The Acton Free Press Wed July Inflation was the key issue at Meet the Candidate night Meet the beat Inflation He said the Candidate meeting held at coat of living is going up and Centennial school will continue to go up The provided an opportunity for NDP policy Is to fight Infla- to air their views lion and will recommend new of the present government laws to end generous tax Much of the time provided as handouts to corporations and an opportunity for contenders penalize excessive profiteer pointed out that w08 ihat of keeping abortion it should be allowed laborers In the countryside this Is the way the Canadian within its first time with no question with the workers fighting j I own boundaries Waller A and also the second time He capitalists every Inch of the the speaker who felt that to require abortion defend and advance their explain their own plat forms was spent telling the audience what the present Is not doing or is wrong All candidates agreed that Inflation la the key Issue of the upcoming election although he said He specified lhat government spending must be carried out ef ficiently and effectively for the betterment of all Canadians On oil and natural costs the NDP man said Is said Up until three weeks ago I was looking for some- positions by curbing the lo vo b power of monopoly he said to voto were M offering me higher representative said lhot world buyers see Canada not taoWB as competition but as a todoy j supplier or raw material probably made ficonomy dominated by Canadian materials with relatively few monopolies Canadian hands In a factory he said and stressed the backed with Canadian queries as ludicrous to pay high importance of getting control money herald abortion for what we produce our- of our own resources out thin to capital punishment abortion and legalization of marijuana were also brought forth for what we produce our selves He said his party advocates a two price system Seven men attended as one for Canadians and speakers at the meeting higher one for the world He sponsored by the and District Lions co- by pastpresident Tom and president Milne Liberal Speaking as the Liberal candidate Frank Maine said the midsummer federal election set for July was irresponsibly caused by the opposition MPs defeating a sound budget of the Liberal government without telling what budgets they would offer He said the present government Is attempting to hold down Inflation costs by taking positive steps which will soon show themselves Maine said he would cut spending by Baling with unemployment He explained It as an area which should be investigated There are some where it Is required but others where it Is not he said A person qualified with an education should work he explained Speaking of the present government Maine said In Pierre Elliott you have a strong qualified and leader to lead Canada He referred to the past local Wellington county leadership of Henry Honking and Alt Hales I would like to follow In their he said Aaked if he believed in me legalization of marijuana Maine said Not until I have further information available to the public As far as ho Is concerned not enough evidence has been established to come to any positive conclusions What was provided in the budget for those who need it most said one senior citizen and Dr Maine was noncommittal but said that country belongs He was adamant lhat marl- those who live here He said should not be legalized When someone says lo me It le Bald he opposed capital would take months and punishment In todays living months build a pipeline that large corporations standards there Is a Ire across our country Id be sua- are charging what the market mendous strain on family life piclous He pointed out will bear rather than basing and pressures are areas where Canadians are rices on cost of production In most cases of paying high costs to pay for said the govern- homicide It la materials produced In merit will stand up to such meditated but Individuals Canada Canadians pay corporations and set up a have become trapped he fantastic costs to pay for their price review board said and explained that in own forest materials he Mr Punnett feels that many instances the word said marijuana should be victim should be applied to Mr Tucker feels that too legalized Yes It should be the person who has com- many Canadian dollars are legalized but with controls milted Ihe crime Not spent uselessly attempting to he said He also said he was much victims as they are the make Investigations and against capital punishment victims he said apply penal discipline which Communist Asked If the Communist finally ends in development of In speaking for the Com- believes in violent overthrow prison types as opposed lo muntut party of Canada of a government Mr stopping criminal activity Goreth said that In- said the position of the Com- He said that during pro flatlon is not a complex party Is lhat it op- hlbllion the It C M P and problem hut the unprincipled posed a government con- 0 couldnt atop con gouging of monopoly con- trolled economy He said that sumption of liquor and lhat In Burners He said that Ihe overthrowing a government the case of hashish and marl- Progressive Conservatives does not have to be violent but that will not be stopped and liberals are perpetrating was told by the questioner either But Ill tell you a dangerous myth that wages that socialist what he said are causing Inflation cant be peaceful af- will spend millToi He said that It Canadians fairs as the ones heard about dollars The Mar Leninist said be a mental problem do advocate the violent One of Ihe things I would overthrow of a democratic like to see happen in this government Ill put It this country said Mr Tucker way he said is that when people reach Inflation workers should get the age of GO years they organized to defeat In should be able to use that lime to study and work Mr said he was towards retirement In favor of capital punish Marx 1st- Leninist Terry was the New liberation next speaker a Marxist- We think that costs hove Leninist who says his party gone up due to high cost of resolutely supports gglea dates had said was there anything which could benefit him and the things he would like to see happen No sub stantial answer given After each allowance of ten minute speaking time speakers were allowed to Conservative party tending thing answer questions from the said here Is a rate of Inflation to run down the present floor Approximately inCnnadaweveneverhad In and say what people attended the meeting 20 years and that the govern should be done but he and at its conclusion coffee in refusing to where in anything the was served Bruce for the Pro raised by a young man at- answer questions Call tenders to expand station with telling his audience that although monopoly capital ists are obscure there is an economic crisis looming In Canada He pointed out that during the cost of living rose over per cent and food prices rose per cent eight per cent said Brian Seymour running for the New Liberation Party of Canada Mr Seymour said his partys platform is To stop the government