Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1973, p. 9

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Joe Hurst cites Mayor Duby sees experience benefits in region The Acton Free Press Wed September U Good future seen by Inscoe The most Important factor facing this new council of la the flnalizatlon of the total residential density for the whole community said J Joe Hurst a candidate for the North Halton area council to be elected on October JOE HURST Mr Hurst of Acton is the retired former clerk administrator who ays It makes sense for a man who has been an em In municipal work as long as I have to continue In this work following retirement He said that Acton background His wife Nan Kathleen Is a teacher in the Milton District High School As a native of this town he said I feel I have been around long enough to show concern not only of Acton people but of all people who will be in the new community Joe Hurst prefers the name as opposed to the ether name choices of North and Hills A hundred years ago It used to be nod it follows to call it Esqueslng again Mr Hurst says people are his greatest concern In the new set up to me what people need and what we should do for people Is my greatest concern at the lowest possible cost To sum up I feel that I know the problems The new council Is going to have to make quick decisions on matters immediately and they must know the answers I feel that I have worked closer to the public than any other candidate and because of past experience should be able to contribute such an There should be no reason for one borough to compete against another What Is goodfor Acton will be good for the whole com m unity and by the same token what Is the whole community will be good for Acton also lias the time to apply the Ulf energies required for greater CI administration at the new and am experienced I can devote full time getting at the is presented im mediately Varied pott Mr Hurst is a veteran who served five years In the ItCAF He has had ex in political affairs th at the municipal and county level having served for two terms on Acton Council acting as chairman of the finance committee during his second term He has been a member of the parks board and recreation committee and served on the county Industrial committee for seven years More locally he was one of the organizers of the special gift committee set up for the I and M Z Bennett Schools when they were first built and was also he said one of the old dirty dozen group who tanned the reconstruction of arena some 12 years ago Hav ing served on the committee composed of the clerks and treasurers of the county on which much of the framework of regional is based Mr says that by date of December 31 1973 Acton no will be a municipality It will be a borough he continued and any growth should be planned for total municipality It will be the town growing as a complete unit not the individual community of Acton Regarding expansion Tor Acton Mr Hurst said he thinks that the trend in local municipalities should be held now as much as ble with present commercial areas developed If there is a need for more commercial en terprlse it should become part of areas downtown but that problems to be considered He said he thinks that In growth should only be with the entire municipality in mind as the total radius of the four ward municipality would only extend within the distance of to 10 miles Looking at recreation Mr Hurst said We enough area parka at the present time What we need is a well organised park with artificial lakes such as the con servatton park Not for the people who can cot or backyard swimming pools but more for the man and his family who have to took closer to home for his outdoor recreation He feels that we must get away from future developers developing small neigh parks but favors the larger central type park for more people Another reason why determining the density of the area before taking any major planning steps he said and stipulated that although it wilt take 10 to IS years before such growth is established planning for the whole region could be com within the next months also believe he added that parks do not always have to be set up with sport areas and arenas and reiterated contention that there was no sense in plan ning more parks or mass recreation services until the total population is deter mined ana work towards that Prowl f tew A family man whose five children nave received both primary and secondary education In the Town of Acton he is proud of bis unopposed Tom Watson who represents Acton and on the present Halton County Board of Education received acclamation as Halton Region Board of Education representative for Wards Acton and or the North area Mr Watson has represented Acton and since the county board was formed in 1963 He was also a member of local school boards In Acton A retired restaurant operator Mr Watson wife Rene daughters Jane and Mary and son John live In Acton on Drive Parochialism has got to go out the window declares area one council candidate Lea The new municipality la a new concept and basically I very confident that the council Is going to do a good Job for the com m My main contribution explains Acton s mayor would be based on my present knowledge He fears that If a councillor have enough experience by the time tie aware Inroads into his areas of local concern could have been made by the majority of councillors Closely allied As the mayor of the town regional government The steering committee of regional mayors and clerks has already met four times to formulate policy which will be recommended to the new council As a for Instance Mr points out the new region must Immediately have an official seal been plumping to have aspects of Acton s beautiful crest Incorporated in this new seal My biggest hangup he explains Is the opposition some people feel to regional government Something had to take he says for cefully Regional government was required Powers now have to be on the basis or larger govern ment One of the criticisms Jurisdiction Acton does have over its own fairs Speed up process will speed up the grant process ap plications for hearings rational planning ana development of the total area it 11 also reduce the Infighting for assessment Annexation will be applied over the whole area and Acton will continue to grow However Acton will still have to live within the decision making of prov inclal government departments he asserts Growth will be In a more orderly fashion than In the past when Acton fought lor land We have to have experience to compete around this new council tabic he Insists And he adds delightedly that after trying as mayor to be 1m partial for the past 11 years he would like to be very partial indeed on the new area council Acton will be his prlmo concern Not He is very aware he has been criticized for not run ning for the mayor seat I m not apologizing he declared The mayor has to be a full time Job and regional councillor too After years with my company he personnel head at Beard more lhavetorationallzc It would be an imposition on the employer no matter who Certainly the northern area will ha to have a new council headquarters existing one are all Inadequate Howe Mayor Duby would push for per manent suboffices In Acton and Georgetown Shared concern I be most concerned about the decision making process In the new council and making sure there ore ecu liable decisions he says adding he sure this Is the way things