Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1973, p. 2

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M Tom Hill Government of the new North ant comprising Acton and Georgetown be carried out by uniform council one that can recognise the and needs of the whole area Tom HUT candidate for mayor Inlsla Parochialism cannot be tolerated yvar Reeve of Esquesing township who hopes to haw the opportunity to provide the leadership the new man council will reaulre to look after business handled elected representatives nine man councils In Acton an Georgetown and five man body In With a neutral mayor and three representatives each from Acton and Etquesing and alx from Georgetown all will aland a lair Mr Mr Hill emphasises ratepayers In Acton should have no fear of having to help pay Tor a sports complex In the Georgetown area nor should Georgetown residents worry about a reverse situation Improvement or new facilities will back to the ratepayers of the particular ward enjoying the benefits of them he says Ileum no reason why ratepayers should frel more aloof from their municipal government because of the reduction from 13 elected repreaenbiUvea available People were always able get hold of their councillor before I don t see why they won be sow to get in touch with at least one of their ward representatives at any time Mr contends He Is definitely In favor of deputations being allowed to present complaints and suggestions at regular council meetings a practice which been earned out in his own township council chambers He adds that council should invite ratepayer representatives to committee meetings to further discuss serious situations when the need arises In order to allow the greatest number of people to participate Mr Hill says that he will call for as many council He does not however tike the idea of rotating the location of meetings among Acton Georgetown and claiming It would cause too much confusion with most of the municipal files and by laws based in one office He promises applications for amendments to townships bylaw once It Is approved will be dealt with promptly on a first come first served basis There arc several township residents seeking amendments Recreation views Recreation programs in the three municipalities should carry on as they are for now he suggests He would like to see persons from outside the area who are taking advantage of recreational facilities here charged higher registration fees Residents of the area should be issued cards Identifying them as such he says Why is the reeve of a rural municipality running for mayor of a new area which includes centres I feel I nave had considerable experience In politics and also have a desire to see the North Halton geographical area remain a strong part of the Halton regron Mr Hill maintains He discounts the charge he may be lacking in knowledge of urban problems pointing out he has had to deal with both urban and rurarmatters during the five years he has served on county council If elected I will attend all council committee meetings to become better acquainted with problems in all areas he adds Mr Hill points to his experience in dealing with Queens Part and provincial government cabinet ministers as an asset in heading any delegations he might be called upon to lend as mayor Company policy at his place employment Pine Papers in Georgetown provides for employees to take up to four years leave of absence for political reasons He is prepared to work full time at the mayors Job lie promises to do the job to the best of bis ability and warns that any candidate standing for office only because of possible monetary rewards Is making a big mistake If a person takes any of these positions Just because of the money he wont be much help to council But If hes doing it in the interest of the community he should receive adequate pay he says Mr Hill a lifelong resident of Glen Williams where he lives with his wife Ida and daughter Eleanor He has served eight years on Council two of them as deputy- reeve and the past three as reeve Three charges Friday at pm a local man was charged with poss ession of marijuana He appears in court Oct 16 Monday an an out-of- town girl was charged with theft as a result of shoplifting a local store She appears Oct Stolen car On Saturda at 12 30 a Kitchener youth was charged with theft when the car was apprehended as the result of a traffic violation The car was stolen from Kitchener and apparently the youth has abo been involved in other car thefts He was turned over to Waterloo regional police CfraoMft torn Canada ic GU can Four north Halton mayoralty candidates Phil Slddoll Bill Hunter Bill Smith A former Warden of County Georgetown coun cillor Hill Hunter has put his extensive political record and personal knowledge or the area at bat for him In his bid be the mayor of He says he In prepared to give full time the Job If he is elected Tho biggest challenge as he sees it Is to unite the three municipalities of Acton Georgetown into on Mr Hunter feels his urbanrural ties suit him for tho Job admirably Ho has a form In Terra and com mules dally Georgetown where he has been in business for many years Sees similarity He thinks the form of regional gov eminent Isnt going to be that much different than positions he has filled on county council where decisions had to be for seven municipalities Now