Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1973, p. 11

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NINETYNINTH YEAR NO ACTON ONTARIO WED SEPT Second Section Two Acton 4H girls top contest Two members of Acton Calf Club art envy of provincial circles following a onetwo finish in the keen Canadian National Exhibition judging contest competition Carol Somervllle 19 of Churchill Acton and Cathy of came first and se cond In the judging competi tion against over 300 other competitors The contest is open to 4K club members and Junior Farmers to age from across the province The girls were delighted with the but had trouble convincing their parents they were picked as top Judges In the province against stiff opposition from all over Ont ario Even our agricultural representatives didnt believe us the two girls recalled with smiles In an Interview with the Free Press They were convinced however when Carol showed the agricultural handbook and she received as top prize and Cathy produced her winnings Competitors had their choice of six of the eight clas ses of livestock and produce to judge individually Al though both have outstanding records in other county and judging circles they were astonished they had topped all others They attribute much of their success to the training they have had in the Acton club under leaders Nino Russell Murray Vern Butchers and Cathy brother Bob the coun ty agricultural organization and the encouragement they receive from parents and family Did they find the judging difficult Both girls felt they were weak on judging light horses because they few op to practice with them They explained judging is an important part of every monthly meeting and they were strong when it intercounty competi tion at the University of Carol also finished when so many others their age are pursuing boys or mixed ir came to beef and dairy catUe However because of the heat the beef cattle left the early this year and this dimmed their performance and marks some Both girls have their own calf Carol preferring Aber- These were compulsory deenAngus and Cathy but the ally picking a Shorthorn steer wasnt since the family has been outstanding Shorthorn breeders for decades The Acton club Is unique in the county because members dictate that both dairy and beef cattle are Included In the program and again both girls feel this helped them a lot There were about 20 other competitors from Hal ton in the competition but they did not have the advantage of experience with dairy and beef cattle It takes a lot of practice to become a winner Carol has been competing In 4H work for seven years and Cathy has eight years under her belt Cathy also took two of the top laurels in the province earlier in the year coming second in leadership qualities and you across the province starts a gain confidence in yourself steer off in May and must We look forward to limit them to pounds of work through the long winter weight per day As well as a months she added qualification on the steer the Now you have each won one member must gain at least of the top judging prizes points out of a possible whats next on the agenda which soon eliminates Both girls are grooming those who are not serious their calves to exhibit at the about it Acton Fair and they also ex- Doesnt looking after a calf pert to show at the Halton take a lot of your time Agricultural Society fair at Not as much you might Milton and Wellington Coun- wink said Cathy Theres In more frivolous tys top fair at Erin lots of work to do with them in pursuits Then providing they have the Fall preparing them for Both Carol and Cathy point the proper qualifications shows and keeping a close to their farm backgrounds as theyll pursue the Queens strong motivation to pursue Guineas at the Royal Winter careers in agriculture Carol Fair also pointed out she was competed In the Guineas be- the opportunity to ore with calves Cathy five times and Carol twice Cathy of course has the example of her brother Bill to emulate He won the Queens Guineas with his Shorthorn steer in meet other people in the county and province It has to be the people Cathy agreed 4H gave us the chance to assist our per sona development Carol for Instance had to give a speech to the county organizations on her trip to Wisconsin this year me club develops your personality brings out agriculture businessman agement at a community col lege in Centralia Cathy is in her last year of a Bachelor of Arts course at the University of and earlier inten tions to pursue a teaching career have been replaced by a desire to stay in agriculture in some capacity Members of the Acton club also scored two other notable wins during the first showing of a new class for calves at the C Top place in the junior divi sion was awarded to a calf owned by Vernon Butchers of Acton and shown by Debbie Butchers In senior section the calf owned and exhibited by Jamie Brown 2 Rock- wood placed 15th in a class of entries The Queens Guineas is awarded to the top beef calf in Ontario and the competition Is limited to Ontario 4Hcrs Each member of calf clubs it is minimal in the Spring and increases as