Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1973, p. 2

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Acton Free Dec 1973 Traffic parking survey A RESIDENT from Mexico is presently living in Acton as one of IS people participating in a Canadian exchange program with Mexico Talking casually with Adrian Hermoslllo is Kevin at Building Products of Canada where both- are employed Mexican visitor finds Acton friendly place By Lorraine Root similar trip to Mexico as part Three weeks in Acton and of the same program People already one newcomer Is of various professions arc vocally reflecting congeniality and goodwill which he Is experiencing as a v from another Adrian Is a young Mexican who arrived in Canada seven weeks ago as one a participating Normally the program is geared to the engineering profession said Acton visitor He explained one girl was in their group a graduate in Economics who Is established for her ten month group id A a library in Ottawa the continent wide Program which the Canndlon emment is conducting for first time as a goodwill venture with Mexico Adrian place of occupation Is with Building Products of Canada Limited Acton Twenty three Arriving in Canada on JUj with a young October 25 the visitors previously versed in English were required to take a one month intensive course In conversational English at the University of Toronto They proceeded to their pi determined Job areas distribution across touching British Columbia field of synthetic resins and bride of only a few weeks he came to Canada anxious to work towards a scholarship and obtain his Master Degree In Engineering the Instituto ir In 1 hAd been Canada employed In Monterrey in the Nova Scotia Montreal Ottawa Hamilton Toronto and Acton Each applicant making the trip had taken a previous examination was interested in getting into Canadian company where could correlate his knowledge of the physical properties of the resin and get Canadian Embassy In Mexico experience in Its production test for necessary and application With the qualifications At the same lime the group from Mexico was arriving in Canada aspirants from this country were taking a local company using resins extensively he was lined up with the Acton firm through the Canadian Manpowt J Immigration program More bylaws at meeting How docs the southern gentleman like Canadian winters Adrian admits that although he has been tuned in about Canada for a long time with a sister having lived In London Ontario for two years and a brother and his parents frequent visitors ho expected to find winter months more severe than what he has seen so far He himself had done some travelling and somehow manages to compare Toronto with some of the larger S centres He finds Canadians particularly those residents of Acton tremendously outgoing and friendly and is enjoying the hospitality Canadian life is really not too different from what I expected he said but I would say the people ore friendlier Since arriving in Acton Adrian has spent most of his weekends in Toronto visiting with friends from home and filling in on Canadian culture They have toured the museum art galleries Ontario Science Centre Massey Hall with the Toronto Symphony concerts as well as viewing Niagara Falls Some on the program have never been out of Mexico before It will be an even more tremendous experience for those others in the group he said and pointed out that of the stipulations of the two governments agreement is that duration of the permits Is limited to one year Those wishing to return to their siting domains must re- Several bylaws were passed at a special meeting of Acton council Wednesday night of last week One finalized the sale of eight lots on Ransom St to Altec- Construction at a cost property on formerly owned by Jack Creighton Another bylaw was to amend the official plan and zoning bylaw changing land on Mam owned by Mogan Toft from industrial to residential In an agreement signed with Bingham Hills the owner agreed that on lots in phase no more than so semidetached units would be constructed No one had appeared in response to required ad in opposition to a closing or a portion of Queen St The roadway is unused as such but had never been properly registered The bylaw wilt permit homeowners land on the section designated as street to get clear titles A bare quorum of attended the special meeting Till- Did know that Canada had the first hospital in North America Thots right 1KB three Sisters or St Augustine from Dieppe France established the Hotel Quebec making the first hospital on the North American Continent apply Right light now Adrian Is en toying his stay at the home of Marguerite Taylor on Willow Street He is however anxiously looking for an apartment to which come February con bring his wife Lucy The Gov of Mexico has been affiliated In Similar exchange programs with countries such as Great Britain Germany Japan Canada United States Holland and Israel for the past five years This one is the first between the two governments of Canada and Mexico It was arranged last year after a visit from Mexico s President with Prime Minister Trudeau and is the first or what could be regularly organized programs between the two countries Continued from Pago Less detailed obser vations were made of the church owned parking lots Accident records for the Highway and Highway links were obtained and anal General Inspection and observation or conditions at the Main and Mill streets Intersection of the Legion property and of signs and markings throughout tho Town were carried out Traffic Characteristics On Thursday tho peak one- hour period at the Main and Mill Streets intersection occurs from A m to is on Fridays tho peak onehour period occurs from p to On Doth Thursday and day the two major move ments arc southbound on Main Street to on Mill Street and the reverse movement On Friday the peak hour at the Queen Acton Mcadtatc Intersection and the Queen Churchill Hon occurs from 30 p to p At both these in the side street volumes low Both the total and peak hour intersection turning movements counts for all three Intersections are shown in the Appendix Left turns into the I G A lot on Thursday the numerical peak occurred from to It Involved 12 vehicles percent of the westbound right turns On Friday a total of only three such movements were recorded all occurring between and On Thursday 1316 pede