was 384 classes with or more students not as had indicated We think Mr Singleton would have better spent his time telling us why there were 384 classes with over students in them than berating Mr Ramautarsingh for telling us there were 1000 Mr Singleton felt it was significant there were also 367 classes with between one and 15 students too which he found somehow balanced the unwieldy classes on the education scales Mr Singleton told the press they had not the right to take facts and quote them from that kind of source Obviously suggesting Mr Ramautarsingh was not worthy of that kind of respect To our mind this also shows Mr Singleton has scant regard for those who elected Mr to the federation s highest post Is the director of education suggesting that all things from the board are true while all utterances from the teachers are suspect We think Mr is entitled to have his side of the story told after two years at the head of THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office the teachers federation It is a listening past denied to those in authority and often a place where a true gauge of can be detected If Mr s utterances to the press were wrong then they are there for all to see and for Mr Singleton to correct Freedom of the press is not a one way street for those in authority We would find it more reprehensible if Mr tarsmgh failed to point out inadequacies he felt existed in the system We have the greatest respect for Mr Singleton s abilities and the job he has done in County molding the educational system into a showcase of the province but we hope there are always people like Tom Ramautarsingh to keep educators and publje alike on their toes OUR READERS WRITE Beautiful poetic Indian names best Dear Sir I am amazed at Ihe lack of originality in the suggestions of names for the new regional areas I am also mystified at some of the reasons given This continent is supposedly starved of culture and Americans and Canadians import castles bridges names etc from Europe in an effort to acquire culture not lhat culture is eloped little can be imported Tradiiions are imported and most Canadians and Americans frown on newcomers who wish to retain their language or who do things the way they did In the old country yet we do have a culture as old as or older than any in Europe our Indian culture People in Europe that have met envy our beautiful poetic Indian names such as Chinguacousy Mlssissauga etc etc They also are fascinated at the translations Unique names like Medicine Hat Don Thunder Bay Cape Chin and really send them yet some us would try to common place names like Milton Georgetown Acton preference to adopting existing township names even though Mi It oris Gcorgetowns and Actons are already m abundance throughout the world To our west we have the new region of Cambridge and the postal designation of Gait Preston and Gait Cam bridge Preston Cambridge and Cambridge If we adopt names such as Milton Georgetown or Acton my address could conceivably be Milton A person living in Milton would be Milton Milton and so on The names we choose will be with us for along Lei have a competition for this excellent cause Let the busmen community urn ions and other organization put a few dollars into toe kitty and give a substantial prize to the best three names suggested and have these names put on the Yours truly J

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