Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1974, p. 10

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The Acton Pree Press Wed Jan 30 Raises more than Guelph gets When councillors of Haiton Hills voted the mayor and each member of council 5 per an in salaries over the next three years there was little shock Peel and regional councils had already sent shock waves rippling through the electorate with their salaries of 000 and per year respectively A mere is anticlimatic But it is a hefty hike pay for most of the men who sit on the new town council Pay in Acton and ksquesing was 2 000 in 1973 and Georgetown councillors received So the new figure is over double what they would have received if the three municipalities had been left to solve their own problems To be fair the workload for the new council is tremendous and they have problems to solve they never dreamed about when they sheltered in the obvious comfort of three smaller communities However we wonder if they haven again excelled themselves at the expense of the electorate City of Guelph aldermen were recently granted a raise to 000 a year and the mayor went up to in addition to two small stipends for serving on other committees The raise was introduced after an outside firm of consultants had investigated the work load and decided 000 was a fair figure Needless to say Guelph is a much larger municipality than Hilts Since it still operates under the other system of govern the councillors have more responsibility Responsibilities in the new regional government system are supposed to be reduced with major decisions made at the level wonder where it will all end Just last week aldermen Grimsby voted in favor of a 33 1 percent increase to per year a cue from neighboring councils no doubt We also doubt very much if aldermen in will long be ilisficd with when their colic igues in smaller communities are collecting another for less work Quite likely ratepayers would not be so concerned if they had seen the raises come gradually instead of in one large lump sum But the precedent has been set and days when men like former Mayor Joe Gibbons of Georgetown would accept no salary to shame the mote ambitious are gone forever The colossus continues to grow Dollop of whipped cream snow for sundae driver Sugar and Spice by bill smiley You think the could have one tiny grandchild with no more Ihc usual anxiety and expectancy Not a chance They had to I urn it into a threering circus Just about the time the wee lad was due to arm I proMded Ihe First tracked up my car seriously Just enough so it couldnt be dricn was during the hoi and between these and relentless storms after day the repairs Cook twice as long as Ihey would normally No transport But wc had to be when his nibs armed It a hundred miles away Result was a nightmare of taxis and buses There s nothing more dismal lhan riding a bus in midwinter Its cither a super modern one with the heat turned up so that you are gasping for breath and sweating like a wrestler or it an old timer with no heat and a draft that would freeze the brains of a brass monkey coming In around Ihc window There nothing more frustrating lhan waiting for a cab Its no problem down town In ihe You can flag one down on the street But when you arc in a remote suburb waited minutes for a cob one night after five phone calls on each of which I was assured He s on Ihe way a pure and downright he My daughter true lo family form provided ring two of the circus only glad I there or you d be reading my obituary instead of a column this week She began getting signs lhat the little stranger was developing claustrophobia and wanted to see the light of day Nothing violent but enough to send my wife into action with all guns Hang on We II be right up Up meant up lo the university apartment where she and her are living It right out in the country and a brute to get unless you hive car My wife commandeered my brother in law he drove her there Naturally the young couple docsn a car Potential Granny dashed into the building and was just starting up on the cletator when she heard a disembodied voice asking there anyone there She was more lhan a little startled It was voice of her son in law and it seemed lo be coming out of the walls It was He and my daughter the preg kid were stuck In the adjoining elevator between floors They stuck because she was pregnant but because the elevator had to They d been on their way down how does that grab you as Its like something you d sec on one of those medical series on TV If I d been there 1 have fainted dead away and been off My wife is made of sterner stuff She can gel hysterical about a trapping on a carpet Hut when comes down lo rcil trouble she right And my brother in law is a great man in a crisis He posted my wife where she could talk lo Ihe Iwo kids tripped in the elevator Then he rounded up Ihc troops security guards perm lend and They tried everything A half hour passed Nothing An hour Nothing worked They called elevator company It was New Year s Day A recorded message was liken wike Pregnant woman rapped in stalled elevator There was a small spice at the bottom of thur levator car but Kim with her belly It re was a little more room at the top found a panel between the elevator cars It was removed The tnenn was skinny He was hoisted up and crawled through the hole A ladder was hoisted and passed to him Silence After i few minutes of this the rescuers started pounding he wall and shouting No answer Panic were just about to call fire department when the kids and the electrician walked down the stain into lobby Using the ladder they had climbed out of the elevator ind crawled through thai just big enough hole onto Ihe second floor Needless say joy reigned supreme Laughing hugging and kissing Nobody had Rone haywire in a situation The kids had not panicked In fact Kim sit on the floor and almost went to sleep My wife kept her head through an hour and i half of mental anguish My brother In law came out feeling like bridge Well all turned out fine But the third of the circus was supplied lo my wife day the baby was home she was up to sec him and her own child young woman hid thrown herself in front of subway train and took my wife three hours to get there Why can a grandchild without all fooferaw Oh well leist the first time he crosses he border into the St ile when he about 16 those US immigration officers says Where were you born he won have to inswer in an elevator Back Issues of The Free Press 20 years ago Taken the Issue of I- Irrss Thufulav Januart 1931 John Moles popular district farmer was elected president of Acton hall fair Mr Moles whose scientific farming methods have attracted wide interest in this area succeeds Mac Other officers arc ice- president S Denny second vicepresident Mrs C secretary treasurer Sec How Hun a presented by Ihe I Tin lire was directed who recently moved to Acton She brought her theatrical ex wilh her from Mr is associated with Micro flashes Neil The electrician for the production is Peter Dunham an cm of llcardmore and Co whose home In wis ine unanimous choice of chairman for the North strict High School board their inaugural meeting In J Coon is wee chairman Board members are John Hall Milton J Coon Dills Claude took Acton Dr J It Milne I- red