Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1974, B1

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ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 20 1974 Letter to Editor Citizens oppose route through Halton Hills and Erin township MagM Cravinga Umtdra COMMISSION Into of power from to Pickering I iWttlt A fort to txt Lb aa Solandt Commission recommends Power corridor to be in Parkway After careful consideration of all the evidence presented to it the Commission recommends that the proposed 500 KV power corridor from to Pickering should wherever possible be located In the Parkway Belt recommended route is shown in detail in the above Map It corresponds generally but with some important modifications toBhls System which Mr owlet chose as his second option The most important change from Bhl recommendation Is that the Commission proposes that the line built north from through the Beverly Swamp on the right of way presently owned by Ontario Hy It then crosses to the north side of Highway and theme eastward to a transformer station near Milton Just before reaching the Milton Station this east west route is joined from the north by the lines from the Bruce Generating Station that cross the Niagara Escarpment at From the Milton Station there hi a southward link to the Station while the main route proceeds of Brampton and north of the airport to thence eastward across Street to a new Parkway Station and thence to a point south of west from Milton to south of the route will in the Parkway Belt West From there to the Station a route has been tentatively selected but it expected that this section of the line will be Included in the Belt East when it is designed The primipnl factors that influenced this general will be outlined The first decision to be made was whether to accept Bhi s general recommendation of following the Parkway Belt or to reject the Parkway Route In favour of some modification of Ontario Hydro original Middle Route In approaching this decision it was obviously necessary to consider the 500 transmission line as a part of the total land use planning for the entire area It is quite impossible to consider this transmission line in Isolation since It is one of the biggest if not the biggest singe linear land use that has yet appeared in southern Ontario The selection of the route will have a great and lasting Impact on land use planning in the whole area Ever since the publication of the TorontoCentred Region Plan in 1970 the Parkway Belt has figured largely in discussions of planning in the Toronto region It has caught the imagination of the public and virtually everyone who appeared before the Commission whose land would not be affected bv the Parkway Belt strongly supported of the transmission line in the Parkway Belt strong recommendation that the transmission line be combined wherever possible with the Parkway Belt was also supported by a number of professional planners who appeared before the Commission Apart from those whose land would be directly affected by the line the only opposition came from a few who felt that Inclusion of the KV line would intrude upon the park like aspects of the Parkway Belt which figured among the purposes of its design and would convert it instead into a complete utility corridor On the other hand many pointed out that the Inclusion of the 500 transmission line which will necessitate widening of the Parkway Belt in some areas would greatly strengthen function of acting as a divider between adjacent com mum lies The Parkway Route is also very substantially shorter than any of the other alternatives Bruce Hewlett stated in his testimony that analvsis of the Parkway Route for the line shows that it is a very satisfactory route from the environmental and social point of view on purely geographical grounds He pointed out that past government actions had kept the area open and comparatively free of possible conflicts with the transmission line if no Park way Belt had been designated he feels that it would be a readily defensible route for the line The absence of conflicts combined with the advantages of joint use of the Parkway Belt corridor make an over whelming ease in favour of the Parkway Route for the transmission line This decision to adopt the Parkway Route fixes the location of the transmission line In a general way from where it enters the Parkway Belt just east Milton to the end of the Parkway Belt West just south of The selection of the route east and west of these points involved further choices The section west of Milton im mediately poses two very difficult choices The first is whether to go north through or around the Beverly Swamp and thus avoid use of the alternative east west route south of Rattlesnake Point and the second is to decide on the number and location of crossings of the Niagara Escarpment 720 foot swath through town of Halton Hills One of the most important for people of this area was he choice of an Escarpment crossing for the north power corridor from the Bruce power station which will hook Into the east west Nanticoki to Pickering lines Tin Commission decided the lints should cross the at Lime- house and proceed south lo Milton and northwards through township in the centre of Con tension into township This means a foot right of way dividing the new town of Hills feel for three double circuit W0 lines i lSfloi and later lines The report Almost everyone who has considered the problem of building a transmission line across the Niagara Escarp- mi has selected the of limehousi as an area with relative little environ mental damage or social dis us is the last with all the crossings of the the problems of Rating to and from the crossing are complex The details of the route to the crossing from the north have been worked out by Ontario Hydro In pub lic meetings In connection with the Bradley Junction to study The de tails or the route south of the down to High way have been discussed with the public by in ear Her public hearings and were the subject of many to the Commission by municipalities