Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1973, p. 1

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Survey favors tollfree calls to Milton Guelph Acton telephone customers who answered a Bell Canada survey give overwhelming support to extending the toll free calling area to Include Milton ana Sixty nine per cent of the Acton customers who replied to the post card survey endorsed the change The company estimates it will be 1079 before the system la In reduced however Bell Canada manager G Dcnby of Guelph stated two decisions have to be made before the survey results can be One Is to determine whether the estimated la available to provide the necessary modifications to switching centres at Acton and Milton Second is to obtain approval of the Canadian Transport Commission in Ottawa lo adjust the monlhly rates of Acton customers Mr Denby told the Free Press that 2 cards were sent out to customers 182 of Ihcm to residential users and to business a ratio of per cent to 13 per cent Sixty five percent of cards were returned from residence customers and from business which works out to percent and eight percent of total returns Of the residence returns 1003 of extending the toll free area while or percent voted against It Of the business returns or percent endorsed the ex tension while or IB percent- opposed It Totals showed 1083 in favor of the extension or percent and opposed percent The Increased calling area will cost Acton residence users an extra dollar per and will connect them to telephones There is free calling to and Georgetown now which accounts for 15 telephones Broken down this represents In the Aclon area in and district and 10 In Georgetown Bell sold lhal because ex modifications arc needed to equipment at least percent of the who replied would have to agree before he company would to propositi returns were slow Mr said fronl page article in the tret Press mentioning the com pany disappointment results in slacks llu Hell manager said hat when ii toll fret area is established any two the number of tails two points increase by up lo 1000 pcrteni and people lend to talk longer knowing they are charged by the minute dollar barge to indiv lines it nt Ninety ninth year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST Eighteen Pages F flcon Repave Bower Ave to hide blemishes Bower Avenue has been the showpiece tor members of Acton council since reconstruction was finished on the street last tali Hut the facade Is beginning to crack Because pavement was laid late in the fall it compacted properly Crocks developed and were patched spoiling Its ap pearance Council as result was faced with the decision either lo patch or completely repave the street They decided on the course at a meeting last week although It will cost another Councillor Barry brought the matter up declaring he did want any patch Job Is a top notch street Let a keep It that way he declared suggesting lhat the contractor Warren should repave than patch If brought the street back to its original ap pearance Acting clerk Hugh Patterson told count i I that would cost add an Inch of pavement lo Bower that would completely cover irregularities council did not want the patch Job The contractor would honor Its commitment by patching Ihrec Only Councillor Bill Coats declined to support a resolution favoring Coots said council should have a third choice and say to you we want this done Councillor Norm I closed the discussion on Bower by remarking on the poor design at the street east end where it curbs on lis way to Mill He suggested a new design for the corner at some time but other councillors felt Ihe terrain made it impossible Minor collisions recorded Two minor collisions have been investigated by Acton Monday of last week Vclma Gcng car was struck by another unknown vehicle when parked in Becker s plaza lot Thursday of last week a collision occurred In Diss ton parking lot Drivers involved were Chandra Vijaya Ransom St Acton and Dietrich Gall two then Police also report the Iheft of a last week at the Cobble Hill construction site Its value is Saturday an 1 Acton man was charged with theft of a tope from a local store Two Impaired drivers and three liquor seizures are also on the police books during a generally quiet week stretches of street but refused to at their expense because Ihey felt the municipality was at fault by paving In cool weather when asphalt cooled off too quickly which in turn never allowed it to compact properly Mayor said council could cither accept the offer from the company or take them to court and force lo repave the street He wasn sure who was lo blame for laic start on paving last hut he pointed out court action would drag on indefinitely delaying the repair further He suggested they go for repav the street at cost Drinkwalter to run for council seat Bob Drinkwalter year veteran of Acton council announced he would run for one of the Iwo council scats in Ward One Acton of the new town of North Bob said he arrived a decision to reenter the political arena over Ihe weekend after plenty of thought A quality control manager Standard Products Georgetown he has served seven years on Acton ptanningboard as well as his four years on council where he was chairman of Ihe works com for Iwo years He also servo on the county planning association and has been active In community affairs as past president and on the board of directors of Acton curling club He lives