Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1974, p. 11

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CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC It minimum charge tor 15 per word thereafter Insertions no copy changes SI minimum for wordi per word discount allowed lor payment COMING EVENTS CARDS OF THANKS tor trt rive lines seen additional line INMEMORIAM plus verse CLASSIFIED DISPLAY REAL Inch BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE We additional DEADLINES PHONE 853 The Free Press Thurs Jan 3 MUDS OF I wish to express my sincere appreciation or the kindness shown me my recent sorrow In the loss dear husband John to all our mends relatives and neigh thank you lor your floral tributes and donations to Greco Church Milton and Cancer to Rev Foster for his com words and constant attention 1o the men of Ford Motor Co Assembly Plant Maintenance who as Pallbearers and Mr Ford Oakvllie Assembly and to The Turner Porter Funeral Director Pool Choool Barbara Elllolt I WOULD to extend a very warm Ihonk you to all my neighbours and friends who sent cards lowers food and hove helped me In many ways since my recent stay In hospital Mrs Alvfn Clark THE FAMILY of late Doug wish to sincere appreciation or kindness and sympathy durlno our recent loss of a dear husband father and brother Special lhanks lo Rev A H and the Shoemaker Funeral passed away January A Two dear eyes a lender A loving heart that knew no guile Deep In God thai all was right bright II sick or suffering one She Some gentle of love shed do Ho thought of self of Iho Other I know Ho said Welt done their Wedding on January at Hall House from Dancing and Open House from a m Lunch provided ffiE OUTERS glass an collection Sal Please set all types glass and newspapers only newspaper THE Al NUAL meeting of Society 1st Sec nexi place Tuesdays a at 47B nllec street on Friday January at p m for students aged and up Guest speaker Mr Al McQueen Parents very welcome For Information II Bus 4778 WOOD tor sale Mined hard wood beech maple and oak single cord delivered Order winter supply now as price must Increase when present supply Is sold out Phono John Hunter Land Georgetown 74S1 TV TOWERS lower height Including all channel head Installed f lower overall height Including all channel VHF head Installed SO tower overall height Including all channel VHF head Installed so Extra heads for second TV set installed head Installed color head and UHF Installed Automatic rotor Installed COLOR COMBINATION tower overall height Including combination color head and UHF rotor Installed Repairs of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street Milton Phone 8782336 PEOPLE VHBP WIGO TV APPLIANCES JEANS Home Furniture Buy Sell Trade Appliances By the piece Housefull or Estates Todd Georgetown Phone FIREPLACE WOOD a Cord Brine holiday films I developing at Pearl Store hardwood split ideal for fireplace Phone 3119 31a37 pony tractor with hydraulic blade chains and mower A condition 21aI7J7S4 ALUMINUM storm doors win awnings shelters siding also iron railings made Reasonable MAPLE FIREWOOD tor Sale Delivery Available Maple Rock Shooting Range cylinder 2 HDTP 1968 DR HDTP SPORTS FURY HDTP See em ail at NORTH END DATSUN Martin St Just S of Milton DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS Full or Part Time Men or women over 18 years of age with automobiles arc needed In Acton Rock wood and alt surrounding areas Send name age address telophono number type Insurance company and hours available on a postcard to D LTD P Box Station Toronto Ontario Please do NOT call the telephone company SALES WANTS Someone who Is pleasant likes to meet people likes to answer telephone Is to do some typing No other office experience necessary Please coll for Interview Park Toyota Georgetown SALES CLERK Reliable person or order desk manufacturing company Experience preferred but not essential Please reply In writing giving education and qualifications PAINTERS and painters helpers full time good working conditions Call Lyons Auto Body Lid Ask for LICENSED A mechanic for expanding Toyota dealership Top wages end boned is Apply to Service Manager Park Toyota Georgetown or phono 877 42maglf 3409 as PERSON available for car work recreation rooms cupboards all sorts of trim work Phone 43837 JOG believed to be ever Owner must have proot of ownership Call NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTE the Acton Planning Board proposes to amend the Official Plan the Acton Planning Area as provided for by Section 13 and Section 17 of the Planning Act R S O The Proposed Amendment Is Clled Below Amendment