Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 23, 1974, p. 13

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Eramosa residents express concern at tree removal CAREFULLY BALANCING on an exaggerated height are several little nursery school attendees primly posing as they tramp across the in novated bridge The five day week morning programs held at the Rock wood town hall provide instruction for the children under the capable hands of Ann Vos of Eden Mills St Johns faces another change The concerted fears of residents In on the second line in I road were expressed Inst Monday in a letter sent to Wellington county engineer Alan Holmes by Day secretory of plan ning board Properly owners on the road received a letter from the office of the county engineers office indicating the intention of the suburban roads commission purchase a strip of land approximately feet in width from your property to suburban road This purchase of property for roid widening rend ihc letter is necessary so that the commission will fluent way con struct a road in the future which will be beneficial lo both you and the com markers The letter said the commission would be apprising sales of properly in the recipient area to land market value a method used in the past by the commission which has proved satisfactory It further indicated that a representative would be calling to discuss land acquisition settlement next six months residents had reported seeing surveyors In the district and were eon when saw vellow markers placed uniformly along the roadway just beyond lines of maple trees extending along both sides of the roadway The Immediate thought of many of Ihost living on Ihe second line was lhat ihelrces were doomed for removal They reportedly envisioned a raping of landscape similar below Guelph on the way to Hamilton when numbers of beautiful trees were chopped down and land confiscated close lo houses to widen the highway leaving the roadway bereft of all former charm lo its present resemblance of desert 4th I diversion Recognising thai road widening expectation of heavier question hove flared as to what What was considered to be finally firm foundation for thecongregotlonofSt Johns Anglican church In Rock wood was shaken again Monday night when at the annual vestry meeting Arch deacon Clarence Mitchell revealed St John pattern new every tew months would be repented tor number of years St John had been attached to a scries of congregations in eluding St Alban s of Acton All Saints In SI James of and presently she Is Georges of Her ministry has been conducted by a variety of rectors with varied degree of experience finally Inst fall she found herself In the George parish In with the that Rev Ritchie would he Iht mlnlsttr in charge with diocese anxious to keep her doors open wide for potential members who will eventually move into the village of Rock wood Affiliation Again her congregation learned that sometime in early spring yet another shepherd will lead Si John flock arriving in joint at filiation with the reformatory approximately sometime In May Mr Mitchell presented his announcement at the beginning of the meeting at which the reading of last January 197 vehlry meeting sounded like history but repeal of what was the Inevitable future for Commendations were given by Rev Mitchell to the Iwo wardens George Ingle and Sandy Hudson for their ex stewardship during period of great congregational stress I words of praise were extendi d to other members of the congregation who had participated diligently keeping programs alive Retty Jason was framed as treasurer Meredith for her Nancy as the the Junior Auxiliary I lossie MeMInn as the parish hall J rnlti church see ret a ry Several appointments and appointments set up a committee with wardens accepting their positions last lew as people s and rector s wardens Betty re inpolnted as treasurer Hockey as secretary and I as lay render Gladys was voted in as lay delegate to the Synod and Hetty lou as delegate Mi Minn ivy John and I Root were nominated to the vtsiry board appointed by the lo the same board were Root Betty Jones I Slipp and I011 Withers i SI Valentines draw to raise church funds annual St Johns fit a market will be held in the Spring In conjunction with Dale of the next parish advisory board meeting was set for Feb St Johns affiliation with will continue for communion special services visitations until word has been reached regarding rcplncemcnt S youngest puppeteer is Vanessa Maria daughter of Mr and Mrs Jeff Weideman of Street The two animated hand puppets carry on an imaginative parley with voice inflections produced through the closed lips of the extremely bright and fascinating four year old Say hello to your friends says woollen hand crocheted Christmas puppet and Vanessa s Raggedy Andy bends in accord and squeaks Hello everyone Comins and Goins and beautiful two Rock wood visitors lo the sands of Pom pa no in Florida show the results of weeks southern swimming fishing clubbing rehxinp wen thi order of days for Dirk Innsen of Minn popular won the inn when a appearance in won a new electric dishwasher will bo seen this at noon on channel J as she appeared on the taped show and manj local set will quaver as she successful wins via TV Ihe championship prut which is operating in her own kitchen June we II be watching friends of Ingle arc to know thai she is recuperating from her hospitalization period anil that she is expected be getting into activities in ihe community soon lie how about that The never ill I- lossie has been so for last it lossie and get better soon and your friends have their fingers crossed that your progress will be rapid a big grade Tuesday some TO odd from Centennial when manned with elegant new equipment they were bussed to Eden Mills here Ihey were to participate in an outdoor hiking experience through the country side these luckj school children l knew own good fortune we could all be youngagaln Hello there and sports new neighbors who have taken up abode in the former domain on Main Si So it hi to Mr and Mrs and we you enjoy your liv inc the villus ind ittcnd some of our git together tunts i Saturday s the day when several cub will he visiting the planet So have fun kuL leirn what you can and wi heir on your return what is ill nbout i hey ho word from down under thai Leslie Dan settling in ok Br is bant Australia High now IasIh s up lo her chin organizing whit she ills an re union of sorts and is nunding up her school chums A hi and we miss you to former Rockwood fimilv who left mark and lo create friendships