Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1974, p. 1

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Acton Georgetown bids for cable TV heard Tuesday FOUR AGGREGATE cars hit the derailer mi the Quarry siding near the Fourth crossing Sunday and effectively blocked the main line as well as losing their loads of stone A work from the Toronto yard spent Sunday night and Monday clearing the wreckage The cars loose from a train being assembled at In and hit the just short of the main line lhe lb a safety device to prevent Iikisl cars from wandering onto the main tracks Although damage and time lost was considerable the conductor of the work tram pointed out it could worse if the cars had broken out onto the mam track and travelled down the grade low an approaching train The Canadian Radio and Transport Commission Hi is wcik ncnri two applications fnrcabli service In rhn local applicant presentation in Ottawa day Hie public hearing was at Hie Skyline Hot I llu re continuing from on into Wednesday No decision was unit It will likely about thru applicants linrn which whs approved appylng for tin llcmsi in Acton and Milton Is leorgitnwn I ltd which has already Ishtd servlci In form town llirn oilier for Milton wire also on s agenda this 1 a I Wlun Mr Hit license would Ik I for Acton lie Ik spoke to various who all agreed strongly lhe sir via should be kept local lit hired a and r ringed tor associatis met together and up their proposals and presuilations A who has other cable lilt vision setups has been local rani While John will Inn lonlrolllnc interest this proposal the other shareholders would Ih rctt rlhi In Dills before com 11 sday and today to sent Actons case arc Mr financing and plans which joy Mr Mr would provide up to 30 Dills Mr to Acton homes which Addressing the commission subscribe to the new service Mr pointed out the gen A local hit unci In a Acton to maintain requirement and ho has our own Identity proposals for Ai tononly pro- Mis presentation shows grams Several It tin application Is John ixpccts it will about eight months to an antenna and lay along hydro lines and rgrounii Rabies clinic in April people in county taking to loen for mm illations a than usual outbreak of nihil in thi county at ding to I vet frank ikes llu fedual it impli Km Avu that usually rument docs rabies clinic is to gov mil county has only had two all through the lant 15 he recoils ahead According to Keller of the of Animals Itranch In they have only recently been approached by the Iteglon council anil given the go nil end tin organizing clinics It Kdlir sold their branch has been concerned about the of cases in the district but were waiting for a directive from the council Until this tlmi this was the only limiting factor and Keller sold that el Inks will tentatively eon the latter part of April Tor the region have been concerned here by increasing numbers of positive rabies this region hi Name Citizen Tuesday operations and meeting many times with their consultant lint I orrester anil engineer Marry Davis inference for local applicant foi IV here wan by llic former Alton council which passed a motion of indorsation before regional government was llils motion hint irtsmtid to the CRTe with the applkatlon from Mr oy and his Since able TV I til which madt application to mil nil its sent into Alton anil Milton has id iirvnl of the Year any suggestions must be in to I turnip April flu I of illng luisday and mayor Paul Nielsen and latest II Allnn The dinnerdance when the newest Citizen will be guest of With the naming so close honor Is net for tho bund hall president Hetty on Saturday evening April minds residents today that living which would hi rilocutid on the iscarpmint mar siili if their wire successful llu tower would lie iTtO feel r for ger signal lliere Is presently a of nine in lown Their application this staff would be inert im by two to bundle Milton Lions pod go ahead expected next month Construction of the lions swimming pool Is almost readv to swing into action say the project organisers who anticipate that Construction will soon be given tin go ahead Canvass chairman Vic confirms the aspiration of the project con says that peoples donations continue to in with several areas still lo be heard from Ion is anxious to reach canvassers who have not as yet been able to turn in He feels lhe club will have a better financial pie lure once all collections are in of the town runam untouched according to the able who re stipulates that iveryone will hivi the opportunity to sub scribe lo the pool fund if they are interested If you have not been contacted don give up on us says Vie who tells Hint thi thermometer con to climb but there is room for more dona Ions Tola local of