the autumn and fair time approaches Dont you become very attached to your calves No you realize at the start you cant get too attached to them Carol says and Cathy t agrees 4Hrs well realize sored by the and J their calf will likely end up at of Spring Farm Hoi- CAROL SOMERVILLE left tends into future plans Carol tion of greater number or judging contest The two members of the ActOD is determined to Buy in young exhibitors in its first dub won over 300 competitors from across the agriculture and so is studying year there were entries province it Hintons 5 to Store Fair Days Specials Smart Sly tot LADIES ACRYLIC SWEATERS Reg MENS WORK PANTS 599 BATH MAT SETS TERRY JACQUARD TOWELS V STURDY SITON HAMPER ASSORTED GLASSWARE 49 IBS SAUCEPAN SET 277 JOHNSONS BLANCHED PEANUTS 87 LETTER PADS TAFFETA QUILTED PILLOWS VINYL COVERED PHOTO ALBUMS KH 4l SPARKLE HERBAL SHAMPOO 109 89 REIGNING BEAUTY HAIRSPRAY 99 SPARKLE PROTEIN SHAMPOO 99 Ford reenacts pioneer crossing of Canada by car The pioneer 1025 crossing of Canada by car is being re- enacted by the Ford Motor Company and the signing of a commemorative scroll by mayors of the municipalities along the route will be re- enacted in Acton on Wednes day Sept 12 at pm Beginning at Victoria BC on August four 1974 Mus tang its and Cougars wilt back slowly Into Pacific Ocean waters and head cast retracing the route of the ori ginal trip and covering areas which since 1925 have been linked by major highways The Mustang and Cou gars will complete the re- enactment October in St Johns touching the Atlantic Ocean in a province that was not yet a part or Can ada when the original trip was made in communities Between the westerly and easterly Mile markers of the TransCanada Highway dian communities in a tribute to Canadas motoring pio neers A highlight of the 1925 trip was the signing of a com memorative scroll by the mayors of municipalities on the route and this will be re- enacted here at and Ford Sept 12 with mayor adding his name to the list Dream comes true Let us build roads across this Dominion so that the peoples of the east mingling with those of the west may to gether become one indivisible nation With these words Sir Wil fred expressed the hopes of Canadians at the turn of the century for a transCanada highway In 1925 the dream came reality when a Cana dianbuilt Model Ford stub bornly made Its way miles from to Van couver It was the lirst time an automobile had been driven from coasttocoast without leaving Canadian soil The 1925 crossing is being by Ford which undertook the original trip to mark the companys anniversary and promote the concept of a trans Canada highway The idea of reenacting the trip was prompted by the dis covery earlier this year of a movie made by one of the participants Edward then chief photo grapher for Ford of Canada The film which was found In the storage vaults of an ad vertising In Toronto records the cars progress along mudcovcrca trails across rivers and streams and sometimes mounted on railway tracks It shows crowds of people gath ered in towns and cities across Canada to cheer the arrival of the celebrated car companions were Perry Doolltllc then president of the Cana dian Automobile Association and generally regarded as the father of good roads In Can ada and J Scrymgcour In addition to the film took a selection of black and white photographs and many of them have been located But there has been no trace or the commemorative scroll signed by mayors across Canada or the 1926 Model Ford touring car used on the trip Obituary Funeral Sept 7 for Ted Elliott Claims twp needs mobile home park Funeral service was held at the BurnleyShoemaker funeral homeon Friday Sept for Edward Ted Elliott Acton Interment was in cemetery with pallbearers nephews Tommy Fountain Bobby Cripps Michael and Legion members Bob Angel James and Frank Jones Mr Elliott died suddenly Sept in Guelph General Hospital He was SS years of age Survivors He Is survived by wife Lucicnne Marcoux Elliott brothers William and Percy of Brampton sisters Mrs With the gap between house before the regional govern- and the financial ment takeover means of young couples There may not be much steadily increasing chance to get it after that he GeorgeFountainMaeMrs Esquesing township should warned consider establishing a muni opera ted mobile Recalling there MISS ACTON FAIR COMPETITION Acton and Mrs Leslie Martin Nellie of Aurora He was born at in son of the late Mr and Mrs Roland Elliott He had lived in Acton for the past years and was a bricklayer by trade His marriage was in 1956 In Acton He served overseas for four years in the second world war and was active in the Legion branch 197 Rev A H McKcnzie conducted the funeral ser vice Quilt draw Tickets are being sold by Acton WI on a double wedding ring pattern quilt where council would draw the line in the number of mobile homes allowed Councillor George cautioned that to offer space in such a park only to young people might be home park Glen Williams municipallyoperated mobile discriminatory He also resident Harm home park in thought the project would be n applicable after combine with other areas