Rev Len Ewing new rector here The Rev Ewlng took his service Si Altons on Sunday with Advent Carol service at a m and the lighting of the first Advent candle gjThe new rector and bis wife moved to the rectory at He Jeffrey Ave Tuesday of last week as he began Dec i to assume the duties of his new parish Its been a long time away from Acton for Mr He as born here and was jtfied at St Albans He went to school here but moved away with his family at the age of nine He has visited since and was here during the church centennial celebra tions He has many memories of his childhood that come back lis he looks around the town The house where they lived on the Crescent Is still Mere The Gus Clifford fam ily were best friends and Mrs Snow their daughter Is Still here t Seven children Long time Acton ians recall and Mrs James and their family Charles James Frederick who are now deceased and Jack Dor Why and Violet Mr come from England Mr finished his schooling In Toronto and then Went Into business sales sales manager and vice president of his company tore he took an early retlre- He has always maintained his close ties with the Angll can church and continued Studying during all his years In business been lay reader and was always in In church groups and activities Ordained After a years refresher course at university he was ordained in December at St Georges church Guelph He has had a twopoint par ish Cayuga and York since then Cayuga Is a town of about A beautiful green crushed velvet armchair from the congregation there Is proudly placed in their new living room In Acton Living with Mr and Mrs will be her mother Mre whos ac tive and hopes to get invol with the local senior citi zens Last one Last member of the house hold Is perky Dusty Ann a delightful grey poodle Their three children are all away from home The oldest Bonnie Powell is married with three children Her hus band is an ordained deacon and by Easter will be an Anglican priest He Is also In business They live in Burlington Son Paul works at Water- down hes a musician as well Daughter Holly In Tor onto where she has an office job and Is a freelance writer They have cousins In Acton Vic Brlstow Beatrice Ander son and Doris Kentner whom theyre looking forward to getting to know better Interests Mr and Mrs are both particularly Interested cher A A leader and involved In Boy Scouts Mr wants to spend time particularly with people who need him those with problems or those who are HI or shut in They always been Interested in the church and all its aspects together Cheery and energetic theyre looking forward to Acton and St Albans The Acton Free Press Wed Dec S 1973 The clergy speak out Attitudes of give and take By Rev A Churchill Community Church The Christian Church throughout the world Is at this time recognizing once again the season of Advent It has done this for nearly years During these twenty centuries it has passed through alternating periods of spiritual and moral advance ment and decline This present period Is one of decline The socolled new morality is no morality at all and is the result of the down grading of spiritual things and the lack on the part of so many professing Christians of being ready to stand up and be ted when vital Issues are at stake hanging In the balance We find we have to agree with the person who declares The Church dare not call the world to become like herself for she Is herself already too much like the world My own impression is that too often the Church appears to the world at large as be ing prepared to stand for anything and as a result does In the long run really stand for nothing that of first Importance is the time of year when we who call Christian are led to respond to the appeal to give to many worthy causes and we do Most certainly most of us would never think of robbing some person who is in need at Christmas time or any other season of the year Yet there arc times when what we do is more or less tantamount to that Under the guise of sen Ice rendered we do not hesitate to take remuneration be yond what has been given We have the ten Induction to take so often rather than to give The recent glaring action of our regional council In voting themselves far beyond the service rendered is a cose In point Four meetings per month for per annum surely is a bit out of line this plus for service on the area coun ell The overage paid Aldermen in the Tor onto Boroughs Is per annum Most assuredly their task Is more Inn TheklnderRarten attitude of what San ta Is going to give me is one which appears to still hold the minds of many of our public servants Santa of course in this case Is the general public That public Includes many an old age pensioner who has to sub sist on a month at the most Our Heavenly Father set the pace for the Advent Season and Tor all seasons when He gave His Son to the world as the Savior or mankind What we need today Is more giving of ourselves In the service of others and less taking for ourselves in that vice We need to accept that glorious Ideal of being our brothers keeper and to with Confucius that all men within the seven seas are brethren Every excessive demand we make of the general public hurts most the poorest per son In that general public Let us get back of giving and set aside the temptation to be everlastingly on the take Let us put more of Christ Into Christmas and make It a year round policy Auction Centre Every Friday night at Antiques and Used Hems Consignments Welcome 8564272 Guelph NEWCOMERS IN St Albans rectory are the Rev a child and had a successful career in business