Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1973, B2

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The Acton Free Press Wed September We need good representation WINNING FIRST PLACE in the Acton Free Press photography competition at the fait fair was this portrait taken at last years fair by Tony Vos of Eden His camera captured a young payer with the Approximately 21000 voters have the opportunity to ensure have a voice in the now municipality of North Halton at elections on October A four man race for mayor is of major interest Involving reeve Tom Hill Georgetown mayor Bill Smith and colleagues councillors Phil and Bill Hunter In Ward One Acton there is also an Interesting race between reeve GH Pat and deputy- reeve Peter Marks for the regional councillors seat as well as five candidates contesting the two seats on the North council These include mayor Les Duby former clerk Joe Hurst former councillor Bob and councillors Orv Chapman and Barry In Ward Two Esquesing deputy reeve Coxe has nailed the regional councillors seat down by acclamation while three are entered in the race for two North Halton council seats These are councillors Dick Howitt and George and ex-deputy- reeve Russell Miller The ballot on election day will also include a referendum to select a name for the area municipality of North from three names selected by Councils of three municipalities of North Halton Esquesing North or Halton Hills For those who are confused by events of the past months it must be noted the present councils of Acton Esquesing and Georgetown are finished on December 31 of this year when the new regional form of government takes over The new regional form of government is similar to the county system in that it is two tierthe county council will be replaced by a person regional council plus the chairman resulting from artistic tnmmmg of he original picture wno appointed by the to include only its vital elements province course js Masson of Oakville visiting George Harvey high band The judge admired the sharpness as well as the circular concept flic region council in made up of the regional councillor from each of the word In the four municipal of North Control and Burlington North for Instance will have five representatives on the 24 man council one from each of the four wards and the mayor In Actons case this means the present nine man council has been replaced by three representa tivestwo of which will serve only on the North Halton council while the regional councillor will serve on both the North Halton and ton region Council In other words the regional councillors are similar to the present reeve or deputy- reeve The area municipality of North Halton will have a 13 man council composed of three representatives from each of the wards North Halton is divided in four wards- Acton and two from Georgetown with the mayor elected from all four Now what is the big difference between the old system and the new Doesnt look so much dif ferent does it except for the reduction from seven municipalities to four a larger county council and smaller representation for towns like Acton The difference lies in the distribution of power Local councils such as North Halton will be mainly responsible for local planning streets and sidewalks local water and sewers garbage collection fire protection bus service parks and recreation libraries building inspection and tax collection The regional council is mainly responsible for overall planning water supply and distribution sewage collection and treatment police main roads traffic lights and controls garbage disposal and welfare regional library system borrowing for capital expenditures and conservation It is really not so different Is it But the distribution of power has changed More responsibility haa been given to what was formerly the county but which will be the regional level For instance it was formerly up each of the seven Halton municipalities to provide police protection Acton had a detach ment of the OPP Georgetown and Milton each had their own po lice force Now it will be up to the region to provide police protection for Hfllton It is likely the will continue for at least six months as the official guardians of law and order in Acton and the former townships of and NaBsagaweya but they will eventually be replaced by detach ments of regional police Where will you pay the taxes water bills etc Thats not settled yet but quite likely there will be side offices in Acton and Georgetown for residents to pay for municipal services These points will likely be decided between the election and December 31 by the North Halton council The important thing now is to get all voters out on election day to select the best men for the job of inaugurating regional government into Halton Wise men have said we only get the government we deserve If voters dont go out and pick those they consider most suitable for the job of governing them they will have to be content with the choices selected for them by other people Think about it Do something about it Vote on October It is for three years and we are going to need darn good people to represent all the four municipalities of the new Halton region One last column about impressions of England and If youre already sick of them urn the classified ads Cost A holiday in England used to be relatively Inexpensive what with lower wages and food costs Not any more Costs hav soared all over Europe and Britain is no