Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1973, p. 9

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NINETY NINTH YEAH NO ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY OCTOBER SECOND SECTION damage Two collision In town in the week racked up an estimated damage total of damage to four cars and charges were laid by Acton police Sept Mat 15 pm at Main and Elizabeth cara driven by Clinton Peacock Georgetown and Robert Speaker Elmore were In Damage to the Peacock car was catlmalcd at the Speaker car Also Sept 30 half an hour later there was another two- car collision at Main and Church Driver Wilfred Aurcle Milton had damage estimated to his car and John Henry MOO PO closed All post offices will be closed and there will be no letter carrier delivery throughout the Central Out postal district on Thanksgiving Day October Rural route delivery and suburban services are also cancelled for the holiday Bishops installation is joyful celebration Were off to see the Bishop and several members of the St congregation board the bus headed for Hamilton last Sunday to see the installation of the Right Reverend John Charles Bothwell The bus was an easy way to avoid Hamilton and seen boarding are from the right Dorothy Cunningham Marge Clark Dorothy Bell Irene Holmes and Phylis and George Ingle of St Johns Anglican Church Laura Mrs John and daughter Mrs George Hargrave and daughter Sandra of St Albans Anglican church The installation of Right Reverend John as the eighth Bishop of Niagara was held last Sunday at Christ Church Cathedral Photo by Lorraine Receive higher taxes from Bell Acton council will receive receipts tax wid bv Bell taxes lie from the gross Canada this year an In crease of BOO from The Increase is a result of changes legislated by the Ontario Government The seven municipalities will receive in gross receipts taxes a hike of 700 from last year Acton receives lBO00 Electors SINCERE THANKS for your confidence in electing me as one of your representatives on Area Council Your interest and consideration will be foremost as we prepare for Regional Government on January 1st DUBY Under the old system Bell paid Ihc tax to each com which it operated by applying the local mill rate to the gross receipts taken in each community up to a maximum of five per cent of the gross receipts The new legislation calls telephones lieu in service In a community at each year end multiplying the total by five per cent of the company gross receipts In Ontario and then dividing this by the total number of phones Bell has in Ontario jrlington Georgetown Milton 32600 and Ookvlile Barnes said Unique tax communities are among the more than Ontario communities receiving increases through the new government formula that Increases Bell gross receipts taxes by per cent to million this year The tax is a unique form of municipal tax paid only by telephone and telegraph companies in Ontario com mutinies It is paid to cover the value of poles and lines and outside plant and Is levied In addition to normal real estate and business ARTHUR A JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Mam St Milton 878 High honor in lodge 11 Bower was coronetted an honorary member of Supn mi Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish at a ceremony in Vancouver s Inn Sept 7 Ik was presented his ring and collar of the degree by another member of the Supreme Council Allan Buchanan Church St Only other to this high honor in Ihe Masonk Lodge was the late Mcintosh The Buchanans flew to Vancouver for the meeting After visiting relatives In they returned home in a few days The Flllotts travelled by car and are bock after being away about a month Annual meeting The Supreme Council metis annually and last year at Windsor selected Mr lo receive the degree are selected each year from across the Dominion Another candidate was the lieutenant governor of Newfoundland and celt unite whs Ihe overriding tempo of Sunday s triumphant when throngs of people crowded James Street of Hamilton view the procession of ecclesiastical dignitatis and special guests participating in the instill the eighth Bishop of Niagara at s Church Cathedral In IIil church was tilled to capacity by two hours hi ton the scheduled hour Hie ov rflow crowd directed in Hie Myter Hall and eh whin they could the i closed circuit television I or those who us spectators tin tin hired it a display of music heraldry and hi ore si rvici beautifully II I Infantry tin cathedral litter hading tin procession Id llii In fanfare Inside church Iht Brass if Hamilton s Orchestra the fanfare music as thi of choir clergy postulants and irks llii retired Itislmp Waller I Bitnu1l It was in impressive performance where the rlluil intl pomp of Anglican luirch was pnsmtcd in all lis pageantry flu Bishops was ltd into the church and eluded of Hie Anglic in Metropolitan or Ontario Bishop lltber Wilkinson of tin Diocese of retired Hi an J I ricker of hureh pn and at its runlet ion as the congregation Mood facing the knock on Ihe west door signified the Bishop intranet While the clergy church and representatives of Ihe Diocese hi Bishop John Charles entered and proclaimed his request for as the ft I shop of the Ihocisc Niagara It was an inciting moment history ami waves applause went tip throughout hi to be echoed In the hull where pcopk win watching via scrim A fanfare from the mil hut hit tin note and the eongngation complied when any applaud in Anglican church and ihey did will fervor last as Hie Itlghl Hive rend lihn Both will was proclaimed Or I With Bishop of the of Niagara play by explanation to 111011 watchiiik via camera in Keith lend Hit newly director of St Matthews House In kept his observers informed as to the various roles of laeh person par In Hie ceremony an niiislt of i en monies is Itcv Chaplain of University of flanking the newly Bishop win Stantllsh In a mood of festivity and Bishop undressed his people and said 1 bring you both good news and bud news As your Bishop I come not so much as a defender but as person chosen to In of the We musi our acts through our irndltlon and we must reach nut our hands and arms to rs of children lvrofOod Bishop stipulated that the ln or God transcends all differences and Implored the congregation 1 celebrate together and be joyous at what happening here today The Bishop said that all change is not necessarily progress and continued Don I