Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1974, B3

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Our readers write Good Book warns of unnatural use Dear Sir May 1 be permitted space to reply to Acton resident who wrote me anonymously this week to defend the right of homosexuals to present their life style to grade high school students You hnvesuggested if you are a man of God hope you again read the Good Book and find freedom for all In a world that Is If are proposing homosexuality as the to achieve zero population growth I would concur that the does assume the success of such an approach Let me quote the warnings of the Scripture For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness for this cause God gave them up unto v affections the men leaving the natural use of woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which ia unseemly and receUIng in selves that recompense their error was Fitting who knowing the Judgment of God that they who commit such things arc worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them Romans l If you are implying that the Good Book recognizes the right of every person to lis as they choose I concur God doesn t force anyone to love Him and so to discipline their life style as to glorify Him in what they do and why they do it But He does warn that the wages or sin is death and He has assured us that He not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance The same Saviour who forgave the repentant believing woman taken in the act of adultery extends His compassion and mercy to all us sinners But to all who like that woman receive His forgiveness He demands go and sin no more And by His grace we can so live To know His forgiveness is to be liberated from anonymity into a fulfilling authenticity and an incredible destiny as sons and daughters of the living God In our public educational system we who are followers of Christ are only asking that our moral values and aesthetic tastes be as respected as these who hold quite differing v lews Such genuine pluralism is a valid object in the educational system of any truly civilized society Sincerely Ken Campbell Campbell Reese Evangelistic Association Make ACTON centennial project Dear Sir I have never written to a paper before but my husband and I were interviewed on the street about Regional Government and realized there was a lot more I wanted to say First and foremost why we given the opportunity to vole on something that afreets us so drastically This Is a democratic country isn It I understand one of the purposes of Regional Government is to lower our taxes How can this happen when the arc receiving such a large salary although I believe they will earn it trying to make Ihe next to impossible work and jobs not less have been created just to mention two Instances The Interim tax bills are out based on the lowest mill rate of the three municipalities This appears to be Actons which makes you realize we wercn t doing so badly on our own To quote Councillor Joe Hurst The proposed expenditure is astounding Our ox mayor Duby icmarked There were liiree operations before at basic cost I assure you the In cost is tremendous I con Justify it can you I wonder what Mr and Mr Davis would reply to that Another matter bothering me is the fact that Georgetown seems lobe running show due to the simple fact that they arc bigger Does this mean Acton demands will always take second place It is Interesting to note that all the top jobs went to Georgetown men for example Clerk Treasurer and Superintendent of Works We all know what happened when Acton Mick Holmes was Fire Chief Now we have two Chiefs to pay A further matter still under discussion is Acton s pool and Georgetown pool arena threatre complex and library It is proposed each municipality pay for its own projects but If we don t stand behind our ex mayor and councillors we will find our selves paying taxes for Georgetown benefit I agree it is rather late to be trying to do something now about a system which was Imposed on us but belter late than never How about dropping a few lines to the Free Press just to lei it be known how we feel After all It has been proven that you can fight Queen s Park If you get together Lets make our main Centennial project ACTON again Please sign me A Concerned Taxpayer Explains Board Staff position Public concern has been ident regard recent practices and in a secondary school Mr Campbell has brought these matters to my attention policy of buying books for a school has already been explained We try lo resist pressures of both extreme left wing and extreme right wing groups In certain religious ana political groups have special demands lo include or to exclude certain books Some dents hav Inferred from my description of this explanation that I hove attributed lo Mr Campbell all or some of the character istics of these pressure groups We do stock our shelves on a reasonable spectrum in the middle ground Whenever a book is drawn lo our attention as being outside this middle ground an examination of it is made to determine whether it should be included Literary merit considerable bearing on this decision We would urge that any parent who wishes to contact the principals of our schools and ask for an opportunity to lo visit the library resource Ire The decision on books is a school the staff within the school Ihe direction of the principal I have received in the last three weeks right letters on this subject of i Mr Campbell letter four in favor of Mr Campbells position three op posed to htm one opposed every thing The position that our schools are devoid of moral values must be denied Not only do we upon the integrity of our tea in this matter but considerable teach and research is being done Ihe role of values and religion The Ministry of has a re- projeit in on teaching vol one of two such projects in Ontario The Minister of referred to our leadership in teaching values in his speech to Ontario education Association on 15 In matter of tht v of the homosex to Ihe school the issue has been slated from Ihe point of view of Mr Craig the principal in his letter which have al read published The program is a school program J Walker of McMaster His lo come caused the substitution The fact that the substitutes were McMaster students who ere homosexuals came as a surprise to the school The class was a Grade 12 class Attend was entirely voluntary Although Mr Campbell never claimed that his girls at v ere loo young and are not yet in Grade 12 I believe personally that a discussion of this topic as a fact of our society Is not out of line provided certain factors are ensured That the principal and staff feel it should be offered That it is a part of scries of relations and docs not stand alone That it is a voluntary meeting on the part of the students That the students are mature And That the topic is presented by a doctor and or psychiatrist with expertise in the field The program should be presented by doctor or psychiatrist because he can deal with the topic at arm length In my opinion and it is a personal view should not present the material not because they are criminals because they are certainly not that nor because they are because this is obviously unfair and untrue but because they are involved per Their presentation seems lo re quire in the minds of some people a contra argument and the matter is not