exception You can still have a cheap holiday there If you want to squeeze every pence just as you can in Canada But thats no fun on holidays In the lovely old town of Chester we paid about 115 for a room without bath But breakfast was included Good seats in London theatres cost from to Meals in a posh restaurant are about the same prices as In Canada preposterous Best place to eat Is In the pubs where at reasonable cost you can get a hunk of trench bread and a good cheese or a plate of bangers sausage a slice of veaf and ham pie or a hot steak and kidney pie Ice If you are accustomed to ice In your drinks in hot weather either forget it or be prepared to right for It Order a dry martini and sit back waiting or something and uplifting What youll get Is a glass of lukewarm vermouth a concoction designed to send you screaming into the arms of the local We arrived in Edinburgh not tired and dusty after a sevenhour train ride Strug gled with luggage cab and got to our hotel room after up in the elevator in the world No more than four persons or WO pounds I was intrigued by the thought of what happen if four got on Anyway when the porter arrived with our bags we were stretched out dying for a tray bedecked with a sparkling white napkin The piece resistance rested in the centre of the tray a wine goblet with four ice cubes in ft We roared He was bewildered Wed ordered Ice hadnt we Hed brought Courtesy Canadians and Americans are friendly souls on the whole but our manners are not always exactly polished We were struck by the courtesy and friend liness of the Brits At bus stops for example there is no el bowpunching of old ladies no sly kicks on the ankles no al titude There is a poUtenesa which though pained at timet very evident Theres an old tradition fostered by movies and novels that the English are extremely reticent to the point of stuffi ness on fains Theyre supposed to retire behind their papers todfcUBg each others presence by n more than the occasional grant or doty Why Its Just TheyQgooa and eipMhpng things being Bill Smiley kindly and helpful until sometimes when exhausted and dont feel like gab bing you wish the old grumpy stereotype were true Only once did I a slight unpleas antness and It was my fault We were catching a train and were late Sweating under the luggage and with our carriage MINI COMMENT Did you hear the true story about a Colorado telephone cus tomer who was being charged for a phone call every time she flushed her toilet Apparently when her service was installed a grounding wire had been incorrectly attached to a plumbing pipe The repairman jokingly said he couldnt under stand why the toilet didnt ring The Automobile Association of Toronto claims that the new impact bumpers are too heavy for one man to carry and may cause hernias to laborers Id future two men will be required to carry or remove such bumpers The Ontario Safety League warns repairmen of added hazard when two cars become locked together during a collision A sudden release of the bumpers may be violent and dangerous The employees in this establishment have a little sign hung up to goad them into It reads The objective of all dedicated company personnel should be to analyze all situations anticipate all problems prior to their occurrence have answers for these problems and to more swiftly solve these problems when called upon to do so However the sign adds when you are up to your rear end in alligators it is difficult to remind yourself that the initial objective was to drain the swamp what away I looked wildly around for a porter The only one I could see was helping an elderly crippled lady out of a wheelchair to get on the train I dropped my bags gave the porter a hand at helping her up then slung my luggage into the wheelchair and went beetling down the platform pushing armed and I started to unload my luggage from the wheelchair to put it on the irain A rather stem railway official looked at my wile whod been galloping along behind me looked back down the platform and spoke No no Thatll have to go in the baggage van I didnt know why as it hadnt happened before but with two minutes to go I didnt care We put the bags in the van and he started to fold the wheelchair and put it In I said Oh no That belongs here He turn ed purple He had been looking over my shoulder for the invalid probably expecting an old soul on a stretcher It was the wheelchair that had to go into the baggage van not the bags He had been completely baffled by this example of Canadian enterprise was embarrassed by his error and thereore grew a bit black in the countenance 1 apologized with a very sincere look and offered to run the chair back down the plat form but he drilled something about the train leaving and another phrase or two I didnt quite catch but which definitely con tained the word bloody Stopping at stand signal The smell of Fall is in the air Leaves will soon be turning the Ontario countryside into a riot of brilliant colour And cooler evenings make for pleasant driving The addition of roadside fruit and vegetable stands can make a pleasant country drive a profitable one for the budgetconscious shopper Fresh cut flowers are still available and soon apples will be in abundance Frequently the stands are located close to the paved roadway Often they are nothing more than flatbed trucks pulled onto the shoulder of the road In some cases the driver will come upon a roadside stand unexpec tedly By all means take advantage