Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1974, B4

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B4 The Free Wed April Ospringe Spring concert fire in news Mat A well packed auditorium greeted the pupils teachers of Public School Tuesday evening they presented their spring concert The and choirs well as other musical merits were well received by the audience Folk dancing and gymnastics Grade 1 were well done as they danced or tumbled around the stage Future stars could be fore seen in the performers of the short or skits Recitations Irish dances and drills rounded out the evening and all were a credit to the teachers FUllet The Grade pupils at tended the in at Ross Hall this week along with all the other grade of the township On Wednesday Constable Kldd of visited the school gave a of bicycle safety grades to He answered questions from the pupils after the program Hit The home of Mr and Mrs Frank at the corner of completely destroyed fire on Friday when some grease exploded on the stove All their furniture and belongings went up in smoke with nothing saved Some of the neighbors Mrs Jim Mrs Gerald Boyes and Mrs Kent Peters are organizing a drive to assist ihem Am donations of clothing or funds will be grateful I appreciated Mr Allan was soloist at the Easter service of Burns Presbyterian Church singing This Joyful Rev Rennie of Acton was visiting minister The theme of his ladies The Crucifixion was the subject of the devotional taken by Mrs Byron Bruce it the April meeting of Ladies Aid There were eight members present at the home of Mrs Gordon Aitken The roll call was answered with an Easier verse Mrs Ward Bruce was in charge of consisted by Mrs Gordon and a solo by Mrs Bruce by Mrs Plans wen made for the beef upper to be held at the Churchill GRADES THREE and tour choir performs at the concert at school last week Silverwood WI annual meeting rainy start to April cation and Cultural Art Mrs SKIT THE SURPRISE was a highlight of school concert Included in the cast are Food arc a rood Jackie Vandervlugt Ken Hutchison Patricia forum in Georgetown May By Mrs Scott Mrs The annual meeting of l Women Cultur tuie was held Thursday even ami World April at the home of Mrs Cor belt Mrs Meeting opened with pay of dues and suggestions Tor improving future pro grams The of Agrliultii fairs Home again Mr and Mrs G Ironside have returned home after a month holiday at Key West tort 1 Disney and Erik Seiz so ihe regular May meeting is to be held off week and will be May so all members ill be able to attend Mrs Marchington at tended the district directors meeting at Milton and gave a report on same W 1 annual is to be held Wed May at Mil I crest church Mrs Griffin Mrs Carmichael and Mrs Mar chlngton are to attend as delegates Mrs Lindsay will be Silverwood representative for the banquet committee for plowing match in Oct Reports were read from all offices and handed in lo the secretary and the new list of officers and conveners for were read and adopted Meeting closed with social cup of tea coffee fruit Officers Wo mens Institute president Mrs inn inn LULUvil i lly Consumer Mrs It Norton Mrs Burt socio committee Mrs Burt Mrs I Indnuer Mrs Indsay Mrs Mrs Williamson Mrs Bi I along with I entertained Man or memoirs on Thursday April were made railulull1Hll for those whose birthdays Ottawa visited aunt and April Mrs Mary Mra Mar bloom Mr and Mrs had open house for their family aster Sunday Mr Mrs Phil Carney of Midland visited parents for several days Mr frank Marchington of Booth was Mrs With led of old favorites Mrs Dons Lindsay and Mrs played piano solos and a choir of Manor mem entertained everyone this past week Mr and Mrs Burt had their family over the faster holiday Ho In report Our raintall for the first in April was M Dress best chicken by Jr Farmer meet Tin April meeting of Acton Junior Formers was held at Hall on Wed April 10 Reports were given from Spring Conference where Cindy Cardingley of the Norvnl club wis informed she had won a traveling scholarship to this Possible looked Into foriuture outings BOX WORK is tackled with enthusiasm by Jennifer Hines R Acton at the Ospringe school concert church on at pm Humor has it the beef is Just with prayer and the hostess as delicious as always served lunch past Ironside first vice president Mrs Lindsay second vice dent Mrs Lindauer secretary treasurer Mrs I alternate Mrs Got he public relations iu Mrs Scott district recreation committee contact any member tor Mrs Giffcn supplied some delightful Immediately director Mrs Marching entertainment with several ton branch directors Mrs members being dressed by Writer Mrs I William Mrs Lindsay the best chicken Materials Creeks are swollen used were newspapers children arc warned to avoid rubber gloves etc dangerous spots April Congratulations were ex pressed Both men and women teams were entered and the men s placed a close second This is Junior Farmer membership month Anyone interested