The Clergy speak out What do we think about during Holy Week Prom Palm Sunday until Faster Is called Holy Week Some may ask the question why Is this bo Why Is there one week In the year thai we call holy The answer lies In the historical fact that Jesus of Nazareth died on a cross on a Jerusalem More has changed the world You sec the man who was crucified was Jesus Christ the anointed of the world The one who was crucified was both God and Man He was the immanuel the- God with us And when He died on the cross on Good Friday then It was no or djnary man that died there it God In the flesh who Rave His life for the sins of man In the fall of Adam the race became lienated from God Sin had separated man frbm his Maker There was for man on Man was lost forever and that is why God His Son Christ He die In our place He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and He was bom otitic virgin Mary was born contrary to the laws of nature He aid not have an earthly father He was conceived of the Holy Spirit by R nd i Corvsn Bethel Chriitlin Reformed Church and He was bom in a place called Bethlehem ana He up in a place called And this Jesus when He was about 30 years old preached the gospel that by believing in Him man would have eternal life In the gospel of John He says I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father but by Me It Is in Jesus Christ that man la forgiven and is right with God God gave His Son and then He laid upon Him the iniquity of us all and He died to pay for our sins Jesus Christ was crucified on Good Friday not for what He had done but He died for what we had done He died for our sins That Is what the Isaiah means when said He was wounded for our transgressions He was bruised for our Iniquities ike sheep we have all gone astray we have turned every one to his own way And the Lord has laid on Him Ihe iniquity of us all Christ died on Good Friday for the sins of man and by accepting Him as our Saviour by believing in film we arc before God The apostle John writes that to all who believe in Ills In the fall of man we were alienated from God but In Jesus Christ we Who once were far off have been brought near In the blood of Christ And that Is whot we remember during Holy Week on Good Friday Because it was on that day that Jesus or Nazareth Son of God died for the sins of man That la why we call It Good Friday because on that day our sins were paid for On the Sunday after Good Friday we celebrate for on that day we remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ It was on Easter that Jesus Christ rose from the The crowning glory of lis redemptive work for man He died for our sins and He rose again for our justification In the resurrection of Christ lies our comfort that wo also shall someday arise from the Save For when He returns dead In Christ shall arise to meet Him In Jesus Christ man has eternal life for He took our sins upon Himself died for us from grave hat we may have eternal life And this is what we remember during Holy Week OUR READERS WRITE In article Attack on School Sen Education at Moral Pollution Rally The Spectator Mar I found many or the allegations by Mr Henderson con flic ting yet very true Though my with school age children is limited feel that the lock or discipline in subject l matter and classroom deportment Is quite obvious Our growth in the Western world has progressed so rapidly because of men and 1 women educated In the last in the Rs the old system Thinking and questioning are excellent and con to be encouraged But without basic knowledge In all subjects being taught as background how can we expect able to Intelligently question the future What is learned today from voslerdny Is pre paration for tomorrow thoughts and decisions I am constantly amazed when I hear businesses having difficult In finding It astounds me that people who are hired to do secre tarial work accounting research writing etc and arc required to condense material Into logical reports have to have these reports submitted to men or women older and In higher positions for corrections in spelling grammar and composition These older people are products of the old system jet have learned to think organize and to evaluate on the basis of the old system In my opinion the current problem Is many of our younger teacher Spock How can we expect them to know how to be disciplinarians Many of us who are parents were also raised in a per missive atmosphere and because in many cases we were not Riven a firm foundation on which to decide what is right or wrong we now find it very hard to decide and act today we re just not quite sure we are right But we were not taught to accept being wrong Therein lies the problem many of us have opinions but we can so easily be intimidated by those In the know that are afraid to express our selves The old system taught that there was right and wrong criticism and selfex and the ego was often affected That system had its pitfalls as does the present system I am aware that from this same generation come the administrators and Board of Education members who either try out any new concept that appears or are too afraid to make evaluations and question proposals which ore put before them Many aspects of education have under gone rapid change in the last decade I don t agree with the open concept which allows a child to progress at his or her own rate most children have not enough to accomplish this feat Yet I don agree with the old system of sitting at a desk for six hours a day learning by rote I think here is a happy medium The five steps of note recognition restatement relationship and realization require both of structure and both types of and permissive each moderation this could be colled democratic It shoula be applied In both primary and secondary education In order to prepare the students for the working world andor university As parents we need to define what our educational goals ore for our children and to object strongly by group action if necessary if we feel that our children are not teaming the basics as well as the new concepts If there arc facts which substantiate statements made in recent months In local news media I request that these facts be presented at open meetings In the various parts of to which they apply Tho main reason for the decay and downfall or ancient societies was because the people delegated their responsibilities to others and then forgot to keep their fingers on the of events I hope all parents will question and act Dear Editor OnbchalfofthestudentsofM M Robin son High School I would like to express regret that the rock was thrown through Mr