Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1973, p. 14

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Howitt favors area planner WARD Although ho hat mixed reding about regional government Dick candidate for area council In Ward tKsqueatng We have to try to make It Eaquetlng will notice the change morn than the larger municipalities where council meetings are usually con ducted In a more formal manner ho predicts Because of this Mr suggests that If the new area council try working without a procedural bylaw In speaking to representatives from Oak- vine and Burlington Ive found that councils there often spend more time arguing procedure than doing business he explains He says he Is definitely in favor of allowing deputations to attend regular council meeting done this In and have been able to maintain close contact with the people he claims Now thai the township has had official plan approved and approval of the by law is Imminent ho thinks new council should consider hiring a full time planner Need planner Not only has Ihe area reached the alio lo warrant this but nt this pres sures from developers wilt become greater In the nor thern area he Im not concerned trying to stop development would just like to see development Ihe proper way no explains Having lull lime planner would DIM help to process soning amendments he feels He warns that representative from Aclon and Georgetown on area planning board may not be quite concerned about how the plan is In as township residents are In representing Wnrtl a Ill very concerned that the people there lire required to pay for services in ureas lint Ihoy wont he to advantage of he promises lie however that recrenllon Is not one of these is a service for which we should share coil he soys Opposes He hones a lot of politicking wards and lliti trading of voles does not occur and predicts Ihnt It will not I think the majority of the representatives from Ihe three municipalities reason Ihlngs out ho says A possible In government subsidies or work once Eanueslng Is as urban area may result a Im provement in mad conditions he nays A lawyer Mr has been member of Council for the past three years He resides wild his wife Carol and daughter lofildcrond between lholourlh and Fifth Lines of Esriueslng wants better roads DICK An Important part of the Job of area councillor In Ward will be making sure the nine urban members of the new council are aware of the needs of rural resi dents claims George Maltby candidate for area council in Ward a I believe rural people bet ter understand what goes on in the towns than town people do what goes on In the town ship the incumbent Councillor suggests For Instance roads are not a big Issue in the towns but they represent the largest problem in the township In talking to township rate payers Mr Maltby says he has learned many would not object to more money being spent on roads providing the roads display some improve ment Rural roads must be improved and I would like the opportunity to Initiate pro grams that would be con structive and long lasting he says Road costs are increasing and we must demonstrate to the Ontario government that we require more dollars in grants Police grants Mr Maltby also feels the new council or the Halton Region council should negot iate with the province for additional grants to offset the cost or the regional police force which is lo be intro duced He points out lhal township ratepayers do not now pay directly through taxation for police protection Since he was elected last December says he has strongly encouraged council to enforce lis bylaws to protect beat Interests of township residents If bylaw Is unfair rather ignoring It we should change or rescind It he suggests Toronto International drag- way managements lack of consideration of local resi dents has led council to prose cute Its operators he points facilities mid future needs In the northern urea be carried out soon after the council governing In January further suggests thnt a survey of out of area resident use of facilities be conducted Mr explains that the townships official plan has now been approved and that Council Is now awaiting approval of Its zon ing bylnw so that the play may be Implemented to work for the betterment of Ihe community An advantage to his candi dacy he says Is the arrange ment he him ninth with his employer to give time necessary to research pro- Mem so thai people benefit The first yeiir on the new council will be very time consuming he ways The normal course my allows me to irnvcl through part of the township mm every day Mr Is a sides ad ministrator with the Atlas Alloys firm He lives with his wife Call and sons Gregory Guy and Geoffrey on the Third Line of Esquesing Just north of Highway He Is in his first year as member of council A keen Interest in the community and township has prompted Russell Miller to let his name stand for the position of area councillor In Ward The former deputyreeve of Esquesing who was defeated In a close race for reeve last December feels that with the Ward representation reduced from five to three those three represen tatives must be prepared to handle many phone calls and complaints formerly directed to the reeve He points to his experience in serving on county council for two years as an asset to his candidacy Theres only a minority of candidates running in the Miller makes region return area wllh whom I have not sat on committees at the county level and in regional discussions I eel knowing Ihese people personally will benefit me he says Mr Miller would recom mend that salaries for area councillors be based on meeting attendance with deductions for meetings missed J I would hope salaries would not exceed what councillors arc presently being paid he says He favors retention of the system of allowing deputations lo attend regular meetings and strongly recommends that all meetings be open Development township on a controlled basis would please Mr Miller He predicts there will bo hike in taxes but emphasizes it will be councils responsibility to work against tax hikes by trying to obtain a better residentialindustrial assess ment balance in the area We need some industrial development but I strongly recommend It be planned industry perhaps in the form of an Industrial park he explains Applications from township residents for amendments to the forthcoming zoning by law should get top priority after January 1 Mr Miller claims These people have wailed four years now because of Ihe holding and Hints for too long he claims He is in favor of council looking Into the possibility of operating a mobile home pork Young people and pensioners arc hard pressed lo purchase and maintain their own homes