Legion town league tallies Richmond and Rochester played to a tie Rick Gooyers scored twice and Chris and Bob Hudson counted once each for the Robins Steve Trotter had two goals and Teddy Reeve and Pete one each for the America Two goal efforts by Gary Stewart and Ted Helped Cleveland down Baltimore John also scored for Cleveland Randy Intyre and Joe replied for the Clippers BANTAM Goals by Ed and Brian Moore enabled Quebec to blank Winnipeg 20 Forrest posted the shutout tor Alberta in a victory over Ottawa Peter Totton scored two goats and Bill Waltes and Danny netted sin gles ATOMS Ricky Smith tallied both Hamilton goals In a 22 tie against Oshawa Bill McKenzie count ered by scoring both General goals Robin Fletcher starred in goal for Kingston In a conquest of St Kltts Mark Duval and Brad ley Manes potted two goals apiece for Kingston Singles went to Paul Pnelan Steve Hepburn and Henry Schmidt Ken Death scored twice for London In a win over Niagara Falls Scott Page tallied the Flyer goal NOVICE Bill Morrison fired four goals and Barry Diggins added a pair as Brampton whipped Dixie Michael Hudson connected for the Bee hives MIDGET John Dyer scored twice to lead Detroit to a 53 win over Toronto Ron Kelly Jamie El and Rick Baglnski also scored for the Red Wings Dave Moore connected twice and Tom once for the Leafs Brian Storey Jim Hurley Gord and Terry Webster scored for Montreal as the dumped Vancouver Canuck marksman was Steve Legion schedule Cribbage play The Acton Free Press Wed Dec Legionnaire As big night BY the third line of John Bradford Vajeys Sheppard puts the pressure on Sheppard Lee Young and juvenile recruit Wayne Bradford dofonceman Ted vasey while Young Allan pleased Sabre coach Dave McKnlght Friday dudes Jeff Shaw of the Vaseys here Watching the night oven though his club lost In their rematch action carefully is Bradford goalie John Moose with the defending 0 A Junior champion gain revenge Sabres slip to second An point night allowed Legion A to tump all the way from fifth place Into a tic for first In tho bage leaguo Handings Thursday night Legion A are on top of tho along with Dlwton Sow who up eight paints to move up from second place Elsewhere Ircmcn A picked up eight points although they remain In the league cellar Legion float Club and Campbell notched seven Firemen Outsiders six each and Club three Standings Legion A Wins Don Cunningham Cork St Guelph wis the lucky winner of 500 In Ihe Minor Baseball monthly draw for NovcmUcr Seller of the lucky ticket Met inborn Sow Club M IB Boat Ctub S3 Campbells Atoms lay egg Sat but shine Sunday A ton A bounced buck from what assistant 1011th Dave en led worst perform of sen to whip I lorn Sunday nftor a 1 1 tie Saturday Turner on a now from Ted fames in first period Kirk Smith Rat the equalizer for in third with help Jim Stem Barry Dine Brown sparked the offensive against lorn three an Mike MUtac scored twkc and Gary Lumbera and Turner each con once Turner had two while Tim I crouton Tom Shannon MiArthur and Itonnle notched bin gle helpers Tim Went scored an goal Tor Horn In tho third period Our boys showed 100 percent Improvement in piny over Saturday com mentod conch A won three lost two and lied one In ten play 400 winners Hollywood Rejects to visit AHS gym Bradford Vnsoya knocked Acton out of first place In the Control Ontario Junior leauuo when thoy upended the Sabres before fans largest crowd or the Junior hockey season at the com centri frldoy night Vasovs look a first period lead and Increased the margin to early In second before went Schedule lor Retires is CIvUnd Spring It Id Eddy ifiltlmore Tidewater Dob McKec MS Bob McKec tin McNbb-Ili- 10 IS London Mrv McNibb Dunbar is Dim IS Bruce Mtlcolm Toronto Vancouver Vnj Sabre stats Gary Pete Morrison Brian Beaumont McRae 111 McGUloway Dale Fisher Kevin Gene Warren Craig Bert Osborne John Sheppard Bob Inglis Lee Young Doug Patten Steve Taylor Gary Fisher Gary Saul Rob Wayne Allan RicTomkinson Ric Bonnette Ray Dunbar Affiliated player Goalies Ray Dunbar Rick Bonnette TOTALS 7 8 5 7 67 2 3 Currie shows real value Heady Dill has best plus mln us record on the Georgetown Haider hockey club after tho first third of the OH A Intermediate A schedule Currie has been on the Ice for more Georgetown goals than he has been for Hon markers Centre Junior TibbctUbas a plus mark of 12 and Jim a plus of Most consistent Raider per former has been winger Kay Evans who has never drop ped below plusone In any game Most Improved player Is rearguard Jim Blair Blair has a plus mark of seven