Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1974, p. 14

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A BradleyGeorgetown public hearings pointless heartless lawyer Sic Buy Street Box 109 Toronto Ontario March Tho Honourable Davis Esq Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario Dear Mr Prime Minister I wrllu to you urgently since I understand there Is so mi danger that the Cabinet may adopt nil or parts of the Solandt Report meetings Wednesday March or take decisions that will lead to recognition of nil or part of thai rtport from which It might later be difficult to vary My writing is based on both a narrow but deep concern and a public and widely supported concern Personally I practice as a in Toronto but own use and live In a stone house over one hundred years old built on a beautiful ridge and occupying sixty five acres in the east half or Lot 10 Concession Township I enclose photostat of a skeletal htm dout outline map which I received at a public meeting at In the evening or March 1974 To my shock I learned that my farm which Is at points and 91 of the mop Is casually shown at the Junction point of four different projected routes of a corridor no less than COO feet wide Intended by Hydro to carry three parallel lines of volts each and Including lowers 102 feet high In each of the corridors The are a lying Just south of point has already been defined being taken from my neighbour Robert QC and his Bill Mann for the facilities to tome from tin proposed The result on thh most likely line therefore would be to put triple line or towers angling beside or even inking my house and garage and travelling across tlu highest and most prominent part of tlu ridge in the narrow laud rt between tho height of thi ridge and top of tin Dam project waters IT the Dam lake is Intended to he scenic thin this object Is defeated by the triple lint of scnriciows pi nun id The shock of mysilf my is compounded since our very first knowledge of tlu routes this point Limit on our receipt of Hydro material di scribed as I ill received in I At the I rln meeting of March my neighbour asked a poll and it from a show of hands that only about thn of tin residents of our area had received anything under Phase II from Hydro had no idea that our township area was becoming an actual route of highest when none of us had heard that urns liter I oh possible or alternate route The Hydro representatives indicated that they had used some erroneous form of mailing hut also made It clear that they were aware that our area had not been In any fair honest and useful way Inuring and apparently taking no useful notice of the objections of the limit of formers owners in the the Hydro people then Indicated the would probably come out I March li Tin mild that they had no what would find Inn obvious misstatement hut exacted that his findings mi the line would hi support the escarpment crossing nt I on thi way to Milton and that rotting would bring river of towers down through rln Township The I on behalf I township reside tils art amplified and become part of the gem nil and fiercely maintained an I supported opposition host lying south and cast of our lands in I have hem told by John Schneider thai hi has and Hydro and its consultants have the signatures of I r voters who are vlohntly opposed to tin I route Our own aria not having probably yield In John Schn Ibex of Chi Hi liulti that his group and that of lei collected about fl signatures In op position when efforts win first In force this or a similar nigh Pi 1 1 near Brampton I thai many of the Sehnt likr Hijplt would Ik within the group who d tin II petition It is obvious tint tin mini tings on the y town public an lilly poln Hess ami win n It si nine liar that Hydro has modi Us In conjunction with tin finding public serving l of my Hi is to point out that tin Solan It findings lend In many mid make use of in of tin own professional con it II appear specifically to d part from limit rccommt in tin casi if tin I of tin I told that II II I told Hydro It would be best for Nanlliiitti anil tin i pass through tin gup In tin iscarpmi at Highway 401 Solnudl said thai Hydro put convincing I mil lining against running through tin 411 gap and par I to A FINAL LOOK AT WINTER Photo by Wendy Thomson Whopping tax increase The Ojkville Daily Journal Re cord tore a strip out of North Hat ton politicians last week for their million capital budget forecast unveiled a the region s fin ante ana administration commit tee The Journal Record notes with some glee that the Halton Hills forecast is based on an assessment four times less than s and predicts it could mean a whop ping almost unheard of tax in crease for Halton Hills ratepay en The capital forecast from Hal ton Hills was one part of the million package sent to the com by the four Halton munici The entire bundle was shipped back to the individual councils with instruction to lop off about per cent which in Halton Hills case means about The Oakville daily says this going far enough especially since the biggest chunk is for such nice but not immediately necessary baubles as two indoor pools a new arena a new arena roof and a lib rary addition And that not to mention a minicomputer to nan die the affairs