NINETY NINTH YEAR NO ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY SECOND SECTION All nonhockey enthusiasts please stand up to be counted SUNDAY OUTING for the Lewis family of wherever it happens to be available Erin and Ballinafad is an afternoon of pleasure skating at Georgetown have only two hours a week Aeton Acton arena Suzanne 8 Georgia Scott 11 and lus four A number of skaters think it should be Jack Lewis catch an hour or two of public skating more A WINNER YOU REALLY CAN WATCH CHANNEL DATE FEB 23 TIME 12 NOON do It and decorator will enjoy que Informative TV serin called You Really Can It com mon to problems pleasures satisfaction doing It yourself A great how to show tunelnand watch entertaining educational Interesting WITH OUR SPECIALS Cut out the coupons below for very SPECIAL SAVINGS Lots of stock on hand Come early for best selection PRICES GOOD UNTIL FEBRUARY 28 1974 In rlEn Highly sports art litre to flay Community ire booked solid from November to April with hockey schools names and radices for men and boys Iris even toys sign up for of figure skating lessons Unfortunately there art some people who don fit Into till system and like to sk ilt Just for the fun of It Of the registered In Acton and schools I to structured program arcm Thai leaves Ml participating to skate in the four hours a to pic Not to mention moms dads and schoolers which all adds up to skating facilities tun I cover cost There no way public the costs of the arena said Harold Towiibliy arena mumper I takes a lot of to rhul how much ice rent amount to in one Only percent of that from public skating One hundred hours of let tunc is available proposal for the installation of underground sprinkler systems to flood skating areas on the school grounds but the plan seems to have died with Hie recreating board Battling the and fighting city hall Mrs and her committee hive tried In vain for several years to up with an winter a rink was built in the park hut with the fluctuating temperatures it was only usable for about two weeks This year there has been so much snow that the works department are too busy with road sanding and snow to worry ahout as small as outdoor rinks for kids sht complained II problems Meanwhile Doug of Hills drparlmenl is having his own little problems over In Until Jan he was responsible only for the Suddtnly he finds himself In charge of the whole Mills including alt of fsruesin and Acton as well as All decisions now arc subject to regional government red hopes to reinstate the Acton as the Ward 1 recreation committee and plans to with them soon to discuss the working I don that then should he more pleasure skating I think it s a very valid idea to build outdoor rinks and get out there and clear the lake stated If you hive the staff and a good winter great For the Milton winter this month a skating track was cleared all the way around the lake adding a little old fashioned almosphert to the festivities With a little imagination and cooperation from the upper echelon Acton could do tne same thing Hood own yard In two rinks were on the site one for hockey the other for pleasure Mr ex plained There a demand for hockey The hie boys take over boarded area so the little boys take their sticks onto the other rink and the skater Is still at a loss To have everything the they want it people may have to go back to old method of flooding their own back yards it what I do The hockey craze is upon us whether we like it or not Although more thin half of available Ice time at Acton arena is monopolized by hockey rich of ap proximately players still only gets one hour a week of skating time providing very little opportunity to improve necessary skating skills let done hockey techniques Which all goes to prove that en the hockey players could benefit from more pleasure skillng time try The skating club uses up hours Mothers tots tin and preschoolers hockey school each take up hour throughout tin week and he schools fill In nil vacant ice time during school hours The rink Is for from midnight til i on I The remaining hours is dovoted to hockey c collected from Ice rentals 7 pcrc of the expenses and only I percent is paid for out of taxes Iltisurt skaters art only percent of but then they arc only getting t percent of the benefits Outdoor rinks What wi re illy need are outdoor rinks where the little kids can go to and not be front of the big kids Pleasure much in the minority as some hockey enthusiasts would like us to believe A numlier of Acton and district residents have expressed the need for more public skating facilities cither Indoors or out The following opinions came from the Aeton Skating club and from the Saturday Sunday A MINIMAL number of skaters ore on the during the 12 hours allotted weekly to the figure skating club Hockey players get 50 hours Heres what they say trances Harms grade Robert little Kids have nothing to do around it night so a percentile would show up for an hour of skating Most of us iround here We might as well be skiting They should cut down i little on the hockey way for the big Some families shovel a spot on the for their pleasure then the big boys come along and hockey on it Usually ifterthc first month of public skating participants dropoff because they are not com mittcd But in an organized program where you pay for the season there an in to keep coming Acton High Pleasure skating should be three or four times a week They drive a tractor in the so why I they take it outside and the lake Or build out Jackie Newman Grade Robert Little Figure skating is too expensive and I enjoy it You pay fees buy costumes and hen every lime you earn a badge Besides it would get too cold being on the ice ill that time Mike Grade Robert Little 1 play hockey for the Pec Wees looks like wc get all ice tune but I only get one game a week That only one hour of ice lime but it still unfair to the girls because they have nothing to do but watch They should start girls hockey girls are equal in this town you know It too dangerous to skate on the take there Terrl and Bob King Products Hockey is a great sport but it t necessarily good for every kid hi r sons Kelly and Bobby are enrolled in hockey school and loveit But we like to lake our kids out and skating is a good family outing Wed like to set more of Pickles Grade Robert Little Id love to play hockey We re equal to the boys and we should be able to do the same things as they do Why should the boys have all the privileges Jones Grade Robert I ittlc Mv mother won t skating because says there are not enough adults and she feels odd being up with all those kids Charlie meat manager I My daughter Christine is only eight and just learning to I bring her most Sun day afternoons ft hard to learn with so many others on ice when she not too steady on her feet There used to a lot of skating on the lake but in recent years people haven bothered I d like to see more outdoor Downtown Georgetown 2207 James Str Carol Campbell figure skating club The senior skaters get hours a week ind the intermediates three a half hours but they pay and Terry and hot drinks Even a for it Hockey still I lav id wo Acton High They bonfire would be nice then precedence Now that the should have an outdoor rink the teenagers have layoffs ore taking place we and maybe once a week soy to hang around town drinking had to cut down our Saturday night open the and being rowdy skating club time to make concession and sell not dogs