during Ihcir short slay in Iht now write ioon Hooray and Mr and are back in their rest and rthxation trip in the balmy south Hoot you had terrific vacation clad lo see you back in business June Great is ex tended lo the family of Mr Robert Wright of den Mills friend to he will hold special spot in his own village plus those where he was often to be seen and den Mills are he is gone There has been a per cent increase in the number of pa Hen Is going lo hospital emergency departments in Ontario during the past six years increase runs from to percent ATTENTION Rockmosa Snowmobile Rally HOT LUNCHES AVAILABLE SUNDAY FEB 10th FREE COFFEE EVENTS START FROM HAMILTONS CEDAR VIEW GAMP GROUNDS Registration 8 am to 12 noon 2 50 mile runs both of which include Bush Trails and Road Runs 6 Trophies Suit Crests FOR COMPETITORS FOR PARTICIPANTS INCLUDING RIDERS No Entry Fee Snowmobilers Must Be Sponsored Pledge Sheets Available at Snowmobilen and Rockwood Bunnell ALL PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY CENTRE For further information call or 8564740 SPONSOREDBY DISTRICT LIONS CLUB lo the proposed heavy traffic lo be accommodated by the expensive fourth line diversion sel up two years ago by the in affiliation with the Eromoso township council Residents also wondered about the six months stipulation In Ihe letter and If it meant that proceedings were to begin then why not long term tree planting replacement plans Reportedly the Framosa planning board had contacted Ihe commission earlier to query Ihe reason for the surveyors and had teamed that nothing was going to transpire Residents were questioning the of Ihe response Alan Holmes chief engineer for the county of Wellington told the Acton Fret Press lhat he would like to alleviate the concerns of the people It is our intent lo remove all of Irecs as per accusation he said referring to the fetter from the secretary of Ihe planning board A number of people seem to feel there is an indication of trees being necessity ft is lo place drainage ditches behind the The yellow markers only indicate property tines the proposed right of way Not Iree cutters Mr Holmes regards as an environ menlalist who enjoys the Eden Mills Brownie News The Acton Free Press Wed Jan BS He said to raise the grade level of service does not necessarily mean an ticlpntion of heavier traffic but admitted that improved road conditions could at Iract traffic Wcknowthat people will go out of their way to get lo a smooth road said Mr Holmes who describes many of the county roods as truffle collectors for commuters to Regarding the fourth line diversion lo which many residents had hoped to see the traffic diverted the engineer explained the uphill of the roadway did not lend Itself to truck traffic It adapts itself well to heavy traffic of sightseers and conservation visitors he said but it could not be ex peeled to lake the heavier weight of truck travel Asked if his position could ensure the saving of Ihelrces on second line of Framosa Mr Holmes reltcratLd lhat the of cutting had not been considered but that as an anxious lo preserve he would be most anxious save as many as possible He indicated lhat his department applies Ihe policy of tree replacement where required Fly Diana The silence Skunk Hollow was broken last Wednesday when a bunch of brownies Owl descended upon it 1 pel dog decided lo go along too for Hie jolly trip anil thought he d show off by catching and a bunny on route This amused some of the girls but itso disgusted a few more genteel members of the pack Our first meeting of the New Year was very busy as we made new sixers and seconders who were so excited with their new roles The ones chosen were Kelpies Dolores Martini Michelle Wallace Imps Delia Michelle Heard I ittle People Anne Kithy Van and lhu Virginia Ritchie vvnw to discuss Plans were made for our Canada Pageant which flan to for Ihc parents in A large 15 foot map of was showing all the different provinces inn range of colors we got most of the on the map Badges were given out which In eluded two loy maker badges for I 1st Webb and 1 innne Allsnp and one collectors bulge for Virginia Ritchie I including the leaders seemed ready and bursting for i new year we now have cup lo present to the sixes who remember to bring their 10 cents dues Lvcry week This Ins been to us by Mrs Peine our District we call it whit else The t up of luck anil hope it works have Iwn tweenies Shelley Susan Enecagc same nllmity lor trees us those concerned am the first one go along with saving every Iree he said and explained Ihe policy of Ihe commission Is to cut down tree only in a cut section when ditches nmsl he ad Incenl directly the road bed To be honest I haven t even thought it out In detail he said adding that to date the design of the planned roadway is not complete The engineer said the six lime allotment was for contact of local people involved but lhat actual building was county decision which could on for a number of years down Iras sold amazed Mr Holmes No one said a thing about Hint and he wondered how the suggfstion had materialized Mr Holmes said the commission hod a Iree replacement policy which could easily be put into If required He said the need for rond im provement plan tin result of a road Irnffic study which indicated with present Irafflc on No county road updated levels must be adhered with Hie roadway presently showing deficiency In Etui of service Organizers of the IliUshurgh Potato Pest arc si arching for a cause year medical centre was designed and built in There a doctor there now and dentist ex in the spring Suggested projects Include a swimming pool arena and centre DID YOU KNOW Bank Financing Up To Months baz motors ltd GEOHGeiOW 1010 on your radio gets you a MORNING It s always a good morning when you listen to CFRB s WALLY CROUTER SHOW on radio 1010 gels you rolling music and his comments on current goings on and a whole package of everything you need know first thing Time news sports traffic reports and more news When Wally isn running things at the CFRB microphone weekdays 30 to 1 a he s busy around town or the world People- all kinds and the r interests interest His otf beat anecdotes range the worlds ol travel sport and The all star cast of the CROUTER SHOW includes newsmen Jack Dennett and Bob Heskelh Bill Stephenson Henry Shannon with reports the CFRB Comanche and olher profess broadcasts depending on the season II you re already a tan we say more If you re new n town get Wally mornings on your radio SIFfJllifl 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