Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1973, p. 12

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New stamps have some class Somewhere In bureaucracy of the post office It was decided Canada has had enough of those old dull pastelcolored postage stamps Theyve been replaced with bright examples of postage art that appeals to people of all ages and stations It is no wonder Canadians had a hard job selling the Queen to other countries when she was presented as a dull matron In dirty brown or a hospital grey or green Who ever picked out colors for Her Majesty had an institutional mind which favored institutional colors for a subject which should have lilt and appeal Then it happened Stamps started appearing In vivid portraying art commemorating anniversaries and other milestones the country observed What a difference Just recently the postage stamp people issued a eight and Id cent stamp of the Queen which portrayed tier with some of the warmth she exhibit in public Of course there were mm plaints the stamp was too big there was hardly any room left to write and We think these are piffling tilings If the pout office has the gumption to come out with something this to commemorate Queens visit to Canada for the Commonwealth Conference- then we can expect even belter stamp in tho years to come Why not bright slumps and scenes from Canadian history in liven up the stamp Why not majestic portraits of the Queen stamp out dullness in the stump world even If people complain dial the stamps arc too After all those who complain ofUn have big tongues too And Dial to lick them with Acton Free Press August THE SETTLERS BEST FRIEND Oxen were the getters with sight seers to the living outdoor museum backbone of farm life in preConfcderation rural complex Black Creek administered by The Ontario Hauling wood pulling a plow and carting grain Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation arc all part of a days work for Buck and Bright led by Authority is located at Jane Street and Stccles Avenue Jack Cowan livestock man at Black Creek Pioneer in northwest Metro Toronto and can conveniently be Village These beasts of burden are real attention reached by the Jane Street bus Sunday shopping would cost more Sunday shopping will cost more This conclusion of a study made by the ad hoc Committee on Retailing The Toronto Committee composed of representatives from five major retail food stores three retail unions the consumers Association of Canada the Retail Hardware Association the churches and the Lords Day Alliance of Canada prepared a model to show what would happen if all the major rood Mores to open on Sunday If remember that a model is an Imitation of the real thing II recognize thai full impact of shopping will be felt in higher costs to the consumer as well as in loss of permanent employ through the rearrangement of work hours Sales level sales as percentage Productivitj sales per Hours Wages Wages as percent of sales Increase on Wage Cost TING COSTS Store operating week i All storei closed Sunday Store opera ling day a week All stores open on Sunday KB 1955 10 Butcher l Wrapper Deli Ctrl 1 Produce Clerk 13 turners 5 larry out Hoys 15 This model only shows the additional wage costs to the individual Other cost factors are 1 Saturday advertising for Sunday trading Re- scheduling of warehouse shipments J Losses due to longer exposure of perishable items Head Office and maintenance services Theft due to fewer staff 11 is estimated that these additional cost factors would at least equal the per cent wage increase Based on this cost information a theoretical customer order will increase in coat as follows I- uture customer order uUlr customer order due to labor and Increase other Bill Smiley 50 10 18 SUNDAY pull Time Part Time Hours 10 become 10 will become J soot will become will become It lb evident that regardless of the volume of Sunday shopping general Sunday store opening would increase the cost of doing business and would result in higher prices to the consumer Also extra manpower would be obtained by redistributing the weeks man hours resulting in the reduction of one full time employee in favor of increased part time employment The War Cry Farm workers Compensation covered Most rs are aware of the fact their workers on cohered under the Ontario Workmen Compensation Act As a matter of interest they obliged their workers since However some of details of coverage bear repeating for those farm operators who don fully un the whole picture The assessment rate for farm workers is divided Into two categories one cairn the operation of chicken and turkey farms mushroom tobacco nursery market gardens and florist farms That assessment rate is per payroll The second is per and covers Christmas tree dam stock hog and general farms and those operators performing custom cash crop operations Those farmers who engage in both types of operations and can show a separation of duties and maintain a separate payroll nia be eligible for assessment under both rates tor further Information about this an operator should contact the Toronto Head Office of The Workmen Com pensatlon Board at Harbour Street Any person who is paid a stated wage and works under control and ision is automatically covered and is eligible for benefits under the Act The employer must record the cm ployees name and wages in his payroll records Members of the farmer s family except his wife arc considered as workmen when paid a staled wage This information must be recorded on the paid form in the section for Relatives of and Partner Room and board is included at a rate of per day or per week except in the instance where the employer has a son or daughter still attending school Farmers and wives may apply for personal coverage in any amount between and per year This coverage may be requested lor part of the year only and this must be indicated when applied for When such application is made the amount of the employers earnings or drawings is not taken into consideration Costs ire calculated at the same rate as for employees in the industry For operators who do not have any hired help the farmer may request independent operator which Is assessed at the