taking so much of our money Your wages are being taken from you he said year wages were up vlih the cost of ig up to per cent he the value of pro to date at three million dollars and said hypocrisy Is ihere when the government continues to only talk about Instituting income and price control if Inflation gets out of control The only reasonable alternative to such hypocrisy is Mr Stan field and the Conservative Ministry of party he said and rood Itcscirch Canadians should not allow station tew miles southeast themselves the Hon accept the idea of In- Minister of as a necessity announced alternative to extensive turkej poultry research facilities the Mil they MASTER FEEDS our government recognizes the with all democratic forces playing around with thing He said he u Independent was against capital punish- if m a speaker was an and killing of all sorts those with political and Independent who said his He felt that in the matter of economic powers were using those powers and listed items which have spiralled in costs since Inflation Is bringing a bonanza of profits to the monopolies the multinational corporations the speculators and big landlords he said Mr Blythc touched on monopoly capitalism which he said with the connivance of sections of Canadian monopoly has exported unemployment Inflation and the currency Into Canada He advocated the fight for Canadian in dependence and for an in dependent sovereign and united trade union movement The fight for genuine Canadian In dependence can only bo led by the united working class of While the actual purchasing first quarter of this year with power of the working people inflationary costs up to per has decreased the profits or cent He said wages will the monopoly capitalists rose never be able to meet the rise by well over per cent and In costs We think that the same pattern Is contin Canada Is slowly becoming a ulng In he said socialistic country in a He Bald that Technological fore state he said changes have been Intro Mr Seymour said his party going up The farmer duced into Canada which will had never been able to come leadlolayoffsandlowerlngof lo an answer on the abortion lob classifications and wages question but that his personal Hundreds of thousands of opinion Is I dont know when Immigrant workers In major life begins or ends or when It attacked unemployment cities face the worst kind of Is able to exist on its own unemployment insurance economic exploitation and the Until I hear a satisfactory housing and government answer to that I dont think spending One young lady In there should be any rcatrlc- the audience asked per- on abortion for the first 12 question She wondered weeks how Canadians can their Yes was Seymours problems If their to legalizing the use of In government Obviously there are certain rhercearchproRramtobe Inflationary practices which out for the Ministry must be kept under control by the University of ho said listing government undertaking con spending and housing as two studies of genetics important ones Wo would physiology nutrition en have fight inflation on a l and management number of levels Speaking turkey and poultry rnisinp party would not apply Moray buildings with freezing controls but would spacc owning to keep farm costs from sq ft One will nlng up The farmers adult turkeys and the capital costs are or time high he said Attendance During his talk Mr structures which include an adult brooder special study building service experimental processing plant Building specifications call for masonry walls and foundations with wood trusses the walls being in and covered with finished steel siding Roofing and ceilings are also finlshcd steel and Interior finishes arc concrete floors painted block and plywood All buildings arc by Individual oil fired hot water boilers Henley and Associates Limited Argyle St Ottawa arc associate architects for the he complete In the ti if 1B7S burden of the economic crisis Is shifted onto their shoulders to the maximum he said He explained that thousands of immigrant workers are viciously exploited as farm capital pi it should be handled Maine said that as a representative of his con stituency he would attempt to find out the feelings of the people in his riding and take thenrto parliament My own personal opinion Is he said I am against all killing euthanasia war and capital punishment He Was asked about the cost of oil and Importing it from the middle east as opposed to shipping it across Canada with a pipeline running from to Montreal He pointed out the miles from the two places would take three years to clement We would have all kinds of extraordinary problems he said and mentioned use of lots of steel as disrupting economy and Creating rafts of problems He said that charging export tax lo from Venezuela was structurally economic There Is one important Issue In the upcoming elec tion said Gerald the second speaker The representative for Wellington went on How to We give you Low Low Rates Call Roy Crawford MASSON MOTORS St Georgetown Summer STEEL CITI JAZZ at Hilton Hills Public Library ACTON Tuttdaj July p m Admission THE HUMS FOLK at the Hilts Public Library ACTON Thursday July 230 Admission R R No2 GEORGETOWN Phone 8773512 or 8777375 Will have a truck load of garden tractors and lawn mowers in stock at great savings to you TILL JULY 6TH ONLY The Best From AMF SynchroBalanced g Briggs Stratton 8 hp Engine Reduces vibration up to 85 Youll have to feel It to believe a A Lot To Like In A Lawn Tractor Modal Plenty of power and stylo Topotthellne quality In a tractoMype mower Designed to handle big lawnkeeping needs Check the long list of conveniencerated ideas has Incorporated In this doitall rider Model 1283 Mainstay of the fleet A standard lawn tractor that does It all Bigvalue features Proven reliability at a popular price 36 Twinblade cut HP Stratton engine 3apeed drive transmission Reg 897 TILL JULY ONLY COMPLETE WITH 36 MOWER Reg 669 TILL JULY 6TH0NLY COMPLETE WITH 36 MOWER MORE OF A MOWER LESS OF A PUSH AMF cycle model 30 Briggs and Stratton engine cut 89 Youll tap up to quality when you stop behind deluxe 35 Briggs and Stratton engine rotary mower SALE Halton Vote Terry OConnor on July 8 Inflation and Government Spending During the past few weeks of the election campaign the Liberal gov ernment has made promises which will lead to another being tacked onto Canadastiudg- et These promises are in addition tothe reckless spending outlined in the May 8 budget spending up to over last year and which by itself would have led to a deficit of 50000000000 this year The Progressive Conservative party isfirmly pledged to reduce government spending to go slow on new spending and to cut back on such illmanaged schemes as unemployment insurance We believe that government must take theft steps tostop inflation in Canada Reduced government spending shortterm wage and price controls and restructuring of economic policy will bring inflation under control in Canada Vote for Terry OConnor and for the party that has the guts to do something about inflation Reelect OCONNOR PROGRESSIVE CONSER