Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 9, 1974, p. 1

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NINETY NINTH YEAR NO ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY EIGHTEEN PAGESFIFTEEN CENTS Holmes rejects fire chief job Buikema Holmes district chiefs Hurry Levy council voted Inter in the evening to pay Mr Holmes If he accepts the Job the same salary an was earned by Georgetown I ire Chief just over Hie delink was touched off by an torn recommendation which slated since Mr linn diMli tint Morrow said hi backed the adminslratwn com millet recommendation since hi wanted lc establish politics for town and then should be out overall It would he rous any other way could tud up with two mayors with equal authority Ik said he establishment of two chiefs would tend to divide the municipal birr would be rtspunsibk for a smaller than the other Mild Morrow He emphasised had advertised for a fire the man chosen It and asked lo bo con COUNCILLORS PAT Harry Levy Lcs and Roy Booth repeat the oath of alleg iance at the inaugural meeting of Hills council Thursday afternoon Call tenders Lions pool will begin as soon as possible The work should be started March at the latest lo I ton president An Gordon and the pool should be ready in three months making their goal June 1 of the reasons for urgency Is Ihe LIP grant and men must nave under this Feb The canvass will definitely begin Feb 1 according to Mr Gordon The club members arc hoping to have a vacant downtown store available to use as headquarters for the canvass of trie whole town and area Meeting Plans proceeded Monday at a meeting at the high school attended by principal Dave Knlz school syslcm rcprcscntatlv Irish and Jim Evans and Art Gordon Don Gordon and Don Murdy of the I ions One of the matters discussed water table at Ihc site and ways of eroding it It is possible that swimming pool bottom could lift when its emptied for cleaning IT precautionary taken now The tender call appears in today paper as well as other district weekly and daily papers with the deadline stated as Jan at noon red for tht position of Chief lie then asked for recorded vote on rejection of the recommendation Councillor Russell Miller agreed with Morrow saying they should not defeat the administration committee recommendation Councillor Hoy Booth chairman of the Administration committee said the council elect had provided for three full time paid men one fire chief and two district chiefs lie said the man offered the Job de clined and offered to rend the letter from Mr Holmes to mnkc Iht situation clear to tveryone Mr Holmes thanked for their In him in offering him he job and said was willing lo do his best but since then he had been subjected to severe criticism In the present stances I feci my acceptance would dtfeal the purpose of tht fire department he Mr Holmes that he be considered for position of deputy chief To offer Mr Buikema the job now would be an cry and would put Mr Hoi mes in a secondary position contended Councillor He suggested two district chiefs he hired and a tom set up to select a chit through examinations Councillor Pat McKen7ie pointed out there was no such position deputy chief established We nave had an excellent ire protection sys tern in years past said Mr Hi stated too much has been placed on written lions and claimed leadership ho have done excellent job tinder Mick Holmes His voice rising Mr Kenrte hold I deplore one councillor actions which immaturity and of con Mr McKenie claimed Mr Holmes wasnot hut based on lompctcnct He said In an fort the mi tier he support the amend dis trict chiefs Councillor ex regn that Mr Hoi mes felt he had o decline blamed the situation on a reaction by the public 1 call it defamation of this s character be fore the whole situation eould be discussed Mr said he would support two district chiefs based on discussions with other fire departments It stands lo reason that inynno who has been fin chief for 11 years of the brigade for yeoi lhai mpn He said he would support a new resolution for two district chiefs retain the status quo relieve the strain on he people Involved Councillor Dick a member of the general ministration committee said the decision to have one chief two district chiefs was both Mr ttuikema and Mr Holmes This is not known to news media said Mr He claimed most peoplefelt in danger of losing Mr kema while two district chiefs hud been Intended all along He said the structure would follow the pattern of other municipalities and forecast tune when other Ions in other ports at the own would need district chiefs He saw the of I- Ire Chief an ad mlnistrativc one including per hips fire prevention pro grams and Inspection of fires This would leave the chiefs to deal directly with Ihe volunteer brigades In Acton the men would relate to and communicate with the District Chief who would know the men and the town Ik urged positions Continued on page 3 Keep our teer brigade former warden urges When the dust had settled after the stormy debate at Hills council Monday night on the fire department positions and Ken and Mick Holmes had been offered the positions of Winter walk for wild fowl swans and ducks at lairy will soon be walked to the other side of Ihe lake for the winter according to Harold Town The birds have been keeping patch of w open with the heat of their bodies on the north arm of the lake beside Ihc arena A bubbler is in operation at the south arm where thev be relocated for the cold weather Mr hopes to the swans and them over but the ducks will flv over expects Their Tennis club at Speyside wooden houses will be relocated and feeding should keep Ihem happy at the new spot Safer making the area safer for skaters and snow mobile rs The geese haven been around lately perhaps because the patch of open big enough for them Mr expects they might return to the new or else make an here till spring ADDRLSSING THE inaugural meeting of the new Hills Council Thursday former Acton mayor now councillor Les reviewed the progress made by members in working together over the past six lo 12 weelts and called for continued effort to work together in the new organizational structure Back of Councillor are Regional Chair man Alan Masson and Jim Snow In the foreground are Coun W and Councillor Harry Levy Deputy Clerk Delmar French at the front of the chambers Second night school Residents in the area have obtained approval for the use of public school s indoor tennis facilities on Monday nights If response warrants it hoped for another night could also be obtained new people have moved into the Acton area but have no means of meeting w ilh others ill an organ way It is hoped that a tennis club for