Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1973, p. 4

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HEADLINE PROPOSED IS Sire HELLO ID TO MAKE fl LONG- DISTANCE TO POLICE HEADQUARTERS My Nil CANT IT ITS SORT OF LOOK YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO COMPLETE WITHOUT THE CALLERS NUI1BEK BUT CE CALL MBER net out A CALL Disappointing but realistic decision daughter him and her husband are having a lough lime thro day ties starting a post graduate course at and she well into an under graduate course in advanced pregnancy the eternal problem or and far of the of us of monev of Ah You kids don I know what it tike to be hard up pet all those grants and loans when tout mother and blah blah blah that the re going to starve They do Ret just enough to get But when you re voting and and have been spoiled in a middleclass home with most of the amenities you get a little of getting loud like to an occasional roast Irving to think of another method of making a delicious Hamburg dish In fact at today prices you can even ford Hamburg too often tike to go to a show once in a while or have a or have the clothes to go to someone rises part But there anything the budget for these fairly simple pleasures like to have a car like most normal people country r visit friends or go home for a weekend and have decent food from the old folks groaning board Can afford like to haw color TV or even black and while but there arc no funds like some new warm winter clothes out you have to make do last year and last tears leaking boots Bill Smiley If you re pregnant you like to start making a nest fixing up a home But on the rent you can afford you wind up in a crumby flat where share the bathroom and the stove work and the decorating is in puke colour and the ther mometer never goes higher than There s love of course lo fall back on But from what 1 seen in m day love flourishes a lot better when there some bread on the able and some bread In your wallet My wife and I went through the whole but I can t help feeling more pity for today young couples than 1 ever felt for Fir of all we were products of the depression and expect much When we did get a little windfall we counted our blessings and promptly went out and spent Ihem I remember the time one of my uncles died intestate By the time the estate had been cut up among the numerous nieces and nephews something like It was manna from heaven We straight out and bought radio a case of beer a bunch of stuff at tho delicatessen and had party To heck with tomorrow or next week But 1 mast admit that life was lot simpler then a great deal cheaper had a child and we got more pleasure out of him Ihon we would have from color a penthouse apartment and a Cadillac tte had a furnished flat In one of the grimmer sections of the city Shared the bathroom furniture was Salvation Army specials Hut my wife redecorated tho place and it had two entrances and a backyard real trees and grass It cost Its a week furnished for that We had a total income of about a month That covered rent food clothes transportation About once a month wc have a real blowout Babysitter movies each half dozen cokes and a bag of peanuts Wow Thats living Wi bored or desperate talked read studied listened to the radio gloated over our child Holidays I worked in the post office or In a factory to pick up few extra bucks Smokes were roll yourowns It wasn t bad but I used to get mighty sick of never having a dollar that didn have a slot waiting to gulp it 1 ve never been sorry my plans for i post graduate work ana three or four more A years of poverty went in and I was tossed by accident into the burly of the newspaper business i Todays students work hard at dull bummer jobs save every nickel get grants but have to scrape on the edge of poverty and I pity them Womens role often questioned For those who feel questioning women role in thi world is a new experience is refresh to read the following article which appeared in the Grimsby Indepen dent recently and which was published in the Bridgetown Nova Scotia Monitor at the time Queen Victoria was on the throne of the British pan the whole it is dreadful bother to be a women and do the business up in good shape In the f rn place you got to look well or else re nobody A man may be up of face and if he has got a large nobody mistrusts it and if he wrinkles bad on ha forehead his fnends disposition and tell each other that his wrinkles are lines of thought Lines thought indeed When in all probability his forehead is by the habit he has got of scowling at his wife when the coffee strong enough A woman must always be in good order throughout Her hair must be frizzled and banged as fashion demands and she must powder if she lias a shining skin and she must manage to look sweet no matter haw sour she may feel she must hang Just so and her laces must be always spotless and her boot buttons all in place and finger nails clean and musln whistle nor climb fences nor stone cats nor when she is She can I go out alone because ladies must be protected Shi can go anywhere when it rains because her hair won stay crimped and she get mud on her pet ticoats things She can be a Freemason because would lell their secrets andevcrybody would know and that gridiron She can because it wouldn be feminine She can go courting it is unwomanly But she must gel married before she is or everybody will feel wronged her and wonder why it is that the men don seem lo take and all the old maids and widows will smile significantly and keep quiet Oh these and these significant looks They are len times worse than open slander Back Issues of The Free Press Taken Ire Ike alike Press ItU Edward Ryan and rergui battled a in a brandnew storage at the A Green Fire company with fire fighting equipment late Friday evening Town firemen poured water on the flames in of loose excelsior His birthday was marked on Monday by John Smith a former Acton resident now live in Kitchener Altogether the largest attendance to date gathered in the parish hall hut for an evening of dancing held the