suited to be ing handled by debate Although the pro gram is entirely in the hands of the pal and staff I feel lhal my personal ions should be on record The students who attend the tion if it is offered by the school should do so voluntarily By Grade many students are at the age at which they can go to war visit beverage rooms live indepen of their parents etc according tht laws of Canada Their maturity has to be respected and exercised Students who find the topic offensive arc allowed to opt out It Is hoped that on these matters and up on others the parents will contact the of their local schools to discuss the situation Trustees and the Board as a whole are also accessible to individuals and to groups it has been decentralized to local schools as far as pos ttehopethatpnrentswilltakeadvan lagc of that fact Needless to say no schools are perfect It requires cooperation on the part of all concerned to ensure constant improve ment Yours truly J Singleton Director of Education Smiley s wrong Ford no bandit Dear Sir Your columnist Bill Smiley doesn t like the oldtime bandits of industry and finance but he Is Inclined to prefer them to the current breed WellheaonUUedtohJs preferences but I venture to suggest that he does Henry Ford an injustice by Including among HALTON PLOWMENS ASSOCIATION had a member delegation at the Ontario Plowmens annual meeting in Toronto last week to help promote the International to be held in Halton Sept 24 to 28 Members of the group are pictured with the Halton banner Regional Chairman Allan extended an invitation to plowmen from across Ontario to gather in Halton this Tall for what promises to be the biggest International ever Photo by Ministry Agriculture and Food Bruce to Essa route unacceptable from Page B1 by the Bruce to Fssa lineal the meetings so it wis unlikely lhat there would have been any opposition expressed Ontario Hydro looked at Ihe proposal very carefully and discussed the pros and cons in presentations cross examination before the Commission Ontario Hydro repeatedly expressed its opposition to System on both security aesthetic grounds During cross examination they did agree hat the proposal would improve the security of System for the short term future but felt thai the Bruce to proposal had other advantages crossing In a memorandum dated November entitled Comparison of Power Capability and Stability of Systems and It Essa Ontario Hydro showed the transient stability of the Bruce Generation In would be higher under System than that post fault transfer capability an important measure of system security In 1982 of System 1 after losing all lines in Ihe I me- craving Commission hearings the be tfnr on their proposal Further study of the proposal con meed me lhat It would be evidence that the Bruce to Psst line would not produce increases the useful Improvement in the route mileage for the total transmission system no further should Ik to line system involves an ad crossing of the fcs and would pre part of the Essa to right of way which Ontario Hydro feels will be needed fir Ihe more important purpose of bringing power from a new station on Hay to the Toronto load Commission concludes that The Acton Free Press Wed Lines avoid Continued from mainly traverses good agricultural land some of which is being formed The area also includes rural estate developments especially in the wooded areas The route avoids the estate development but of necessity crosses some active farms Ian downers in the area appeared before the to the a suggests lhat it may more acceptable route somewhat to the and west of ihe roule chosen by Here the exact details of the route must be worked out between local landowners Hydro and the possibly with llu assistance of The line from the I crossing which tomes south through the centn of Concession of Township will join thislmo north of Highway The exact point of Junction will of course depend on Ihe details of the final route chosen for the cist west lines March B3 renter than lhat for System I or after losing all lines on the Highway Former mayor H Cleave dies lo find a socially and acceptable route for the Bruce to lint because it might have to traverse some of Ihe most popular scenic and recreational terrain in sou I hern Ontario Since Ontario Hydro in municipal politics died on Sunday Mr Cleave was mayor of Georgetown in the years and then in and He sen a tolal of 19 years on council as councillor reeve and mayor held the top position in Motion county in when he was chose Warden of He farmed all his on the large area now named after him as ihe subdivision running off Main Street North Tin farmhouse still stands surrounded by houses Mr Cleave lived there until five ago when he and his wife moved to their present home on Charles Street He is survived by his wife and two brothers Herb of Milton and Percy of Georgetown LET TAKE ON YOUR TAX MONSTER THIS YEAR AND NEXT farmers Salesmen Individuals Make sure you get maximum deductions by using our lence and up to date knowledge will handle all your tax needs confidentially Businessmen do you need a bookkeeping system that is easily serviced Discuss your needs with us ASSOCIATE HOURS 97 Main St Friday Saturday 4 Broadway Monday Halton Hills Weekly Special CAPTAINS BED Posture Board and Mattress included ONLY HALTON HILLS FURNITURE and APPLIANCES en St no Acton In early 19f7 adopted committee rccom mendation that the music of as natioml antrum and God Save Ihe Queen ls royal anthem became of the bandits Sure he made a lot of but not by manipulating markets cor tiering commodities or suborning govern ments in a crisis refused him support He brought cheap dependable transportation within the ringed the ordinary person and to fir from paying the lowest wages he could get away with outraged his competitors by offering his workers an unheard of five dollars a day and that GO years ago FOR THE ECONOMY MINDED FAMILY MAN This cylinder speed 1972 red Pinto station wagon could be the answer You hurry or this OK wagon Lie See or the Best buys HALTON HILLS AT Andrew Murray Motors Limited Georgetown Ontario 33 A point by point primer on how to lose your drivers licence Its actually quite simple All you do is accumulate fifteen dement points and lose your licence for thirty days Do it again and lose your licence for six months In this province it definitely pays a to score a big fat zero Ontarios dement point system is designed to convince the poor dnver to properly Dnvers who do not improve are then taken from the road because they re a menace to pedestnans and to other dnvers But the system is not at all unjust Its aimed at telling the dnver where hes gone wrong and giving him plenty of time to cor his faults For instance When you ve accumulated six points youll be notified and urged to improve your driving When you ve got nine youll prob ably be asked to attend a pnvate interview and re do your test At Fifteen points youll lose your licence for thirty days and drop back to seven points Get fifteen again and you wont dnve for sue months However your record won be indelibly marked If you drive for two years without a traffic con your points are erased and your slate is clean How Demerit Points Accumulate A Upon ill I r I Pi I J1J V The whole point is to score nothing keep your record clean and happily ever after Ministry of Transportation Communications

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