in his lost Ike games and has also double his point produc on a five minute scoring rampage In less lhan five minutes John scored twice and Charlie and Gone counted once each and Satires were on lop a at the end of two periods The Bradford letdown did not continue In the third period however as the Vasoyt out flylnR and fired four unanswered goals even though scrvedmoM of the penalties Moose took over In goal from starter wns slashed on tho arm by Bill McCiltowey and Brad fort I to play better hockey utter that Slick centre Tom Coffoy bagged three goals and assisted on two others Tor tho defending O A Junior D champs Ted Vasoy and Scott Murray cot the other goals Bradford penalties handed out by referees Bruce Lewis and Jim King outnumbered Sabre sentences by almost three to one goalie Tomklnson little protection from rookie dcfcnccbrlgndc Brian Beaumont wan on the Ice Beaumont played close to minutes John Charlie shone In a losing cause for Acton With Gary sidelined with a broken the game minus percent of Juveniles who has had Junior their scoring power tugged experience with Patten was also absent Milton flyers while played without two of their best players Ron Thompson and Adrian Van a draftee of the Junior A Knights Bill and Pete Morrison scored two goals apiece and Charlie and Bert Osborne netted singles for Sabres In a win over last Tuesday night Gcnolngllscontrlbuted three assists Sabres open a five games In nine days stretch stretch In the schedule at the com centre Friday night when thoy host Cougars They 11 also play In Monday and Fergus Tuesday before taking an In a home and home scries the following weekend George attended the team practice Monday Junior standings wlnn week 400 club draw were Kcntner 1M K Brown IjikI and Archibald Bants tie Acton Firefighter bantams loved to a tic against lew Hamburg here Siiturday afternoon BantamH have five points In five league games They piny In tomorrow Thursday night IliiHkctball Hollywood He Is a start funny finish Comedy the game and on Tuesday December IB at sharp the Hollywood Itcjects will start another entertaining tuning Tho All Stars will host the group from Hollywood the laugh a minute clowns Bent the Alton School gym on time as the half of the game intends to be serious so the may display their tnio athletic ability and basketball hnn dllnu During he final half anything can happen usually docs Any similarity to being serious basketball Is purely accidental Stayner Sabres Bradford Alliaton Penetang Schombcrg Fergus CHARLIE McRAE Tho who never falls to Jive lets than a 100 percent effort has eight In hit first live garnet at a Sabre rook I Charlie uit completed two years of the tame kind of ploy with Acton Cf AW and will have two years of lunlor eligibility lot after this tea son MEET THE SABRES JUNIOR C HOCKEY Acton Sabres vt Schomberg Cougars At the Acton Community Centre FRIDAY DEC pm Students Children Senior Citizens Admitted Free The Penalty Box will be open to Sabre Booster Club members FISHER of the P liher brother starred on defence for Acton Lion uvanlle and recalled by the Sabres or the This Gary alto tremendous Im overrun on lacrotia floor Ha was named Acton Ram most Improved player Gary It a Grade student at High 144 111 GA 3 1 300 67 8 9 32 3 Falcons get new coach Relegated to the second that George has division of the Toronto and agreed to coach the team for District Soccer League after the season George finishing near the bottom of guided Georgetown bantams the first standings this summer Georgetown this summer Falcons are already The club hopes to preparing to make next strengthen Its lineup with season a successful one young players from George- Smedcma of the town who ore over years of Falcons announced this week age Ha I ton Association ANNUAL STAG TURKEY ROLL Friday December 14 CLUB HOUSE Milton Ontario Buy One and Get a FREE Stand AT SUPERMARKET MILL ST 8530650 Meat Department Specials Grade A Freth CHICKENS 59 CHICKENINABASKET 65 Schneiders pkg COOKED MEATS Pork Loaf Mm Mk CImm Bologna Plckl Pinwnto Head Cham Chicken Loaf Dutch 285 COUNTRY SAUSAGE 95 Town Club No C afl A SIDE BACON PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC SPECIALS Cheese Slices 285 DEWBUTTERED CORN 489 WHOLE MUSHROOMS 39 SWEET MIXED PICKLES Seeord 4 pack OR FUDfiE MINI PUDDINGS 55 PORTABLE TV by FLOUR tins San 29 PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 Sau26 THE TEA Onfall ox Sara 361 IS ME BREAD 3M00 254060 IDS Win LIGHT BULBS 39 FRESH PRODUCE DAILY of Florida Sixa OH GRAPEFRUIT KM 1 LETTUCE 249 bto POTATOES