Mastcrman Ross Nassagawcya George Cleave Beaumont Day was electee president of Ihe United Church men club A resident of Acton over years William died Jan 19 Parents whose children have been at classes at the MC enjoyed a roast beef dinner as part of the program at Parents Night The choir Christian Reformed church also sang under the direction or Mr He was a well known conductor in Holland and was in prison camps during the war in Germany and Holland 50 years ago ikrn the lsur Ihr I- Press of Thursday It I reeie has been riveted of Hilton count v for I the oiinlerof It llro Hugh rot irljih other with beautiful floral offering ne Ihe anniversary of est ihhsh ng of the lodge is nourishing hid better prospects than it tins The affa of eilehntion committee been finally settled Ihe hooks vouchers were in the hinds of an I tors The result is surely gratifying The Jut is sim injoj three davaffur There is surplus Primary Method si church who lhe could ihe names of books of the Bible the ten commandments the beatitudes an i the psalm were Knitted took Helen IMrandcr Met The price of has jumped two cents per gillon It wont matter much here is Ihe snow hanks hold The machinery of defunct Hitter n be ing from skating rink build n That was an fortunate enterprise for numbers of good people of this iruslees Messrs Robert Thatcher an I Smith led upon the Societv and suggested offering Park as camping place for the iccom modal ion of motor travellers on the new highway Dally and weekly newspapers throughout Canada ore paying compliments to postmaster M upon his completion of 68 years in charge of the office here years ago 1 from Hie the rre Press of MOT the dealh of one of most worths sons in the person of Mr I who about 10 ynrs igo veil to Toronto to taki an Import itono in connection the mill order department He was liken with which developed into spin mi in the course of the tsc his I run wis ilfeeted His home lift wis hallo led an I To few does such in illness and suffering come The is in invalid a few anoint civ Jesse Hi was the on the late Brown a pioneer of who settled on the firm now owned lis I mdsay His parents win I tlist stock Mr Itrown his left Iwo minly sons course is druggist and manned it school The ladies d held social wilh the I roceeds to the Methodist tleum light fund The of Health met Monday and the municipality wis held lo be in tory condition lxKike was visited I freed the at lark Hotel when in oyster supper wis partaken of Thi grippe still holds sway and miny citizens are under its ban To cure t cold in one diy take Laxative quinine tablets All druggists refund ihe money fails to cure cents Sterling Headache powders cure the worst headache in from to twenty minutes and leave no bad after effects One po cents Buckley s Arnica Soke will kill pain and promptly heal horrible burns scalds cuts or bruises The size of the colossus that can evolve after the introduction of regional government is now shaking the elected officials too Responsibilities being sferred from the local to regional level meant a natural shift in personnel in departments affected file problem is however that the vacancy created in the move from local to regional is now often being refilled locally And that sounds like duplication Then to here seems to be some illusion that it s time to do all those tilings long delayed by shortages of dollars Budget setting sessions tins year are bound to be periods of severe agony unless there is a mysterious new source of funds we re not yet aware of Department heads for most of the regional departments are gathering staff The planning department staffing alone is estimated at ft was also recently revealed that Chairman Allan had approved the purchase of about worth of office furniture and a car for his use The public works department is expected to inherit some of the staff members from the own and townships but the extent is not yet known Waterand sewage facilities are two of the areas of res ponsibihty that move from local to regional control Soon the regional solicitor who has been hired will be on the job and undoubtedly he will begin to plan the staffing of his department How many assistants and will be required is open to question Naturally the administrative staff will also be growing to handle the expanding organization The frightening aspect for the ratepayer is the unknown Has anyone anywhere in this growing complex projected the direction and the extent to which this ex can be paid for by the tax payer without severe distortions in past mill rates We hear continuing references to Queens Park assistance in meeting start up costs but if the overhead is being built in in the form of staff salaries any start up funds will only cushion the first year s expenditures of the councils in have prepared a budget to cover tiie area they now serve No one seems exactly clear on the extent of regional spending vs local spending which can leave the tax payer squarely in the middle and having to reach very deep into his pocket Undoubtedly it is a time of tur moil and travail for those officials elected to serve locally and legionally When they begin to wrestle with the first budgets the agony may be severe as they hoped with all good intentions to avoid the costly patterns that had been ingrained in regional governments established in other areas region is relatively compact and if regional govern ment is to work any place it should work here The secret of public acceptance will be in direct proportion to its financial impact on the taxpayer Those first budgets will be very important and authorization of large expenditures without relation to the final budget is bound to lead to disaster Bumper touches are accidents If you have ever just touched the bumper of another car with your ear bumper after a sudden stop then decided that there had been no damage done and driven merrily on your way you had better beware and not do it again The Supreme Court of Canada lias just ruled that such a bumper touch constitutes an accident The court upheld the conviction of a Toronto woman who drove away after her car s bumper touched a Toronto cab of a charge of leaving the scene of an accident The woman did not see the cab driver pull over after the touch and drove home assuming that no da mage had been done The Supreme Court in a seven to two vote rejected the woman contention that she believed no damage had been done saying that she knew the two cars had touched and defining that touch as an The justices discussion of the case as reported in the Financial Post is fairly complicated But the implications of their decision apply to every driver if the other driver isn around and you think there are no witnesbcs if you touch another drivers bumper or lightly brush someone else s bumper while pulling out of a parking lot stop and get out of your car Then you can inspect the damage and call police Believe it or not you just had in accident The Huron Expositor iSeaiorth OUR READERS WRITE lost tiffin Boxes ire ice to our aii there no I to the v our piper mi timi is for il roject Ho v off it the post ins on ills lo touch ill Sincerely Mrs THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office rrpJ THINK IS TO MAKE A VERY GOOD VOLUNTEER Ml ISM

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