beginners and seasoned tennis buffs could be arranged in one hour time slots during these winter monlhs A good response will no doubt result in a successful social tennis club interested in fur thcr information please call Mrs Catherine free Promise law enforcement There are lots of com plaints about operation of snowmobiles these say the officers of detachment And there 11 be lots of enforce too the wirn Term lose registered at the high school Tuesday v for the next session of night school The fig ure was considered vtr good being more than half the number registered for the fall term There is a significant drop ifter C Then in five courses which will begin soon with one of them yoga com plctclv filled alrcndv in It New courses new course offered this term is gymnastics and 10 young girls Inve registered so far More would make good group tor is high school Ann Poo This class runs Wednes davs beginning Ihe 16th new class is cro chet and under popular local man Mrs I- She will give further information lo inv one interested in join istration the group This class be gins Jin itness ind recreation with Bruce ind more be wtl corned Another from the fill is the interior design and decoration Inslruttoi Mrs Mice of Georgetown cm lake more the group meets Typing is continuing with new instructor Mrs of Georgetown Mrs How den the previous teichor his moved to Tor onto Thisis tin Chief for George town ind District fire Chief for Acton Jrcas respectively II II Bert former warden of County and past recvL of Acton asked to addriss council He noted that in fire budget for Georgetown and was and Acton district budget was He contrasted the proposed budget for HTM for George town which it claimed totalled and called for between eight ind ten men it a cost of He chimed this would lie first step towird paid brigade with budget mlho He HALTON HILLS Council held its inaugural meet ing afternoon in the former Esquesmg Council Chambers Clerk Pntchard right administered the oath of office to new Halton Hills Tom Hill Start up again at Legion site Work it the new hall delayed by weather and started up again this week Most of the materials ire on will be arriving the committee mbcrs expect Four collisions thefts in weekly OPP report There were four car colli investigated by Acton in lown this week and three thefls Jan Edgar- Blanc It R 1 Acton reported thcfl of a car stereo and topes valuedatt220 from his car in the Dominion Hotel parking lot Jan Ihc of three sweaters from a locker in the arena was reported A local man was charged with Impaired driving Jan Jan John Price Mam reported the theft of a throttle cable from a snowmobile The first or the w eck deals ha opened Jan at 12 on Bower Ave The car driven by Salter struck a tree while westbound on Bower He had minor injuries and damage lo Ihc car was estimated at On Jan a m a hit and run accident occurred at the Dominion Hotel lot The car owned Glen Williams had mated damage Jan 7 p in other hit run occurred it Church and when Div id Popillons received Then was i trol The car owned Jim St hid mated damage and the car owned by Gordon Mew riling Iklwood termed it an unbearable tax burden He urged the volunteer cm be kept intact with paid district chiefs ind a limit of two or three fulltime paid men Its the week for inaugurals meetings of Hills Milton rnmosa and t townships were attended by reporters for this paper during the week Press coverage now extends to include Milton meetings since issigawcya township is included Monday nights will be a regular dale for reporters Hills committee meetings and regular meetings will ilttrnate on Three committee meetings will be held at the simclime requiring three of the staff to be Ihere to record the decisioii making process for the public He suggested council do not ippoint a registered fire chief at this time and the present chiefs on under a committee of Hills council Ik sold council should advertise and rev lew tions for a fire chief with to write examina lions in order to meet the of Ontario Fire Marshal He said they should in person and physical fitness Mr urged the dates be given time to pre pare themsclv for the testa ric spoke to coun and commented You vc had a hard time tonight He said since council had a letter of his signed by nine other residents he would not read the whole letter He said he was interested In a technically qualified person as fire chief who has the ability to speak out direct ly We don want a yes man on a job like this he re marked Mr concluded In view of the anguish this has corned I suggest standards should be set oy the Ontario government for the position of fire chief so the problem wont arise igaln Julie Brace of Rock wood asked Councillor Vic Morrow if the other two applicants were qualified I think Mr is the most qualified replied Mr Morrow In the statements I have made to the press I have stressed that I heard enough of your press retorted Mrs Brace Councillor Roy Booth said he could not divulge in applications since II was confidential I don want to get he idea that Mr Holmes Is not qual it no time was that added Mr Booth ear baby ACTON S FIRST BABY for is beautiful angelic Ann Mane Lucas who checked in at the Guelph General hospital on Jan 3 at 2 29 a m as the offspring of Elmer and Grace Lucas of Churchill S The couple have lived in Acton for two and one half years and Elmer is employed at Ajax Engineers Ltd Did Grace and timer of 192 Churchill Road anticipate being the parents of first offspring hot according to mother Grace who said they had never even thought about it The mother said she and her husband were as surprised as and occurred to them until last Sundav night when Elmer in conversation with another new paler at the wailing room of the General Hospital maternity section Waller of Churchill lioad wis the other proud father who raised the question of competition in the race for supremacy His wife Susan had her baby i few hours later at the same hospital at 8 a on the same date of Thursday Januarv Mane had checked in at a m six hours earlier pounds ounces Girl wanted The lucass have lived in for two and onehalf and according to Grace their little wilt be a welcomed addition to both sets of grandparents is there has already been an overabundance of boys in the families The happy grandparents of Mine are Mr and Mrs Fred Gillespie of ho eight grandchildren and Mr and Mrs Carl Lucas of Marsville who boast fourteen Moore was the local doctor in of product tor ind although tier new baby is the first for her and her Grace Lucas with all her nieces and nephews has the required experience to handle the position of motherhood efficiently

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