they will bo made for only four However he docs feel the province will have to com pensate the people of North for the loss of Industrial assessment when regional government is Implemented January to look for Industrial assessment in North and It we dont get It or grants well be Ihe poor people of the North he He feels a cautious attitude would be best accustom people In the North to regional government Therefore he thinks suboffices should be established in the three communities rather than having nil the eggs In one central town office but points out this will be he decision of the North council not one ihe mayor can make ar bitrarily Favors development He favors residential development In Alton and Georgetown and estate planning of four or five acres in rural Esquesing noting It will be some lime before the regions official plan will be ready He wants more roads and parks Apartments Mr Hunter has no objection to apartment developments provided they fit in the topography and dont extend beyond five or six floors High rise Hes opposed to them on aesthetic other factors Perhaps Bill Hunters main election platform Is the emphasis he puts on sports and recreation He says no one In Georgetown has been more generous with funds for sport such as hockey baseball and soccer than he Hes a past president and manager of the Georgetown Raiders in termediate hockey club and reluctantly gave up much of his active association In favor of financial participation when he moved to the political arena More facilities Hes an advocate of more recreational facilities in all three present municipalities I have always supported in many ways the expansion of active sport in the area in the belief young people want to be an effective part of tomorrow ho explains Ills record as a politician Three yean Georgetown councillor Four years as deputy reeve Five years reeve Warden of in 1968 and filled in temporarily as mayor of Georgetown when the late Joseph Gibbons died through his term of office Im the only former warden running for mayor he notes with satisfaction In clubs Mr Hunter has been a member of the Lions Club for years he has his Monarchs pen is an honorary member of the Legion and belongs to the Chamber of Commerce He thinks his experience will give residents of North the necessary ings on their tax dollar as they get Into regional government I know the responsibilities and duties the Job and the time and effort required says Bill Smith candidate for mayor of the new area comprising Acton Georgetown and I have given that time to the municipality I am now willing to give to whole northern area A resident of Georgetown for the past IB yean Mr Smith has served ihstmurnclpallry as mayor tor the pail three years Prior to that he served eight yean on council He points out that he Is the only mayoralty candidate who has served on both the hydro water and police commissions Mr Smith says here is no doubt In his mind that from Day the responsibility of mayors position will be full time I own and operate my own business and have made the necessary arrangements to become a full time mayor should I be chosen to represent the people of the north he says As mayor he would hope to be able to bring out the best In the individual councillors under him utilising the abilities and personalities of each to the fullest He feels council should be obligated to bear any delegation that wishes to present a case but adds that in the beet Interests of both parties prior notice of the delegation coming and the topic to be discussed should be given Meeting policy Press attendance at committee meetings perhaps should be at the discretion of the majority of council he suggests al though he himself has no objection to the press attending committee meetings except in cases of policy and personnel matters Even then he emphasises all decisions made In cam era should be released immediately after Mr Smith says he does not Intend to become parochial In his outlook simply because he lives In Georgetown During the past It years I have represented three separate wards In town of Georgetown and In every case Ive voted on Issues that would support the majority he points out Ho says ho would rely heavily on Information from council of each ward to base his decisions on local problems Being elected by the people of all three municipalities it would be my Intention to represent iba people all three hon estly and Intelligently he promises Area headquarters he says should be centrally located and area where If necessary additional property could be ob tained reasonably and quickly He would set up satellite offices in the municipalities which do not have the headquarters and advertise the days and hours during which he would be there to meet ratepayers Planning stand Mr Smith feels good agricultural land In Esquesing should be protected yet council should try to provide industry In the area in the proper place so that people may be able to live work and play within the area boundaries In the field of recreation he would be prepared to organize a fact finding committee of citizens to assess the needs of the Ac ton area He was responsible for setting up a similar commit tee in where a swimming pool recreational complex is to be built He emphasizes that recreation covers ball parks Council must make sure same sensible controls are place on development he