strians were counted crossing Mill Street between Main ana John Streets during he period The majority of these pedestrians used Ihc pedestrian crossover located on the cast side of Willow Street On Friday pedestrians were counted during three and a half hour period Again the majority used the pedes crossover Traffic Service Analysis lilting Levels of Service The level of service Is a quality index intended to measure and express the net effect on driver satisfaction of such factors as the ade quacy or Inadequacy of city related to demand travel time delays freedom to manoeuvre safety comfort convenience and operating cost In practical application It is measured by the traffic flaws through signalized intersections This is also true of the capacity Therefore the various levels are best described by reference to signalized intersections There ore six levels of ser vice identified by the letters A to They arc described in part as follows of Service A No signal phase Is fully by traffic and no v waits longer than one red indication Typically the ap proach appears quite open turning movements ore made and nearly all vers find freedom of opera lion their only concern being the chance that the light will be red or turn red when they approach lvel or Service B Stable Operation An occasional signal phase is fully utilized subs tan tial number are approaching full use Many drivers begin to feel somewhat restricted within platoons of vehicles I eve or Service Stable Operation Continues Loading fully utilized phases is still Intermit tent but more frequent Occasionally drivers may have to wait through more than one red signal Indlca tlon and backups may deve lop behind turning vehicles Most drivers feel restricted but not objection ably so In the absence or lo cal conditions dictating other wlse this Is the love typically associated with urban design Level of Increasing restriction approaching Instability In Ihc limit Delays to approaching vehicles may be substantial during short peaks within the peak period but enough cycles with lower demand cur to permit periodic clear of developing queues thus preventing excessive backups This corresponds to city tho maximum number of vehicles that tho Intersection approach can accommodate There may be long queues of vehicles waiting upstream and delays may be great Service I Jammed Conditions The levels of service for the three Intersections were calculated using a headway distribution analysis que tor the Main and Mill Intersection the lual signal timing was used to calculate the level of service For the two Intersections oh Queen Street appropriate signal timings were synthe sized and then levels of ser vice calculated The results for the Main and Mill In tcrsections for both the Thursday and Friday peak hour Indicate level of service A on all approaches Level of service A Is also indicated at both Queen Street intersec tions for the Friday peak hour Although level of scr vice A is experienced overall for the Main and Mill Streets intersection there are very short periods on Milt Street when jammed conditions do occur These short periods are not caused by inade quacies in the signal timing or capacity but to inadequate pavement width and the pre sence of parked vehicles Operations Analysis Traffic control devices in use consist one traffic con signal standard traffic signs limited pavement markings and three pede strian crossovers Pavement markings are In use to define pedestrian crosswalks and for land con at he Main Mill Streets intersection to define twohour restriction zones to define the dividing line on High ways 7 and Church Street and Bower Street Other uses are to mark the three rian crossovers and to mark numerous stop bars throughout the town The majority but not nil of these markings had been repainted recently when inspected The minimum program for all markings should consist painting in Spring and Foil An unusual use of stop bars noted at each of the approaches of the pedestrian crossovers While this did not cause any obvious opera tional problem the practice does not conform to the Regulations under the High way Traffic Act and there fore is not recommended Traffic Signs The majority of traffic signs observed were the proper uniform signs prop erly placed and erected However a number of ex were noted of standard signs poor erection poor maintenance were standard oneway sign at Street and Arthur Street Careless erection on Queen Street has resulted in a NO PASSING HERE TO CROS SING sign being obscured by a speed limit sign Faulty Installation of the post for a stop sign at Church Street and Eastern Avenue It Is neither vertical nor at right angles to tho roadway Careless erection a stop sign on Willow Street River Street has resulted In tho stop sign being obscured by a tele phone post A number of cases wcro ob served of Important signs which were long overdue for replacement Ills very Important that all regulatory signs except parking control signs bo reflcctorlzcd and that all bo maintained in good condition Including replacement as soon as they become dam aged or deteriorated beyond restoration Their useful llfo can be prolonged by periodic washing and about once every three years rccoot with tho proper protective varnish This can be done in Ihc field using aerosol cons Such signs as stop signs should of course always be covered by a By law entry Failure in any of these requirements can result In liability In a civil suit follow on accident which relates Traffic Control Signal There is one traffic control signal In the Town located at intersection of Main Street and Mill Street This Installation is gen effective and has been carried out to good standards Nevertheless there arc shortcomings minor per haps but important In achieving full effectiveness maximum safety There is no pedestrian slg nal head to control the flow of pedestrians In a southbound direction in the east walk This lack of a pedestrian head could cause conflict with southbound left turns which advance green The function of the pedestrian head is to hold the pedestrians until the end of the advance green indication head Is to hold the pedes trians until the end of tho ad vance green Indication The southbound storage Innc is not painted in accord with current M T practice The possibility of meeting the necessary warrants for traffic signals was Invest gated at the two intersections