of the fresh produce offered but keep in mind highway safety says the Ontario Safety League Never brake suddenly in front of an unexpected stand Brake slowly indicate your intentions to other drivers and pull onto the shoulder A short walk back to the stand Is better than becoming a hazard to other drivers If you are intent on shopping watch for the farmers signs indicating a roadside stand and slow down before pulling off the highway in front of the produce Remember always indicate your intentions other drivers cannot read your mind Back Issues of The Free Press THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Copyright IWJ 20 years ago Taken from he issue of the Free Press of Thursday October 1 The decision will depend on what the Ontario Lacrosse Association decides our report of the game all referees Lou vlpond and Mickey Ml had to say when queried as to who won the second game of the L A intermediate lacrosse finals here on Tuesday night between Acton and Bradford The two officials called a halt to the game with less than fit minutes to play when a full scale donnybrook broke out in the last quarter and both Acton and Bradford players forgot all about the game and tried to settle differences with their fists Even spectators were involved In the fracas that sent one Bradford player to the doctors office badly beaten up and had the uproar Lights In the arena were doused in an effort to effect a Iruce Acton won the first game in Bradford and Tuesday nights win would have given them a two game lead Acton had a com fortable lead with only four and a half minutes left to play Jack Mann was the pace setter for the Rams with four goals while Lloyd Smith got three Her 1000 persona calls to homes resulted in cards of pertinent in formation in the hands of the our ministers of Protestant congregations The cards indicate Knox families United families St Albans 265 families and Baptist families Catholic families were not tabulated There were who indicated other denominations included three Christian Reformed one Jehovahs Wit ness six Pentecostal one Salvation Army one Quaker two Disciples and others Elmer the Safety Elephant flag was raised and safety rules were recited by Bean Michael Churchill Pat Dennis Catherine Higgins John and Keith Dunk Dennis takes over the of the student council with Baker vicepresident 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of September The Thomson Motor Supply building is now ready and council will go lo Ihe factory In a body and value the property and machinery ascertain if everything is in accordance with the agreement The mortgage to the corporation has been scrutinized and found to be satisfactory Churchill anniversary tea meeting on Monday evening was a most enjoyable event The church sheds were cleaned out and decorated and the tables spread there After excellent tea for which the Churchill ladies have been long noted a very enjoyable programme was given in the church The principal feature was the generous selection of literary numbers rendered by Rev Mr Morley A quartette composed of Messrs Harry Gibbons Archie Mann James Smith And Alex Mann sang several numbers which all enjoyed An interesting event was the presence of David Ryder the most venerable person of the community whose birthplace was the Ryder homestead at the Hill and who is now his year Mr Ryder was a lad of seven when Uncle Hiram Denny the first pastor laid the comer stone of the corner stone of the church Oh you hunters Dont be hard on those poor ducks who rest from lime to time on Fairy Lake This is an off year for beechnuts The children of the town have a great deal to learn about the dangers of getting in the way of automobiles Playing ball on the public highway should be forbidden A piano has been secured for the high school This will enhance the musical features of the curriculum Mrs W Gowdy passed away at She was born In in 75 years ago Taken from the Issue of Free Press of Thursday September ISM Is Acton to have a rink Considerable interest is being taken in this question around town and it is rumored that reliable parties are taking hold of it and that a syndicate is being formed to build and operate a rink here The site proposed is that of Storeys lot on Mill St where the planing mill was recently burned Acton is surely large and progressive enough to support a good rink and all the young people hope the scheme will materialize It is reported at Ottawa that the Mounted Policemen who went in by Edmonton a year ago have now reached Dawson City The particulars In the election trials give spicy details to the reading public A couple of weeks ago Asa Hall our oldest citizen was visiting friends in who reside in a house the foundation of which was built by Mr Ferryman years ago two years after he arrived in Canada from England for Mr Philip It in good condition A good deal of Interest and enthusiasm was manifested at a meeting In favor of prohibition In town hail Electors were present from and Eden Mills so the township of Eramosa was fairly well represented Discussion was invited but no opposition was offered Mr Charles McMillan a pioneer of Erin township died He came to Erin In 1DI He was reeve of the township for years The frame for the new double tenement of Messrs Robertson Bra on Mart St is up and being enclosed The bouse will be and will Improve the locality tenement on Young St is I gales the past week

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