will be done After all over all his years of association with neighboring LES DUBY councils we have shared the same concerns His many years of political Involvement years on Acton council as mayor president of the Central Ontario Regional Development Council president of the Town and Village section of the Ontario Municipal Association member for nine years of the Ontario Association or Mayors and Reeves hydro commissioner 11 years and most recently election to the board of directors of the new Association of Municipalities Ontario an amalgamation of the and Mayors and Reeves Association He an vet and I member active in St Albans church and a cheerful at tender most community events sometimes with Always accessible or chats he this week concerned about the people board Various matters of business were attended to at the last meeting of parks board It was noted that profits at the arena booth had ned good during August in spite of Increases in labor costs and food Mr Chapman attributed this to additional sales Mr assured members of the Board the ice plant would be all checked out and ready to make ice before he goes on vacation October He said ice making could commence in or degree w the sun was not bright and heating the roof Member Orv Chapman felt the cement block walls recently Installed would aid making some which Mr acknowledged Chairlady Diane presided for the two hour meeting Town of Central Halton MUNICIPAL ELECTION RETURNS OCTOBER 1ST 1973 For the purpose of returning the vote of the Centialalton Municipality an Election Central will be set up in the cafeteria at the Milton District High School 396 Williams Avenue Milton The Cafeteria will be open to the public at 9 p m and will remain open all Polling Subdivisions in Central Halton have returned their vote It should be noted that no returns will be available prior to 9 p m since the Polling Subdivisions do not close until p m J Deputy Returning Officer Town of Central Halton Telephone reports on election returns are being made available as a public service by The Canadian Champion Phone or after I hope lo see Acton as a leading community In regional government I can see where smaller municipalities amalgamated one community can benefit with a bigger voice at Queen s Park Barry 37 is married with two children He has been a resident of Acton for the past years and feels It is his adopted community He has already proved his allegiance to the town of Acton by appliance or energies In various fields or endeavour and is to represent Actan In a ward one scat on area go A freshman member of Acton council Mr Inscoe has served on the Acton parks and recreation committee for the past three years and has been active in local minor sports programs Con lack He is concerned about the lack communication between the residents of Acton and regional govern men and feels that more publicity In the press T V flyers and in all other media should be brought before the giving taxpayers ling of how it will affect Ihcm lack or Informal on mailings and many attempts at explaining the new set up He realizes that the workload will very heavy In the first few years lies out four nights a week now and says frankly that until Dot he expects to never be home But I m a political animal and I enjoy what I do That why I want to stay concerned ana represent Acton on the area council It will be up to the people to make representation for what they want he said Although reg on a I go em ment will be to people they must not be afraid of It Mr inscoe feels it Is up to urea keep the public well Informed of what Is BARRY in both els of regional government but t want Acton lo slip away from the grass root level or politics Horn and raised in on 1 Brampton Mr would 1 sec Acton progress at a controlled rate not url an sprawl 1 con lie feels hat long as the reprcscntnti of Acton ore and energetic Acton II not from not nice reg el must let Ihcm know that this Is a community of people here he said and that council headquarters should be central zed as a measure In Ihe right reclioa Now that government is here he said lets start on the right foot GLIDDEN SPRED SATIN LATEX Sugg Retail Gil SPECIAL SALE Sept 28th to Oct 1373 ONLY GAL OR COLOURS LAKEVIEW CENTRE MAIN ST N 11M Message to Trafalgar ft Nassagaweya Ward Voters Ward voters have only mark on their ballots 1 for Mayor 1 for Reg iortal Councillor and 1 for new name of In Trafalgar voters will have their lot as follows ONE MAYOR BEST j MacARTHUR ONE REGIONAL COUNCILLOR McMillan WATSON TWO LOCAL COUNCILLORS DAY GORDON GREEN ONE NAME OF NEW TOWN MILTON MOHAWK I Jim Watson Deputy Reave Halton County Council 1973 Although Mr Is ntercsted In all phases of recreation he feels thnt the communities of bath Aclon and Georgetown have adequate park areas Within a minute drive we can get lo any type recreation area required he said but specified that he would I lo see diversified recreation for all levels Tar both men and women Mr past ex has taught him that council representation requires hours of t me con sumption but he Is prepared to g as much time as red lo represent the residents of the Acton community thoroughly I would like to promote some pro is on lo entertain delegations and encourage people to participate at meetings he sa d and was adamant that if I can benefit community as a whole I w II make no bones about going to Queens Park and making Actons heard Senior If he gels into off ce Mr said he would promote good adequate for senior In Although he that Acton downtown bus men should show interest in the area of re the he would take hard look at problems of downtown areas In other communities which have I from outside on Page Shoj Tina Mia Mot At HINTONS to STORE PHIL SIDDALL for MAYOR Some Good Reasons for 1 Rural areas should be retained productive farming and recreation Development should be contained within the present urban areas Growth of Acton with its own character as an equal urban community should be encouraged Planning and Zoning changes should only be made after discussions with residents in the neighborhoods which may be affected 5 Established residential areas should continue to be improved with road improvements and tree planting Better ways of waste disposal should be developed and the use of quarries for land fill opposed A policy to provide adequate park land near residential areas should be actively pursued before all open land is eaten up by development Recreational facilities should be extended in neighborhood parks and Pool and Arena projects completed without any more lost time 9 Municipal government should be made efficient and businesslike without becoming bureaucratic or secretive 10 Local offices should be provided for the convenience of tax payers to pay their bills obtain licenses information and assistance 11 Respect for our area should be developed at the regional level by having hard working dedicated and responsible members on the regional Council Innovative forms of housing should be sought to keep the area primarily occupied and prevent the onslaught of high development 13 Ways of reducing municipal costs for senior citizens should be investigated and more senior citizen accommodation provided 14 The Mayor should be available to and responsive to the people is The Mayor should be a superior ad and leader with intelligence and energy to lead the three communities into the era of regionalism THE MAN FOR THE JOB 1 5IDDHLL

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