rote determined for the type of business that he has of labor is a common practice lodav who are sent to a neigh boring farm and still included on the payroll of their employer arc covered in the event of an accident At this busy time of year farmers arc more susceptible to accidents than at other times Working with the Farm Safety Association the Workmen Compensation Board protects the farm employee and in a very direct way the employer also An unsafe operation can cost the operator untold sums in lost productivity and in profits My wife cannot understand wants to travel when he sit in own backyard and commune with tin Im beginning to agree with Gifting ready Is kind of in he arm especially If you must have vaeeln Obtaining passport sounds easy It s trouble than getting married or dying All you have to do fill in a form The form Is slightly more complicated than your income lax form Then you must find someone who will swear you ore who you say you are This person is tailed guarantor mil can Ik inyone except your neigh bo r Then you must obtain a birth eertificile This is fairly simple if you know where you wire born If you don or you happened to born Zilch Yugoslavia it can be You must hive passport photos taken You can just use an old snapshot in which vou look your best Passport photos are an old joke They usually make you look like a zombie Strangely ours turned out well We pose for them because wt knew they d lie gruesome so they came out relaxed Hesides passports and certificates there is a myriad of other pother to look you could use a full time clerk for week or two Air tickets money arrange ments hotel reservations and who going to feed he eat A travel agent is almost a must in these days when half the world seems to be on the move He or she can smooth lot of MiniComment Remember those double decker Ice cream cones popular before World War 11 Or how about the big jumbo scoops that sold for a nickel This column tan t in the business of promoting products but if are in at any time drop into Cutis Comer Store Memories will flood back as you behold shoppers buying the biggest ice cream bargain we seen for since the double decker went out of They art hand dipped and so large you II hove trouble eating it faster than it melts Perhaps the Parks Board should set a new regulation to prohibit fishing in the area behind Acton arena where pens for waterfowl are situated One member of the staff reports he had to leav the weekend In the event one of the many anglers caught a duck or swan inhlsnooklnsteadof fish He soys there were about a fishermen running lines through the nocks of ducks and geese Thank you for all the expressions of congratulations sent this way regar ding the two awards the Free Press won in the Canada wide newspaper com petitions We are especially proud of the award for community service for this to essentially what a weekly news paper to att about If there Is no service to the community then the slickest newspaper Tails in its mission page laurels are appreciated too of course but never us much as special sen ice awards for service bevond the call of duty After years at his post of school crossing guard Cam Irishman has decided he II turn in his hat and sign and let a younger man take over the duties at the Queen crossing when school resumes in less than two weeks It takes a special kind of person to man the crossings must have patience and understanding as ell as the ability to read traffic As Councillor On Chap man remarked He be missed by a lot of kids That haul of appliances and furniture recovered by Acton and Milton last week was a real feather their caps as well as a tribute to the lady who informed them there was something fishy going on at Spcyside Unfortunately our reporter got his names mixed up Constable Paul Brown not Constable Wood of the Acton was the officer who started the investigation rolling Someone has asked whv a headline in last weeks Free Press mentioned a bath night opener for a lacrosse play off Bathnightwhat that he enquired Like all sports expressions it originated in the fertile mind of a reporter who got tired of writing Saturday night In the old days Saturday was when you took a bath in a galvanized tub to be clean and shiny for Sunday Hence the expression bath night The Daily Journal Record is urging Burlington and to back Milton opposing the route for the KV power line from Middleport to Pickering claiming they have direct interest in any plan that will adversely affect the open space and the natural beauty of the countryside because tax money from the south has been used to develop open space areas in North Hal ton My my Then why not run the line through Oakville and Burlington and other urban com where most of the province s demand for electricity originates Development is also the fount where much of the tax money comes from is the best route for the well as being the shortest The race for tho may or chair in the new town of North is shaping up into a battle for three Georgetown candidates with only Reeve Tom Hill of so far appearing from the other two municipalities to challenge the Georgetown men At this date it appears unlikely anyone from Acton will contest the seat Thinking is of course that the mayor will almost control the council because there will be six councillors from Georgetown and three from both Acton and anil vnluahli tips on to win al lifist tin round in tin gam Many go to In the eily My trawl agent a young local chap been more helpful and to Hill Mandly very thing by golly be Hint Hi told mi something about air fares that Is almost unbe A return titket to the K can run all the way from a charter at to angular flight at under two weeks I shudder to think what a firstclass ticket would cost in the latter category Of eourst businessman cm write off the as ixpenscs and to he little old lady going back for a visit after fifty years that special might represent months of scrimping hen something smells In he discrepancy Vics roasting pot Because I m such a puddle pup I built a back yard pool No reason why I try To keep my blubber cool There nothing like a backyard pool To keep down excess freight I II float around and maybe drown Or lose a little weight