Campbell window It was a cowardly act of aggression against everyone in our community Who ever signed the note MMR Student has Insulted us and our school Many of us have been upset by the torted criticism of our school recently but we have exercised restraint We rune accepted the fact that Mr Campbell has to the right to express his opinions both as a concerned parent and a taxpayer Lorena Student Council President M M Robinson High School Waste tyranny charged ACTON CENTENNIAL birthday cake with and sparklers was a climax of the figure skating carnival ice ii Kim Ottaway and make surprisingly thin pumpkins OLD and Mrs MacDonald David and Susan Kinal Thanks from Red Cross The Editor Acton Free Press We would like to extend congratulations and thanks to all who were concerned with the Red Cross Campaign held last month To those who gave warmest thanks You may be assured that what you gave will go to help the many activities our local Branch Ifyouhavcnot had an opportunity to don ate to the Red Cross Campaign fund this ear it Is not too late Please send to the aboveaddrcss a receipt will be sent to you for income tax purposes if you so wish At this moment we received DO which is still below our target of DO Further contributions would ensure that we exceed our objective We would like to take this opportunity to also thank the various news media for In forming the public of this campaign Yours very truly Douglas Tucker JohnWickens Campaign Georgetown District Branch The Canadian Red Society ACTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Gtijen the DINNER and DANCE AT THE ACTON MUSIC CENTRE DANCING TO THE GENERATION GAP SATURDAY APRIL Reception 15pm Dinner 50 Couple TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Centre 853 1 90 st Line TV 853 1 057 Nielsen s Clothing 853 2280 Urge education study education system should be studied by dent consultants to deter mini the real power structure In the system and to root out Its waste and extravagance Milton evangelist Ken Camp bell leader or the Renaissance Committee campaign said Friday Campbell told a press con in Milton the whole system Is like a senate ays tern where political parties send those who don t win and should be thoroughly studied He also continued his crltl of Ihe board a director of education Jim Singleton who he claims slandered and maligned him and has used bullying lac Iks and lntlmldutlon Campbell The lem Is domino led by a ruth less Insensitive cowardly Intimidating tyranny and no one from the ingest child to the teacher the principal the administrator the trustee the parent or taxpayer can avoid the tragic con sequences of an admin he charged has condoned Singleton a ac tions by not rebuking him for his actions but Campbell said the taxpayers will have the final say In this manner If Mr Singleton can continue In the employ of the Hoard of Education unccn sored for this performance the board need not expect that parents and taxpayers will be eager to pay the taxes that provide his salary Campbell also Announced he has not copied one cent of lion for his work with the llenalssance campaign He explained the campaign was being run on voluntary contributions and suggested a grant should be given the group by the Hoard of ducatlon I do ing what I m doing with a good conscience a private citizen and as a parent who concerned to sec return to the highest quality of educa tion in our Ontario system he added Explained he has been spending 16hour days on the campaign for most of March and April but would leave the campaign up to the elected committee once the steering committee Is on to take over from him Said ihe committee was asked for more specifics during and after its March roily In Milton but the group referred not to go into spec Regarding regional councillor Jim Watson s charges about liquor in a Hal Ion high school Campbell said he was sitting on a let ter from a educator asking him not to divulge the situation Claimed he had been slandered by Singleton led bigot by the board s John Graham and termed llor by M Robinson Keith Craig In tetters to the local papers last week Typical Suggested the Incident where a stone was thrown through a bedroom window at his home was understand able behavior for a student on obscene note apparently attached to the rock was ned MMR Student 1asthc school administrators arc guilty of unethical conduct Called for the board to make It a policy that no more lesbians and homo sexuals visit classrooms In the system Director of Singleton says In opinion these people should not be Invited back now It up to the board to go on record and make Single ton s opinion a matter of pal ley he said Said the Renaissance Committee was not consider Ing running candidates In the next of education tlon The group is not a poll tical lobby but a voluntary taxpayer lobby seek I to prepare constructive present to the Tor the of our public educational tern Assured ihe press that though he eels he has good grounds for n libel action against Singleton ho does not Intend to go to the courts Under ex am In niton Campbell said the press conference was called to give the press a chance to examine the committee Councillor Watson and re tired principal Ronald Da mudc shared the platform with Campbell at the in In conference Watson dell v a scathing attack on education in suggest morale In the schools is fierce and in one school The Free Press Wed April B3 where he used to teach half the has resigned in the past year Relieve me the child comes Inst in th tern he said claimed the ad mm of the board are guilty of bullying and Intimidation and cited several instances REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON The former ESQUESING Township WASTE DISPOSAL SITE has been CLOSED effective MARCH 30th All refuse and garbage should now be disposed of at ACTON and GEORGETOWN DISPOSAL sites Bailie Director of Public Works Your Red Cross Thanks You For Your Help THE herbicide to start with in corn Control grasses and more and avoid or minimise carryover with Lasso or Lasso pins atrailne by leaves no carryover to harm alfalfa wheat or other crops And It controls the grasses including crabgrass yellow and green foxtail and 1 Moo sal Lasso plus atrailne lank mix controls pigweed lambsquarters green and yellow foxtails many grassesarid broad leaves reduces on from and And you minimize carryover bihiies Because Lasso by itself leaves no carryover and you use less atraitne in the lank mix Lasso Monsanto HALTON HILLS WEEKLY SPECIALS 5 PIEC KITCHEN SUITES Starting From HALTON HILLS FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 352 QUEEN ST HWY ACTON 8530211