says He also suggests services should be charged back to the people of the particular ward or wards that arc benefitting from them Mr Smith says he will do everything in his power as a mem ber of the Region council to see that the transition from police protection to regional policing will be gradual He hopes the elected council will do everything possible to hold tax bus in each ward similar to what It Is now Mr Smith persevered at meetings with provincial author ties which ultimately led to extension of the service to Georgetown That service begins In December and It Is his in conclusion Mr Smith points out one major advantage of regional government will be that the three amalgamated municipalities in the north will have a larger voice at Queens Park Mr Smith Is the owner and operator of Smith Automotive In Georgetown He Uvea with his wife MaryAnn son Brad and daughter Brenda ate MacKenzie Drive Georgetown He Is A competitor has been de fined as a guy who goes Into a revolving door behind you and comes out ahead of you Leo Altaian Atlanta Constitution ft eg una I government It In mm grab by not for mayor In Ha his a in point program In inula ftV Acton And into mm on January Rural areas Id Iw for far mint and recreation and bwM m urban area of amamrntM Hi equal urban community nwtt emphasis Planning and waning They should made only alUr with InlheneighDorhoodswhlchltisylwarrted Mr discussion with Is areas should continue to be Improved with planting and road programs He Is concerned boiler found to dispone it and opposes tho use of for land fill surf as hod been proposed In the arm Mr feels a policy parkland near residential areas should actively pursued ami recreational foci II ties should bo extended Into neighborhood parks Hed like boo pool and arena projects In both Acton and Georgetown encouraged and without losing more time Local offices should bo provided for conveniens of pay bills obtain licences Information and assistance ho says People have to drive mile l bills and contact municipal Mr suggests new headquarters would bo bent at the present township offices location on Road He feels this is the only logical place for tho headquarters since there Is a nucleus to start from Acton and It is the most central existing point to the established urban communities Ho also feels strongly that there should be some visible sign that all three municipal lies belong In North without disturbing the unique characteristics of each one The idea of a large complex at one central point from which everything Is controlled Is abhorrent He Is also concerned that senior citizens In all three com munities should have strong representation and suggests the local municipality should be spearheading a coordinated effort within Region and neighboring Peel to approach the province with a program of assistance lie Is against senior citizens being shunted off Into a development whore they will be shut off from the mainstream of the community Senior citizen developments should be near stores and busy streets He Is also an advocate of changes In the Planning Act charging the present method of zoning and land use has led to expensive housing beyond the reach of many people He thinks housing can bo provided for twice as many people and has documented his ideas In a report on the findings of a survey and experimentation of low to medium density housing by the township of Chinguacousy which he submitted to the George town planning board He criticizes the distribution of polling stations In especially for newer subdivisions noting a similar situation in courage residents who work out of Acton from voting The polling stations should be In the subdivision to make it easier for voters he claims Thirtyeight years old Mr is a materials manager with of Canada InBramalea where his responsibilities include planning and control which he feels will be helpful for the mayor of North hi He lives at Delrex Boulevard Georgetown with his wife and family of three boys He came to Georgetown from Toronto has served on the industrial commission and on the executive of a ratepayers group which kindled his interest In politics He was elected to Georgetown council where he has been chairman of administration on the recreation committee and planning board He was also active on the fire committee which ironed out difficulties between Esquesing and George town Submit brief County Hoard of Education will submit a brief to the Ministerial Committee on the Teaching of French but suggestions or en I as enthusiastic In some areas as some trustees would have liked The brief developed by a committee of the board was presented to the board at a regular meeting Thursday night One recommendation was altered and another eliminated after discussion Trustee Ernie objected two One suggested thai under reasonable condi lions of availability of mater lets competent teachers and supplies French should be taught beginning in kinder garten That motion was eventually watered down to read French may be taught in kindergarten where it Is possible THE ACTON FREE PRESS Author isd as Class Mall Postal Number MIS big savings at your do it yourself Electrical Centre EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY 11H TOMATO JUICE 1 J KETCHUP 49 Or Btllardi Champion DOS FOOD Btf or 29 NOODLE SOUP 25 Tang A 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