No Seven to the Official Plan of the Acton Planning Area for the property on the rest side of Main St North opposite the Wallace SI entrance to the Industrial Park This Lot formerly owned by Mr Kamberlan now owned by Mr 1 PURP05E AND BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT This Amendment is the result at an application made by the owner of the lands affected by the Amendment whereby the owner has requested permission to change use from those per mlttcd In an Industrial Light Ml Zone as provided under Restricted Area By law No 13S8 as amended toone or more those uses In a R2 Zone In view the fact that the Intended change of land use will be toward a permitted use more compatible with tho surrounding uses It Is considered dcslrablo to amend the land use designation In Official Plan of the lands which are of this Amendment Section Amendment sols out In dofall the Item which Is to bo amended In the Official Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS The site proposed change is a vacant lot on which there has gathered over the years all sorts of dobrls This Is a most unsightly condition particularly in respect of a parcel of land fronting on one the main streets In the Town II Is proposed that the lot be cleared properly graded and drained and that a now single family detached residential dwelling be erected on It DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION The change of land use designation from Industrial Light Ml Zone to Residential Zone for a parcel of land which may as all of Lot according foo Plan registered as No 1098 In the Town of Acton Is indicated on the map annexed Schedule A entitled PURPOSE The owner of tho lands has requested that the use of the lands aforesaid be changed from those permitted In an Industrial Light Ml Zono to R2 Zone The owner proposes to remove all debris on what Is now a vacant lol and build on It a single family residential dwelling DEVELOPMENT POLICY The General Development Policy set out In Section of the Official Plan shall apply IMPLEMENTATION The detailed lonlng classifications will be based on a development plan covering the whole area Included in this amendment The appropriate zoning classifications will be established as an amendment to By law Any persons Interested may within prescribed time lie In writing opposition to or support sold amendment to the Secretary Treasurer of the Acton Planning Board Mill Street East Acton Final date for filing objections will be Jan D Patterson Secretary Treasurer Acton Planning Board NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM DAVID ELMER SMITH R R Acton Ontario In the Township ot Esqueslng In County of Halton Retired School Principal deceased ALL persons having claims against the aforementioned Estate WILLIAM DAVID ELMER SMITH who died on or about the day of November 1973 arc required to file proof thereof with the undersigned solicitor for the Executrix on or before the 15th day of February after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed Acton Ontario this day of December Barrister etc Acton Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix ADVERTISEMENT FOR CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DOUG LAS MURRAY HILTON late of tho Township of Eramosa in the County of Wellington Merchant deceased Creditors and others having claims against the above Est are required to send full particulars such claims to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 4th day alter which date the Estates assets will be having regard only to claims that have then been received Edgar H Shane Barrlsferotc Guelph Ontario Solicitor lor Administrator of he Estate TENDER FOR MAIL CONTRACT The Canada Post Office is Inviting Tenders for a five year con tract or the conveyance of Her Majestys Malls over Acton Rural Route No This service will operate Monday to Saturday Inclusive Persons tendering must be 21 years age or over Only customers of the distributing Post Office or of flees served en route are eligible to tender This Includes customers of all rural routes operating from these offices Cloaingdate for receipt tenders In Toronto Is Wednesday January at Full particulars as to the detail of travel tender forms etc may be obtained from the Postmaster at Acton or Llmehouse Ontario or from the Director Central District Ontario Postal Region Room Front Street West Toronto Ontario IAS Telephone 416369 3173 RENT l and 2 Bedroom Apartments and Includes heat hydro water frig stove drapes balcony with view Adults only Parking ONE bedroom apartment self contained monthly Phone ass 4770 ONE bedroom TWO bedroom Immediate 9am to 1764 