Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1974, p. 22

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How much electrical power do we really need After running its own show for far too many years Ontario Hydro has decided to take on the rood It has decided to enter the era of participatory democracy with a series of information meetings In regard to Its proposed Bradley Georgetown trans mission line rlghtof way It a good move by Hydro and one thai Is sincerely welcomed by farmers in this area At the same time there Is pattern emerging from these meetings hat la Justifiably concerning many farmers The Hydro men meeting tho farmers have a tough job We been on tho other side ourselves few times and don envy them their position And well state right now that men like Hydro Art Moshcr Bob Walker and Don Fritter press us They questions without bo fully compensated for any and all losses Buffered because of Iran lines crossing their land We believe these men arc sincere Unfortunately we do not have the some confidence in tho organization for which they work This feeling Is shared by every farmer wo spoken to and we to a Rood many In other words while Individuals like Walker and promlso far moon where compensation Is concerned farmers are bitterly expecting more than the proverbial green from Ontario Hydro If this fenr was nothing more than some vague feeling it could be easily Ignored But It Is founded on too many plain facts o be dismissed The cases mentioned by fanners them selves of fellow farmers who are still walling after two years for compensation or of farmers who been short changed by Ontario Hydro are too numerous to be disregarded Add to this Hydros stated policy of paying farmers prices of from to two third of the market v nine of their land while gas companies pay them from 100 to 120 per cent of the market value for rights of way to bury and you come up with very real credibility gap Wo also t help but notice at the met tint lost week that the Hydro HOLY WEEK SERVICES held this week at Knox Scott Page and Helen Kockx with Lisa Presbyterian Church featured an inter Bonnell centre back Three organists were denominational choir includinga number involved with the choir and its practices and the singers from Churchill Community Church as services at Knox marked a first for the combined well as from town Seen are four younger choir participation for Holy Week members of the Churchill choir Susan Milne 11 back s sue s Taken from the Issue of the Free Press 1SH Sunday in Acton was punctured with two misfortunes caused cons idera bio property damage and in one case bodily extinguish a blaze which was responsible for approximate SI damage The were forced to chop into the roof of the house where Mrs and Mrs Darlow Johnston and William Coleman lived The accident occurred at the east limits of town at m Two Toronto cars were involved and one wrecked Acton Baptist peoples placed third in the Association Drama Festival In the cast were Ruth Sob Helen Landsborough Garner Mary Don Livingstone and Warren Wagner The Ray Cost ems was director Bob Reed and Tern French coowners of Glcnspc Mushroom Farms have high hopes for the future of their business On the death William Head the post office was closed and the village is receiving mail Rural Route John and have begun manufacturing in their new woodworking at Three district teachers have been engaged to teach in Acton next fall June Douglas Davidson and Mrs Joanne Turner THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office Taken from the issue of the Free Press or Thursday April 10 1924 Two large businesses have consolidated The Storey and Son business Acton mat of H T Arnold and Sons of Georgetown have been united under one management and will be operated In Acton The Georgetown factory is now offered for sale Acton is fortunate In the new arrangement which naturally means a larger output here The team of Mr and Mrs Edward Nelson of the third line Erin bolted out of the Baptist church shed and rushed up Mill St They were caught near the tracks A buggy driven by a woman with a child In her arms had a narrow escape and a motor car was grazed by ihc wheels Sunday evening Miss Olive McLaughlin was taken ill while in the choir of the Methodist church The diagnosis showed appendicitis and peritonitis As she rallied somewhat her physicians concluded there was a chance for saving her life and she was operated on The shock was too much for and death followed She was a popular young lady had a strong con stitution and was a member of the ladies baseball club She was in her 19th year Walter Kentner Is having quite a rush of business at his new garage on Main St Terra is petitioning for a school In the ullage the children having to walk two and half miles to school on roads that are very bad Not much fun In boasting of driving the first motor car over certain road if its only to get stuck Taken from the of the Free Press IBM The electric light was first turned on in presence of the congregation at Knox church in connection with the aster Monday concert The effect was very pleasing and satisfactory The electroliers and fixtures are very neat of chaste construction and In keeping with the surroundings They In elude two large 14 light electroliers in the centre a 3 light fixture over the choir alcove and a series of light fixtures In the iransccpts rooms and gallery There arc also singlelight fixtures over the entrances outside The church is brilliantly lighted and the congregation is delighted with the change from the coal oil lamps Concluding that the prohibition of the liquor traffic will be impossible to secure in Canada until the women of the country