Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1973, p. 19

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Soccer club renovates vacant Eramosa school The Acfon Free Wed Nov B7 Comins and Goins THE POUR CORNERS SCHOOL in Eramosa will soon be converted Into a recreation dub with membership Including Guelph and district residents Bill Toth is the top organizer of the club which will sponsor soccer as well as provide facilities for members Open house at Groups new building elect slates The combined meetings of the Womens Missionary Society and the Ladles Aid for the Eden Mills Presbyterian Church were held at the home of Marg on Monday Nov with M meeting opened by president Mrs Garnet MacDougall Hymns scripture and prayer by the minutes and treasury reports of a donation to the Armagh Home for girls at Clarkson Mrs Alma McDonald gave the annual secretarys report indicating a progressive year for the ladles of the church The president thanked the members for the cooperating during the past year and Mrs Don Sinclair took the chair for the election of new of fleers The following ladles positions president Mrs Garnet McDougall vice Mrs Wright secretary Mrs Alma McDonald assistant Mrs Overlooking Shades Mills waters the Grand was the dam on the city limits of prize exhibit It was ox Cambridge to new Grand plained that only by keeping River Conservation Author- a watchful eye on water administration building quality can fish like the coho was thrown open to public salmon survive in the last Saturday November streams or the water- as a way of presenting an shed opportunity for people to of the more technical team about the work being aspects of conservation work accomplished and the were also displayed with the fie reasoning behind It maps aerial photos and Films slide shows colorful sun eying equipment In the exhibits and a salmon Community Relations caught In the Grand River visitors could hear were some of the attractions the radio commercials used featured at the open house to inform the public about the and those in attendance were facilities available through able to lew an exhibit which the Grand Experience stated that mature trees program are required to supply the On completion of their tour annual oxygen demand of the visitors were welcomed to family car whet their appetites wllh a Reportedly Just one mature sample slice of lemon tree in the growing season colored mocha flavored cake supplies enough oxygen to topped with an Icing sketch of keep a man breathing for an the administration centre in entire year and that s why which cose It could be said according to that not only were visitors reforestation pro- allowed the delight of viewing grams such as the Shade the new building they also Tree Program of Private had the one of tasting it I and Planting arc vital Prior to the open house Importance to the ecology officials and guests of the RCA had the opportunity of exhibit attending the official opening i- In the biology lab where heldontheprevlousTuesday nRhlfnand among other things water November with Ontario K S quality is constantly tested a minister of natural resources larg salmon from the official JkflK Aims Wilson and Brownie News mm President Mrs W opened the Ladies Aid meeting of the Presbyterian Church with prayers minutes and treasurers reports In eluding collection mem By Wallace had a nice lunch prepared by and fees Grey Owl a handful of brownies Again it was a wet Monday themselves who shopped for Utters of thanks were read aoSor was on the menu this the Items Some pretty dolls after which the secretary week with button sewing and beds and furniture were gave an encouraging annual compass reading followed by made and stuffed animals report Mrs Sinclair was a game or two During the with maybe an ear or arm requested to take the chair day from to most of the still missing were taken fo of the brownies were at Brown home aid n and the Owls house Ann Chesworth Last week was T A night result was president Mrs W for a day of toy making and and as Brown Owl was Laby secretary Wilms organising the luncheon she MacDwujall assistant Peggy was absent The meeting was treasurer Alma run by Tawny Owl and Snowy assistant Anna Owl only The new Canada Wilson program m con Badge waa the theme and Jean Nora maa SylvUi Sharron and Darlene McLean Georgtna Wright dressed up and acted as If siting com- they were the Queen Gov The need for home base is rapidly putting one of the districts most recently built school structures back into action since Its purchase last year by the sponsors of the Guelph Soccer Limited The Four Corners School located on Highway near the Town Line was an Township School Board project built In In 88 when the district boards were amalgamated under the Wellington County Board of Education the school was taken over to be later closed In June 1909 and for a was used as a store for supplies until it was finally put on the market for real estate sale Approx one year ago it was purchased hy a Soccer Club Plans for the building are well in progress and although the outside ap pearance of the school remains at the moment as It was built chandeliers and fixtures together with modern wall drops and drapes have erased any resemblance to its former function as a place of lear ning Revamp classrooms One of the two classrooms has been converted Into a lounge for social activities where cards and table tennis will be the casual enter tainment for the three weekly open periods The other room will be kept as a banquet hall where rentals for wedding recep tions parties dinners and other features will add to the receipts of the venture established for the double purpose of providing funds for the Guelph Soccer team as well as a place where team members can relax and fraternize sociable Already membership in club has reached the US mark and with a possible limit the idea Is catching on quickly Many of those already Joined are residents others from Guelph and area But theres room for more people to Join says the ambitious Bill general manager of the Guelph Soccer players and one of the Instigators of the Four Comers Club venture Open House Rapidly the club aspect is taking shape and it looks as if the Guelph Soccer Club will have its home base plus its means of Income very soon A Saturday December 1 Open House has been planned with music entertainment and refreshments lined up for the to 1 am hours welcoming all visitors There are even greater plans to be put Into operation as the club progresses In eluding tennis courts and a swimming pool Innovations in the basement of the school building will provide another area for eventual enter tainment Also in the ex pectations of the energetic organisers of the Four Cor tiers Club will be family smorgasbord dinners and a beer garden Time and energy and there are in the company backing the club with many of them in corporating their vigor and abilities towards the