and his wife Ethel pictured with their before entering the Anglican pnesthood He took poodle Dusty Ann Their three children are grown his first service here on Sunday morning and away from home Mr Ewing lived in Acton as Parttime replacements No replacement has been named yet for Cons detachment Corn Bob Roy Wood who has gone to Ar Peel Region police force For assigned to the time being officers will Acton in the new year at Guelph About from St attended the Rev Harry Dawsons Induction at St James church in Guelph last Sunday at 30 The Venerable Clarence Mitchell conducted the induction with the sermon by the Rev Percy Others taking part included Actons new rector the Rev and the Rev Laurie Duby- Specially prepared pro grams contained the order of service with hymns and re sponses as the congregation gathered to rejoice in this new beginning BOWL for Pleasure BOWL for Health THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER GO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES BRIAN HILL AUCTIONEER BEDROOM house utility room attached garage preferably no Children Phone BEDROOM Townhouse all ftOOM available to single person smoker references required Phono APARTMENTS RENT to possession Phono BEDROOM month supply own utilities Phone Main Si Milton We have listed several bungalows on to acres Priced from of commercial high way property 13500 square feet of buildings terms CALL BERT 853 or STB 84923 HOWES guarantees prices for 1974 delivery Order your new home or cottage before Dec end save a bundle Homes Display Crt Maple Ave Burlington Hal Tor line 1524 List with the action people COUNTRY PROPERTIES acres oiling with some woods and a stream Excellent y Well priced tee frontage percent clear land percent bush In back property acre farm Prime location In north Oakville For more Information on properties please call Inge or IVTO Res LEW Stone Ltd Real Estate Road West Ontario Kama FARM ACREAGE WANTED From and up with or buildings Suitable r norm For confidential evaluation pleas Inge or Residence 8531990 Stone Ltd Realtor W Oakville ACTON OFFICE Mil I St Growing Through Your Confidence bedroom bungalow living dining room bath near schools and Shopping Plaza Vendor will consider second mortgage Anglican Corner Willow St and SI Rev Leonard Ewlng Rector Sunday Dec 1973 Holy Eucharist a Holy Matins am Church School Nursery ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Street East Founded 1841 Phone Sunday Dec a Sunday School Sunday 11 am Morning Worship Prof Mel of McMastor Divinity College Christmas Supper and program Sunday Dec lath Everyone Welcome EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE AOC 33 Churchill Rev S Thoman Pastor Sunday Dec 9 1000 a m Sunday School a m Morning Worship Evangelistic Service Tues 8pm Prayer Service and Bible study Thwrs Crusaders A Christs Am bos You are all Welcome Excel lent free town bus service for children and adults to and from Sunday School on the All Red Bus Also rural pick up tor Information phone 8532715 or Churchill Rood North Minister The Rev A Walter Sunday Dec am Worship and Church School Sermon Subject The Greatest Thing In the World The Church on the Hill Is an Interdenominational coo ore gallon ministering to the needs the community PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew H B A Minister Mr A Hansen A Organist and Choir Master Sunday Dec 9 1973 45 a Ministers Con Class for teenagers 11 a Church School- Beginners Kindergarten and Grades a m Bible Sunday Worship Sermon theme The Bible Is found at the Gates Lite Nursery for babies and toddlers during Divine Ser Everyone most Welcome MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C Lohnes Sunday Dec 9 1973 10 a Worship m Worship Worm welcome Georgetown BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday Dec 1973 Sunday Worship Services at and Preschool Sunday School the morning service Sun day School during the after noon service Nursery during both services The Beth El Christian Re formed Church invites every one to come and worship with us the Lord has made Therefore Let us go to the house of the Lord Let us worship and bow down Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker For He Is our God and we are the people of fib pasture Psalms 122 You Are Welcome I UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Or Wm Onions Minister George Elliott MA PhD rector Music Sunday Dec 1973 am White Gift Ser vice Everyone Welcome FAITH You are warmly invited to attend a fireside discussion very Thursday Evening at Phone Anew llfo is in this age stir ring within all the peoples of je earth and yet none hath discovered its cause or perceived Its motive AbdutBeha Our low prices make the best reading in town Heres one of LLs Best Sellers NEW 1974 FORD PINTO 2Door Sedan all vinyl bucket seats manual front disc brakes carpeting manual transmission HERES PROOF THAT YOU GET QUALITY WHEN YOU BUY A USED CAR FROM US I 1971 LTD BROUGHAM Equipped with auto p radio vinyl roof reclining seat and many more extras This car will give you big car ride comfort along with good fuel economy I License DMS842 Mileage 1970 GAL 500 XL A locally owned car In A I condition This car must be seen to be appreciated and Includes auto pd b radio white with a black vinyl roof License Only miles 1971 FORD LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE Equipped with auto s radio etc This is the ideal car for the family man Come In and see It now License DRS123 Mileage electric rear window defroster AM radio trim rings and 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