on Queen Street While the volumes at the two lions are for only 5 hours rather than the required hours it is felt that an hour count would not increase the hourly averages required for the warrants This result Is supported by the machine counts taken on Queen Street at the cast limit of town No warrant can be found for Installation of traffic signals at either location Crossovers Throe pedestrian cross overs located In the town Mill Street on the east side of Willow Street one on Queen Street on the east aide of Acton Boulevard and one on Main Street at school lane pedestrian crossover markings appear to be stand ard and in good condition ex for he unusual use of stop bars mentioned In the section on Pavement Mark logs The signing requires some Improvement STOP FOR PFDES- tab Is missing and the other signs are faded at Mill Street crossover The signs at the other crossovers are faded and require replacement Driveway Control Driveways In the study area were examined and no major potential problems were observed An Improvement In the en franco and exit arrangement at the Becker a Plaza Is The pavement mark Ings which Ineffective should be supplemented by signing An unusual case of drive way control was observed on west side or Main Street at second driveway north of Mill Street A wooden bar rier has been creeled at a height of six feet between buildings Mounted at centre of this barrier facing Msln Street Is a regulation stop This device ap pears to be used cither to pre vent trucks from using this driveway or to enforce its use as an exit only This type of re- No Traffic By Law While the town existing traffic by laws have not been examined In detail discus with various town Indicate shortcomings Some of these shortcomings 1 A number of desirable regulations art not included There is some redund due to duplication of the Highway Traffic Act Amendment is very ward because of Inclusion in the text of the by law in detail of application of various clauses Administration of any flc by law requires constant amendment as traffic vol and the resulting pro blems continues to grow This amendment must consist of both Ihe addition of new regulations and the widening of application of those which already exist The problems of amend THE ACTON FREE PRESS Authorized as Second Class Mall Postal Registration Number NOTICE Hurt will no Bingo the Credit Vilky lull this Ore Watch This Paper For The Next Bingo Date Georgetown Elks Lodge No 540 HALTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 10 WEEK NIGHT COURSES A good way to pan winter months Flyers available for registration by mail Phone 8776993 or call collect 3663 Home delivery by elementary students Jan 34 1974 REGISTRATION NIGHT Tuesday January 8 1974 930 pm School ALUMINUM SNOW PROPANE TOUCH SKIERS WINESKINS BOOSTER CAUES SSTISFUTin toss MORET cheerfully refuses ment will bo and the by law will be maintained In much more usable if the present by law is replaced by a new one The now by law should Include all regulations which may be come necessary In the forsec- and all detail of application of the regulations should be contained In sch edules attached to and form InR part of the by law Itself F amendments can then be confined to the schedules A separate report entitled Suggested Form and Con tent of Municipal Traffic By law has been supplied to Town It Is recommended that this serve as the model for a now traffic by law Traffic enforce merit There appears be quale police enforcement ex for enforcement of park regulations Parking 1rohlbll lorn fly 1nw Number IM2 certain narking billons for the Mnin and Mill Intersection On all op except the east ap proach the prohibitions are signed In accordance wilh the bylaw The requirements of 133 feet of no parking plus a 45foot bus rone on the north Mill Street and feet of no parking plus a 45foot bus on the side of Mill Street arc satisfactory for operational purposes The cost approach should be nod and enforced In accord with the by law Accident Analysis Accident records were died and analyzed In detail on Highways and from January lo November Where further analysis was warranted the 1072 re cords were studied A total of 120 accidents occurred in that lime period Of the 120 accidents on Highways Of accidents on Mill Street excluding Ihe In with Main Street Involved a moving vehicle striking a parked vehicle This leads to tho conclusion that the roadway Is too this section with the hazard of parking and vehicles causes the low levels or service for short periods of time refer red to In Section accidents on Main Street South were primarily caused by lack or sight dis tance due to the hilly nature of Main Street South Hidden intersection signs should be erected on Mam Street South approaching Itoad northbound With Increasing develop ment simitar problems can bo foreseen at the intcrsec lions of Hansom King ham Streets Similar signing Is recommended Only one accident related lo Ihe left turns into the I G A parking lot F accidents occurred the Main and Mill Hon No pattern could be established that would lead to operational corrections Parking Analysis Area The study area was divided Into blocks and each block was assigned a number Parking Inventory The total Inventory of park Ing spaces covered by study is shown on Plate S3 Four spaces shown on the side of Mill Street Just cast of Fellows Street have hod No Parking Anytime signs erected since Accumulation of Parked Cars A total of 1029 vehicles was counted on Thursday 1146 on riday On Thursday then arc two major peaks one II 20 a and Ihc highest at 20 wilh vehicles re- Contitiued next weal Toyota Community Calendar What doing In North Halton area I PUBLIC SKATING Enjoy this popular wlfh the entire family I The Acton Arena Is open everyday except New Year Day Join In fun on Thursday Friday Sunday Moo day and Wednesday afternoons and Saturday nights NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRATION Now the time to start thinking about a night school course on your labourite s a great way till those long winter months I The registration date is Tuesday January 1974 from M to the High School Flyers Idling courses will be mail on req See how much car your will buy at HA LiTTOlN TOYOTA 8784366 Hwy 2S North of 41 fun Thru Tkwrs Mam Sal M M ft j SAT MATINEE 200 WHITE i Kit THREE STOflKS rl3 fat 5 rSS

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