Tennis courts for Acton- maybe Art onion is anxious construction into The we wail the grnter the In said Art is pool project could out If not begun soon He liitiil out Ihot the 100 pe runt labor paid for by mint drops to percent May lit fills time Is of an essence should well underway by month at this time says the optimistic project organizer campaigner Vic specifics that not yet contacted anxious to contribute do so dropping Into lions pool hi on Mill St Ninety Ninth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH Twenty Eight Pages Fifteen Judge decares mistrial Owen Counsel for Wednesday of Thomas Defence was Green accused of span Mr Donnelly murdering his wife Colleen it Acton Miyii 1J7I Tlieori tlnal plea of Not was changed Tuesday March to Not Guilty by reason in quarters Crown Attorney presided Trull opened Mar at the Supreme Court of Ontario Milton with the selection of the jury four witnesses were called Murch Sum and verdict ore ex peeled today Mr opened he i for the defense by eh inking the plea in the inter of admitting that ftourke did tin tie bis wife by and all evidence introduced her numerous timi mas have tennis Alton signed the agreement courts this as long as with the school board If the there is no private tennis elub builds the to rccom what agreement tor niendution made by the the town have administration asked He wondered If the courts night The with only elub chairman Roy Booth l present reeom mended that recreation director Doug be authorized lo call for tenders We had the same in Georgetown so we haven on the fees so the club will be open to all the use by the club if necessary This really starting to motion bug me stated The said the town of Acton was willing to formir Acton set help This club is for i private club If it wcret for regional govern mentVbe courts would lie built In use this summer isideSll WO for the construe lion of the courts and the Association was willing to them themselves to the letter lhe This money was ct aside by would include nr h lighting Acton for the tennis courts The recreation in Georgetown would have been built too if it t for regional government shot back Booth repelled the courts would be part of lhe recrea The director pointed out thi price was less thin halfthe price quoted in I last for lighted courts The lowest tender received came in at I question if it can be done tor the com mtntid the recreation director iskcd who would own the courts and who would operate them sit the tunk lines for use said they be The recreitiondirecjor was built on pubfic school to call for lenders lhc committee Council has vtt to endorse the said of decision Colleen was two or three First witness wai month pregnant a John William of on Mclntyrc car the the PI with the Criminal next day requested a Investigation Branch In Tor meeting for discussion After onto In charge of some confusion Ihey met on the case he read do- May at Milton Plaza at tailed report of background admitted material and the events relations with Mrs rounding the event He stated to which re- was born In Scot plied he would cut Mclnlyrc land In 194a and married In Read off If he t stop visit 1908 to wiTe Colleen then his wife On learning that Col the picture if the baby were no years old Up to the time of Colleen was pregnant was cm tyre said he would fade out of ployed by the Ontario School for the Deaf and lived In an t apartment at Sunset harms was decided Inspector Hit Milton until Nov 1073 McPhcrson reported the two when Colleen left him taking men should call on Mrs their two children Tammy By9pm they reach Tour and two Both pd her apartment parlies were incompatible rinding the doorbell being affectionately by Colleen A delicate situation developed us they discussed the paternity of the coming baby and possible reunion of the family Bourkc became very crying and snowing Mclntyrc the family pholo graph album Colleen slated Me Intyre and would not go back lo Bourkc to know how Mclntyrc would support Cot lhc two children and the new baby if they should marry The two men left lhe apartment shortly after m with crying and being kissed by Continued on Pag I Mr Justice Donnelly of the Supreme Court of Ontario declared a mistrial in trie case of the vcrbUb Thomas Bourke accused of killing wife Colleen in a Churchill Road Acton May Judge spoke great length con A PLAQUE carrying greetings from the mayor of Acton Mil Milwaukee Henry was presented in between son Ted a ukee juvenile coach Paul and plain of the juveniles are on the ex bantam aiid juvenile games of the in right of the picture along with Hilton Hills He said all they hotkey at the com and the Milwaukee bantam fa mimit centre night to Hills captain or the story of the big weekend see the Four collisions