of this suddenly sophisticated community Just as regional government tan be used to make overnight equals of all North Halton have no right to become over night giants by climbing on the backs of its own ratepayers If they can accept that on their own the region will have to tell them thunders the newspaper And believe it or not that pre what we think members of Hills council wants the rtg ton to do It would take them off a giant sized hook and justify making hefty tuts in any plans for capital pro in Hills Meanwhile members of council won t lose any ground when they point out the region was responsible for any cuts Council lors have been trying to tread a Highway said f isihlli opposition run lug It ttli mink hut In mi saying who paying lo iiImhiI pcu ixinlng that of the mi whiipposid if It is tin if tlm gri up Igiiired llwy In Hud bun if Mini licliatlii Hydro aki nil Ik it Inint miiki available to on In if I In lliiigmn group tin dili showing tin par I mm tin Is favoured anil llii 11 II I an told that othi mi routes linn In tin mil Milton point by a nun mid of and tint r tin minting had or equip mint at Milton could In Insti of i mull by part of tin faiiiitlt by tin fir ml In low tin for if firming I In 1 inn Ik win to upon a I tin major going Into Or villi and this In in spin fait Unit security is hurt miner than through bad Icing that area 1b prone so that has major failure no less than live 1 1 mi in the three years I powerfully that any tin recommendations the Milton area and the furpmitil le deferred They in In Id until valid public meetings txtn an I Hydro least li who the lands y to In Peel may like in rraln In present I- in illy Hydro should lie directed to pay inn tin that a I part of wholi roblem m Ik by the lssa line no an lorni not through but above the and with which group In and then to travel houlh In tin aln and mm running from to In room In rrldor an I so far Hydro has said it In holdlni ihls fir somilhing more import Im not an I or or lln poblllr Yours truly Ihroldll delicate balance over the marriage of two towns and a township with out pushing any municipality out the cold Most of the projects in the were planned before the advent of regional government If Hills council can get either the region or O to tell to slow down with capital pro grams it takes a big load off their shoulders A hefly tax hike Most of us ex one but one regional llor asset axes could stay stable or even go down in some parts of Hills an observation we luut hard toswallow But he has ac cess to the figuies and we don We he first Hills budget with more than the usual amount of anticipation We have a of nee in our elected that they would never siddti he new town or the region with a debt they It would political suicide to do otherwise B2 Tho Free Press Wed April Porky pig soon extinct Add pig to the whooping the Atlantic salmon and other species facing tin reality of possible extinction says Dick in Crossroads Recent revelations from the of that what is called the new pork or today s poik has fewer calories and less than beef or lamb coupled with the acceptance of pork on the diet weight control groups has in spued the Ontario Pork Institute to develop a new information Consider Let today pork help shape tomorrows tit You wouldn have seen that one ten years ago The fat pig is Special edition I he I Press will be marking Acton centennial with a special edition probably around the first of July weekend We re thinking of old pictures and articles about the town s history Got any suggestions We like to hear from anyone with ideas or pictures to lend Pictures will be safely returned vanishing That the word And the evidence is mounting Pork has the benefit of more protein than its competitors as well So in 1974 information and advertising programs will centre around that weight watching theme I from the sities say the pork people as well as from the Canada Department of Health and Welfare will support the doubt some additional in leicsting figures in support of the will Ire provided by the modelling agencies back issues One of Acton oldest industries the Glove in closed president It re ded today He Ins been with the firm for vi irs The building miLht sold for iihl Award for proficiency in the Nival Tr iiinnL Division wis pre to J Hack home in from the i for the second lime Is Ill of tin Hoy first Unit Ite Mil ill is shipped lo it id discovered that he was too to Ik- in it Hi renhed I not Korea the rifle in reached the front lines of tin fighting durmf 14 month in Korei He is lie ill is the ist of tin soldiers return home ceding him wire I tunn and S of 1 Id was tlected president of Witter I Mr ind Mrs Johnston Hock wood nil tinted their mill wedding I is leited president of club Howling champs ire the llixter team of Id Marshall Hill Itiehter loan Miss Jinn Watkms will on public school staff September One of the first motorists in town lo venture on an out of town trip since the big storm In was J I superintendent of the shoe fac tnrv He is an ardent lover of motoring and Ins been impatient for the snowbanks to be come On Saturday afternoon hi issivcd to a trip to Rochester He n the section of highway to Guelph furly well but the trip from to wis a Irnl indeed The resl of the was fine Junior 