renova tions Team history The story behind the club Is one or competition plus the enthusiasm and drive of the teams manager BID Toth who wanted to sec an adult soccer team In Guelph capable of reaching the top From its 1969 inception the soccer team has behind It a history of moving upward from an industrial city league to the Southern Ontario Association to win In 1970 the invitational com petitions in Indianapolis Indiana over five teams In 1971 the same team stepped out of the second division and moved Into the first to win the grand championship for southern 72 saw the team enter tho Intercity soccer league for all Ontario winning the Memorial Cup and Inter city Championship and they play the first International soccer match with a team from West Germany using the Griffin Stadium at University the playing field Tho Guelph Soccer players team have since played other Invitational matches with clubs from Germany for the entertainment of some spectators This year the entire team plus managers and coaches spent IS days In Europe playing a series of games In Germany and taking time to tour parts of France Holland and Songs slides The date of Thursday December 13 was the key note for the Sunshine Club mem bers when ladies of the Rock wood and District Lionettes will cater for the annual Christmas party All names must be In before December 1 Licence Thursdays gettogether was as usual held at the town hall and president Ralph Williams opened the meeting wlthO Canada and a silent prayer Tor members who had re cently passed away The secretary and trea surer gave their reports fol lowed by the programmed entertainment Little Arrows and The Whole World is in His Hands were the songs pre sented by Mrs Joyce Vries with her own guitar accompaniment Mrs Gor don of Guelph then showed some slides of North Bay and other places in Ont ario summertime in the closer to home The program was con eluded when Joyce finished off with The Old Hometown after which euchre and crokinole became the order of the afternoon Mixed sand wiches were served with Mrs E Craig and Mrs Johnston acting as hostesses Seek region crest Halton Regional Council may hold a competition among citizens to provide a county crest The crest would replace the Halton County crest The Administration and Finance Committee has recommended council firovide for the best Council will consider providing regional chairman Allan with a chain of office as well The committee favored the idea stickers Renewal registration for passenger motor vehicles and trailers will go on sale at Licence Issuing Offices throughout the Province on December As la 1973 the fees ore ID for a vehicle for scyunders for an car and for trailers This year marks the first time that Ontario will be issuing a licence plate sticker instead of new to signify that the vehicle owner has paid his annual registration fee will be the committee Barden Peggy Van RhIJn and Georgina Wright Auditors While they were and Kaye s6 dressing the rest talked about the places they would tike to visit in Canada STOCKING All the brownies practised Extra transistor radio curtseying and greeting the batteries could find their way dignitaries which to part of to the toe of the stocking and the badge requirement make a musiclover happy present for flvey CfMOMft ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS MASSEY FERGUSON 1974 SKI WHIZ with a complete mm look I SPECIALS 300 21 A I MOT HP JHitton Equipment Co Ltd I Blade Short Rib Roast Donnan 1 Prime Rib Roast RED BRAND BEEF Shoulder Roast Choice Boneless Sirloi Tip Roast Wing Roast Lean Ground Chuck I Pork Shoulder Roast Pork Butts JIM Small Link Sausage SSoSsSmm LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MA WET DalhDehvery Younger players This season its a new look for Soccer Club as they are putting younger players onto the field Thirty years of age was the previous player average but for 73 the average age Is with the senior players filling In for a second team but assisting the younger men whenever they are needed Already their agenda Is being lined up with for another match with a team from Germany With Bill Toth in tho drivers seat It looks as If both soccer team the Four Corners Club are heading for success To make It work we need enthusiastic people says the teams general manager who again extended his Invitation to potential members and district friends to moke it to the Open House Accepting the Invitation will be a way of meeting with some of the members of the team as well as the associates and organizers of the newest club and the first its kind to be set up In the district a Mills on the death of her sister Edna of Allendale Nor thumberlarid England who died suddenly on the date her birthday Irene had Just returned seven weeks ago from a visit wllh her sister and the news of her death will be a tremendous shock It will bo carol Ringing and fun time for the children of the Church next Sunday at t oclock when refreshments and games will be what the party is all about at the church hall in Eden Mills Already project Over Haul is reaching some kind of completion as the floor Is now being sanded by energetic community gentlemen Ready for the New year is the spur at the moment and meantime come Saturdays everyone gets out to help S The Annual Community Club meeting will be held on Saturday evening open for general discussion on its future Saturday was another big day for Eden Mills stars Gerald and Gary who participated In the Waterloo hockey tournament last Saturday and Gerald won the trophy for the most out standing for the Major Midgets with from Barrle London and other parts or southern Ontario Great going Gerald folks in the district are very proud of both Harden boys Hey parents and kids- remember the dale when the Thwarting of Baron Balligrew will be the play presented at the Rockwood public school auditorium by the Centennial Theatrical group from with starting time set at 1 and a visit from Santa to tap off the fun So tic up the day and It will be a free entertainment for oil district children and parents with a hope for a by Lorraine packed auditorium See you and Merry Christmas to all the hearties But its Canada and whores the snow and visitors from Seattle Washington Mr and Mrs Wilton Vlall and Pamela visiting Lillian and Burton Hill over tho weekend Were disappointed that tho white feathery stuff missing from their pre Christmas visit Sunday was party time for guests of Mr and Mrs George of Eden Mills Dan Harvey guest of Harvey and Gordon Harvey and Cavin Murdock Happy birthday Mrs Har vey r Friends of Eden Mills sencC sympathy to Mrs Ed on the recent- death of her father Mr Charles Groves In Hamilton It was a kitchen and pantry- shower last Monday night fort Dorothy Vanderhaden who will soon be the bride of Deans MacDougoll of Eden Mills People gifts and fun and everyone had a great time

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