Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 10, 1973, p. 13

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the Pint at ACTON BOWLING LANES Trial Beat effort for Ted IB and Brace SO bard Inn Team Four oi poet km of Bite Heading up the win were Andre Con way Ken Harris tilt SIM SjSf ft jo BMt tar Teem Four Harris and Bud Martin Try were trylu I the tint with Team failed la make the The second and different Tlw Try going away Pacini re Bob 90S Oearie Adam and Mi COT Team Tor ahotacame from Jim Bob Mitchell Pirn era Jet Lucy Syonott tot 210 Mini Top trio for the I A Griffon IN tdUIHertnibrgrUl IBB Top tor Jim Variety were Belly Cheyne in US end June Payne it UT Moll Hardware wop the Fermi end wire for toe but the did tad mired It by 1 J pint Top trl counter for the Hon lire were Hen til Bee Beet n were Fran id CotVeai The Acton Free Press Wed October 13 Hot were lw wl Tom S JTK who time We In time til inn Oct took over tint place Roblmon H He her Morton with triple win from Panalci Janice triple w then e Vide for PhylUi thehukkenhow- were two end tot tie winner rent iter The torn The Radiant into win came from Cathy Gordon Bit ill tier by Caroline Bullous 500 Ml and Col and Don Jtifflera beat 11 Hard Oct 1 Lucky Strtkei with three win from Expo are perched on alloy ore Vry Til Helen rune all by their Up triple and for the were Ron Vryentioek polled by the middle c the on the heat the next two for aweep Norma 1I Kevin 144 and Gerald 101 alandlni 10 Bcramblert Rotllaf 6tonea UeaR Green J Select two game win from the 59 TbirtdayToppera Oct CtU took the Doodle In the tint by 11 pint loat out then lilted away the finale for a two and tot tit win Scratching out the top triple for the Cati were Shirley Thomaon I Kevin Lumber Lota 1 tot and Joan irked thai llniwereJ Peg Balltnilne I 190 Imndllni were Jennie tea J HI nd Belt finally broke Into the win column with Screwball ID Half Will I JuKlen T Hijacker Betty For Doodle Jon Hunt Electric were all Butt Audrey IN up and made every fame a Joyce 1U and Fran winds one at the Hot Frank were bell Top trio in the win were Pete were clobbered In the by Homer 101 BUI Johnatcca Happy a to a tout lit In the a pin win They carried with the 1 u Jim Betty Cole 41 Mum moil for Moaa Hardware annex the finale but were any on PlehltfKai totaketheoddpolntforlotali and and Gerry Ward 940 tied or a point Miking nL top triple for June 194 Wit ma a and Inbel 11 Snick Bar handed the Oak they the lint by IB i HOT 393 and ffiSf MtrvDtleyJMtndKeiWarfordiJi 1 I fit lofo the win pie- they dropped the bundle to The iEf tor It wai a two and toll It win for KHu ArlleWhltelwi J t make rS with the triple but came up with I aoloa Bob Woodcock ffiiJL hoek John 304 Ttnnle SOT and Floyd 111 If Lucky 1 Muitane IB Expo 12 fflSJT dropped the middle canto put then came back to win the finale by Top for aJJ and Bart 312 Larry Nolan IT 393 and Lee 1ST were beat Drlflen took Pete headed Up the the first two from Hot win Tope for the ware BUI and were all to hand Hot Panta the TIB at Kor Vryenhoek and Tom 199 In the iky for the Pal Centre Mixed Oct fc Six Plui One with a two and total win from Half Win remained up for a the top rung They could have been up all by themaelvea bul Hall the by pint Heading up the win were Marlon Stor ey est 399 Mire Dunn vuice Thornton and Ann Perry523ZOS Topi for the Half were John Dunn Z0T Dave McMillan 535 and Lee Clarke 1 Screwball to remained upon the top rung with their two and to tilt win from Topping the Screwball trundling were Gord ff an ball hid been rolled Dingbata wlUi a were Marlon Jerome Beit for were Ed Wood Scrambleri Vil 490 153 and T012Band It waa pie In ace when they met up with John amfortwo and total with Craig Perk In Ml Bryan Dunn 930 224 and Guy Payne 949 351 parking the win Don Friar TuckflBI239and Dave Mil I in 951 wen loner for League Handing Jon Hum Electric 9 Automotive T Reliable Snick