1 officers of Lakeside were honoriry regent Mrs Mason regent Miss Arm strong 1st vice regent Miss I ucy 2nd vice regent Miss 3rd vice regent Miss Isabel Miss Mice Johnstone r Miss Johnson standard be irer Miss Hess Mr Orne 1amb is one of the busy people He commenced the meat in last week and does his on the at Cor Tlic rural hid trying ex pinences week with the roads One about ten miles on in the effort lo his this week J Patterson Mill St prune rib roast and lGc per lb steak 15c or lbs loin pork IH to chops The report of the Postmaster shows postal revenue Acton last money order business and allowances Milton and figures arc about the imp lower Hid the welcome of the bright spring sunshine penetrated to the show roonib of our local milliners yesterday they would have an additioml charm to the wealth of bewildering skilful productions of the milliner s art Tlie old Henderson and Co millinery department is under the of Miss Campbell The sesson new shapes predommitingare the and Princess while shapes with and white tnmminRs of flowers plumes and chiffon are in favor The new sirdonlc and and the three toned ribbons will be popular This is Collins first season and the millinery department Is seen at a glance to In in the hinds of an accomplished artist Miss The favorite new shown here ire opalescent fuschia prclt shades of purple The creams crimsons ind greens arc shown new shape is the Napoleon and a number of shapes are be worn off the face and others dropping over the face Abundance of flowers broken wings etc are used in ill cases is full trim I- aster eggs are likely to be reisonable in price They ire this week Bill SMILEY examination of a single topic I going to aim In all directions at once and pull both triggers Ilea son is I got to get ready to go to Germany on Sunday and have a lot to do Like shine my shoes and change into rubles or whatever they use and get wife to Iron shirts and get her to pack my bag and well a lot of important things First of all I ve rediscovered a maxim that was already ancient when Moses looked out over the promised land women arc not only unpredictable but unreasonable My wife had known for about a month that I might be going to Germany on the winter break She thought It was great for me It II be a nice change for you And it 11 do you good to get away from me for w days You must get sick of me I lied politely as usual Told her 1 need a change that could scarcely bear thcthoughtoi being separated and that the very idea of being sick of her was nauseating Then I came home one day and told her it was all set but that go When knowing It would be several months off and that there might be an earthquake or a flood or something in the meantime Oh 1 guess Sunday night I respnded casually serene in the knowledge that she was the trip Sheburst into tears also dials with hi family in I wllh an Aside from a riiuslonti yum v it soaked from gnat height I have IjisI Sunday iriupltsand was him In tin making ridiculous lb it ml I gran If trim in If Hum on A Ixik passed kid fan and I thought Itv gnllv hi known and hi nfuylng his grandad mi I was from to It was warm and first I thought I Hut It won tin wrong It li it annul llntlii llkt taking wllh your on whin It iHgins In tool Thin snot mm In dtvilMit there so I l turn to topic mams whlihwehavi jiuagini session Nothing is mnn diprisslngthanstartlng to mark net of exam papers anil finding that the first five you mark art You are filled with si If doubt I lav I taught them anything I in fa Hum as a thi If you rt teaching allures vou re a as i leather of factors vou papi the student his understood what tiught and d It and used brains of its own ind it a ninety penmlcr Hallelujah hooked for another llure is one thing worse than in irking exam papers That is supcrv islng quaint old word for function Is invigilating It sounds kind of dlrtv hut it Isn Just utterly two hours with about That It a fate worse than death for some I rather be locked in siudents than wilh Li balloons Tht begins two hours of The kids lire lobe straining v cry brain cell to do v ell They re about as as a hibernating bear Susie lakes off her slices assumes a position and looks out Ihi window Jack crutch a relic of skiing broken leg falls on the floor and you Jump a foot while the victims ou resort after the first hour lo such things as counting greasy hair versus ished hair bras versus big clumsy boots versus sneakers look up at the picture on the vail of on whom somebody has drawn a nil in with your sideburns and realize the ljueen would have been pretty dashing In You look out the window at the dirty snow beach oratrout stream You whip around aware you were drifting to sec if anyone is cheating is Joe who has given up alter hall an hour tongue and pen working together and sound asleep head on arms An early fly buzzes Warned you this would be a shotgun column Hut think 1 covered everything on the home front Next despatch will be from Germany I promise it will be loaded with frauleln blutwurst and other Teutonic goodies see now If I remember my Was maken heir ist rauchen bin krieggefangenner Wo feist die Reckon I II get along THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Editorial

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