organizations and Individuals The Com mission supports the route selected by approximate ly in the centre of Concession of Township The Ontario Hydro study to recommend a route from Bradley Junction to George town also concluded that the centre of Concession 5 pro vides the best approach to the area from the Bruce to Essa route unacceptable The proposal by a group of citizens from North Halton and Wellington county that Hydro should use the route for their towers and a Bruce to route was turned down by the Solandt Commission The proposal could have eliminated towers from Erin and townships as well as Hills and diminished the lines around Milton The report says A group of concerned citizens In Wellington County and North have strongly supported System four double circuit lines carrying power from both Nanticoke and Bruce and crossing the Escarpment in the corridor When Bhi reluctantly abandoned System because of Ontario Hydro s objections to it on security grounds this group set out to devise an alternative plan Briefly they proposed that one of the three kV from the Bruce Gener Station should go eastward across country to an existing transformer station at just west of Barrle This transformer station is on the existing kV line from the north to Klemburg and there is at present ample space in the rightof way to put in another line to Kleinburg In the course of Its study of the route from Bradley Junction to George town Ontario Hydro has already demonstrated there is a possible route for a line to the vicinity of in the northeast comer of the area studied for the Bradley to Georgetown route From there to the group had not studied the route in detail but felt sure that a route could be found since the country is very hilly relatively thinly populated and not the best agricultural land They argued the use of this route would greatly Increase the security of the power transmission from Bruce to the Toronto load centre and would make It reasonable to concentrate the rest of the Bruce power and the power from in one corridor parallel to Highway This proposal received considerable popular support at the hearings As far as the Commission knows there was no one from the area affected Continued on Pago north This alignment crosses the Escarpment just west of the village of and continues down the centre of Concession to a Junction with the east west lines from Nanticoke just north of High way In this section from lo Highway ihe ex act location of the route and tower locations should be ad justed to minimize the impact on local landowners The decision to recommend a route running south from Limehousc to the vicinity of Milton was not on easy one since this is certainly a very attractive part of rural a no containing both good farms and fine rural estates Representatives of the Township of Esquesing and several local residents put most persuasively the case against building the line in this ares All available alter natives were carefully con sldered before the Commis si on reluctantly came to the conclusion that on balance this was the route that the transmission line should take For this section of the route Ontario Hydro requires a foot rightof way feet or three double circuit KV lines and feet for two later 230 KV lines Because of the nature of this area every effort should be made to reduce this width if new technology makes possible Gentlemen As most people will now have heard the Solandt Com mi ssi on ha m en in Its report that the Bruce to Milton Hydro corridor should cross the escarpment at After reading this page report I would like to bring to your attention the paragraphs which relate to the decision that the Lime- house crossing should be selected Although I may not agree with some of the con elusions In his report it is fair to say that some very progressive decisions have been made Because of the complexity of the problem a brief review of the overall project might be in order The Hydro at the present time arc In the stages for major ydro corridors and generating stations which will be required In thi next years An expenditure of greater than ten billion dollars will be made during this time to complete this program At the present time it Is essential that a corridor be established from Nanticoke on Lake Erie to the Toronto area It is also essential that ft corridor be established from Bruce on Lake Huron lo the Toronto area The juncture point for these corridors is below the escarpment near Milton At Ihe outset it was the hope of most citizens that these two corridors could be incorporated in the existing crossing of the escarpment with Highway 401 s remarks relating to this dual crossing arc as follows Although it is dangerous to generalize from a small and self selected sample 1 think it safe to say that public opinion as heard by the Com mission was strongly in favor of putting all the lines through the Highway corridor In accordance with System Ontario Hydro were strongly opposed to this alter native on grounds of both security and aesthetics reluctantly accepted Ontario Hydros views on security and did not recommend System During the Commission hearings Ontario Hydro were further cross examined on security problems and presented convincing but not over whelming case against all the lines together Highway 401 In ad they argued strongly on grounds against Rutting four double circuit lines side by side in such a prominent location After carefully considering all the evidence presented the Commission does not support System It The most powerful argument against System is Ontario Hydro view on systems security It is Interesting to note however that this system could be made possible through additional trans mission lines from Bruce although more costs may result at his time and I refer to a recent Hydro communicate to after the Commission hearings concluded I do not believe that this alternate was fully and completely explored Par liculnrly when you consider the recent information which indicates lhat the Hydro will be obtaining a new corridor from Bruce Owen Sound