Acton Cana birthdays THE OFFICIAL photograph of the auspicious the unveiling of Actons historic plaque Dominion Day afternoon From the loft area councillor and former reeve hid den the Hon George Kerr the Rev A Mrs Lama former secretary of the development who dressed for the Halton Hills mayor Tom Hill former mayor and warden Frank Onkcs former administrator and area councillor Joe Hurst former mayor and area councillor Ormsby of the Historical and turns branch of the provincial government Over Km watched at the charming new park in front of the library Canada and Acton celebrated birthdays day Canada and a Acton actually reached full lenlury Incorporation January fllait Just after the town Insolvent to part of Ihe newly decreed munlclpalUy Mills I was ago an the bent time for Npeclal events Although the markedly more modest than been or year or more ago Monday program recreated a fooling of community pride thai hail been badly bruised by the new arias formation In January The family picnic day park the with a burnt of after dark In thit a plaque wan unveiled In new at the library while 1H watched and llRteiied attentively Here Acton former mayor and town convened again to give their former town an In linked Intim I Tin picnic past Dominion Day the park ex this with drawn I shins rhy a splattering of centennial among the In form ally stressed From a brighteyed of a very few to the day ft with fishing derby at urn until the lust berating bangs of the fire works at in tin program more and mon pioplt Attendance In the park Just t tie Stimuli say the hard worked attendants They film Hold tickets lor Hen Hit thought Hold dinners half a heaping hi oops of potato and buttered rolls lei mam and beverage Draw Ilii rdnll IuhI of the day iMfore In With Hie crowd In tin park Munis and mounted plutform with tin drum entries I In en Inkunk wan llomuno Willow St who five yeurs old The wire given to his In trust Ills parents contacted were delighted In centennial tokens were won Ijiurio or father red was sent tarry off the sack ill ot loot He also made be next draw for the when the name of I other Morgan iroughl cheers from ihe rowd I her Morgan won the suck of In Reliable centennial coins pianist Itlchard Weidmurk and dlreclur Ted Hansen wire culled cm to make two of the draws The special promotion was purl Ihe 10doy merchant days with clerks In costume and Nidi walk sales Judging of he cost clerks was done by Mayor Tom Hill and Chamber of dad hoped find a be woman and man but found Nielsen he only really eligible male on the main streets He natty In a suit with old fashioned cape Since be was prime of Days he was regretfully ruled out of the prizes ad two the Joan Morris In Hank of Cummin and Maggie In Ileal I Did and new Maggie wore a white and green had bun made by a neighbor of her purinia on sevinth line of Township Helen loan Morris bad the most authentic costume including a brooch and over ZOO yours old Shu In employed In flunk of onterts Acton Citizens Hand played an hour and a half long concert seated on a truck platform Their was Informal chat ling humming walking keeping lime ami visiting In turn e a good turn out hand members nun led the I ages to their usual peppy una and found A very appreciative audience Gil Malcolm In traduced he selections and sang several solos Mclitigh also got plenty of friendly applause for bis songs A soloist was Jackie looker of whoso Mr Mrs Me and nun Mr and Mrs lived here for Her I a wilful brought a surprised silence voice amone llloe of fumlllar favorite singers players during the program The blue Jean crowd joyed Ihe rock concert In he in the afternoon given by local musicians By firework lime hundred of people were Inside the plus hundreds mora lining he banks of ihe far shores firework lit up seas of happy faces Need money park attendance And the Acton Firelighter finance the Al p the Acton I eg Ion Continued on Page One Hundrodlh No I ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JULY Twenty Eight Pages Fifteen Cent Campaign to improve is success ManpowerCenter will be Improved In the near future We have ordered the furniture and plan to have two lit the office four days week of In the Manpower Centre a of one Is open only one day a week lb located on Street In Georgetown The evpunsion Manpower came an quite ah a prise to Michael Worthlngton Plant Manager Poly nemo In Acton who began a drhe lo the llalton Hills service Improved buck In Wen tliiiiRttm all but given up because he was on by Manpower Minister Andres thai if any office was expanded in a It would be In Worth was tun when informed