hav the franchise the Dominion Women Christian Temperance Union have taken the matter up with vigor and are culoting literature petitions all the land having this end in view A meeting of the Christian ladies in town was held in Knox Church School Room last week to consult upon the matter The ladies go Into this new enterprise upon the principle that If prayer and womanly influence are doing so much for God by indirect methods how shall it be when that electric force is brought to bear through the battery of the ballot box The farmers ore becoming restless about the spring work It looks as if in rmny places the path masters will require to have the snow shovelled off the roads to make them passable Bill SMILEY When you travel close to miles and meet about total strangers in e days not only the body but also the mind begins to get a bit scrambled I three days home fromacrash trip to Germany My body feels like an old rubber boot My mind is like an Irish stew with very little meat In it I not sure what day of the week it is what time of day it is or what my first name is Among us members of the jet set this condition is known as jet lag In plain terms It is total exhaustion Normally I find it fairly traumatic just to change from Standard to Daylight Savlngtime It invariably throws me out of gear for a couple of days But when you go through a time change of six hours and then do it backwards with in a few days the human system can barely cope I feel as though my soul or some other piece of essential equipment is still back in Germany or at least in mid trying desperately to catch up with the bag of bones which is Its usual habitat Just to complete the weird feeling of alienation the weather lent a hand Left Canada in a howling blizzard Temperature In the Black Forest district in the sixties flowers blooming everywhere Arrived back home in guess what a howling blizzard Information team did not hove on casement policy to present to formers something they promised elected township representatives the week before lhal they were trying their to have their appropriate department ready for them We wonder how many more farmer oriented ideas coming from learn will remain that ideas The time has come for Ontario Hydro to put Us money where its Is arc to promises They are firm offers staled clearly in writing We Hydro Is Insisting we need tills we are well of the fact thai you lb t store electrical power for a rainy day and that at present wo are exporting power to the United Stales There nothing wrong with that But if Ontario Hydro Is creating a surplus with an on nice profitable export business In the future hen Is wrong It Is wrong as long as building of thai power threatens one far livelihood urn Red In doing so by Ontario Hydro with electrical gadgets to no end blithely use electric dishwashers electric combs to our hair electric razors electric con openers etc etc What wed like to know Is how much power would need if we cut out these frivolities This is not a meaningless question for wc really do believe that as long as we continue to abuse power to the extent now are we have no right to feel Ontario Hydro is Justified In cutting down even a single 100 I maple or inconveniencing one single farmer to give us more power And if we have a choice between saving hardwood bush or preserving a fanners way of life and Hiving up our electrical gadgets there no doubt In our mind what people will provided Ontario Hydro gives them that alternative The I B Acton Free Press Fine choice for Citizen Wed April 1974 Chamber of Commerce decision to select former Mayor as their Citizen of the strikes an appropriate note us Acton dissolves Into Hills is acting as councillor for the new town but he still carries Acton with him wherever he goes He has had the best interest of the community at since he moved here from the familys home in It was this concern which led him into municipal politics first as a councillor and then as mayor He is probably one of the few politicians who has never known defeat at the polls Attempts to unseat him have all been successful largely because of his popularity He has had to make unpopular decisions in his years on councils but rather than resentment voters respected his convictions allowing that anything he has done has been with good intentions He has been a mayor whom one could point with pride to both in his political and personal life Pew people bore him grudge although he might differ from them in several ways We in the press have always found him easily approachable and to help us in any way he could although on occasions we know he could easily have had a legitimate excuse to plead more pressing business He never did and his unfailing courtesy and accessibility has turned away much have also been times when circumstances required strong words and unbending loyalty to principles In the face of temptations to take the quick and easy way to solve problems ft Is the measure of the 1974 Citizen of the Year he never ducked the issues and did his best to sort them out could go on and on but to save him further embarrassment would just conclude that the Chamber have made a belter choice for a citizen of the year He is a man we can all ad mire and respect Editorial Page Easter is a time of renewal This is Holy Week the days winch Christians the world over observe for an event that has had impact the world had never seen before Events of the week reuch u climax on Good Friday the an niversary of Christs death on the cross and culminate with Easter Sunday and the resurrecbon The Christian message tells us Christ was a Man who endured all the tortures the authorities of the day leserved for criminals Yet He