alter DIRECTORY OF CLASSIFICATIONS Adoptions 2 Farm Eqt For Sale 33 Rooms Bojro Available Anniversaries Rooms Board Wanted quel For Sale lor Rent Sports Equipment Student Employment Atichon Sales 1 Help Wanted Hobbies 43 n Boats Motors Business Opportunities In Camping Transportation J Thanks Cartage Moving Coming Events Coming Marriages Day Care 5 Pet Stock a Kennels Produce tor Sale IS Vacation Properties tor Sale or Rent Vacation Resorts vehicles for Sale Employment Wanted Engagements Real Estate Vehicles Wanted WtMM to Rent 80 I MICHAEL JOHN MER Campbell Avenue Campbellvllle Ontario will not be responsible for any debts Incurred by my wife May In my name this date December 1973 without my written signature Signed Michael John Merrltt FARM ACREAGE WANTED From 10 acres and up with or without buildings Suitable for Inge Winther 754 or Residence Stone Ltd Realtor Rd Oakvllie ACTON townhouse for rem with option to buy per month fridge and sieve In eluded Call 0142 Main St Georgetown basement storage vacant appro two months Phone 3 BEDROOM an available November 1st 530 6 ROOM brick house per month I months deposit required monthly Immediate possession Apply after m 1745 Available November 1st 75 per month Phone HERB NEUMANN REAL ESTATE LTD Woolwich St 3600 Irene Pries Representative WINTER WONDERLAND EDEN MILLSIB acres of seclusion with a creek a river two ponds irouttlshlnglnyourbackyard A one bedroom log cabin conveniences to it all with a for good sure Tovlewcall Irene or evenings 4364 List with the action people LOCAL AGENT DAVE TEL POLZLER REAL ESTATE Churchill Visits services by Mrs Fred Congratulations to Colin and Mrs of on the birth of a little sister for on December Julie Mny A and Mrs enjoyed Christmas very much having all the family home on Christmas Day even the youngest grandchild Julio May who brought right from the hospital Her very first visit Rev Hob and Mrs Hyde and baby Jeremy of Manor Sask have been visiting with their parents Mr and Mrs Gerald Hyde and family of and Mr and Mrs Wallace and family over he ChriHt mas holidays They leave for home on New Years evening Sunday morning they al tended church and enjoyed meeting lot of friends Mr and Mrs Frank and John Miss Elizabeth Thompson and Mr Jack and Mr Charles Thompson also Mrs Joshua Thompson of Wellington Terrace spent Christmas Mr and Mrs William Thompson Mr and Mrs Fred Thompson Peggy Lynn and Steven of visited at the same home In he evening Mr Joshua Thompson was unable lo be present as he is still in St Josephs Hospital Mr and Mrs C Storey and daughter Alice Wilkinson and girls Dale and Heather spent the Christmas holidays the home of their son Mr and Mrs Storey and family Mr and Mrs family of came and visited at the same home on Christmas Eve Mr and Mrs William Thompson and Mr William McArthur Erin attended the funeral of their cousin Mr J McArthur Stayner on Wed Dee who passed suddenly with a heart i attack Christmas guests with Mr and Mrs Alvln Moore Beverly and Ron were Mr and Mrs Don Lisa and Handy Mr ana Mrs Garry Hill and of spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs George Guy Greg and Geoffrey Guests on Sunday wilh Mr and Mrs Norman Turner David and were Norman mother Mrs G Turner North Bay Mr and Mrs lorn of Georgetown Chrlstiosen Toronto Mr and Mrs McCutcheon and Muriel of Acton Mrs Gertrude Hod gins of Is visiting and will be staying over New Years with the Moores Churchill Road Mr and Mrs Thompson attended the Church Services MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C Sunday Jan EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Churchill Rd Rev S M Thomon Pastor am Sunday Jan 10 a Sunday School a m Tues fl Service and Bible study Thurs 6pm Crusaders Christs You are all Welcome Excel lent free town bus service lor children and adults to and Sunday School on the All Red Bus Also rural pick up lor Information phone or ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Street East Founded Phone Sunday Jan Sunday School It a Mornino Wor ship Prol Hillmer of Master Divinity College Hamilton Everyone Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew A Minister Mr A Hansen A and Choir Master Sunday Jan a Mlnlslers Con Class for Teen withdrawn 1015 a m Session meeting Church School for Beginners Kindergarten and Grades I to MOO am Mid Winter vice Holy Communion Communion Meditation on theme Taking The Oath Nursery tor and Tod Everyone Most Welcome BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday Jan Sunday Worship Services at and 30pm Preschool Sunday School log the morning service Sun day School during the alter noon service Nursery