When I waddle out to dunk my lard And bake each little cheek My old age spread is turning red And the neighbors come and peek 1 have no hair and people stare The neighbors are so nosey In my pot of stew I bar Deque Till everything turns rosy When I cooked my underside I turn and roast some more When rendering fat baste and pat Then lay down on the floor Now I ve built a peck proof fence To hide the things Tie got So the guys tax greedy eyes Can sec my roasting pot ViclorSmith I ran In not heap iinlmn you want to in rusii whleti vi niplald a of timet the lillln mount Only r axon I loped hi ld a In that my wife in good swimmer only for 1 hull to mi he r go down ovarii off tin Halifax docks and have to do tin rent on my own with nobody to Cell tin I wrong Just looked our hi Air tickd passport photo pass birth limousine Id airport puss arc just the basics Multiply by two if a eoupli Tin there ire the ever present new elolhcH expenses to get to city to gel passports ind the inevitable sundries too to mention is auction Mile ids put it That ore you get on the You still to eat and sleep for three weeks you gel then I tut the thing down quite a bit by cancelling our two paper for three weeks about W right there Our Itritruil puss allows us to go any when in the II K It may come in handy Wi he riding trains all night every night to suvc hotel bills And wc re taking an eight pound salami and six loaves of bread so might through Ihau a vague idea that this will not go down as of greatest pieces of exotic travel literature vcr written But it is little hectic around here Six hours to takeoff my wife is Just beginning to pack I have to go down and sell my soul to manager get up to the school look after home Hems for September sec young Wilson next door about feeding thecal coll the boy about mowing the lawn pick up the drycleaning get the back tothc library and somehow in there try to have a shower and We might make it but I I bet higher than even money I II try to do better next week when you II hive a despatch from The Nags Head Middle Wallop Back Issues of The Free Press 20 years ago Believed killed in action in Korea D J Jimmy Gunn was liberated Monday with seven other Canadians He lived and worked in Acton prior to his enlistment in the He was reported missing after he had apparently volunteered for sniper duty A Slrrs well known in Acton and a leader in minor sports work died sudden ly on Friday while holidaying in the east He meant a lot to Acton sports and assisted in giving many youngsters their chance He coached and managed many hockey and baseball teams while he practiced dentistry here Miss M Z Bennett has been presented with the highest award the Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario can confer A life membership in the association was presented to her and seven others at a dinner in Toronto She taught in Acton public school for- 33 years 19 of them as She retired in June Residents of Mason and McDonald think there could be a more pleasant name for their area of town than The War time Housing One suggestion is The Peacetime Any more suggestions should be sent to the Free Press Sirens will scream and four fire trucks will converge on Acton for another Mutual Aid fire practice on Friday fire chief Sam Tennant reports This is the first demon stration this kind slated for Acton The oldest established business in Acton changed ownership this week when Elliott Bros sold their general store to This business at the comer of Mill and Willow was established by Henderson and Christie II had been a general store for years or more 50 years ago There will be over 100 pipers an un precedented event in the history of Scottish music in Canada in the welcome to be extended to the Scottish Regiment which ft of the new features The spectacular pro duction of Cleopatra as the climax of the grandstand performance will be a mag nificent feature When Misses Myrtle and Mary Clarridge were walking to town to attend church Sunday evening they were over taken by two young men from who were driving a horse and buggy and were offered a ride into town In crossing the tracks the horse became frightened at the glaring lights of an approaching car and bolted upsetting the buggy with all four occupants They were badly bruised but it is thought their injuries are not of a serious character Roy Smith of Oakville has been ap pointed township engineer for Esqueslng THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Fresh air children from the Neighbor hood Workers Association of Toronto have been enjoying outings in the country Acton second flower show was a fine success It was held in the Armouries last Wednesday afternoon and evening Mr C the president and Mr John Savage secretary were indefatigable In their efforts Mrs Tnos Scott won the most prizes and Mrs J M Savage had the best collection of cut flowers A very wedding took place at home of Mr and Mrs when daughter Rita was manled to Richard Shortil of Ballinafad The bride looked charming in tan Canton crepe or nam en ted with beads and hat to match with a bandeau or ostrich feathers 75 years ago Another landmark has been removed Contractor Dynes has removed the Steel cottage from lis original foundation at the comer of Mill and Willow St to the rear of the lot The building was erected years ago by the late William Steel and his brother the late George Steel both of whom were carpenters and removed from Toronto Mr Thomas Sr plastered the cottage and is still able to do a good day work at this trade though put fourscore Twenty of the new LeeEnfield riflea have for the use of the Bat They are built on the most modern principles and will kiU at Usually on Civic Holiday our citizens go out of town to seek pleasure but on Una occasion next Tuesday test a programme so varied and attractive la being arranged that resident will feel The program open with a caUutumptaa pro- and events of the day will tacWe a lacrosse match baseball match bicycle parade bicycle and foot races On mile matched between Georgetown and Barry Acton band concert and an array of talent superior in evening lit leaving to take car of iEdeBmaWtltsrfutfmiaM

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