faced a cruel death with complete acceptance His death and resurrection have been the theme of countless tides stones and books over the centuries which have had an effect on lives that no one has ever been able to tabulate The late Bruce Marsh for instance a prominent CBC announcer who died recently while wuiting for a heart transplant California is an example You can t be a true Christian if you don believe in the resurrection of Christ And you must believe that something happens after your mortal life Marsh said before he died Marsh a radio and television personality for years was told lost March he hud a year to live unless he got a heart He said his minister the Rev Leonard Griffith of Deer Park United Church Toronto helped him greatly in facing the odds against him One third of patients accepted for heart transplants die as Marsh did while waiting for a suitable heart to be found Half the rest die within two months of the operation Marsh had a deep intense faith in the resurrection and the life to Your faith in fact can make you strong I m not afraid of the operation and Im not afraid of the next step And that show I see it I think it will be an interesting ex penence be said in an interview with the United Church Observer It is men like Marsh who radiate the gospel of Holy Week and Easter They answer the cynics by living the faith that Easter in spires Nixon has disturbing figures While Halton Hills waits for the first budget from the new form of government Liberal leader Bob Nixon is going around the country knocking regional government pointing to soaring costs in other areas where it has been imposed Nixon said services cost per cent more in the first year of regional government in Waterloo County increasing by per cent in the City of Waterloo and per cent in the township of North Dumfries Initial costs in the region were 8 million continuing to rise by 88 per cent over a five year period In Niagara meanwhile the first year increase was to million from million or per cent Nixon has urged the provincial government to end its program of imposing regional government All in all I slightly unhinged by the experience so bear with me while I try to sort out some impressions of my jaunt Was it really I who was belting along the autobahn a few days ago at p h and as those crazy Siegfrieds went by us like a bat out of hell doing at least 120 There is no speed limit on the A suggested limit of fll Is the only guideline pays any attention to it Was it really I who climbed into bed a federbette at 30 in the afternoon and slept until five in the morning Don raise your eyebrows reader A is not what you think Us a huge down comforter about 10 Inches thick As light as an elect nc blanket and as warm as four ordinary blankets Was it really I who sat over lunch with a gaggle of generals discussing how many tanks the Russians have and what we would do if they started anything throughout the province the excessive costs associated with it add to provincial government expenditures already at an inflationary level He advocates a program of increased local autonomy and recommends that provincial grant programs for municipalities be made un conditional to emphasize the right of locally elected councils to make independent decisions enabling them to establish and implement local planning goals without costly delays or possible veto by Queens Park Direct supervision by the Ministries and the Treasurer through budget control should be removed says Nixon and a general development plan for Ontario established Take away the political claptrap Was it really I flying a bo v cloud into the rosey fingered dawn with two Dieppe veterans one of them Albert Brown of president of the Canadian War Association Was it really I standing at a formal officers mess dinner drinking toasts to the Queen the President of the United States and Willi Brandt president of West Ger many Was it really I standing at a cocktail party talking to charming Sandy Morgan a pretty Texan girl and telling her I d love to go along to Spain on a trip she was organizing for officers wives but that I really had only two days left I m afraid all these questions must be answered in the affirmative But perhaps Lbey will give some of the mind- boggling five days I had One thing I did not do was something my wife in a fit of suggested I would We common to all statements emanating from Queens Park politicians and you still have a case for strong concern Escalating costs in Waterloo and Niagara regions are there for all to see and so far we have not seen an adequate explanation for them Government supporters are fond of saying it would have happened anyway regional government or not This we find hard to believe not only from a monetary viewpoint but a physical one as well For instance in the matter of police Extending municipal police service to rural areas of Waterloo allowed the O P to decrease its detachment force by five men but it required new regional police officers and expenses of to replace them were being entertained by friends one evening just before I left She was annoyed because she going I hav to through a blizzard to see my Dad she snapped and this one off to Germany with some Bitte Schoen Her German it limited Our friends are both fluent in German and I never heard anyone laugh harder I give my word I wasn t off with BiUe MiniComment Teenagers are notorious for suffering that disease known as but this is ridiculous A man in Indiana phoned the telephone company and asked for a 100 foot extension for his telephone because the weather has been so nice lately I want my teenage daughter to get outdoors more

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