ask where social change leads us but how we can control It lo the of mankind Id finInn o bc bad news hi said Hint despite the and the generally incest education of our we still do not have peace Despite the confusion of modern life however said tin acclaimed Bishop God still reigns and quoted Behold I moke all minus He said that In celebrating his new position those present were actually constant renewal or lliat everyone should 1m happy Humor prevails Humor prevailed outside In Hamilton on Sunday on the occasion of Hit insinuation of Bight Reverend Bishop John Bothwell At the crucial moment when the Bishop knocked nut side the west door for entry Into the church pre schc duled the door did not open and the Bishop turned with good humour to the crowds surrounding the steps outside and said Well I guess they just I hour me knock Guess 1 have to knock again And he did and this time the door was opened Alter the service the congregation was led by the bund bock lo the armories where loud speakers with music festoons of balloons and hand made banners proclaimed the gathering as parly Mich parish was responsible Tor their own lunch arrange merits but coffee and lea was prepared by the ACW members of the Cathedral church The par expected lo attend far exceeded I hose numbers and as refreshments were served the ladles in charge hud to send out for refills on coffee and cups Throngs of people hud witnessed the procession of all fuiths had participated including Jewish Human Catholic United Presbyterian Anglicans and following behind them had come those attending the service In the and Myers hall At the Armouries Bishop Introduced his parents and members or his family and also his brother Hill Presbyterian minister known to residents as a onetime guest speaker In during Holy Week Alter the service Ihe Both wells held a family get together at their home In to which his cousin Hansen husband Ted and their two sons Paul were Invited Members of St Anglican had hired a transport them lo Ihc Hamilton service and along with them were members of St John In Bepresentaliv of at least parishes In Ihe Diocese were on hand view Ihe lion of ihe Bishop whose charges numbers some souls Oakville headquarters OPP stay in Acton ACTON LIONS CLUB PRESENTS THE CARLTON SHOW BAND RCA RECORDING ARTISTS DIRECT FROM THE PIG WHISTLE SHOW ADMISSION COUPLE SATURDAY OCTOBER 1973 at His ACTON COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCING 9 to I Tickets Available at IG A FoodUnd Store Cdn Tire Store Acton neks the Mam Shop Milton It It HI loll There were special events for the ladies at the meding and Mrs was presented with a special pin bearing the numbers 33 Over were in it tendance at the final Sept Paid up The United Church milters report pride thai the new carpet in the church is now paid for will be three district In telephone Interview police offices under regional Sims there would lie very government in little difference In service iceording to a press noticed The llirce districts least issued by Bill will include District One all Stcret of the llalton of region north of Police Steering Committee headquarters in is recommendation the town District Two committee will mnki to of the of board of police com and Tremamc inmsKiners when it is Bd and south of Ild The temporary regional district he In police headquarters will be District Three the located in with region west of Burlock district offices in Georgetown ind ltd south Burlington A staff office of ltd with head in Milton provision for quarters In Burlington officers to work from it will em be provided Consideration The Ontario Provincial hud been given earlier h is agreed to continue hiving headquarters in policing those irons over Sims said that muy Chapman said that any benefits of employment would be a matter for the with the exception of ranks ilsslon In decide less favorable than those he receiving from the local loler Itlght now the O I remain as Ihey art he polnled out The Act establishing the Regions Municipality of ton makes II quite clear thai every member of the existing municipal police departments who transfer to the may not be transferred to another area more Ihon 15 miles from his present headquarters without us consent II also states thai members shall not receive municipality explained Sims The Steering Committee will undoubtedly be mending to the Italian Board of Police Commissioners that subject to Ihc need for efficient policing In Ihe Iteglon and so far as possible that members of the legions Police Force con linue to serve In the area which they are now located Sims said Teas Christmas open house will be held at museum at so again this Acton Arena Thursday Oct to pm All calls will go directly to police headquarters Oak will be despatched from there lo the appropriate branch office others Currently the working committee of ihc committee is investigating other police forces with attention to such aspects equipment radio com municottons and general operation which it presently has juris diction until such time is the llegional Police Commission Is in a position lo assume Ihe responsibility release said The force in Atton will slay on as well as ihc Milton force which patrols and Towaships So mention was made In the news release of an Acton office for regional police in future Asked to com Acton represent alive Circus coming to town Thurs Billed as large louring circus in produced by Canadian company the International is coming lo town this week There will be two shows at the arena on Thursday There are to be three rings with elephants lions horses dogs equilibrists and many more exciting acts show also has only herd of performing baby elephants on the continent They re lo 15 months old and still bottle fed There are acts and of course clowns are Included says the advance billing Rex Heslop was developer Well known developer Rex of Georgetown died In Brampton hospital Sunday He had suffered a stroke about a month ago He survived by wife Del- ma daughter Marilyn Sun- nucks and son Rex G and three grandchildren as well as brothers and sisters Funeral service Is at SI Johns United church Georgetown Wednesday to day with Interment at Greenwood cemetery Mr Heslop was responsible for Georgi backing lived in one time paper there On Sunday Remembrance Day alia on a Sunday this year And then lure to Christmas

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