with his wife and family on Churchill Road Acton Boh is the third candidate for Ihe two local scats on the North council ensuring an election Mayor and former clerk Joe Hurst an nounced their Intention to contest the seats earlier for a two lint and cent raise for a mulli party line is modest but business rates will increase by IT per monlh tinder new rates Jumping from lo til while a mulli party business rate line would Increase by The company earliest proposal for enlarging the loll frit art a tailed for the town to bear tht MOO cost of the survey hut council rejected Ihe tost of lack of public agitation for txlenslon However Ittll agreed to pay for Ihe survey mid win a lit a I Freak accident injures flagman A Toronto Saturday t vt seriously injured liftman and damaged lights lo Mart draft rates Milton I said a driven drawn 11 to 11 ltd FARM MACHINERY end hay were lost in a blaze whiehJevelled a bariLwvnedliiy Revenue Properties inane between subdivision and the First Line of yesterday Tuesday shortly before noon hour Cause of the blaze Is unknown but police are Investigating a report that children wore Been in the area in the morning Flames and smoke from the fire were clearly visible in most parts of town Photo by D Pink Legion gets building permit following recorded vote Acton Legion Branch building committee has cleared one obstacle that lay between them and their new building but approvals in other areas still must be obtained committee member said this week Council approved issue of building permit to the Legion Monday night for the new branch which will be constructed on the former property north of Mill SI and west of Cameron Ave We re still at least two months away from turning sod said We still need al from Ihe I License Board for one thing To get it underway this fail and get it closed in Is the most we could hope Tor McCutcheon said preliminary plans for Ihe building w ill be senl back lo the architect to be drawn up again Recorded vote Issue of Ihe building permit came after a recorded vote of Councillor Dick opposed the resolution opposed issue of the permit on the grounds lhat the townships holding bylaw was being contravened since a change of land use was Involved The land which lies par In Ihe township was previously used for purposes With great respect for the Legion its members and its work must oppose this said We ve refused so many ap plications and were so close to the official plan coming in that I feel I must oppose it to be con with what I done in Ihe past Reeve Tom Hill argued that a Legion could be classified as an use and that the use falls inlo line for what the official calls for lhat particular area Only concern Our s only concern was that If we issued a permit and anything went wrong like if they wcrcn t able get the mortgage money we could be held liable been assured by our planner that we cannol the reeve explained Councillor George Mallby a recorded vote noting Councillors llowitt and Wilfred Ixslie had been from some of it which the was cussed I want them go along with it if thty didn want he said Reeve Hill Deputy reeve Len and Councillors and voted in favor of issue of the permit Councillor opposed By law counts Later conceded that under Ihe definitions laid in stuck ami look off down strip I Ingman Walker of It It 2 Georgetown was In front of tin tar when raced out of and struck him lit stiffen right leg and right its well head in was taken Mtmorml Hospital riie came to a slop it Christmas trie lights police said The lights wen and the dngsttr rettlved several dollars worth of damage the hood and windshield Lacrosse popular sport lacrosse Is occupying Ihe lime light of he Atlon sports now as four local teams arc in volvcd in provincial playdowns tour hundred fans watched Kingston Kings ft the junior Hams 12 10 hen Saturday night in first of the tier Junior finals Second gome is si I for Kingston Saturday lit third back Sunday Itnlary midgets play the dttiding game of their midget I scries with Whitby here tonight Wednesday Indusmln and Rotary bantams also have championship coming up But Iht whole point hi is that Is not now in roree re working under holding by law that itscxisling use decried a suggestion that Ihe holding by law may worth paper written on pointing in or Ihrec recent court lests holding by passed by have been called valid Preschoolers should receive immunization Health Minister Potter urges Ontario parents lo be sure Iheir children are adequately immunized before go to school in the fall A Ministry study in 37 of Ontario s health units revealed thai one in every thildren entering school in September had less than immunization against preventable diseases Of the children in the study were kindergarten representing 79 percent of nil children at school level in the province Immunized About 75 of those studied had been immunized diphtheria pertussis whooping tough tetanus and polio Smallpox had been Riven percenl of the thildren Only percent and in some less than percenl of pre schoolers had been vac measles Imss thin 20 percent of Ihe had received rubella 1 German measles vaccine With rate of immunization outbreaks of measles are inevitable said Dipthcna pertussis tetanus and polio immunization which can be given in a single inoculation should be completed by ihe time a child is six monlhs old A reinforcing dose should Me isles and rubella be at 12 mt nihil of or shortly ifltr should have against preventable