Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 26, 1974, p. 14

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The Acton Free Pr W June Graduation banquet JUST A SMALL TOKEN was the large Centennial flag given to Janei Gallin by Alf Hales the speaker at the Centennial schools graduation banquet on Monday Janet was the valedictorian speaker who Mr Hales Hates said was an excellent speaker and conveyed so well her about her time spent at Centennial Janet also tied with Susan Tosh for the academic proficiency award presented at the banquet CENTENNIAL SCHOOL graduates were radiant Monday night especially winners of special awards Pictured are the girls and Boys who received presentations Tim Kingsbury for greatest academic improve Kevin Murdock top mole athlete award Jamie Hamilton tied for the greatest academic improvement award and top Susan Tosh who tied with Janet for academic proficiency award Ann MacKay citizenship Teresa Moss most valuable volleyball player Pat gate humanity award and Catherine Shechy the award for academic improvement No change in board decision The lloiirdof mink no In their Monday night to wend 14 Hit Third rin from he Hois It MncKny public school in to public school Twenty pupils on Iht I from the Hpringc public school will lit sent to school According to Trustee the proposal whs first made to Ihc Hoard on April I and the subject has been under discussion since Hint time The board member snys the distance for the to travel Is he same from Ihc Townline lo either the or schools an they arc located directly between the two Parents of the students ImoKcd in the move have been disturbed as they feel their children already been jostled too many times The board feels however Ihc move Is necessary lo level off enrollments in district and to utilize one room In the school which is vacant Candidates HOME AND SCHOOL president Ann Chesworth JSTvS made the presentation of the Home and School held Thursday June at award for greatest academic improvement to Centennial school Catherine Sheehy winner of the girls trophy at last when all parties teacher remarked on Irnnn formation of some wood Centennial at tending the grade eight graduation Inst Monday night as sponsored by the District Homo and School Association Unking demure and lovely were Ihc who only a few ours earlier were wearing casual and looking students At Monday s banquet they seemtd and confident as if their pretty higher ficuts sophisticated hair don were giving them added A total of boys and girls slipped up to mil gift nrest tiled by it 1ow J Itoot and Mrs It Hot wood school has only rettntly been as be public school in All grudi seven and light in the township now attend for their two final public Monday graduation was the first to be held from tin school In lis niw status liuslrd Ann po laky was thi timsltr or who welcomed Hircnls guesls and studtnts to Hit evening assemblage Throughout lunlngstudints played hosts mid hostesses as both girls hoys made Introductions said grace offend thanks speakers and gincrnlly conducted their own program Day of tht Wtllington School Hoard won on hand to speak briefly Guest speaker for the evening was Halts who managed convey to his the Important of applying the four rules for living he said which if applied by the graduates present would make their lift more com and fulfilling wcrt letters llie speaker asked his audience lo rt member applying for physical for social for mental and r for re ligion Correlating all four letters pictured as lines he said that each was dependent on the other to make Ihc square pattern shape up properly but loo much accent on any one Ihc four ones life pattern could be come lopsided I Important Ik explained that It was everyone own responsibility to keep themselves physically fit and ran through some of the habits which should be applied for sound health He stressed the Importance of physical vitality which In urn develops confidence He related good health to strong personalities and said that personality could be developed by anyone but was an Important factor in living He stressed the Importance of being thoughtful and making friends all through life s relationships A million in lit Bald the speaker who said that If his young audience applies ihc four point systrm their lives could develop all tho of a rainbow And 1 hope that or all of you lhal the of It mire will bo the pot of gold you looking for he said Several awards wire toen Hob I presented Ihc and Family award for proficiency lo Joint winners Susan and Janet I ark I iimlly award for to Ann Ann nnscntid Hume and award for gn ate si academic Improvement lo boys Jamie Hamilton and rim Kingsbury and aim Shi for tht girls the special rimy award for Humanity presented by Mr and Tom Hi Up Unison madi Hit scnlatloii to HI mention as hung closi contenders for Ihc Academic Improvement award rude Following award prestn a aledlttorlnn speech whs delivered by Jnncl humorously counted her days Hock woodfcnlinnlnl some of Hit Incidtnls and shared during im and the questions which sin Felt idcnls had asked Ihemschox at one lima or Slit and for up by saying that In graduating class of that w will pott nt In and Im rum ridhy hi as an Inli sting group an lllorlum In wbleh Hit was hi Id had tin I Kith Ight lie most tin per and wall iiiiouts A short program of shits and with tin Smith volleyball Smith pristntul award as Inst malt athltti studuils win for ri throughout the school IaulHolman wire I graduation What I mum must wild print rant Melt was lhal all of tin Minimis mid partnis ml fnniiliis an proud In logtlhir Tin i is finalitd by a fur tin graduating slialtnls Lion officers installed and District Ions lull held Ihclr annual hulks on Friday night In the town hall During the i veiling w re glvt corsages to and al 11 just prior to a lowly meal the new officers for lln coming year were Installed Officers This duty was completed very successfully by lln president of Ihe Donna Grccnls The stole sliows past pres Tom Jim Milne first vice second Waller Ihlrdvitt Dunne set Grunt Mclloye sec Angus trcas Jim lion I Kingsbury Hoy Ilardinf Dob llullwin Doug I he I ions an an stiidt Doug from Wilson Icxas If hear a when you I Ions Grant Mcltiyi Jim or Walter SvMinston you will tin id Doug with them for It i labs past nt I Ion loin Tom ixirls ihe I ions how gel the lootings In the community centre and some basement walls started during next two weeks NOTICE TO THE MEMBERS OF HAITON CONDOMINIUM CORP No 20 Please note that a meeting for the election of officers for tha above Condominium will be held on Saturday July 6 1974 at 10 at The Acton Curling Club on Churchill Rd Acton Management well as two boys Jamie Hamilton and Kingsbury club coffee will be a BOB LESLIE IS seen making the presentation Monday night of the Robert Leslie and family award for academic proficiency to the two Centennial school students who tied for total points Susan Tosh and Janet Gallin Sixtyseven students were in the class which graduated representing many areas of Eramosa man in collision A threecar collision the Junction of and The vehicles wen driven Wellington lounly seven by Van Mump J on Tuesday June IB resulted Cunon and in estimated damige of of Gerald There wire no injuries Population signs Population signs on entry into from have now been filled and travellers will now know that Motion Hills has a of people SINCERE and HONEST VALUES COUGAR HARDTOP 3SIulamllc rwl i res DHL 71 MAVERICK DOOR Lie 69 AMBASSADOR DOOR 1699 VOTE TO REELECT TERRY OCONNOR CAN WE HELP YOU VOTE If you need A rtde to the polling station A baby sitter Interpreting Help in registering to vote Assistance for blind persons phone the PC campaign headquarters at Acton Erin Georgetown Milton 8440222 JOHNS MEAT This Weeks Specials 3 SIDES of BEEF lb 95 ONLY anr Fxtra With bach Side Sold 2A lbs of Beef Liver lbs Head Cheese lbs Bologna SIDES of PORK Market Price PORK CHOPS 129 TBONE or SIRLOIN STEAK I ROUND STEAK J 129 1 PORK SHOULDER BUTT CHOPS I OPEN SUNDAY TO CLEAROUT EMERSON QUIET KOOLAIR v CONDITIONERS I 5000 BTU GROUND CHUCK 8911 5000 BTU ONLY BTU ONLY DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE 25 Just north of Hwy 2373 OPEN DAYS A WEEK 8265371 J

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