on Acton streets hour collisions car had estimated dam councillor 1 the last mayor of the town of Press sports pages Councillors concerned about poor attendance Concert Decares mistrial Mrs moved to Apt 109 IM Churchill Itoad Ac ton The report staled that a flay Mclntyrc living in a lower apartment at Sunset harms had with Mrs and had his fining Defence Counsel Edward Greenspans of bringing forth evidence Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Division of the P Toronto originally read the report of tilt incident including three statements made by the accused to various police officers did not call to the witness stand to speak for himself but called Iwo eminent Dr Cooper and Rowselle who staled their opinions of insanity However Judge Donnelly declared the doctors lused their opinions on statements made to them the accused which did not appear in the official statements Therefore these statements were of this reunion while evidence that was not properly presented lo the then liv with his parents In jury toMay Bourke learned Bourk remanded in custody Mclntyrc had spent the night set ln Session Some being at his apartment and tunc next fall months wife tight days him continued to sec her two or three limes a week trying to convince her to re turn to him Mclntyre covered her whereabouts some two months Inter and proceeded lo her fre quently at lhc Acton apart succeeded in con incing Colleen to live with igain planning to move family to another apart 1974 He pur chased In in town during the w re up in P Last Wednesday March at Fellow and Mill the involved were John Arthur St and the none Later Sundav evening at Queen and Churchill S Bower Ave Ralph Mickeljohn were the two drivers Members Hilton Hills council expressed concern at a special meeting of council night The meeting wis when members voted not to go on the hour of si it lhe regular last week I concerned about the five absentees Where arc these people Did say required I spent two or three nights per week and this yeir we got raise I think some the people on this council ire niggardly try to restrict it to one night the collision was between On Monday more damage was the result of the meeting of vehicles driven by Glenn Plant RR Milton and Robert Heatley Ac- car driven by Ion The collision happened at l Poplar Ave Main S at Church St with the Plant damage estimated June Secord The Tremblay at and the was called One Acton councillor Pat Mchcnzic asked Councillor Hyde had asked council lo adopt a committee of lhc whole system and hold two meetings per week He said the council had to do many more things this year than last and more lime promise thai council would hold an session to discuss the problems of coping with the workload and miking the new system work Councillors agreed there was a need lo improve lhe council Councillor Mike Armstrong Booth and Harry Levy were said he felt there was more absent from the Tuesday than one night week night session Apply for grant again Again year a group of last ear and propose adding players from Acton Citizens to the program by forming a Band has applied for an junior band of last years Opportunities for Youth students Start to scream What is our involvement with 1 and now that council turned down a program for areas recreation Doug asked general idmini strati on committee Monday night Chairman Roy Booth said all members of the com were in favor of the and id done their best to con vince council of lhc need All can say is do the best you can said councillor If people in the areas start screaming maybe the Recommend cemetery lots be sold in Acton I tow are Acton cemetery plots to be sold The problem had been sent from the finance and per sonnel committee of Hills council to the works committee but super Fran- summer holidays as they did month US per Finally the committee recommended that In Acton the plots should be sold through Bruce Shoemaker The recommendation goes to had a couple of suggestions Hills council from his experience He felt Mr Shoemaker would lots should be sold in order the works stair for each plot sold rather than letting people should have the task Councillor Hurst who and choose a location He In Georgetown plots will be Actons former clerk a so felt the problem of snow sold at the treasury office administrator had sold the plowing would be con But whether a person from plots himself pointed out alleviated if only the office should drive up to often much time is spent and Acton to show lots or not ChalrmanCoxe the was debated by the com agreed the charge was ment The committal service mittee members Monday time should be held at the church night it would take a person away or funeral home he said

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