for theres some way around it water and sower hookups he said The possibility of council Reeve Hill concluded the being criticized by private discussion by saying nothing businessmen after it has could be done about the already turned down previous suggestion until the to establish ships zoning bylaw is at last weeks County Reeve Tom Hill said regular council meeting The he liked Koeslags township presently has a by- suggestion but wondered law prohibiting any more mobile homes except in Willow Park a licensed area Young couples now dont have a chance to get out of an apartment building They could buy a mobile home at a third the cost of a house told council regional government begins since the township could then tile home parks caused Councillor Dick Howitt some concern I can just see abuse being piled on council but maybe council would seek nformation about such parks from other municipalities immediately Mahby claims Need better weed control Koeslag said he would like payers about obnoxious weeds on certain properties by an organization which is Esquesing township not out to make money and prompted Councillor George suggested it be established Maltby to suggest council Complaints from rate- get the weed inspector Deputyreeve Lcn Coxe going at last weeks expressed Ihe opinion many meeting ratepayers are under the Reeve Tom Hill replied that impression the county weed ratepayers need only call the inspector has Jurisdiction like Winner will be eligible tor 1974 Miss Sweetheart of Fair Contest WINNER VALERIE MITCHELL JUDGED ON APPEARANCE PERSONALITY AND POISE Friday September 14 AT FALL FAIR VARIETY PROGRAM Two will Mt as Queens Attendants PRIZES FOR CONTESTANTS Donated by Local Merchants and Industry rot and attendants Do ad line for Entrlei Wdnsday September 12th at 7 pm REQUIREMENTS Single Girls of Age and Over Street Wear Formal Evening Your Choice Musi Live In ActonorTownshlpsof Esquesing or Erin Entries accepted by members f the Miss Acton Fair Committee Brant Marshall Russell Murray Neil John Ha won John Chapman Given Zenith Nell Is Cathy Smith Anita Brand Bruce Gall Maltby Lois McLean Valerie Mitchell to cut weeds and if Its rough you dont he asked Wider cut Councillor Leslie thought the township should lead the way In weed control by arranging for the township cutter to take more than one THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CENTRAL HALTON APPOINTMENT OF VOTING PROXY Any person whose name Is entered on polling list tor a polling subdivision In the municipality and who Is a A person other than one who is In hospital or other Institution where a polling place has been provided on such premises for the purpose of polling or where provision has been made to attend upon such persons for the purpose of receiving their ballot and Aperson who is certified by a legally qualified medical practitioner by a certificate lied with to be physically incapable of attending a polling place A person absent from his regular residence by reason attending an educational Insillullon and expects by reason such absence from the municipality to be unable to vote at the advance pol I or on poll day or A person who expects to be absent from his Polling subdivision during the election period including the advance poll and polling day by reason of his being engaged for hire or reward in the business of transportation by railway air water or motor veh icle may on terms obtainable at the Office of the Returning Officer Main Street East Milton appoint any person to vote In his stead who Is entitled to vole In the same municipality Such persons must be appointed end certified by the Clerk of the Municipality during he two week period following day Period from Sept 11 to Sept IS not later than Tuesday Sept JMcGeachle Returning Officer Town of Central Halton Hell inspect the land and see better than weeds cut on tell them to cut the weeds if agricultural land added swath of roadside weeds they need it and if they dont Councillor Wilfrid Leslie when it travels the roads hell send somebody in to cut but how will you do it on Councillor Maltby claimed them and charge it up to Ihe rough land with creeks and most offenders arc owners of owners the reeve ex- rocks land plained We can certainly Complaint unnecessary minimize the problem Hill said a complaint does Maltby interjected not necessarily have to be Coxe said he could sec lodged by on observer to have Leslies point weed inspector perform Arc we going to say if his duties however Cutting in open areas minimizes the problem for adjacent owners he said It Its not done producers have to spend money getting rid of weeds theyre not youve got good land you have responsible for Watch for Hie Opening OF OUR NEW SNOWMOBILE SALES SERVICE CT0M CYCLE Main St N Issue 29 permits A total of building per mits were Issued In Esque sing township during ihe month of August Total cost of buildings to be erected A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing ACTON SCHOOL of DANCE MODERN JAZZ I Former New Pupils Please Register PLEASE PHONE EVENINGS JOYCE CARPENTER 8531475

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