Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1973, p. 1

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study shows Hydro towers should march across Haltons middle An independent study con ducted by Bruce Hewlett for the Commission has determined the preferred route for the hydro route from Middleport to Pickering generally runs along the Parkway Belt across the centre of using Milton as a pivot for two crossings of the Niagara Escarpment In a presentation at Queens Park Thursday morning Howlett outlined the route for press and municipal representatives He an swered questions about the route which girdles through the Milton area He said the Parkway route is the shortest has a com paratively low environmental impact has fewer substations than the northerly alternate Is possibly the cheapest In overall cost and conforms to provincial plans for future utility corridors He also said the route is generally ac cepted by the public by several provincial agencies and local governments and by a number of citizens groups Disadvantages of the Park way for the foot swath of towers include higher costs for improved appearance towers relatively higher costs for land and the possibility of delay it the province does not act ex peditiously to permit Hydro to buy land in the Belt The preferred route is called a Modified Route an Industrialist from the Acton area who suggested it was superior to any that had been presented at a series of public meetings prior to the one in Acton It Is identical to the route known as which Hydro rejected except for the double crossing of the Niagara Escarpment which would occur south of Rattle snake Point and also at the 401 highway crossing The preferred route would cross along high way Jog north or 401 near Milton angling across the Escarpment on a slope through a quarry and scat tered woodlands which feels will reduce the visual impact Although the route for the towers has been the result of eight months or deliberations and study by the Bruce How lett team Dr Ormond head of the com mission appointed to deter mine the best route says the final decision will not be made until another series of public meetings Is held to debate the proposals unveiled Thursday YEAR NO 12 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY SEPT 19 TwentyFour Pages Fifteen Cents Start early on outdoor rinks Warm weather last winter made the Installation of outdoor rinks a problem for the twin hatted Acton Board of Parks Management and Recreation Committee so It was decided Thursday to start early on rinks this year provided weather Is suitable Chalrtady Diane Spiel vogel told members of the board the town superintendent assured her that If boards arc up for the rinks before the frost arrives town workmen would assist In preparing Ice The committee budgeted for three rinks last year but were able to complete only one because of mild weather It was felt an effort should be made this year to have least two available for the public to use It was suggested there be at Sir Donald Mann park and another at Prospect park Member Lou suggested that perhaps the committee should prepare a surface on Fairy Lake rather than In the park because It seemed ice on the lake was used In preference to the outdoor rink He also felt they should investigate whether ft would be feasible to have rinks at the two public schools in Acton and ask permission to use the schools tor change rooms if they could work out a deal with the board of education He noted the board had been calling for increased public participation in the schools and he felt this was one way they could do It Spielvogcl felt Mr Bonncttes suggestion had merit but reminded him activities where schools arc used also require the services of a caretaker and this would rule them out Before you turn the idea down Ill look into it Mr said In a discussion of the merits of the rinks it was noted they were Ideal for the little tykes who get pushed off other skating areas and cannot yet compete with larger children The Midway was jammed Friday and Saturday Sun shines on Fair Two girls raise funds help MD campaign Acton Firefighters to raise funds to fight muscular dystrophy has surpassed last years total and la not finished yet still have cannisters to pick up and donations to be handed In before totals can be added up They hove had unexpected but welcome help from many quarters this year Including a donation from two girls in subdivision who gathered up pretty stones painted them and sold them to raise funds for the cam- Firefighters were tickled to get the two dollars from the sale from Kathleen Nolan and Donna who dreamed up the idea and arranged the sale on their own The Tire fighters point out that cents of each dollar donated to defeat muscular dystrophy goes into research cents for patient services eight cents for fund raising six cents for administration and five cents for Information services Attendance and gate receipts were both up happy officials report after two- day fall fair staged with perfect weather when an estimated entered the grounds The rain predicted all week failed to arrive and warm sunny skies encouraged exhibitors and strolling patrons Crowds seemed to throng every corner of the park all day Saturday Attendance at the Friday