Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1973, B1

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Mm Mm NINETYNINTH YEAR NO ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY SEPT 1973 Second Section People participation important to Marks The successful regional council candidate In Ward l Acton will have to rely on help from the public to make sure council decisions reflect the real needs of the com munity Peter Marks can didate for the position believes Any Influence I have had on council decisions over the past five years has been a direct result of the hundreds of concerned people and service organizations of Acton who have offered suggestions and expressed their concerns to me the Acton deputyreeve assures voters Mr Marks believes all the Intelligence in the world la not enough to determine what the people in our community need and can afford PETER divided into wo separate areas Although wc must look at the overall development of the region 1 reel Ward i Acton has separate needs from and Georgetown and this should be recognised he main tains Residents of Acton arc reasonably satisfied with existing services so lets not create more services that people here neither want nor con Afford Need industry Discussing industry he says Our elected representatives must ensure that Acton receives a fair share of clean manufacturing industry that will not overtax our available services and will provide jobs for local residents Mr Marks says he is concerned about the ever increasing costs of providing social services such as public health welfare and Childrens Aid He feels a human services council of elected representatives and volunteers from social agencies should he established to eliminate overlapping and duplication or many social organizations This will help to provide adequate services and help eliminate inefficient spen ding he claims Commenting on Increased taxes in other areas of Ontario where regional government has been in troduced Mr Marks says he feels many errors made in other regions are a result of poor business practice In administration lie Is hopeful his experience as a business administrator for a large Canadian service centre will help the team of elected people when they are setting up various departments Medium necessary It is essential that we Bet up departments just Urge enough to do their business efficiently but not too bio for the public to deal with he says Regional government will not do our citizens any good If they have to line up chlnd IS people at three different desks over in Georgetown to have a problem solved also feel he continues that my association with the tabor force in factories and offices on a day to day basis helps me stay In touch with concerns of the average citizen like myself Asked if the potential in creases in councillors salaries might significantly affect taxes he replied that he hopeful all candidates wilt hold the line on increases Existing salaries are more than adequate to cover ex penses With the number of regional councillors In increasing from the present 14 to Regional Chairman has assured every candidate they will be able to service their wards very effectively without creatine full lime resulting in inevitable targe salary in creases Mr Marks has wide range of town and county experience having served on most of the Acton Council committees over the past five veor He is vicechairman of the community ices mm tec of County and chairman of Acton Councils administration responsible for Two seeking regional seat Costs concern McKenzie INSULATION makes your house warmer in winter and cooler in summer It helps your budget too Added insulation decreases the Amount of fuel consumed to heat your home So measure the savings on your fuel bill with these heat saving specials MICAFILL POURING INSULATION FOR IHCJFlLL Easy to pour Easy to spread Does not irritate skin Not affected by dampness 3 cubic foot bag SALE 5 BAG 2 thick 18 sq ft bag 3 thick 12 sq ft bag thick 9 sq ftbag Res Bog STYROFOAM INSULATION Add warmth to your new basement room with self extinguishing sheets Big cut easily to fit 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mny be neglected under regional gov eminent Pat McKenzie observes this week want to be sure Acton Is not left out and I feel Its that Acton elect with the time and the experience to do the Job Pat Ih running Tor the one regional sent in tanning development property cemetery personnel lie resides with his wife Joanne sons and daughter lenh iWTidey Ave Phone Free Press regional elections next Mondav and thy Free Press will again have a phone sen Ice for the latest results This has become a tradition on town election day and this year expand- to include all of north Central la ton Election central for the north Is In Georgetown but results will be phoned soon as they are received both the council chambers in Acton town hall the municipal building After p Koch poll will count the entire composite ballot fro in mayor down to the name question before phoning results in to the thief returning officer chord in Georgetown This means no results will be available at least in hour after the polls close There are polling subdivisions to be heard from in north Mr hopes people will not phone his office Acton town hall or municipal asking for results and thereby lying up the lines Central results at where there arc two lines to serve you as well as another line for incoming calls only nurd one He would represent both the area council in north and at regional council Tor all of the county He Is presently reeve of Acton Billing on both Acton council and county council Cost Is concern I have worked on the for mation of our regional structure Mr paints out He supports the concept of regional govern ment but 1 have great concern about the cost of Implementing it As Mr McKenlc begins to outline committees lie has particular Interest in it becomes apparent nothings left Ho thinks there might he five or six committees with bis experience and bubbling interest he concludes Id be prepared serve on all of them tn give Acton North a strong voice In all regional matters And thats why hes a candidate far a regional scat Unit lime now After choosing early retirement us principal of the itoberl lltllr school Mr McKcnlc now has lime to represent the people adequately If I were still principal I would have to admitted Now he ill be free to attend many meetings and as well be around town lo listen to peoples needs and consider concerns That way hell lie to present a case In their behalf councils begin with no budgets Mr points out We mustnt let ourselves get carried away He had already expressed his concern it the sale of the present county council building at Milton the provincial government Ill support that sale if provides sufficient funds to give us a new headquarters In a central location without additional cost to the tax payers localion I wouldnt want to see it below the OK He adds it been stilted a building is needed to house employee To me this is ridiculous The reason for forming regional government out overlapping and mike efficient use of staff I want to see our local staffs abilities and capabilities considered when they are being placed in area work he says tie also wants to Ik personally involved in selection of staff rather than leaving hiring to experts also would try Leslie leaves After years of municipal ice Councillor Wilfrid Leslie has decided to withdraw from political life Councillor name was not listed on the huge board the Georgetown municipal offices when nominations for the October regional government election closed I feel Ive put time in now I d like some lime to travel a bit senior member of Council told this paper in a telephone Interview Councillor Leslie indicated he has been very much op posed to the introduction of regional government ever since the provincial govern made the announce ment two years ago During the past 16 years Mr has served as deputy reeve of years and a councillor Mckenzie firefighters are permitted to continue their excellent services A regional fire co ordinator Is already named He expects Acton fire area would still Include parts of Erin and as It does now With the regional police force Mr has two main concerns the cost of Implementing it In Niagara region cost has doubled and the orderly phasing out of the He hopes wouldnt leave Acton for four or five years the people of North arc satisfied and well served by the present He adds Acton doesnt need a service as downtown or vlllc and hope wouldnt be expected to pay for It Certainly he expects a police office would be maintained here per immently fa Ion Hed seek a fair share of tax dollars for recreation for adding council is now making good progress arena swimming pool and tennis courts He looks ahead to bettor band facilities In strumental music In the schools consideration for senior citizens recreation While was at school the Robert Little was always a strong competitor I know the youth and young people and I want to support their needs In better Kports help develop confident and mature citizens Mr has served on Acton council seven years was on library hoard parks and recreation com mittee of adjustment before that This year hes chairman of finance and personnel for council For three years he has represented Acton on county council on Social and Family Services Childrens Aid toads and Administration committees and is presently chairman of administration He is a member of the wardens committee on regional gov eminent Hes active In Trinity church lodge Men charter member and past international president and maintains a keen Interest In many activities connected with education Trial lor He defeated only once In a race for reeve He will continue to operate his farm north of ill The trial of Thomas is being held this Friday in court at Milton beginning at 10 Witnesses nave been summoned to appear in the case Mr is charged with capital murder the death of his wife in the Maplecrest Ants on Churchill ltd for Council is Ward 1 Acton With awareness and concern for Acton and its needs I seek your consent to voice Ward opinions and desires on your behalf I respectfully request your support on Monday October 1st

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