Square Dance club Or Centre Toronto addressed the Home and School Association It was announced new playground equipment purchased by the Home and School had arrived Peggy and Frances lakes sang duets accompanied by their mother Mrs Alger class had the most parents present Altogether worth of Christmas cards have been sold by the public school with Shirley Mason of grade six and Merle Russell of grade eight topping the school for individual sales Books and a duplicator will be purchased with the profits this year Duke of Devonshire chapter of the I ODE head a penny sale euchre and draw Friday When Jimmy Robertson who lives at U Station Hotel was believed to be misting a search was organized Garrett informed the searchers Mr Robertson was In hospital and the town was runt to call back the firemen boy cads and others The Ugh school rugby team made a wonderful start and defeated Georgetown Taken tram Ike of the ree Press of Tfaarsday October 1123 New tennis courts are being constructed on the grounds of the Acton Athletic Association The large trees surrounding the queuing rinks been cut down ana the new courts will occupy the area there on the south side of Mill St Mtss Mamie Mosaics is transforming the appearance of her homestead at the corner of Mill and Sis with very desirable improvements This is the home where her father brought her mother way back m the eighties National Fish Day October 31 is set aside to focus our attention on our natural resources At the Brougham I Exhibition first prize Tor the finest baby went to Mr and Mrs Edwin Perryman a babe These happy parents are Acton young folks Mr William fine new residence on Lake Ave Is Rearing com- Good Is being made with Moore pretty bungalow on Knox Ave Mr Stephen new two- storey brick house at the corner of Bower and Wilbur will soon be ready The two new brick bungalows on the Joseph Lathy property on Bower Ave axe about com Dieted The carpenters are putting the mushing touches of Mr Alex new two storey brick on St The new cottage of Mr Henry McLeod on Church St Mr John Wardens new bouse in the rear of the Ryder and Mowat works Is finished Mr Charles Holmes has transformed the barn on the Henry Savers property on Education Lane into a very comfortable bouse Very general regret will be felt at the removal of Mr amfMrs John Clarke and family from Acton this week after St years Taken from the Lime of the I- ree of Thursday October IK9 The I cogue or word Movement was inaugurated last Sunday in the Methodist church with an appropriate sermon by the pastor the League and congregation Joined in reading the gospel of St John consecutively during the remaining days of the month Sunday Inst will be observed as Young Peoples Sunday services will include a sunrise prayer meeting at 7 a appropriate sermons and a mass meeting with suitable addresses and singing after the Sunday School service services will be held each evening during the week following An interesting church wedding was consummated in the church of St Mary Magdalen yesterday at in which the son of one our best Therites of holy matrimony sealed the vows of Rev Frederick Goodeve MA rector of Homings Mills and son of Goodeve Esq merchant Acton and Miss Emma Hand of After the wedding dejeuner the couple amidst the best wishes of all departed by the evening train for their at the parsonage Homing Mills ti waking up to the benefits council Into the cost Threshing and the local fairs are all the rue now At Ballinafad all the people say they are going Erin fair next Friday Joe ShortllTof Balinafad had several of his ringers badly cut out In the far west A number of young fellows are charged with ungeriUemanly and disorderly conduct at the entertainment at school last Friday They created such an uproar the proceedings were brought to a dose It was disappointing In do nil when Acton council decided lnnt week to accept tho recom mendation of tho nowly formed centennial committee to scrap any plans for a town centennial project in favor of lending weight to Acton Lions Club own project a swimming pool But wo dont sec how count I could huvu taken any other course Two attempts to a drive to the Atton community centre as a centennial project have failed and the Mens seem to know where they arc floing and what they aro doing in their efforts to supply Acton with a year round swim pool at the high school only reasonable alternative to throw the weight of the com behind the Lions and their project It Is unfortunate that the people of community have Culled to rully ImhliKt milennial t but hero wr a number of factom which have plagued both by he original centennial and Its the centennial committee to organize a campaign One been of many to got In a Another the division of opinion on what the project he without men putty and bickering which the work or the and I here a able luck of from oil but few Ah result he Initiative been tumped mil Now of course hen In on ad problem of nsing the money collected for the project tho community centre Then In no alternative but to return It to who made the do 1 1 on since they were intended for a specific project un this is what now defunct centennial commission Intends to do the funds I he donors could also have the option of denoting their funds to he Jons in efforts to raise money for a poo but that Is they must decide for tin msHve I In one really feature of all the efforts to organ for an oil out campaign is that Acton will now really nave no monument to mark 100 years as municipality and ft in coming as ab sorbed Into the new municipality of Hills JSAMSWSMSTwS Press Editorial Pag A Tho Acton Free Press Wed October 17 Help untangle Hydro wires Residents of this area should be concerned with the latest series of meetings initiated by Ontario Hydro to find a suitable corridor for Hydro lines originating at the Bruce power station that will eventually hook into the KV east west corridor from to Pickering It is difficult to untangle Hydros plans for the province unless you are an engineer or understand complicated electrical systems but one thing remains