during both services The Beth El Christian R formed Church Invites every one to come and worship with us The Lords Day day Lord has made Therefore Let in go to fhe house Lord Let us worship and bow down Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker For He Is our God and we are the people of his pasture Psalms 122 1 You Are Welcome UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Dr Wm Onions Minister George Elliott MA Director of Music Sunday Jan BAHAI FAITH You are warmly invited attend a fireside discussion every Friday Evening at 8 Phone The advent of the prophets and revelation of the Holy Books is Intended to create love souls and friendship between the inhabitants the earth Real love is impossible unless one turn his face towards God and be attracted to His beauty I Bona CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Rood North Minister The Rev A Walter BA Tldey Avenue Phone Sunday Jan 11 am Worship and Church Shoo Sermon Subject The Leaven the Lump Holy Com The Church on the HIM Is an Interdenominational gallon ministering to the needs community THE CHURCH OF ST ALBANTHE MARTYR Anglican Corner Willow St end St bans Dr Sunday Jan am Holy Eucharist 10 am Church School 30 a Sung Eucharist Induction service the Hew Matter Induction will be by the venerable C M Mitchell Special preacher Rev Malcolm Evans of Grace Church on tho Hill Saturday afternoon December held at the home of her lister Mr and Mrs Dan Scar borough Mrs Brett and Mrs Thompson went to school together Mr and Mrs Wallace Janice and enjoyed Christmas Day when nil the family were home On Thursday evening December 10 the annual Churchill Christmas concert look place In spite of the evening there was an enthusiastic gathering class presented a portion of the program under the chairmanship of Smith Griffin the close of on evening of enrols and and fun Santa made his usual visit handing out gifts and candy to each child present young teachers of the Sunday School should be commended for the work and planning of this annual vent carolling Saturday night before Christmas the members of Community Church choir went enrol singing around tho community They v isllcd the nursing homes and of the shut in and ildcrly ones Joyce Denny drove them around in their Turners where they all were served refreshments before leaving ItoxlugDuy Boxing Day visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Nor man Turner were Mr and Mrs Reg James and family of Maple Mr and Mrs Noble and girls of and Mr and Mrs Kurl Kckcrleh Mr and Mrs and daughter visited Sunday Dec with Mr and Mrs Leslie and girls Mr and Mrs June and Debbie spent Christmas Day Mr and Mrs Henry lessen in Mr and Mrs Leslie Swackhamer and all three girls spent Boxing Day with Mrs parent Mr and Mrs George and all the family at Virgil Guests on Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs William were Miss Do bra Bogle of Carlisle Mr Gary Double Toronto and Mr and Mrs George Guy Greg and Geoffrey Guests on Sunday December with Mr and Mrs Leslie and Debbie were Mr and Mrs Swackhamer and Brenda All home Mr and Mrs Leslie enjoyed having all the girls Miss June London Kathy of and Debbie home for the whole week of Christmas holidays On Christmas Day they wore Mr and Mrs Henry Thlesscn and family in and on Boxing Day they were at Virgil with Mr and Mrs George and family Mrs J II spent the holidays with her daughter Mrs J McDonald Mr ind Burgess of Chatham visited on Monday with their sister Mrs Mary Each cm and Mr Angus McEachcm Mr and Mrs MacArthur arrived home on Saturday after enjoying a week at his sisters home and Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs Green who drove them home They also went up lo see and Bcmlce MacArthur for a little visit before returning back to Mr and Mrs Wallace held a family farewell dinner prior to Carol and Bob and Jeremy leaving for home by plane on New Year Day when all the family were home Mr and Mrs Fred enjoyed New Years Day at their sons home with all their family This was a special day it being eroys mothers birth day At supper a lovely decorated birthday cake and ice cream as well as many extras filled the table Thanks to Bcmice Sharon and for this has been a regular kindness for many years It is very much appreciated A sister Miss Nancy Knox Hampton also a cousin Miss Marilyn Knox of Pickering visited a few days with Mr and Mrs Bob Kerr children On Sunday Mr and Mrs Clarence Denny and family enjoyed a family Christmas at the home of Mr and Mrs Brian Patterson Guelph along wilh other relatives Mrs Susy Denny of accompanied them

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