he points out Mr Miller recommends that road construction and policing on township roads bearing heavy truck traffic be im proved Council has to come up with a new program for this wlthoul taxing people too heavily he says He favors retention and construction of recreational facilities in Acton and Georgetown with the town ship contributing towards the cost per capita bails grants I fought rural dumping as a resident and would cer tainly stay on the same side as a councillor he promises He believes smokeless in cineration and recycling arc the answer lo municipal waste disposal problems Company policy at Fine Papers In Georgetown where he is employed would allow him the necessary time attend Important meetings Mr Miller has served four years on Council two of as deputyreeve He resides with his wife Jerry sons Bradley and Randy and daughters Laurie on the Eighth Line of GEORGE RUSSELL MILLER Candidates meeting Continued from Page One outlined his preparation of the George town Council brief which was followed by Queens Park led to southern boundary of ihe northern area being claimed he has gained the respect of Queens Hark the mayor of the new area will need In future dealings He suggested new Ideas In housing should looked Into so that more people will be able own own homes and reported he has already J resented a report on how Ills he done Finn sneaker Georgetown Mayor 1111 Smith also a candidate for mayor of he new area sold every effort should be made to hold tuxes at leant to existing I eve I the new regional govern ment setup He ratepayers their concern about rural dlmplng Is Justified and promised It elected he will not allow municipality to use the north as dump site It wus his hope a recycling program now underway In Georgetown could be extended through the northern Smith ho id he hopes Ihe provincial government state ment regional govern ment In Ha I Ion is merely a restructuring of the county system Ih true He Informed the audience Georgetown has million gallons or water per day of underground water which il does not use hut could be pumped An mayor he would work to moke Ihe Plow ing match to be held In In he best ever Pose questions Following a speech out lining regional government by Region chairman Allan meeting chair man Peter posed questions submitted In writ ing by ratepayers said the official plan will continue in effect for some time Including a smalt portion of the town ship which was lost to the Central area in the regional realignment Even tually he said Ihe plans of Acton Georgetown and will be incor porated into area plan which must not conflict the regional plan he added On the subject of waste dis posal Miller said he would Len Coxa acclaimed was acclaimed Regional Councillor for Word Esquesing Cone ex- Word electors a Meet the Candidates night in Monday Mr was first elected to Council In 1070 he scored a landslide victory at polls become deputy- reeve A decorator Mr Ioxe wife live on the Seventh Line or near like to see recycling ami Incineration whereby energy con be produced be Intro In area He said he does not believe then- is such a Ihlng an sanitary landfill Smith reemphasized his previous statement Ihut Georgetown Is in position lo pump 7 million gallons of water per day replied negatively to a question about the possible bud effects on the area water table sold he would be prepared to give up his job to become full time mayor if thai were necessary but fell II a little premature to say whether or not It would he a full lime job He said he has received clearance from his employers lo attend after noon regional council meet Asked what will happen clerks and staff of the three municipalities Hunter said he fell sure all clerks will he used in the area and he Is of the opinion none will be laid off In spile of the fact con struction of swimming poo and recreational complex was approved at a recent meeting of Georgetown Coun cil Hill said he doesnt think the people of Georgetown will construct such fl thing In the area without letting Acton and have a say in It Well all have to use It I say Esquesing should he ready to donate some money for It he said Asked what his council attendance record was How- ill replied he has missed only two or three council meetings this year because of a vaca tion He indicated attendance of the township as a whole has been good Truck raffle Miller said he feels money spent on studies concerning Our first step in solving the truck traffic problem Is to improve construction maintenance and policing he claimed If roads are constructed maintained well trucks are not Hive Acclaimed Councillor elect suys he has no Idea what Ihe salary for regional coun cillors will be Ive heard anywhere from to he sold Indicate Im somewhere In between in my opinion explained legisla tion for establishment the specifically colls for setting up of urban service areas This means specific ureas will be taxed according the services they receive he explained Hill told the meeting will prose cute opera of Toronto International for al leged violation of the racing by law He said as mayor he would take this alleged viola tion into consideration when operators apply for a license next year Hunter said he didnt think any candidate could a question put to him on the comparative of ad ministering the new area and the three present munici palities He offered to pass the question to anyone but received no takers Smith elaborated on the Georgetown recycling pro gram informing the audience is a pllol project on card board ad- LETS ALL PULL TOGETHER AND KEEP OUR NORTHERN COMMUNITY A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE At the Acton Fair and in your homes I have met many of you and listened to your concerns Your concerns about pollution rural dumping transportation recreation industrial development roads planned development and taxes are also my concerns As mayor of our new nodhem community I will provide energetic and responsive leadership for all of the people of Acton Esquesing and Georgetown FOR PROVEN LEADERSHIP VOTE lam married with two children own and operate an automotive parts business and have been active in minor baseball hockey home and school and boy scouts During my 11 years on council and 3 years as mayor I have always made myself available to concerned citizens service clubs and athletic phone number is 8773043 BILL SMITH CARESLISTENSSPEAKS FOR INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION PHONE 8773043 8776774 As your mayor I will make use of my experience and abilities to benefit ALL of the people of Acton Esquesing and Georgetown with honest intelligent and common sense representation ON 1

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