Barfl Moil Hardware Palace John Ser vice 4 At tan Ladle Sparking the Drltten trundling League tending Putty Call 19 lift Slowpoke Hot Happy Handing the defeat put the In their pot drat place Homer brake their win In canto they milted It by 20 Heading up the win were Mac Jim Bert In the were Bruce Shultli7n2Tl Pete Homer Til and George Low In Acton handed Dominion Hotel a for the two cm to and were the third but milted It by 5 pint Top trio for the Lanei were Jeff Fryer 193 Dee 959 243 and Had 958 J Beit for Dominion Hotel 951 game winner from Hint on a Store who verted the aero count by winning the finale Top for Reliable were Don Greln Til Jim Plehl and Bob Woodcock 235 League Acton Acton Lanei Reliable Taxi Homeri a Store Dominion Hotel Ac lea Oct Polar Bean tlill occupy the a rung but after loalng a two and declilon to Road they have company Heading up the Road Runner win were Larry 3 Betty Hi andWarneMedand4TOUB7 Topi in 1T1 Lucky Strike with triple win from created a three- way flrtt place tie Heading up the win were Cord Lott Mike Noble 80S 228 Jerry Buchanan and Bob Mitchell Doug 20TJ 479 ISO and Bob 480 came up with a two d total win after tint canto to the Pearly Kinit Sparking the win were Ed night Gary 32T IBB and Wayne Handing Polar Bean Lueky Pearly King Road lloraeahoei 4 Mixed Oct 5 Smartlea loilng wo and to the are a of the top with Rolling Stone who made It with a three game win from Hot In the Smartlei go John 207 Jean and Laura Treble 193 paced the Fly a the win BUI Boyd l Mario sis Beit In Roy forte wen El too Gerry Pi ley 199 and Calvin IIS League Handing Rolling Stone 23 Watchful One Rover 20 Flyen IT Hot Shot 13 Big Foot Oct 5 Holy RoUere are rolling along a triple win tram Alley them ahead of the pack 194 Dolf Van Arragon 133 He Ike 133 headed up the win Beat Mliht came up with win of the and made It one they won cm all from Poor Soul with Ken 119 Jack Van Dor III and One De pacing the win Bed Beit rile were win It In Rolling Moore Bis 330 Doug Vlckery 5M 209 and Joan 213 making with the moat For Hot Shoti Arlle White Jackie SIB and George PI Inner were belt Watchful with a triple win at Rovera expense were hard preaaed to win the middle canto by 11 pint Heading far Poor Souli were Jaka Van Kooy 830 1219J Van Dim Hob Speaker League Handing Holy 14 MilflleT Alley Cata 0 Headyla rlano Mixed leag j their banquet date 11 1974 at the Band Hall moll of th leiguei are playing it booking their banquet date well In advance bo will be no appointment Lit roll in the Mr and wai In the Morton Jake and Murray Bateman They won the wherewith ill to buy Thankiglvlng my nolle to and Concord City Lets talk about HORSES By Jennifer Ban- In the Marie Mumlle 437 1 Dlppety win effort for Team from Smith 207 Lair 450 and Grace Roberta on II a triple win for 1 A when they met up with Jim Churchill THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR Anglican l7J Corntr WlllowSt and St Rev H J DawBon A Rev J L Ball A Hon Sunday Oct a Eucharlat Holy 10 a Church School Nor aery CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Onion Elliott MA D Director of Sunday Oct 141973 Sunday School and welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew A D Mlnlter A Hanien B A Organist and Choir Matter Sunday Oct 14 1100 Church School Thanksgiving visits graduation in news Churchill Road North The Rev A Walter BA 1TldeyAvonua Phone Sunday Oct la 1973 am Worth and n Kindergarten to Grade Church School a m Divine Worship Sermon I Too Am A and the Sacrament of the Catholic The Sacrament of Lord Supper Homily Bapllim Satisfying for The Church on the Mill It an Coming to Communion Interdenominational congre- for and the I read with Interest Wen t0 Ontario dye column The Painted Box a couple of weeks back and smiled sadly at her 0nce a t circle ex count of the changes wrought barn that housed to their small by the mares was enormous so necessity of support the