in joining the is asked to curator Mrs Marchington auditors Mrs Miller Mrs Marchington Conveners Agnciiltui and Canadlr Church in full array Easter Sunday service Mr Mac Arthur iundiy morning Worship sen ice was verv well attended at Churchill Church when it was in full of lilies and spring flowers lies A tt s message was very much in keeping with the message The Place Where The Lord Lay A full choir was present and sang the anthem The Mighty Triumph wh the orchestra in attendance Rev A V and Mrs are to report having their family all home it aster Sunday Mr and Mrs Don fosburv Mr and Mrs Caruso Jelf Carolyn and Barbara all of Bramp ton on Monday Mr and Mrs Cross Craig snd baby Brett also Br and Mrs Mellnda and baby Julie Mis visited at the parental home fcister Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Clarence Denny and familv were Mrs Susie Mr and Mrs Brian Patterson and leslie of and Mr and Rudy and family Mr and Mrs Ward Hamilton visited with Mr and Mrs Dai Id Marijuana seized A small quantity of marijuana was seized and an out of town man charged when a vehicle was cheeked on Mam by Acton Tuesdav last week He will appear in court May Spring clean Spring housed caning of the town streets has begun The sweepers hae been working along under clouds of swirling familv at on Saturday studies Miss Debbie Hamilton has completed her studies at towards her Bachelor of Science degree Congratulations from Churchill friends Mr and Mrs Norman Turner David and attended family gathering at her parents Mr and Mrs J J Julian it home in on Sunday Mr Mrs Jack and daughter Jenny visited list week with her mother and familv in Vic Bf evening was held the home of Mr and Mrs William Thompson for the Agricultural ladies Mrs C Storey Mrs W Swackhamcr and Mrs W Thompson were the com mittec Mrs Wilfred to serve A few of the men served lea and coffee Mr and Mrs enjoyed roster Sunday at their son home Leroy the family Coming Soon FORMULA K RACING SiTURDM STARTING MAY AT M NORTH MUM CLUB on half mil of on REFRESHMENTS SPORT NOTICE THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS BICYCLE LICENSES expire A license may be obtained by applying to the Hills localed at Main SI South Georgetown and Main St East Acton completing a form showing the name and the applicant the make of the bicycle and the manufacturer al number and paying a lee of SI G Usher Licensing Officer BEAT THE PRICE INCREASE BRAND NEW BEETLE A VERY SPECIAL CAR FOR A VERY SPECIAL PRICE 2750 MOTORS ISO 8175288 The Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills Immediattlf TEMPORARY DISPATCHERS for the Fire Department Area No Georgetown to work on a three hour shift basis or approximately months duration No experience is required as the successful applicants will be trained on the lob Clearly marked applications are to be submitted to Main Street South Georgetown Closing date A April District Page Limehouse Journey to sugar bush music Easter alive You have the potential of Owl within yon If the re misname of Mister for m man It is allow oil to the potential Ik has put there by A Benton font leieal d a trip Mr router celebrated with id Mm Johnson a communion on lie fifth line arid evening when a maple number of vlnltoni attended the Her and a hour followed ltnch In r ilnh Ebenezer Flowers relate to Mr Eton Mrn John Hitching many friends winh her speedy recovery Shi Is patient at reel I nun to Denim and Jimmy lowers special music marked the observance of I at Rev Bob Knlll chose his subject Faster Means I am persuaded thai neither death nor tire nor things present nor things to come nor any other creature be able to separate us from the loe of Cod Mr showed a potato which he said be considered tacking In sex ft is burled In the ground and forgotten But with its life potential Riven suitable conditions Its latent energy will drive It up through the ground Jesus must have been a tremendously exciting human being Then the whole dream was shattered After the crucifixion the disciple became convinced that Jesus was alive The essence of religion is profound- When you discover that God is real Ihe details of theology are not important God Is m hot buns it mutt I I new addition when wi group flu youth predict busy mi nth id with and ilrendy Mr and Mrs Harry hurst ind their triplet jtrimlsons with their r Mrs lis Noble Insl ml Mrs of Oil mil were home with her mil the isler v ireM is being for tin new town of there re bowling team won the Provincial Championship in IITE- Bit The human spine is mode up of bones called the vertebrae The vertebrae forms the spinal In which lies the cord Get your fair share of Ontarios new 300 million tax credits pensioners roomers the indie and others will benefit new provides for three ir He credits people who own or rent may share in the People who fill 1 tl income return m iv share in the Sales Credit Oil fairK share TAX CREDfT SYSTEM

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