him of this new development on June il I think this just a cube of the right hand t know what the led hand v ah doing thlugtnn us the reason for the ap- sudden decision on the part of Manpower The service here has been pretty pathetic for quite a while said He cited two examples or Manpower Inaccessibility with It lie was familiar From September to I lie waited for Manpower to send him some applicants for jobs at and any until No ember On another occasion he was sent only two people between IS and April of this year VVorthinglon had ulso spent half day at both the and Manpower offices coding his job and outlining his Companies operations to counsellors I figured that if Manpower was that inaccessible to me on em ployer even area who was unemployed he added Worthlngton took hie plight to Regional on March and was Informed that it was a utter but the would On April he and Allan Chairman went to M Terry O ounor with the problem O Connor forwarded It lo Manpower Minister four dayu later nothing more was heard about it for a month May saw the first response from the government In the form of a letter from A Departmental Assistant to stating that Manpower Centers throughout were being Investigated Then one month later came the letter from saying no to Georgetown expansion Mr was surprised when Bpb Puiker former Manager of the Man power Centre visited him on June to thank him Tor the effort he was making and said he realized there was a definite problem with Manpower ices In Hills Parker admitted that fur a long time he had been trying lo get an Im provement Something obviously went wrong somewhere between Brampton and Andras but I dont know where along the line VVorthinglon added The office in Georgetown will open after the furniture arrive a new sign Is put up and the Regional office for Manpower gives its approval for the opening Staffing of the office has not been done either and It might involve moving some counsellors from the Brumpton office said Im delighted with the prospect of improved serv ice for Hills It remains to be seen if it will improve things but it is certainly a positive step CAMEO BROOCH features beneath a flower brimmed bonnet create a portrait for photo Peter MeCusker Model is Maggie Given one of the prize winners in the merchants costume contest during Centennial Days She works at Real Estate JOAN MORRIS who works in Canadian penal Bank of Commerce won the award for the most authentic costume for Centennial Days She her from a friend made her skirt Jo years ago used an old blouse and decorated a she had at home Her brooch and were licr grandmother s and are over 200 years old THREE CHOICES FOR YOUR X Free Press sold out Copies of lait week Free were Hold out In record lime One the Album of old pictures but an well were of tend lhat evoke to fumllien Free in June M just about collector already are copier available of the On ten nit ion re on tale the office fifty Coins are popular items Centennial legal tender In Acton till Sep tember are going like hot take already At one store is com out of Its supply by Tuesday yesterday town shoppers are picking them up delightedly souvenirs borne have already to Hamilton Burlington and and they re not likely be back in circulation again here The legion tokens are being given out with dollar value si regular change There were coins put out for distribution the first of July Not all are out o Ihe participating stores the banks ere still stocked Ontario scholars announced at high school There Ontario tamed Andrea pharmacy at the University scholars it Alton high school per cent She is the Toronto IhlsposUcarwtihoverBOpcr daughter of Mr Mrs Glen Lee son of Mr and Nelson Mrs George Norman 176 Louise achieved has per Ave has 86 per cent per cent She is the cent per cent She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Vic scholars are graduates of of Mr and Mrs Norman Elizabeth Robert school Susan has 85 per of Mr Mrs Shoemaker has Knox Ave She grade in January Bruce is Ho ever Susan cent She the daughter of Henry llarmsma Agnes per cent She the daughter of them attained the Court She was also art S attained Mr and Leo Ontario in January per cent Julio Balhnafad She with Shell study daughter of Mr and Mrs finished her year In January and Mrs James McNabb proline Mcrnn has grade 13 in ihesonofMrs attended Stewarrtlown Bonnie Bristow and Elmore and the late publt school and Glenn Bruce Swift both have per Prank Swift he Bennett school cent Bonnie is the daughter Eight of the Ontario Andrea Glean Lee Julia M7 Jim M Susan 15 Louise 84 3 Susan Shoemaker J Brvce W BanaJe at