boarders were taken lo help pet animals originally aqu keep Ircd to enrich their family rn lhe rat race Experiences have been once more similar In thla area and I I cant or wont get off tho hammering merry goround brushing and statu Many years ago bought a the horse mild fanfare Two noracs is the Joy years la four horses and the sight of my more in the moved In on Mac and his pn dont even have farm it wonderful ride anymore On Sunday Mr and Mrs Now 1 could hove my horses Here we so again by Mr their daughter Mrs and Mr orval CroBS Craig and wee all to myself I could enjoy the managed to cut down Morning worship service Norman Turner and David Park pastoral scene anytime I moved to our and Sunday school at and Jullann spent the afternoon with her wanted to I could brush their t 10 ran here In Churchill Community Church parents Rev and Mrs little manes and buy their lit Acton with a minimal last Sunday was very well Mr and Mrs Glen Finishing the tie and shovel their little amount of stock At last attended Our pastor Rev Copithom of Beach holiday weekend Mr and all by myself enjoyed my horses Work was sermon A Com with her twin sister j Caruso and Horses became a status time was my own munlon Meditation and Holy Mrs Brown and girls Carolyn and Barbara of symbol Before long we had Communion The choir an family on Thanksgiving Brampton spent Monday at more horses than we could af so why arc we building a them was Praise the Lord Sunday parental home ford like about one so we Also the orchestra was In Guests over the started breeding foals to aug we mlaht as attendance Mr and Mrs Ward Thanksgiving weekend with the income What a a boarders and We were pleased to spent the and Mrs Charlie lough The bills got bigger foals now Levi assisting Mr Thanksgiving weekend at St were and Mrs F Income less lnat were settled again John and Mr Ray Marys with Mr and Mrs Ron Macdonald of Plcton Mow it became the thing to Denny with our organist Mrs Blake and family Mr and The family en sell horses Cheerfully we j Donald Anderson Mrs Stewart Hamilton of trained several branches of until we were left with wor Toronto were also at their families and friends for three pet mares which moved The Churchill C C Women the same home Thanksgiving have planned on holding their Mr and Mrs Bill Smith and Mr and Mr G regular paper drive on wee daughter Stephanie or jj Mr and Mrs Dave Balllnafad enjoyed dinner at and Christopher en Joyed Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr ana Mrs Ron Gra dilation Mr and Mrs William Dobble attended the graduation of their son Garry when he received his B A with Honors at Guelph University Also attending were Miss Debbie Bogle BOWL for Pleasure BOWL for Health THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER It th IN Thing to do GO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES Main SI N announced later If It Debbie Betty and Andy and possible Mr Jack Harris on Sunday Mrs of Mr and Mrs Archie Kerr and Mr William were at Flint Michigan for Thompson of Erin also Mr the holiday weekend visiting Charlie Thompson Acton with Mr and Mrs K R had Thanksgiving Harris dinner with Mr and Mrs Mr Russell Book of Detroit William Thompson Churchill is siting with Mr Alfred on Sunday Thompson In Hlllsburg and BETH EL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Churchill Minister Rev J Carver Sunday Oct Sunday Worship Services at 00am and J Pre School Sunday School during the morning service Sunday School during the service Nursery during both The Bath El Chr Reformed Church Invite everyone to come and ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH SO Mill Street Founded Rev Frank Byrne MDIv Parsonage Cheltenham Church Office Miss Debbie Swackhamer they spent home from Conestoga College Kitchener also Miss Swackhamer was home from with Mr and Mrs Leslie and Mrs C Bay as for Thanksgiving and daughter Melinda were Mr and Mrs J J Julian her