diseases js in lift as possible said P liter hive their children immunized doctor r at their loud unit 1 jcrosse met ion Marks Elliott argue but no brakes for subdivision Although Deputy Reeve Peter Marts and Councillor Norman Elliott argued strongly for put ting the brakes on residential development in Acton colleagues on council do not feel should stop a small eight lot subdivision proposed for Churchill by Cobble Hill Developers Marks and Elliott argued that a proliferation of small develop ment could overload the town sewage disposal plant as outlined in a recent report from Queens Park but the remainder of council maintained this par development was already Included approved by the Ministry approved a draft plan of the subdivision provided it meets with the approval of planners and engineers Marks said that since the warning from the Department of Environment the Commillec of Adjustment had granted severances for several small developments We are pushing the plant to its maximum and In a tew years may be ordered to build a costly new one The figure of a million dollars was tossed around Councillor Elliott supported the deputy reeve arguments saying eight lots might not look like a lot but when is added to all the other small developments around town the figure becomes more Impressive can see any great urgency in this Elliott ft would be better left until regional contra came in January He felt the developers had their hands full now with phase two and three of the Klngham Hill Estates without extending further afield Mayor Les however said It was his opinion the Ministry had included the proposal in the report which council received as one of 12 approved areas He said he could not an objection to this particular development Reeve McKenue supported the mayor maintaining there were no legitimate reasons for with holding approval because the draft plan would have to go through regular channels where it could still be rejected or And according to Councillor Chapman council had basically approved the development before He could see no reason why council should change its mind now Colleague Barry Inscoe also spoke In favor philosophizing that Acton had to have development In his opinion it would benefit the No fear Pleasing comments for who old council he had talked with the Ministry about Acton and there didnt seem to be temble fear of small growth or infilling as by the pair opposed He triggered the debate when he and Roger Cunnmgton ap peared for approval in principle for their plan which the Gover turned down in one department because the complete lots the area had been shown without road allowance a technicality they claimed had been committed In the Acton town office He said the proposal should hav shown eight lots In Acton two In Esqueslng and two more set aside as road allowances intimated the would have approved Of the plan if the plans had been prepared properly but hesitated to embarrass Ihe Ministry of the I- after arranging for them to turn it down They were going through the process again to get approval All were asking is for ap proval in principle he told council Mayor Duby said he could not justify with holding approval although he particularly excited about the prospect of houses tilling in the pastoral scene he now sees through his living room window The proposed development Is mediately across the road from the mayor home He also pointed out the eight lots con cerned would serviced from existing streets and services which in his opinion was more weight in favor of approval Small potato These arguments cut no ice vvilh Marks He argued that no one to that point had mentioned any benefits the subdivision would confer on the town Developer Brodlgan mentioned another feet of new road and lax revenue were not mickey mouse Items But deputy reeve thought so I won argue small economic benefits he countered weighting it against the spectre of a large addition the town sewage plant for which taxpayers would have to dig pretty deep We should look at the whole package We aren being railroaded on this but close to it he declared The mayor said talk about expanding the lown s sewage plant did not carry much weight because the Department of the Environment had already suggested the town should think seriously of extending the facilities Council had decided against it however because of its limited lifespan until the end of money It was councils decision to leave the matter or regional govern mcnl when it appears January Lets not leave any loose ends urged Marks In colleague Elliott opinion would be Georgetown where the first million dollar sewage plant addition in North would take place They must double Iheir capacity he warned and we 11 all be paying the piper on this if it this time he predicted I Ihink Acton has reached a limit and we should turn further applications down for 1973 he concluding with Ihe admonition Hut it had reached the stage where the decision on the sub division was a regional rather than a local decision What is the capacity of the sewage plant Reeve McKcnzie said was built to handle 10 000 but both Marks and mayor told him the plant could handle only people a figure which will soon be reached at the present rate of Actons development Council voted 62 lo approve a resolution accepting the eight lot subdivision turning down an opposing motion by Marks and Elliott by same margin

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