clear- present indications seem to in dicate Hydro system planners would prefer to send that north south corridor through this area A group of property owners in North Halton and Wellington County believe they have found a solution that will provide fewer environmental hang ups for Hydro than a line from Bradley Junction towards Orangevtlle to the Acton area This would take the line from Bruce to Essa and make use of the alternative system which Hydro eliminated because of security reasons However spokesman John Schneider claims the system which was preferred by most people in the southern sector would provide better protection than the or modified plan They figure only 19 miles of line would go unprotected using system if the Bruce to corridor was A Hydro study has shown that the security of 230 KV lines in the Orangevllle axis has been broken nine times the past years Broken down they show tran amission was broken once by aeroplane twice by tornado and six times by severe icing in the Georgetown Kitchener area The or modified system has both lines passing through this increasing the hazard The Halton Wellington group believes if the corridor was sent off in another direction to Essa from the Bruce area that would also eliminate much of the oppositon from farmers in Wellington County which would be severely affected by the two corridors one to Kitchener and the other to pass between the fourth and fifth Lines in this district Farm land in the northern part of the province is less arable than that in this area so there would be less chance of taking the provinces better agricultural lands out of service However when the proposal was presented to officials of Ontario Hydro they said it was unac ceptable because they had reserved the corridor between Klemburg and for future use The Wellington Halton group finds this reasoning a trifle hard to accept suggesting Hydro could find suitable corridors in years to come They point out their proposal docs not eliminate the possibility of future corridors They are also perturbed that Ontario Hydro has scheduled a series of meetings about the proposed corridors all well beyond the Ac ton Georgetown Hillsburgh area This suggests Hydro is not prepared to listen to the arguments of those who live in this area despite the fact the corridor could run right through Erin Esquesing and Eramosa town ships It is a feeling we share with the concerned people of this area The nearest point where the residents of this area can present their arguments is a meeting at the public school on the Fergus Road County Road 3 in East township The school is located on the Concession at Reading Corners and can be reached by following the Seventh Line above The meeting is on Tuesday October 23 Residents of the area would be well advised to attend this meeting to hear both sides of a subject which affects this province as well We think you will be impressed with the strength of the arguments the district groups have for taking the corridors elsewhere Motorcycle deaths on increase The number of motorcycle drivers killed in Ontario in 72 shows a marked increase over previous years Statistics recently released show that motorcyclists were killed and injured during the period September 1971 to August This compares with killed and 2 injured over the same period The number of motorcycle passengers killed in Ontario last year stands at with injuied reports the Ontario Safety League THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 2010 Business and Editorial Office A study just completed by the University of North Carolina High way Safety Research Center indicates that in most crashes involving a motorcycle and an automobile the driver of the automobile is at fault motorcycle crashes were studied and researchers found that about twothirds of the crashes involved more than one vehicle and almost all of these involved a motorcycle and an automobile In 62 percent of the mufti vehicle crashes the driver was found to be at fault In most instances the car was making a left turn in front of the motorcycle when the collision occurred The car pulling in front of the motorcycle was the second most frequent contributing cause The motorcycle driver was at fault only percent of the multi vehicle collisions According to the study in most of these cases the motorcyclist was following too close In single vehicle crashes involving motorcycles loss of control while rounding a curve was MiniComment A petition from townspeople brought a new station to Acton back in 1905 and were wondering whether we shouldnt stir the a little more about replacing that little glassenclosed kiosk with something more permanent It looks like an afterthought Hardly seems possible the railway considers it is the answer to needs the most frequent cause occurring in one third of the cases Loss of control was also caused by pedestrians animals or bicycles darting onto the road and by gravel and oil sticks on the road Very few instances were found where the motorcycle driver was at fault in a single vehicle crash An important factor in motorcycle crashes seemed to be the presence of passengers Passengers were present in percent of the total number of accidents studied and in 30 percent of those involving fatalities Researchers also found that passengers were more often present the single vehicle ac than in multi vehicle crashes In Ontario fatalities occurred in 1 1 percent of alt motorcycle ac cidents last year Less than 7 percent of all passenger car ac cidents involved fatalities The figures show conclusively motorcycle riding is more hazardous than riding in an automobile a fact well known but as adequately documented in smaller places at the same time as they are supposed to be en couraging more customers to use trains instead of highways We expect the GO service scheduled to start this fall from Toronto to Georgetown will extend as far as Guelph Many of the will want to board at Acton If the trains stop and the little commuters rest there now hardly be adequate for Jab

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