parents Rev and of Brampton spent Mrs and had dinner Thanksgiving Sunday with with them on Saturday Obituary Mrs Louttit First runnerup Ihey spent Thanksgiving Sunday having dinner George Maltby fl I the latter Mr and Congratulations Garry I Mrs Emerson Anderson and Gerald Riley I V I I I I I boys Jim and Earl lust returned alter a week THANKS To my supporters and all who worked for my reelection in Ward Two Dick Howitt by Doris Finn visited Send with parental home with her and Mra Gordon mother Mrs Mary was niece Louise The girls of Osprlnge attractive exhibit at Erin Fair entitled MM rtl An Acton resident for over Canada Mclac MrsBlUSmlU i ft Tift SSiiM and grandchildren ta a good Je h and the School had a A line dlspUy turn H advantage the ft Is good to see them Sunday Oct She was a life member of cenery and took short 1 to the and John of lb congratulations to Linda J Sunday SJS Sf Ward Bruce SrJp Si Erl have returned home from a contest on Saturday by Communion it predeceased her but she Is funeral Monday Oct 15 Albert and Mrs MacArthur attended the month vacation in There were seven con p bp1 Man telunSfcSTifi day the Lord has made Let us go to the house the Lord Let worship end bow down Let us kneel before Lord our Maker For He It our God and we ere the people his pasture You Are Welcome I Brampton slndaVToct reca ffiS XS AL SaM Replay Zgfe Anniversary Everyone Welcome MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Pastor Rev Robert lohnea grandchildren Mrs was born In Ireland and was married there In 1919 before coming to Milton Dr H Hamlin known here Pallbearers were friends Ume at Emma at the 2d MacArthur visited and en- and The fair dances and Norm dinner at return drive through the their awslJomewTthDeraice north was with the and Sharon gorgeous showing of the rich and Barry autumn colors Krapek and Norm Price ManuLife has the Georgetown 977 for small companies Sim lump w as Tew as f itntial Our Pension PI nun with the ill us lrj look the future Sunday Oct Worship Howard J Hamlin died Howard of Ste In on October Marie William of at the of Funeral onto Geoffrey of Ottawa services were Wednesday brothers E All of Warm welcome to all 1973 Oct 3 in OtUwa He is survived by his wife Sigrid Hawkes sons and daughter Mrs John Joan WinstonSalem Lome of Toronto and of Rochester NY Dr Hamlin lived In Acton during his boyhood years EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 33 Churchill Rev MThomen Pastor Sunday Oct 10 a jti Sunday School Morning Worship Evangelistic Service Another town will lose its Acton station Cruaderi BAH A I FAITH Christ You lovingly Invited to word has come to the agent at Ambassadors attend a fireside discussion Fergus Harris Bell that the Behold Lord Evening at station will dose Oct The hand l not shortened that It cannot save neither His ear J iU heavy that It cannot hear the teaching of Fergus station will close up e Among tha teachings faith I that religion The local M Beatty expressed disap pointment He had hoped to see a reversal of the railways decision to eliminate station had only been open in a nominal way since passenger service was ni fflKotitinued two years ago so passenger service Every free town do conformity the was not a time a station goes and the reason so that It urprtse tracks are allowed to toandrrom5ufloichoolon may Inftuencrme hearts Town council ia discussing deteriorate It puts more the All Red Bus Also rural The must be they want to make a difficulties in way of ever pick up for information bid for the building getting service restored he phone or imitations Abdul Bah Instyleitlaverysimllarto said Factory Sab 2nd and discontinued linos Cocktail table Hexagon and Commode tables Coffee and Lamp tables Step tables and Octagon tables fm ami MMMBY Thursday Friday and Saturday 9 am till pm Call at H H FURNITURE LTD ARMSTRONG AVE GEORGETOWN

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