night show is also estimated to be a record Saturdays gate receipts couldnt be depended on as an accurate gauge of attendance Many entered free with the parade or on passes and a problem with security guards resulted In quite a few entering the grounds without the opportunity to buy a ticket Park trees victims Dutch Elm disease the scourge that has destroyed tens of thousands of shady Ontario elms has not spared trees in Acton park this summer Parks manager Harold Townslcy told the Board of Parks Management a tree expert from Acton inspected Axes kits stolen Buses at Tyler Transport company have been broken into police report with 12 to 14 axes and some first aid kit supplies found missing Police ask that any parent locating these axes get in touch with them trees in the park and 10 of them must come down victims of disease He estimated It would take to take them down and clean up We lost 12 trees last year councillor Chapman reminded the board We soon wont have any Member Lou said the board must assure trees which arc In areas where children play must have priority because of the dangeroffalhnglimbs It was noted there was one old spruce where children frequently climb and play which also must come down It was decided the property committee would tour all Acton parks decide what had to be done Compliments now However the problems of the staging of the districts big show are behind the fair board under president and compliments keep rolling in The Saturday parade was excellent with five bands The hall displayed very worthy exhibits with new com petitors welcomed arena space was all sold while almost all the space available in the whale park was rented or used for displays or parking The street layout brought praise as it organized the grounds in a better way There were three or four more food outlets than ever before yet several of them had to send people rushing out for more supplies Saturday parade Five booming bands made the Saturday parade exciting Acton Citizens Band led off with leader George Elliott Meet candidates on Wed Sept 26 Arrangements are complete Tor a Meet the Candidates Night at Acton high school next Wednesday evening September at pm Eleven candidates for North council will be speaking and the program will be moderated by Tom Watson who has been acclaimed to the Halton County Board of Education Acton Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the evening at which Ihe public will have the opportunity to ask questions of the four movoraltv candidates two candidates for regional council in Ward One Acton and five for North council in Ward One declining a scat in con vertible as Citizen of the Year to direct the players from within their ranks Burlington Teen Tour band and Guelph both bring a lot of showmanship with their playing and the Georgetown girls pipe band and Sand Hill pipe band both kept marchers in step and the spectators happy Best float in the parade was entered by the Li on cites winning as overall champ and as best novelty float The gals were decked out as hillbillies Winners In service and organization category the winners were the figure skating club first Acton Lions with swimming pool project featured second and the Aclon Firefighters third For novelty category the Lionel I es were first Rock- wood Trail Riders second and the famiiy with wagon ponies third For business and industry L and I Motors was first Country Mart second and North Furniture third Award for the best dressed horseand rider went to Bruce McDuffe of Rock- wood Politicians wave Present members of parliament and regional council hopefuls joined in the parade Justice Minister George Kerr M P Terry OConnor P P John Root MPP Bill Kemplmg Minister of government services Jim Snow mayoralty candidates Tom Hill Bill Hunter Phil Siddall and Bill Smith Life members Sandy McLean and L Davidson got a ride to the fair In the parade as well as Mayor and Mrs Lei Duby president Bert ladies president Mrs Archibald CNE president the lady directors in a wishing welt float and the Shorthorn Lassie Swinging along were Brownies Guides and cubs ball and soccer teams Georgetown air cadets old cars new cars clowns and Miss Acton Fair with her court Hikes Decorated bikes and tnkes joined the parade at Knox church Organizers were very pleased to have entries winners Buggies Lillian Take dragway to court Tammy Kunde Sherry Lynn Dawson trlkes Chris Wlllmolt Clifford Biggart Cindy Kunde Girls bikes Julie Jennifer Why Caroline Gibson boys bikes Shawn David Hargrove and a tie for third Steven Parker and Chris All the winners were given toys donated by Mr and Mrs he is general manager of Products which manufacture toys They also donated the prizes last year and hope to do it again Hall exhibits Ladles in charge of the hall exhibits were glad to welcome new younger exhibitors to the com petitions Different crafts and collections were also on I am hopeful for a dialogue for the preferred route he said Indicating it was open for discussion and new suggestions The public should say what seems to them to matter Hydro said It was willing to accept any route provided adequate consideration is given to environmental engineering social and economic factors and the lines would be constructed in time to meet the require ments or