and from to Colllngwood for needed power trans mission To dead end these lines in these locations is contrary to Hydro security and it is reasonable to expect that the Bruce lo corridor will be established at some later date We therefore cannot concur with Dr most powerful argument the dual crossing as being Hydro lew on systems security second alternate for these two corridors lo Milton would be a crossing at Rattlesnake Point for the line with a crossing at for the Bruce line This alternate was recommended by ihe en consultants in their report to At the Erin meeting Walker the Hydro ecology specialist confirmed that for the Bradley June tion Georgetown study area the best environmental route for the Bruce to Milton line would be west of We therefore conclude that both independent environ mental studies indicitc that the Bruce to Milton line should go v the crossing It is interesting to note that Ihe total mileage for both routes with the crossing is also the shortest however reports the following Public reaction against this part of the route was very strong many residents on or adjacent to the proposed route protested against it Ontario Hydro and all the government ministries expressed v lews on this part of the route were also opposed to It As soon as the Com mission was convinced that a line could be built through the Beverly Swamp without important damage to ih environment It became obvious that this alternative was preferable lo building through Ihe populated area between Rattlesnake Point and Mount Nemo 1 believe it is fair to say public reaction against all parts of the route was very strong This is confirmed by the Bill report where people preferred the crossing while preferred the Nanticoke401 crossing It was my understanding that the choice of the best route would be on the facts collected by for example In their study area the Hydro in Iheir study area A comparison between the crossing at 401 the Bruce crossing at has not been made public For anyone to slum conclusions it Is essential this informn be midc available to all involved Copies of this report have been sent to Jim Snow MPP lohn Root MPP Mayor Hill of Hills an Reeve or Township I would expect that Reeve 1ang of would be mo than pleased to obtain Hi information in view of statement of January that any entry into Municipality would strongly opposed becaus feel that such a w not lie In the best interest I the public Both John and Jim Snow have interest in this matter in post I would hope Mould continue to obtain the facts associated with recommendation Lastly Mayor Tom Hill should be vilally concerned since the Hydro corridor will now ide the new town of Hills rather than act as a division of existing com munities which eould accomplished f it were I pass between Kitchener I I v ours very Interested of Wellington Lines avoid Mohawk recommends to avoid tall towers on the the east west hydro corridor Skyline should avoid Mohawk The report lys Raceway and Campbclivillc The commission Iherefore before running south of rccoll hat the lines for a short distance f m after Principal Recommendations of Principal Recommendations 1 ThtltecommendedRotttr The recommended route la shown in detail on Map I Transmission Tower Design shaft improved appearance lower are be used throughout the recom mended route except In the section from Middle port Station to Highway l through he Beverly Swamp where lattice toners are proposed for use Under round Trattsmbsion The Commission con clude underground cable not at present an at tractive alternative and that neither he cost nor the security risk are by the Improvement la environmental impact that would be achieved I Urgency The proceedings of the have already seriously delayed the cons true of the tran smission line further delays should be mlnlmlied by the follow actions The hearings the Solandt Commission should be accepted as adequate public exposure or Ontario Hydro a plans and adequate Justification of the need for the and Ihe ore tie bearings of necessity required by The propria lions Act should be waived in those cases where the acquisition of property by expropriation is required b While It is a complex legal problem beyond the terms of reference of this Commission the Commission recommends that any exemptions to The Planning and Development Act that will to peed up the tab- and orderly acquisition of land for thb route should In this case be granted to Ontario Hydro in order to obtain the earliest possible approval for the of the tinea from the Bruce Genera Station to a new Milton Station and on lo a new Station the Commission recommends that If possible the public bearings on those sections of the Parkway Belt Include part of the route for Ibe line should proceed even before the Parkway Belt West planning complete an orgeat need for the centralisation of all the data needed for landuse planning and control so organised aa to provide Information not only to government agencies bat to the public described above should through the ni between the north Highway 401 and the slope of the Study of the area since the right of required will be only feet wide itcanbeput agooddeal eloser to Highway than is shown in the Report Tin edge of the way must be il least 112 feet from the edge of highway in order to meet Ontario Hydro requirement the eloses conductor must I Jt least feci from the As one 1 Ih is needed to the conductors from si spray Having the 1 it is probably hie and desirable to e line run south of the Township It will have the substantial advantage of keeping the line at a much lower elevation so that the towers will appear less prominently on the skyline The line in thiiared should be limited to Ihe two double circuit kV towers thai ore now proposed circuits should be put round The exact details of such a route must ob viously be worked out by Ontario Hydro in cooperation with landowners and the municipality involved from this point east and south to Hie Milton Station Ihe route proposed by Continued on Pago B3

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