the power system A comparison of the en vironmental features bet ween the three alternate routes the firm deduced from their studies indicated the southernmost of Q alternative had less impact on most natural resource features and made more Joint use of existing and proposed highways pipelines ana railroads than do other alternatives Public sentiment towards each of the alternatives favored following Route Q where It follows the Parkway Belt the recreation and transportation corridors set out by the Provincial Govern ment to provide green belt between communities west of Toronto At some meetings pointed out this choice was virtually unanimous He said some of this reaction must be ascribed to the desire of some to keep the line away from their home and community but felt equally strong was the fact the government had designed he Parkway Belt Intending both to control and to acquire lands in It for purposes which Included public utilities and hydro lines Favor parkway Group response to the proposals also favored System where It follows the Parkway Belt In general there appeared to be a consensus that the Highway area would provide the best crossing of the Escarp ment and that crossings In areas to the north and south were not as desirable Twentyseven municipa lities in the study area also responded to a request for submissions Municipalities by the two other alternative systems pre ferred a route following the or Its modification utilizing the Parkway Belt while municipalities affected by System generally preferred System Municipalities north of Highway in preferred crossing the Escarpment in the area of which was also noted as acceptable by several other municipalities outside the Immediate area However municipalities south of opposed this crossing or any other south of the high- Comments from several Provincial Ministries varied For instance the Ministry of Transportation while agreeing with the Joint use corridor concept In principle stated some Implementation problems ana restated reasons Tor rejection of the Parkway route considered In 1370 The Ministry of Con sumer and Commercial Relations favored joint use of hydro lines with pipelines but favored the more northerly S or T routes The Ministry of Agriculture and Food felt the lines should be restricted to Joint use corridors and preferably be located over low grade agri cultural lands The Ministry recommended which Is almost Identical to ex cept for the one Escarpment crossing The Ministry of Natural Resources also submitted a brief choosing or the modified q to avoid a number of significant and sensitive environmental features particularly in the Escarpment and Oak Ridges areas This Ministry also felt the route would demonstrate an ability to implement the Torontocentred Region concept Consider underground The lengthy report and conclusions suggested that compact towers and underground lines should be considered in the future although the secretary of the Commission Nell Cote said here could be no underground Installations for kV lines before There appears to be little doubt that If undergrounding were possible a good deal of opposition to hydro lines would disappear the report notes The report recommends that the Modified Is adopted the crossing of the Escarpment south of Rattle snake Point and three circuits are required lone In another in 1982 and a third In 1990 the first two circuits should be carried on one tower alone However because the visual sen sitivity of the area and taking Into account rapid advances In technology It Is recom mended the portion crossing the Escarpment between KlF bride and Highway 25 only a low single circuit tower be erected for the line When the line Is required the overhead line shoqld be removed and Until lines be placed underground using Hydros system or conventional un derground cable This would eliminate permanent over head lines on the Escarpment crossing Two double circuit kV circuits ore also required for this crossing at an indefinite date and Iho report recom mends they also should be installed underground along side the kV circuits More lines are required for the crossing two double circuit kV lines would be needed in another In 1980 Two double kV lines are also needed at an in definite date A crossing at this point also will depend on whether Hydro can find a route around A study Is now The report recommends thflt very low single circuit towers be used to cross the Escarpment at an angle with trees left between lines or concealment Ontario Hydro Is currently studying tower color and it is suggested this crossing Continued on Page Six injured in three accidents Six people were Injured in Dr applied the brakes bulance to General accidents In Acton the put causing the vehicle to pull Hospital Dr Garrett week most unusual for this right striking a wooden estimated they will be unable town barricade and the two men to return to work Tor four There were only three according to police months collisions investigated by Toronto men Mrs Cheyne a school Acton and two people Joseph Falcone of crossing guard has damage Toronto was the more to the car estimated at about seriously injured according to Dr D Garrett who treated Freak accident them Mr Falcone has a very Two high school students badly damaged right knee a were injured In a freak injured in each one The two moat seriously hurt will be off work for four months Lost Friday rooming at am two workmen with Montego Construction were struck by a car driven by Mrs Main St Mrs driving south on Main St N at the construction site at Elizabeth large laceration at the corner at the high school of his right eye and other cuts parking tot Thursday at 3S and bruises am Albert Rogers LoufsGarcia34of Toronto Mowbray Place and has a fractured bone in the Robert Gibb Acton 17 right thigh cuts and bruises were running In the parking They were token by am- lot as a car driven by William For the first time council is preparing to prosecute operators the Toronto International Dragway on the Fifth Line cast of town for alleged violation of the town ship racing bylaw Council passed a resolution Monday night authorizing clerktreasurer French to have the township solicitor lay charges against the dragway operators for allegedly allowing racing continue until 12 40 Sunday September The by law calls for racing Friday and Saturday nights to ter minate at 11 30 WW witness Council has received letters Preston Nerval proceeded bruises and his car had from residents in the area of through the lot The boys ran estimated damage the who say they into the right front comer of Munday was driving a car for the car and suffered cuts and owned by Robert Lindsay secution in court bruises Damage to the car Willow St with its damage Complaints about bylaw was estimated at to the set at by police He was violations have been windshield and right front treated at the spot by Dr Pun registered many limes before Driven hurt and taken to General by residents but council has Saturday at pm two hospital by ambulance He resorted to court oc ean were in collision at the has bruises and a sore neck corner of Church and John low rucks The bylaw calls for a fine with both drivers injured Two tow trucks removed of for the first violation Robert Corkum the cars from the corner after Fourth line resident Dave Acton was driving south on traffic was diverted for about submitted a written andGaryhlundayW request that council the west on Church at assisted by North Halton alleged violation into the time both alone in the in investigating slderalwn when issuing a vehicles Charges were laid by Acton permit to the operators next Corkum suffered cuts and year Kitchen Kapers was the theme for group displays there were five entries with Dublin I Judged first and llannockburn second Dublin Juniors won the exhibits with llannockburn second Kilmer 1 limchousc won the most points in exhibits and Mrs W the most points in flowers Other specials had not yet been finalized this week daises up There were not as many flowers as some years due to the heat and dryness but Coo Untied on Page II Figure feed bill The feed bill for nine swans a few geese and a couple of hundred ducks in the Board of Parks Management looks after on Fairy Lake made them wince at a meeting Thursday Grand total of the last bill was to feed the birds The way they keep coming down here we may have to get a truck load one member quipped Flocks of wild ducks and Canada Geese have joined the fowl which stay on the lake through year Some depart but other freeloaders stay and join the bread lines Hydro routes bother J Snow Residents of should make their feelings known on the proposed major hydro line route when the Solandt Commission hearings begin in October Halton East MPP Jim Snow said at a press conference at his home Friday Snow commenting on the Thursday recommendations by environmental consul la Bruce points out the newest preferred route crosses Central Halton and predicted it wont make anyone in very happy The line would enter north Burlingtons western boundary and run Just south of Deny to a substation site southeast of Milton then branch off to the east and west along Highway Follows One westerly route would cross the corner Townshlnand travel westerly through Nassagaweya north of Five Sideroad and Highway 401 toward tbe Bruce Generating Station The main line would head east toward Pickering A spur line would head up through to ad if North Burlington route Is not possible Consultants have not given proper consideration to the erne farm land In this area Snow claimed Such line would a damaging effect on the area be said and be to do everything I can to assist constituents la King the route original route proposed by Ontario Hydro would have cut across toe northwest corner of Township but it was firmly opposed by township residents and others In tbe Acton area Snow said the newest recommended route Is no better than the original route Higher here For one thing he said Ontario Hydro will find land costs In tbe Milton and Highway areas are pretty steep compared with tbe sparse farm land that wot earlier considered Snow said the hydro lines were necessary and he agreed with peed for a substation in the southern part of Halloa He also noted the tuning Is getting crucial as Hydro needs the transmission lines as soon as possible or some areas win be experiencing a power shortage Dr Seiandta commission will consider Howlatt reconuncndaliom and eventually make a reconunendaUon to the Ontario cabinet

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